03/04/10(Thu)01:58:26 No. 203348XXX Q:
Is it possible to call these numbers and see who answers live on
Earthcam? A: Highly unlikely, but it is not beyond possibility.These
phones actually do accept incoming calls, but there's a trick to making a
connection here. One of them accepts calls if someone answers on the
very first ring. Another accepts calls if someone answers by the second
ring. If no one answers by the first or second ring, then the phone goes
to its internal modem. This internal modem, which sounds like a fax
machine signal, is in place to prevent payphones from ringing
interminably and inflicting wear and tear on the equipment.
Unfortunately, while these phones do ring once or twice, my tests reveal
that their ringing tones are virtually inaudible. You would have a hard
time hearing these phones ring even if they were someplace quieter than
the very noisy corner of 46th Street and Broadway in Manhattan. No one
is going to hear or know that these phones ringing -- unless, perhaps,
there is a planned time for a call. Someone could, with their hand on
the phone, feel the ringing vibration and answer immediately. 49th
Street & Broadway Payphone WebcamYou would have a better chance
calling another midtown payphone which is also visible on the Earthcam
website. This one is located at 49th Street and Broadway outside a
Charley O's restaurant, and my tests indicate that it rings fairly
loudly. Unfortunately, like the other phones, it only rings once before
going to the internal modem. Not only that, but after the internal modem
kicks in it ties up the phone for several moments, making it impossible
to "wardial" the phone and quickly make it ring again, re-capturing the
attention of someone who might have heard it ring the first time. The
number for this phone is: 212-245-7856