03/16/10(Tue)21:22:09 No. 207293XXX File1268788929.jpg -(45
KB, 600x710, Youll_Sort_Them_Out.jpg ) >>207285744 Yes
they would. Someone would come up witha new different cooler
type of bat, maybe made of titanium or something, and then one of them
would kill that kid for it, then the dead kids possy would get mad and
go get all their bats and try to find the kid that stole the cool bat,
and then they would do a drive-by trying to hit someone standing on the
sidewalk that looked like that kid, swinging wildly from the car and
hitting innocent pedestrians that have no idea why someone wants to kill
them with a bat, and then the community gets all upset and they have a
town meeting about how there are so many bats on the street, and then
someone comes up with the idea to have a voluntary turn-in of all
illegal bats, the church has to go on a fundraising drive to promote
non-violence in the community and tell everyone how having a bat is
wrong, and then enough people complain to Mayor Daley about how many
bats are killing people, and he has to come up with county legislation
to chase all of the bat dealers out of chicago, and then the aldermen
need to raise property taxes to get more kickbacks from the condo
developers because of all the extra complaint mail they have to read
about all the different wards getting fed up with all the bat-related
incidents in their communities, and then the federal obama government
has give all the municipalities more tax relief to pay for all the new
tactical body armor and night-vision the local police need to catch the
bat dealers hanging out on the corner, in the bad parts of town...... And
the moral of the story is..................... I get taxed more.
FUCK U anti-gun fuckers. I say give'm bigger guns and free ammo. Let
the animals kill each other.