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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though. I'm out of ideas at this point.
    wat do?
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268294422.png-(6 KB, 250x250, attnmoot.png)
    6 KB IT IS IMPORTANT Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:00:22 No.205598XXX  
    On the page with the e-mails, you put :trollface:

    I hate to be the one to inform you about this, but it's actually called "coolface", not "trollface". Calling him "trollface" is akin to calling the cockmongler "grinman" or Yotsuba "404 girl". I would appreciate it if you could correct your mistake.

    In the meantime, /b/ will get a special icy treat.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:00:32 No.205598XXX
         File1268294432.jpg-(98 KB, 580x819, 7297387.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:01:25 No.205598XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:01:30 No.205598XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:01:40 No.205598XXX
    Good job getting trolled faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:02:13 No.205599XXX
         File1268294533.jpg-(614 KB, 1280x960, 12568641.jpg)
    614 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:02:16 No.205599XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:02:20 No.205599XXX
    OP's a newfag, and even more of a gigantic faggot than usual.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:02:47 No.205599XXX
         File1268294567.jpg-(97 KB, 850x776, 21147925.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:03:15 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:03:23 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:03:28 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:03:33 No.205599XXX
         File1268294613.jpg-(8 KB, 251x247, Trolled.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:04:00 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:04:09 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:04:15 No.205599XXX
    sneaky cat is my favorite meem
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:04:38 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:04:55 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:05:03 No.205599XXX
    fkn idiots, op is trying to troll you.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:05:10 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:05:30 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:05:43 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:05:53 No.205599XXX
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    Oh hai there moo-

    Get the fuck out of here
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:06:09 No.205599XXX
         File1268294769.jpg-(54 KB, 630x630, 1256285737303.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:06:16 No.205599XXX
    Running bear is the best meme.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:06:18 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:06:18 No.205599XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:06:40 No.205599XXX
    ITT: Troll pretending to be newfag trolling niggerfaggots who are too stupid to see through the obvious troll
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:06:50 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:06:54 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:06:56 No.205600XXX

    Full comic and/or source

    I demandz it plz
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:07:07 No.205600XXX
         File1268294827.jpg-(31 KB, 600x400, 1265929527683.jpg)
    31 KB
    lol OP you're as fucking dumb as Kimmo. gg.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:07:26 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:08:07 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:08:41 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:08:56 No.205600XXX
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    49 KB
    Cirno is whoring herself out again?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:09:02 No.205600XXX

    It's trollface. Coolface was the comic's phrase.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:09:08 No.205600XXX
         File1268294948.jpg-(48 KB, 638x576, urgay.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:09:23 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:09:55 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:10:31 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:10:41 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:11:07 No.205600XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:11:34 No.205600XXX
    Funny how the internet works. You fuckin troll telling everyone OP is an obvious troll when clearly he is a pretend troll trolling niggers who troll OP.

    tl:dr moot is a nigger
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:11:41 No.205601XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:12:17 No.205601XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:12:41 No.205601XXX
    Source is Touhou, a bullet hell game
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:12:41 No.205601XXX
    trolling is an art
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:12:52 No.205601XXX
         File1268295172.jpg-(102 KB, 500x600, 153969821.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:13:06 No.205601XXX
    www {dot} chan-exposed {dot} ph {dot} tc
    This is war, I'll exposed you guys at 4chan for what you really are. This short animation is just the beginning!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:13:27 No.205601XXX
         File1268295207.jpg-(140 KB, 700x700, 180854639.jpg)
    140 KB
    >> LoliMaster !nAnaChANuA 03/11/10(Thu)03:14:03 No.205601XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:14:07 No.205601XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:14:41 No.205601XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:15:14 No.205601XXX

    It's trolling is A art, not AN, retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:15:14 No.205601XXX
         File1268295314.jpg-(45 KB, 450x466, 215359675.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:15:44 No.205601XXX
    Source (cont)
    i guess i should also mention her name is cirno and when not attacking the player, she apparently freezes frogs and watches them thaw for fun
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:15:58 No.205601XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:16:07 No.205601XXX
    rofl you are all getting counter trolled because this anon is moot thus trolling while looking like he has been here all summer getting trolled by himself causing you to think this op is not moot trolling you which you are
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:16:26 No.205602XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:16:35 No.205602XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:17:10 No.205602XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:18:28 No.205602XXX
    huh whats all this about op and trolling all i see is delicious loli
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:18:28 No.205602XXX
         File1268295508.jpg-(1.63 MB, 1250x1962, 260558331.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:19:03 No.205602XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:19:40 No.205602XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:20:13 No.205602XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:20:46 No.205602XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:20:51 No.205602XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:21:24 No.205602XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:22:14 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:23:30 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:24:03 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:24:35 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:24:43 No.205603XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:25:07 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:25:44 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:26:19 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:26:57 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:27:29 No.205603XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:27:56 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:28:02 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:28:45 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:29:20 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:29:58 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:30:33 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:31:08 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:31:42 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:31:46 No.205604XXX

    dis nigga corrected moot.

    I bet he's sysop
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:32:17 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:32:50 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:33:28 No.205604XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:34:02 No.205605XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:34:42 No.205605XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:35:14 No.205605XXX
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