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  • Over the past 48 hours 4chan's formspring page has gotten over 12,000 questions, and I've received over 3,000 e-mails. Many thanks to everyone who submitted a question, and sent me a message! I was able to respond to a few hundred e-mails and had hoped to start answering questions on formspring, but it seems that the number of questions broke the page. Once that's sorted out, I'll sift through them and answer as time allows.
    Thanks again for all of the support!

    In other news, /rs/ now processes MediaFire/MegaUpload/and a bunch of other links correctly (this had been broken for months). The old links should be updated in about a week (the checker is taking a while).
    Thanks to Popcorn Mariachi for spontaneously appearing and fixing this.

    Final reminder: Ask questions here, e-mail me here (I read *every* one), and follow 4chan on the Twitter here.

    File : 1267492875.jpg-(143 KB, 813x925, cheesefoot.jpg)
    143 KB Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:21:15 No.202624XXX  

    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:21:54 No.202624XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:22:26 No.202624XXX
         File1267492946.jpg-(25 KB, 471x480, 1265242552154.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:22:26 No.202624XXX
    Man i want to pick at that
    >> deleted 03/01/10(Mon)20:22:32 No.202624XXX
    omg i just wanna sit there with some tweezers and just have a wonderful time.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:22:56 No.202624XXX
         File1267492976.jpg-(36 KB, 540x405, lolz.jpg)
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    Melt it with fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:22:57 No.202624XXX

    i came
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:23:34 No.202624XXX
         File1267493014.jpg-(63 KB, 508x595, obama.jpg)
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    >> deleted 03/01/10(Mon)20:23:46 No.202625XXX
    What kind of cheese is that?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:24:08 No.202625XXX
    Its so nasty ,but I want to peeeel it!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:24:09 No.202625XXX
    1. pick
    2. eat
    3. ??????????
    4. PROPHET
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:24:27 No.202625XXX
    What is this i don't evern
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:25:02 No.202625XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:25:14 No.202625XXX
    I had really bad athletes foot in the Marines, sorta looked like that. One day i was rubbing my foot and like half the skin on my sole came off. Didn't hurt, felt really good.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:25:32 No.202625XXX
    newfag DURR
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:25:39 No.202625XXX
    some kind of fungal infection or some shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:26:11 No.202625XXX
         File1267493171.jpg-(3 KB, 141x129, DEAD SERIOUS.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:26:23 No.202625XXX
    it looks like wax
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:28:55 No.202626XXX
    exactly what makes a foot cheesy? what is the cause of this nasty?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:29:04 No.202626XXX
    Oh christ what is wrong with that poor foot
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:29:19 No.202626XXX
    you do realize that caps lock makes you look like a total douchebag
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:30:09 No.202627XXX
    what a pussy - he should just walk it off
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:30:13 No.202627XXX
    needs crackers and a spoon
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:31:26 No.202627XXX
    Looks more like corned beef.

    I'm hungry now.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:31:30 No.202627XXX
         File1267493490.jpg-(25 KB, 462x474, picachu2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:31:47 No.202627XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:31:51 No.202627XXX
    lurk moar newfag
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:32:07 No.202627XXX
    maybe,or some kinda skin disease,psoriasis or so
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:32:11 No.202627XXX
    nasty case of trench foot?
    emphasis on NASTY!!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:32:41 No.202627XXX
         File1267493561.jpg-(193 KB, 558x614, 1264062321700.jpg)
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    oh yeah
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:33:34 No.202628XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:33:38 No.202628XXX
         File1267493618.jpg-(17 KB, 218x302, face1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:33:42 No.202628XXX
    Someone get the rubbing alcohol and tweezers.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:35:39 No.202628XXX
    trench foot was WAAAAAYY worse than that
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:36:04 No.202628XXX
    How the fuck does that even happen?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:36:33 No.202628XXX
    Reiters syndrome?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:37:07 No.202629XXX
    now im hungry
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:37:12 No.202629XXX
    was eating when i saw this
    what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:37:45 No.202629XXX
    Dude i would totaylly peal that off imagine of good it would feel :333333333333
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:37:56 No.202629XXX
    I want to pick it
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:38:11 No.202629XXX
    Ugh, that's nasty. What kind of foot condition is that really OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:39:11 No.202629XXX
    dude, i do not like this.... good god.....
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:39:39 No.202629XXX
    I am not disgusted by this, but really in awe on how someone could let their feet get that bad.

    Also, peel it all off. Could you imagine what your feet would feel like after removing all of that dead skin?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:40:11 No.202629XXX
    It´s not a "cheese" or evem tinea. It´s old dry skin getting rot. That person had propably some accinent with fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:41:02 No.202630XXX
    looks like dead skin buildup from having both feet in casts for a long time
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:42:11 No.202630XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:42:28 No.202630XXX
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:43:00 No.202630XXX
         File1267494180.jpg-(79 KB, 600x800, ekel_fuss.jpg)
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    Take this
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:43:13 No.202630XXX
         File1267494193.jpg-(138 KB, 426x571, fatal_vaginal_mutilation.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:43:40 No.202630XXX
         File1267494220.jpg-(732 KB, 2496x1664, ekelfuss..jpg)
    732 KB
    And this
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:43:47 No.202630XXX
    dude, oh goddddd nnoooooooooo
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:44:31 No.202631XXX
    NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! barfffffff
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:44:36 No.202631XXX
    Fellas, we may have a winner
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:44:55 No.202631XXX
         File1267494295.jpg-(3 KB, 127x125, jd6xtr.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:45:00 No.202631XXX

    cannot un see pizza foot
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:45:34 No.202631XXX
    this is why we invented socks and shoes
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:46:21 No.202631XXX
    You think I'm going to lose my appetite for dinner after seeing these pictures? Think again.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:46:52 No.202631XXX
    read my fuckin mind
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:46:54 No.202631XXX
    Does the cheese foot go well with toe jam?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:47:03 No.202631XXX
    man these threads remind me why I have a foot fetish
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:47:51 No.202632XXX
    I'd fucking love to sit and pick all that off.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:47:59 No.202632XXX

    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:48:50 No.202632XXX
         File1267494530.jpg-(153 KB, 1078x1640, 028976VB.JPG..jpg)
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    You made me google reiter's syndrome and i found this
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:48:51 No.202632XXX
    Socks and shoes caused this
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:49:08 No.202632XXX
    Holy god damn.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:49:26 No.202632XXX
    my feet area little cheesy, but not that bad
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:49:30 No.202632XXX
         File1267494570.jpg-(13 KB, 266x200, 1243337375420.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:49:49 No.202632XXX
    paint chisel and tweasers? :D
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:49:49 No.202632XXX
         File1267494589.jpg-(7 KB, 250x231, face2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:52:19 No.202633XXX
         File1267494739.jpg-(221 KB, 651x440, ekel_Hodengeschwür.jpg)
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    Also one of my favourites
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:52:52 No.202633XXX
         File1267494772.jpg-(301 KB, 1795x1652, ekel_eichel.jpg)
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    A classic
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:53:16 No.202633XXX
         File1267494796.jpg-(11 KB, 367x317, face3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:53:30 No.202633XXX
         File1267494810.jpg-(103 KB, 768x802, ekel_blasen.jpg)
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    Talking about bad skin condition
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:53:31 No.202633XXX
    h . eichel
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:53:32 No.202633XXX
    I been wonderin since i first saw that pic what the fuck it is >>;

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