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    File : 1267557816.jpg-(12 KB, 290x217, gordon nazi.jpg)
    12 KB British Prime Minister Gordon Brown Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:23:36 No.202841XXX  
    Opinions... Go!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:24:29 No.202841XXX
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    Thats what I think.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:24:31 No.202841XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:26:14 No.202841XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:26:39 No.202841XXX
    Good leader for the economic crisis, after all, he was Chancellor. Though now it's all past, I wouldn't mind him being kicked out.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:27:06 No.202842XXX
    who's that?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:27:39 No.202842XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:27:49 No.202842XXX
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    Better GB than that fag-end Cameron.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:28:05 No.202842XXX
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    Recreational drugs are amazing.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:29:14 No.202842XXX
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    hooray, this thread lets me dump all these
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:29:15 No.202842XXX
    It was Gordon Browns actions as chancellor that got us into the mess in the first place!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:30:13 No.202842XXX
    I like him, he's a good guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:31:06 No.202842XXX
    Indeed. That's why i'm voting BNP :p
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:31:16 No.202842XXX
    He is doing a job. He is doing the best he can... and even if he isn't... who gives a fuck, this country isn't living in its own shit for a reason... despite the some of the cunts who live here and benefit fags its not that bad. Get over yourselves you political activist wannabe's
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:31:19 No.202842XXX
    idiot. go back to your cbeebies.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:31:45 No.202843XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:31:46 No.202843XXX
    Are you nuts?!? He's a moron!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:32:09 No.202843XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:32:38 No.202843XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:33:02 No.202843XXX
    He's the failminister.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:33:32 No.202843XXX
    I'm personally voting lib dems. Could be enough of a lock between the tories and labour to mean something this time
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:33:46 No.202843XXX
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    great for these time maybe not great 3 years from now. but neither will david. VOTE BNP!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:33:58 No.202843XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:34:04 No.202843XXX
    No he isn't lol. This is what is wrong with the U.K... well not wrong.... but the Brits always need someone else to blaim for something... and it doesn't matter who it is, but the prime minister will ALWAYS get the shit end of the stick.... even if we elected Chuck Norris.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:34:16 No.202843XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:34:30 No.202843XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:35:17 No.202843XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:35:36 No.202843XXX
    Gordon Brown's handling of the entire situation has just been terrible. He got us unto the god damned mess in the first place!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:35:50 No.202843XXX
    Gordon's alright for a politician, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:36:21 No.202844XXX
    you enjoy being spoon fed by the media and not thinking for yourself? seriously?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:36:24 No.202844XXX

    no. cretin.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:37:36 No.202844XXX
    Who says you have to vote Brown or Cameron? Vote Lib Dem, faggots.

    This anon has the right idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:37:36 No.202844XXX
    don't be a fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:37:39 No.202844XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:37:47 No.202844XXX
    No he didn't... it was dumb arse amerifag bankers who gave out housing loans to people who couldn't repay.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:38:12 No.202844XXX
    epic! lol
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:38:33 No.202844XXX
    ITT faggots that don't know what they are talking about say "Hurp vote BNP durp" to look contraversial, or because they heard on the TV that they don't like niggers. Without having even the slightest clue about what they are talking about....

    Way to look cool on the internet bro's.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:39:09 No.202844XXX
    He has the charisma of a damp flannel, as do all left-tards!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:39:33 No.202844XXX
    i lolled when i heard the torys lead was down to just 2 points

    I reckon the best thing would be for labour to win again but just do absolutely nothing for the next 5 years, no cuts just dont do anything new until the economy sorts itself out
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:39:41 No.202844XXX
    conservative brain washed person so sad. Americafags and BANKINGfags did this. and that was only because americanfag bank wanted all of our britfag money becuase they needed it badly
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:39:51 No.202844XXX
    And the fault of idiots like Gordon Brown who allow it to happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:39:59 No.202844XXX
    and that means he is a bad politician? faggot. this isn't reality tv. gtfo my srs thread
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:39:59 No.202844XXX
    That's like saying "it tastes good, for a piece of shit".
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:40:29 No.202844XXX
    The best thing to happen would be a hung parliament.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:40:53 No.202845XXX
    voting BNP, everyone else are so far up their own posh twat arses they dont even know whats going on in the country.

    BNP may not be 100% perfect, but they're way better than everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:40:53 No.202845XXX
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    I genuinely feel RAGE for English voters, as the electoral system means that there are only three parties to choose from. None of which I would like representing me.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:41:08 No.202845XXX
    hes a politician, fuck charisma
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:41:26 No.202845XXX
    If any anon can describe why they are voting for Cameron or any other party and party leader using reasons instead of saying "better than Brown" I will be impressed
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:41:35 No.202845XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:41:39 No.202845XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:42:25 No.202845XXX
    I'm voting for BNP. Better than Labour, Better than Brown. I wouldn't be seen dead voting tory ;)
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:43:11 No.202845XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:43:29 No.202845XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:43:32 No.202845XXX
    don't troll me with your phrasing troll
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:43:41 No.202845XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:43:43 No.202845XXX
    The UK has to all intents and puroses lost it's triple A credit rating because of the econmic policies of this man.
    "Abolished boom & bust" he claimed, instead of investing he sold the UK gold reserves at the bottom of the market, jacked up borrowing to crazy levels, and then when tax income dropped off he had no way of keeping up the payments without a) cutting expenditure of public services (that would impact the labour vote in the massively bloated public sector) or b) borrow even more money and hope no-one noticed that he had the Bank of England printing more money to try and buy up the government gilts (UK govt bonds, same as t-bonds)

    A complete fucking disaster, and yet he keeps throwing out promises of free monies!!!1! to al and sundry without thinking about those of us who are employed in the private sector and keep the economy staggering forward.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:44:07 No.202845XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:44:13 No.202845XXX
    Most of them are not even from this country... What was it... 40 ethnic candidates the toryfags have!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:45:38 No.202846XXX
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    Fucking one eyed Scottish twunt.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:46:19 No.202846XXX
    Too right. I'm actually shocked that he didn't sell our gold to one of those companies that exchange your gold for about 47 quid that you see advertised on the telly!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:46:19 No.202846XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:47:03 No.202846XXX
    ITT: spot the daily mail faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:47:30 No.202846XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:48:06 No.202846XXX
    The daily mail is the only paper even half worth reading
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:48:41 No.202846XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:49:33 No.202846XXX
    It's worth reading for the lulz.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:51:00 No.202847XXX
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    What's funny is that the OP's picture didn't even need to be shooped:
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:51:45 No.202847XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:51:49 No.202847XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:51:53 No.202847XXX
    Conservatives - Give us your money and we'll rob you blind while lining the pockets of our corporate friends who don't pay a fucking cent in Tax while the working man gets shafted.

    Labour - Sorry, we forgot to be Socialist, we were too busy being rich to help you out, poor person.

    Lib-Dem - HELP !!! CAN ANYONE HEAR US.

    Green - Yeah, let's all live up a tree and drink our own piss, it's like in tune with nature Maaaaaaan.

    BNP - Herp Derp Herp Derp, Muslims, dolescroungers, Herp Derp Herp Derp, White Power Herp Derp, oops we've got to let black people and asians in now.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:52:11 No.202847XXX

    I'm not so sure. This country needs drastic things to happen right now, and I don't think a hung parliment is the best (or at least quickest) way to solve our problems. I'm living in Luton for uni, and it has opened my eyes to what extent a government can totally loose control. The muslims run this city due to this constant fear of offending. I'm not stupid enough to start saying vote BNP, the issue isn't that muslims are here, it's that they are here and causing trouble with no reprecussions. If they want to protest funerals and insight hatred, that's fine, so long as they are instantly processed for deportation. The British public would then see that they aren't oppresive, just defensive and decisive. This scenario of action without consequence has destroyed the system of law and order in England, with any Labour in put there is always going to be this constand fear of causing offence to people (which is the most rediculous thing I've ever heard, if you don't like how it's going on now, tough shit, that's how it was when you came here, and it shouldn't change just because you are here now). Hung parliment would fuck England in the ass, so hard we would never stand proud again IMO.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:52:44 No.202847XXX
    Indeed. It gives people something to complain about. We're Britfags. It's in our job description!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:53:01 No.202847XXX
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    ukip is the new desu: ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip ukip
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:54:05 No.202847XXX
    david cameron will fuck this country in the arse
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:54:58 No.202848XXX
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    I agree.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:55:05 No.202848XXX
    Things have to get worse before they can get better. The government currently have a firm enough control. While they do, they can stop us from kicking back. A hung parliament would open everybodies eyes, and five years down the line, the BNP would be voted in to fix things.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:55:38 No.202848XXX
    ukip are nothing but a glorified pressure group pretending to be a political party. I have to admire Farrage's balls though.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:56:31 No.202848XXX
    fucking better than that shithousefaggot david camershit
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:56:35 No.202848XXX
    gordon brown is the master of public image! oh wait taht doesn't count for shit in real politics. if it was the Benjamin disreali (perhaps best prime ever) would not have been in charge
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:56:45 No.202848XXX
    Not only is Brown the colour of poo, but he's also the most boring man alive. Have you noticed how far his jaw drops when he takes a breath as well? Haha
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:58:19 No.202848XXX
    David cameron fancies himself too much. "I cycle to work... Ignore that... It's just my driver following me closely in my car, carrying a spare change of clothes and my breifcase!"
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:59:15 No.202848XXX
    The fact is, G.B fails in all aspects. He has a bad image, he is unpopular as hell, nobody likes him and he's a shit politican. At least when tony blair was PM, things were not that bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)14:59:38 No.202849XXX
    I agree but they are the only party which is remotely right wing since the the conservatives decided to become new labour. Also, to preempt fags saying th BNP are right wing, the BNP are socialists with nationalist foreign and social policy.
    >>   03/02/10(Tue)14:59:48 No.202849XXX
    Dude's not a bad guy, he just had really really shitty luck. Not gonna vote for him mind, but I'd rather have him than Cameron.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:00:17 No.202849XXX
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    Anyone still stupid enough to still be voting for the Red or the Blue Labour party needs their head examined.

    Kick these traitors in the balls by voting BNP.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:00:28 No.202849XXX

    I do agree that it would open everybodies eyes, but I feel uncomfortable planning for something to get worse in order for it to get better than it was.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:02:56 No.202849XXX
    Labour are the cancer. You have to make yourself really ill with chemo before you can recover. Think of it like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:02:57 No.202849XXX

    Hay guise check this vid out....
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:02:59 No.202849XXX

    He doesn't have any dear boy, he's just another Privately Educated cockhead who thinks the UK still has an empire.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:04:39 No.202850XXX
    I can't believe how many people think Gordon Brown was somehow to blame for the recession, stop reading the daily mail and open your fucking eyes. It would have happened regardless of who was primeminister.

    I'm not political but David Cameron is a fucking twat, the conservatives might do better if they weren't lead by some posh cock-knocker who's never had a real job in his entire life
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:04:46 No.202850XXX

    Tories = the scouge that will fuck up everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:05:21 No.202850XXX
    Seen it.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:06:07 No.202850XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:06:21 No.202850XXX
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    Dont whine you fucking brits.

    You could be doing far far far far worse
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:06:41 No.202850XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:06:51 No.202850XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:07:34 No.202850XXX
    We shouldn't be doing badly at all. We're British!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:07:36 No.202850XXX
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    Oh by the way I analy penetrated your father for that comment. If your not a fag you like Nigel Farrage and UKIP.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:08:28 No.202850XXX

    Keep a stiff upper lip lol.

    Whatever that means
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:09:10 No.202851XXX
    In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is prime minister
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:11:49 No.202851XXX

    Just makes me rage so fucking hard that this is our country now, you are right though England has been riddled with more cancers than /b/. I rage when I think back to these scummy politicans who stole our fucking tax money like chavvy little benefit theives, oh and don't forget when the police killed an innocent man in cold blood ON FUCKING CAMERA and nothing got done about it. Then this swine flu pandamic hits, very helpfully to divert the attention, considering it was the same fucking flu we get every year, and then everyone just fucking forgot and carried on like sheep in a field.

    Cameron made such a fucking big deal of paying that money back like he was a saint for doing so. They should of all been fucking fired for stealing, like you would in every other job. This time a year ago he was stealing your money, so were his mates, and they were laughing at you all the way to the bank.

    Now people wan't to vote him in just because he isn't Brown, even if he wins the election, he won it because he wasn't as shit as someone else, not on his own merits.

    How about between the lot of us, we buy a private island, and get the fuck out of here!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:12:04 No.202851XXX
    gentleman, how can we get /b/NP elected? there must be a way - this may be our last chance to get rid of the niggers and sand niggers
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:13:01 No.202851XXX

    unfortunately this troll post is 99% of people's grasp of both politics and economics in a nutshell
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:13:21 No.202852XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:14:02 No.202852XXX
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    For all of you idiots here who think Gordon Brown is a God: he is not. Although he did not cause the recession he put Britain it in a shit position by racking up a huge debt during the boom years. Now we are in shit loads more debt and have to pay all the interest that goes with it. Stop your left wing authoritarian lunacy and become more like milton friedman and more of a libertarian.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:14:03 No.202852XXX
    Brown is better than that huge faggot Cameron. But that's like saying human urine smells better than horse shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:14:04 No.202852XXX
    sounds great. times are indeed bad when you'd rather live with /b/tards than society...
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:16:10 No.202852XXX
    get everyone to vote for them, duh!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:17:44 No.202853XXX
    >become more like milton friedman

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:18:13 No.202853XXX
    I doubt yours is much better. The majority of people don't know shit about economics. The majority of those who think they know about economics usually don't either and simply blindly follow the high brow newspaper of their political persuasion.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:18:19 No.202853XXX
    He took credit when we had the economic boom funded entirely from ridiculous loans to idiots, while failing to build up a surplus during the good years so he could at least spend his way out of the recession without long term debt problems.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:18:31 No.202853XXX
    I'm with you on that mate.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:19:24 No.202853XXX
    Spend his way out of recession with what? The whole concept of spending to get out of debt is stupid. These politicians are idiots!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:19:33 No.202853XXX
    labour are going to win the next election and save great britain from chaos and disorder!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:21:02 No.202853XXX
    its better to do that than show no interest as most people do.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:21:03 No.202853XXX
    >>Now people wan't to vote him in just because he isn't Brown
    THIS!! Makes me rage.

    People are fucking retarded to have the HERP DERP I R FIGHT DA POWER BY FOTING IN FAGGOT CAMRUN.

    Jesus Christ, I'd sooner have Liberal Democrates in than the Conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:21:44 No.202854XXX
    theyre in power now... why don't they save the country NOW?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:22:33 No.202854XXX
    liblabcon are all fags. id rather not vote!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:22:56 No.202854XXX
    In reality the incredibly trivial expenses saga just masks the far deeper problems in our political system. A bit over a million is just a drop in the ocean. For the job they did they were underpaid anyway. I f you truly wanted good MPs you should pay 300k+, which would again be a drop in the ocean especially of you reduced the number of MPs, which wouldn't be a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:23:09 No.202854XXX

    we have an economics genius in our midst
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:24:04 No.202854XXX
    By not voting, you make it more likely that a shitty government come into power...
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:24:41 No.202854XXX
    I have solved this problem, we put together an Inglorious Basterd style team and go killing the fanatic muslims that scrounge off benefits yet hate the country that gives them to them. Every night a new city so no one can feel same, torture them to death, film it, show their families. Repeat untill they don't want to be here anymore....

    Now muslims are no longer a problem, BNP won't need to be brought in. We go to Sir Alex Fergusons house, Jeremy Clarkson's house and maybe some more people with brains/management skill, and we repeatedly rape and beat their loved ones, untill they agree to create a medieval style round table and rule the country for us. Brown, Cameron and every other MP are sentanced to the most extreme forms of newly reinstated capital punishment, raped to death my over 9000 wort ridden dicks.

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:25:57 No.202854XXX
    keen for first part
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:26:35 No.202855XXX
    I like the way you think, son. Become and MP and implement your plan.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:26:55 No.202855XXX
    I'd happily do the job for the wage they get as it is! The bastards do nothing other than shout at each other in a room all day, so why the fuck should we pay them more? Lets just get people that are not self serving assholes to do their job.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:27:34 No.202855XXX
    I'm with you on that!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:28:24 No.202855XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:29:25 No.202855XXX
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    All you need to know on how to fix Great Britain:
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:30:01 No.202855XXX

    So again, you're voting someone not on their merits, but who they are competing against. Logic fail, also good use of the cruise control bro.....
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:30:45 No.202856XXX
    vote labour.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:31:47 No.202856XXX
    What the fuck is labour going to do? They've fucked the country up by being in power for as long as they have... Keeping them in will make things worse, you dickhead!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:32:28 No.202856XXX
    ITT a bunch of BRI FAGS
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:32:29 No.202856XXX
    The more you pay the higher chance you get of getting some one who actually knows what they are doing. Intelligent people with good contacts could get paid twice as much in the private sector, or more, compared to MPs current salaries. Also its a crap job when everyone automatically thinks you are an over paid dick head who is totally incompetent.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:32:52 No.202856XXX
    Bad move.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:33:45 No.202856XXX
    You BNP faggots have no idea how society works. While they get rid of the smelly brown people, how well do you think it's going to go down in a war when we have fucked off all the human rights laws by introducing corporal punishment... you guys are fucking idiots....
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:34:32 No.202856XXX
    Your idea could work, but thanks to new equality laws, candidates will now be selected on the grounds of what equipment they keep in their pants, who they like to sleep with, the colour of their skin and their religion... As opposed to their actual qualifications and ability.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:34:35 No.202857XXX
    Actually, I think we should try to discuss which party DOESN'T suck ass out of the big three.

    They all seem like a bunch of massive faggots, but I admit I'm leaning towards Labour just because they seem the less likely to fuck things up more. After all, every party would have been hit by the recession, so I don't hold that against them.

    Still, I'm very open to being persuaded otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:35:12 No.202857XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:35:15 No.202857XXX
    It's a better option than the one we're faced with IMHO
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:35:46 No.202857XXX
    Can someone explain to me, do the house of lords actually do anything other than get caught fucking rent boys and being pretentious?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:35:47 No.202857XXX
    whatever labour had a hidden mass immigration plan that they have been doing almost a decade. they knew that most brits would be against it so they deliberately hid it from the people, yet the end result is obvious for anyone to see. they didn't want the man on the street to know because he wouldn't like it labour thinks the man on the street is too "racist" to have a say in his own country
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:36:02 No.202857XXX
    Answer to your big question there:

    The British National Party.

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:36:30 No.202857XXX

    lrn2 read BNP policies.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:36:43 No.202857XXX
    Where are you getting this from, anon? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:38:02 No.202857XXX

    You have no idea of how a protest vote works.

    The idea being that if the three main partys continue to act like twats. We'll send the BNP in to expose every little bribe and backhander you take.

    Nobody takes the BNP seriously, its a protest vote. Its motivation and disdain for our political elite.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:38:11 No.202857XXX
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    See this. Vote bnp.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:38:21 No.202857XXX
    Love.the surgeon or die /B/:
    . . †
    : 33/838
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:38:23 No.202857XXX
    Love.the surgeon or die /B/:
    . . †
    : 65/364
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:38:23 No.202857XXX
    Love.the surgeon or die /B/:
    . . †
    : 49/687
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:38:27 No.202857XXX
    Love.the surgeon or die /B/:
    . . †
    : 52/753
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:38:47 No.202858XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:39:21 No.202858XXX

    LAW AND ORDER – crack down on crime!

    The BNP will crack down on crime and restore public safety and confidence. We will free the police and courts from the politically correct straitjacket that is stopping them from doing their job properly. The liberal fixation with the ‘rights’ of criminals must be replaced by concern for the rights of victims, and the right of innocent people not to become victims. We support the re-introduction of corporal punishment for petty criminals and vandals, and the restoration of capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges in cases where their guilt is proven beyond dispute, as by DNA evidence or being caught red-handed.

    What was that you said faggot? lrn2read bnp policies right.....
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:39:43 No.202858XXX
    And you know what, that really pisses me off!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:39:51 No.202858XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:40:36 No.202858XXX
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    The people's flag is deepest red
    It shrouded oft our martyred dead;
    And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold
    Their hearts' blood dyed to every fold.

    Then raise the scarlet standard high!
    Beneath its folds we'll live and die.
    Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
    We'll keep the red flag flying here.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:40:53 No.202858XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:41:04 No.202858XXX
    ethnic clensing tbh
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:41:31 No.202858XXX
    I'll be honest and say the BNP are looking mighty fine about now...
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:41:31 No.202858XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:41:44 No.202858XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:42:09 No.202858XXX

    I have every idea how the protest vote works, as I used it on UKIP in europe elections, better luck next time faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:42:16 No.202858XXX
    Keep up with current affairs, noob... Look up Harriet Harmans equality bill, and see for yourself. I shit you not.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:42:34 No.202858XXX

    And you learn to read between the lines if BNP policies for their true meaning.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:42:36 No.202858XXX
    although i agree with everything you say david cameron and conservatives in genral have all been born with sliver spoons. they are all mony cunt who look for every opertunity to undermime everyone else but themselfs even when they have no right to and i don't want tha sort of goverment who use petty tactics against gordon brown personally owning my NHS and Police hank you very much
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:43:26 No.202859XXX
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    >> ME-tan !AW11phd3JE 03/02/10(Tue)15:43:28 No.202859XXX
    Gordon Brown vs David Cameron = Whoever wins, we lose.

    I'm going to vote monster raving looney party.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:43:57 No.202859XXX
    guys, we need immigration. we have an aging population. every other european country has had a mass influx of immigrants over the last 15 years.

    we just need to work harder on social integration. i believe Labour will listen to us, they've already introduced measures to reduce it, now they'll work on assimilating them.

    vote labour.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:44:40 No.202859XXX
    I would like to send Gordon Brown a thank you card for selling off all our countrys gold reserves.

    Thanks you wonky eyed nose picking fucker.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:44:55 No.202859XXX
    blow it up burn it down kick it till it breaks:SMASH THE STATE
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:45:06 No.202859XXX
    Do NOT vote BNP. If you vote BNP, the Tories will get in, as most BNP votes are disaffected Labour voters.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:45:32 No.202859XXX
    >and the restoration of capital punishment for paedophiles, terrorists and murderers as an option for judges

    That is a brilliant policy, and its supported by the majority of the country if you look at opinion polls on the issue.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:45:55 No.202859XXX
    We don't need immigration. We are overcrowded, and we can not handle a population of 70 million. So whats your big plan? Swap the Brits with third worlders? Great idea!

    You fail.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:46:01 No.202859XXX
    I haven't read this thread, it's too long to and i've got shit to do but heres my opinion:

    Gordon Brown got the shittiest end of the shortest stick. He inherited a war he was vocally opposed to, an economy that was on the brink of collapsing in on itself (whcih happened) and just as he started the expenses scandal kicked off. He is going to go down in history unfairly because of that. Blair stepped down at precisely the right time. If Brown had a go with the government that wasn't crippled because of the unrest caused by Iraq, I believe he could have been vaguely successful.

    The British political system is fucked anyway, come summer the Conservatives will be in power and the middle classes will be fucked over again. Thank fuck i'm contracting, all in i'll only have to pay about 33% tax on what i earn, unlike the tories who will lower the requirements for being on 40% tax.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:46:42 No.202860XXX

    Even if no more come in, Labour will still try and change our values and way of life out of fear of offending some paki, even thought the paki's don't care about offending you....
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:46:43 No.202860XXX
    Most people I talk to agree as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:46:49 No.202860XXX

    If people don't vote BNP then nothing will change.

    Lab/Con/Lab/Con/Lab/Con/Lab/Con/Lab/Con THIS BORING SHIT MUST END NOW!!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:46:55 No.202860XXX

    We can handle it. Japan is smaller than us and has 130 million.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:47:42 No.202860XXX
    Labour education done me good...
    but 2 words.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:49:03 No.202860XXX

    i think there has been a general shift in ideas, we aren't so PC as we were, people are pissed off with worrying about offending everyone, i believe this will be reflected in Labours policies should they be re-elected.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:49:15 No.202860XXX

    Japan is also 99% Japanese and has little immigration. They are very against racial-mixing and multicultralism too.

    You don't get black/white Japs.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:49:37 No.202860XXX
    We need a new government. I couldn't give a shit if its a hung parliament or the tories... We just need to get rid of these clowns in power.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:50:59 No.202861XXX
    Also, most eastern countries have a 0% immigration policy. Try moving to pakistan... - You can't.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:51:37 No.202861XXX
    immigration is a net financial benefit to the UK

    also, you are all faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:51:50 No.202861XXX

    Fuck off with your wishful labour thinking.

    Labour are terrified of offending anybody. The only thing they care about is keeping their head down and staying in office long enough to pay off their second home and leave with a fat pension.

    They dont give a fuck about you or me and the conservatives are just as bad. Silver spooned fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:53:02 No.202861XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:53:11 No.202861XXX

    well what do you suggest as an alternative to immigration? we need economic growth. we need a young, dynamic, motivated workforce, who don't demand their rights and strike every 5 minutes. who dont cost a fortune to educate thru 20yrs of schooling.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:53:21 No.202861XXX
    1. go to (take out 0 and out an o)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:53:42 No.202861XXX

    When you take away the costs of immigration from the money generated, the country makes a large loss. Look up the House of Lords inquiry.

    Immigration does NOT benefit us economically. Even if it did, it has screwed up Britain's society and we're overpopulated.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:54:07 No.202861XXX

    >Japan is also 99% Japanese and has little immigration. They are very against racial-mixing and multicultralism too.

    >You don't get black/white Japs.

    ROFL stand back theres an expert in sino-western relations in! This guy manages to get 4 different sorts of logic fallacy into a 3 sentence post. Fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:55:02 No.202862XXX

    this. economically, it's fantastic.

    socially, it's better than it was. the world is getting smaller and people aren't radically different in the way that 1st gen immigrants were 30-40 yrs ago. they're the same as us.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:55:56 No.202862XXX

    3 million people are unemployed. The housing and welfare system needs to change to get these people working.

    We do not need more people, and immigration is not good for the economy, the country is in fact making a large loss.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:56:27 No.202862XXX

    Heres an idea. Agencys are a big fucking problem.

    They undermine the working class's basic rights to work. Are you unable to see the reason why nobody works. They have no job security, they have no benefits, they are treated worse than shit.

    They have no choice but to work for an Agency that offers minium wage. Makes a fortune on their slaves and steals permanant jobs.

    Agencys do not create jobs. They stop work.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:57:02 No.202862XXX

    Which bit is a untrue? ._.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:57:17 No.202862XXX
    when he said come home to new labour that really creeped me he sounded like a pedo
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:57:41 No.202862XXX

    Oh ffs where the hell do you get your fucking social policy statistics? The Sun? References or GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:57:43 No.202862XXX

    err sino is chinese bro, and he is right there is little immigration. my original point was, we do have the capacity to handle more people, sinccne Japan has a similar land area to us but almost twice the population.

    we need more houses to stop runaway house prices, more public services, but im saying it can be done.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:58:02 No.202862XXX
    He's a good buy for calling out the president of the EU (wtf?), but I do agree, vote BNP.

    Hopefully some sort of nationalist party is established in the United States. Some will argue it goes against the constitution, but the constitution has been dead for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:58:28 No.202863XXX

    they're not unemployed because of immigration, and you are a faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:59:27 No.202863XXX

    Japan is a concrete jungle with people living on top of eachother. If thats what you want for Great Britain you can just screw yourself or move to Japan.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)15:59:51 No.202863XXX
    Heres a couple of actually funny political videos.

    EU Dictator getting insulted.

    Gordon Brown picking his nose and eating it.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:00:04 No.202863XXX

    i think a bigger reason is that people born here think they deserve better treatment, they are 'above' certain jobs and are not prepared to do them. when poland joined the EU, we shipped over a million of them, and guess what, they all found jobs!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:01:06 No.202863XXX
    >unemployed because of immigration

    The new Equality bill states that ethnics should be chosen over British people so that better representation is gained. Also, immigrants work for less money than most British families can afford to do, so the in a lot of cases, immigrants are favoured over the natives.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:02:08 No.202864XXX
    if you're unemployed, it's because you're either lazy or stupid.

    truth hurts, motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:02:52 No.202864XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:03:09 No.202864XXX

    I think you mean. They all found Agency work where they were treated like slaves but the economy in Poland ment it was worth it. Now that economy in Poland is better. Most of them have left and are not willing to put up with Agency work.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:03:10 No.202864XXX
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:04:07 No.202864XXX

    And that is why....BNP.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:04:11 No.202864XXX

    1: According to Japanese immigration centre,[7] the number of foreign residents in Japan has been steadily increased, and the number of foreign residents (excluding illegal immigrants and short-term visitors such as foreign nationals staying less than 90 days in Japan [8]) were more than 2.2 million people in 2008.[7]

    2: the concept of the ethnic groups by the Japanese statistics is different from the ethnicity census of North American or some Western European statistics. For example, the United Kingdom Census asks ethnic or racial background which composites the population of the United Kingdom, regardless of their nationalities.[10] The Japanese Statistics Bureau, however, does not have this question yet. Since the Japanese population census asks the people's nationality rather than their ethnic background, naturalized Japanese citizens and Japanese nationals with multi-ethnic background are considered to be ethnically Japanese in the population census of Japan.[7] Thus, in spite of the widespread belief that Japan is ethnically homogeneous, it is probably more accurate to describe it as a multiethnic society

    Last two fallacies I can't even be arsed correcting, becase you are a fucking moron.

    >>You don't get black/white Japs.

    What the fuck does that even mean, you fucking illiterate pinhead? Think before you post. Better yet, don't post ever again.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:04:11 No.202864XXX

    Congratulations, you can regurgitate propaganda. Become a journalist.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:04:17 No.202864XXX
    Love.the surgeon or die /B/:
    . . †
    : 35/314
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:04:56 No.202864XXX
    1. brown is a liar who said he had abolished boom and bust haha

    2. brown is violent

    3. in the last 10 years we had the lowest growth since 1940s cos he let banks rule

    4 i wd not put him in charge of cleang school toilets
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:05:20 No.202864XXX

    recession is the excuse lazy and stupid people give for scrounging benefits.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:05:37 No.202864XXX

    bullshit, they're still here. in 5 years they've fucking made it, they're getting on with their lives.

    us brits need to wake the fuck of to globalisation. we are competing with 1 billion indians and 1 billion chinese. we can rely on government handouts because we arent prepared to do certain jobs, so we leave them to willing immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:06:27 No.202865XXX

    We have a minimum wage, dickbag. It's plenty for any 'native' family to live on.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:06:34 No.202865XXX
    If voting made a difference, they would make it illegal.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:07:17 No.202865XXX

    Bro, he's right. Japan is homogenous, only one race, Japs. Maybe one or two South Koreans. I've been there, trust me.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:09:24 No.202865XXX

    Mein gotte there is a wit in the house! You think thats the first time we've heard that, you fucking baboon? Here's a thought for you, I just made this up: 'Whoever you vote for, government wins.'
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)16:09:41 No.202866XXX

    easy for me to say i guess, im not working in maccy ds.

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