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  • Over the past 48 hours 4chan's formspring page has gotten over 12,000 questions, and I've received over 3,000 e-mails. Many thanks to everyone who submitted a question, and sent me a message! I was able to respond to a few hundred e-mails and had hoped to start answering questions on formspring, but it seems that the number of questions broke the page. Once that's sorted out, I'll sift through them and answer as time allows. Thanks again for all of the support!

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    29 KB Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:20:14 No.202179XXX  
    How many of you have used heroin? Out here the most common is black tar, which is total shit and gets cut by mexicans. I've never personally even seen china white. In talking to junkies I've realized that the use is far more common than most people realize, I'm kind of curious as to how many of you 'use.'
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:21:04 No.202179XXX
    none heroin is bad and ruins live, pot is wonderful though
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:21:06 No.202179XXX
    just you on your own, you fucking dirty junky, fuck off
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:23:33 No.202179XXX
    tried most soft drugs once or twice..tried some harder stuff few times a try anythin once kinda guy but dont make a habit of anythin..i will never try that tho i seen the damage it does
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:24:13 No.202179XXX
    you have to be some kind of fucked up to try that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:24:25 No.202179XXX
    I do it off and on. I have for like a year.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:25:07 No.202180XXX
    ^^^^ these two people are showing nothing but ignorance. These are the same people who'd take morphine and think it's fine. Fucking hypocrits.

    I've done more than my fair share of the stuff. It's a wonderful drug, especially IVed, and I'm glad after 4 years I'm not dependant. Haven't touched an opiate in weeks, it's just not cost-effective to have a habit like I used to.
    >> ­ 02/28/10(Sun)13:25:15 No.202180XXX
    This shit ruins peoples lives.
    Weed = go
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:25:21 No.202180XXX
    lol you're right, i'm the only one who's tried it. I don't use regularly, I've done it once.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:25:38 No.202180XXX
    smoking it is fine if you don't do it often. only total fucking twats get addicted - I think most addicts wanted to be addicts.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:26:21 No.202180XXX
    I'm not sure that's possible. if you use regularly, your body will become dependant. that's all there is to it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:26:24 No.202180XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:26:32 No.202180XXX

    Yeah, I hear that.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:26:33 No.202180XXX
    >>202179385 didn't do much for your grammar you worthless chip eating pothead
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:26:35 No.202180XXX
    China white is more common on the east coast. I've never come across black tar here (NYC).
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:26:52 No.202180XXX
    im a dumb faggot. i do heroin because i saw it in the movies and i want to be cool. most people avoid me.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:28:21 No.202180XXX
    >and I'm glad after 4 years I'm not dependant. >Haven't touched an opiate in weeks

    sure is ironic in here.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:28:50 No.202180XXX
    I live in Peru and all my dealer sells is black tar, how fucked up is that?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:28:57 No.202180XXX
    opiates ruin lives......

    a few years ago i took the idea of drugs lightly. I was smokin pot, drinking, and poppin pills like it was my job. Didnt think you could get addicted. Then a few of my friends started to blow heroin regularly. I stayed away thinking that oxycotin and other pills were safer. One night my friend ODed and i watched him die. A few weeks later my other friend ODed as well....wasnt found for a few days. After all this happend i didnt realize i had a nasty addiction to oxy. Took months of dope sick to get im sticking to drinking and smokin cigs. (not very healthy i admit) but the other shit ruins your life.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:29:12 No.202180XXX
    been on it, now off it after a long hard struggle being locked up by my parents in my room. my bed was like a pool of sweat and I fucked up my voice chords from screaming being cold turkey... fuck this shit
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:29:20 No.202180XXX
    I've experienced most drugs apart from heroin.
    just something about it that puts me off.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:29:32 No.202180XXX
    yeah man you gotta go east coast in usa for china white.

    americans have it fucking easy - 20$ bag there

    its 70$ a bag in australia, 450$ a gram fucking ripoff... ill still buy it though cuz its fucking good china white
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:29:56 No.202180XXX
    I did heroin for nine years. It fucked my life up hardcore. I'm now 34 and have not touched the shit in almost 7 years. Most of my friends that I started doing it with are dead now.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:30:06 No.202181XXX
    i've done it a few times (maybe like 5-6). it makes me nauseous as fuck and puts me to sleep. i don't really see the point. but i don't like downer drugs so maybe that's just me. i will shoot twak though. but not that often and prefer to smoke it. fuck yeah!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:30:29 No.202181XXX
    There is nothing ironic about that statement. You should try something "addictive". Cigarettes are addictive because nicotine is and you make it available to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:31:00 No.202181XXX
    >now im sticking to drinking and smokin cigs
    >but the other shit ruins your life.

    i got news for you buddy, cigs and booze are far more addictive and dangerous for your body. the hypocrisy is strong in this one.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:31:30 No.202181XXX

    here in NJ its so fuckin cheap lol....we're known for it...

    5$ a bag of the strongest H u can get...(which is why most people OD here real quick)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:32:12 No.202181XXX
    tried it a few times. It was just too damned good and I knew it could become a habit fast and hard. So, none for me ever again.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:32:27 No.202181XXX

    try going without opiates for a year before claiming not to be dependant you dumb shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:32:50 No.202181XXX

    I had a habit at one point, but I don't now. Most junkies make it seem harder to quit than it really is. You just have to realize withdrawal isn't going to kill you, and it will end eventually.

    Another thing about me though, is that people never realized I was a junkie. I was able to shoot up before work/school, and yet still manage a productive life. I know other people doing the same thing.

    Do I recommend going out and doing the shit? No, but it is possible to quit using even after becoming dependent.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:32:54 No.202181XXX

    oh i am very aware.. but i can keep that shit under wraps for the most part. its still better then completly ruining my liver with oxy 80mg a day. i drink maybe twice a week at most....these damn cigs are gunna kill me tho.

    but like they say. take the lesser of the two evils
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:33:23 No.202181XXX
    yeah booze never ruined anyone's life.....
    apparently you don't live in a town with any homeless bums...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:33:33 No.202181XXX
    ive only ever weed
    why is this on /lit/
    >> sage sage 02/28/10(Sun)13:33:56 No.202181XXX

    I knew I'd get responses like this. I was trying to be helpful, but fuck this thread.
    >> Smoked it Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:33:56 No.202181XXX
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    Havent tryed to snort or shoot it up, did try a wiff or two from a mate that was freebaseing it.. tastes like chemicals and pinapple mixed with shit..
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:34:11 No.202181XXX

    you sure that was aimed at me?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:34:35 No.202181XXX
    I sniffed heron for a year im over it now
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:34:54 No.202181XXX
    done it once.

    I honestly have no idea what kind of heroin I tried; it was more of a "hey man, you want to try some?" kind of thing from some of my friends.

    I railed a line that they cut for me and it was fucking euphoria. One of the better highs I've ever experienced (if not the best).

    The comedown was less than desirable; but we had weed to burn so we just ended up getting stoned to fight off whatever bad effects the comedown had.

    Heroin kind of scares me. I've seen the kinds of people associated with it; and while there are plenty of functional heroin users - there are also junkies and burnouts (as with any narcotic). I've also had some run-ins with the criminal element associated with Heroin. It's a dangerous drug and it's often peddled by dangerous people in a dangerous area. The time I did it, we had to the inner-city. We waited in a parking lot and this guy drives up and goes from car to car giving his customers their fix (there ends up being a regular crowd of cars in this parking lot when the guy deals there). This guy was also a nigger...and I seriously do NOT trust niggers when it comes to drugs (note: there is a difference between black folk and niggers. This guy was a nigger)

    I'm willing to do it again, but I will not allow myself to become an addict. IDK if I would try needles or not. I've never banged anything through my veins and I'm hesitant to even try.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:35:13 No.202182XXX

    don't be a hypocritical fucking moron then. obviously the skag has fucked your brain. now gtfo you failure.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:35:57 No.202182XXX
    You can get it dirt cheap if you want to take a quick trip to Colombia :)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:36:18 No.202182XXX
    i do it daily. pittsburgh here its stamp bags mostly white dope sometimes brown dope
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:36:49 No.202182XXX
    if anyone here has ever taken pills, does heroin feel anything like that? i've been told that's true but i don't really believe it. i'm talking about morphine, oxys blahblah.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:37:26 No.202182XXX
    i made the decision to use - as my life is going nowhere and id rather use for 6 months, feel absolute bliss and joy then OD on some fent at the end of it than continue a pointless existence working to buy useless shit.

    it is really working for me, i have never been happier in my life, and the things i can do while influenced by heroin are orders of magnitude beyond what i could accomplish while straight.

    heroin does fuck all to the body long term, and stuides have conclusively shown that people high on opiates are still perfectly capable operating machinery and doing complex tasks.

    ill agree that heroin has a high addiction potential, and those that do become addicted will battle the drug for the rest of their lives. its the price you have to pay for the depth of feeling that comes from opiate use. the UK has trialed a program of givine addicts pharma heroin to enable the junkies to get their lives sorted out and stop property crime. all those that participated had dramatically turned from their lives of crime and did their best to participate in society. we dont need this methadone crap - real heroin should be used for positive effects.

    and all those guys sprouting anti drug propoganda - stfu learn to think for yourselves and do your own fucking research.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:37:29 No.202182XXX
    than pot, yes
    than heroin, hell no
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:37:38 No.202182XXX
    to the people saying heroin is addictive:

    you're all fucking retarded. YOU are just weak minded fucking pussies. YOU allow yourself to become addicted, not the drug.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:37:57 No.202182XXX
    you are obviously an ignorant fool. the high from heroin lasts about 6 hours. people who are addicted must use roughly three times per day to avoid being sick. when you're addicted, your life consists of getting high, sleeping a bit, searching for dope, getting high, sleeping a bit, searching for dope...etc etc etc. if you can go one full day without shooting, then you aren't addicted. if you can go several days, you aren't dependent at all. there is no fucking way.
    HAHAHAHA....go back to your after school specials.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:38:07 No.202182XXX
    yes, heroin is a little bit like that. i overdosed on oxycontin once, and the body buzz and general euphoria i felt right before i blacked out was almost as good as your usual heroin high.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:38:07 No.202182XXX

    No, that's cocaine, you fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:39:08 No.202182XXX

    how the fuck does that work?

    Colombia produces cocaine.

    Afghanistan produces something like 75% of the world's heroin supply. I would imagine if you were looking to get it cheap; Afghanistan would be the place. But it's dangerous as fuck over there and you'd probably end up on Al-Jazeera with your head getting sawed off.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:39:18 No.202182XXX

    just do some research about the definition of physical dependence jackass. i think you'll find you're the 'ignorant fool'.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:39:49 No.202182XXX
    You are a total goddamned fool. Sure they choose to use but the addiction is chemical and it NEVER leaves you regardless of how hard they try. There is no cure for it and there is no choice after addiction set in.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:39:51 No.202182XXX

    stop watching Fox news asshole.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:40:23 No.202183XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:40:40 No.202183XXX
    I had a bunch of friends die from it in like a 3 month span. Shit sucks. Junkies are no fun to be around either.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:40:43 No.202183XXX
    ME EVERYDAYS. every fucking days... shit...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:41:21 No.202183XXX
    Jackass- the addiction is about 1/100 physical. Learn something in the real world and get off the internat- hillbilly.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:42:02 No.202183XXX

    alright. yeah i'd definitely try it. i've never felt better being high than on a lot of methadone. so i will definitely try it haha.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:42:18 No.202183XXX

    There's A LOT of heroin there man. I took a trip there and I got dealers asking me if I wanted to buy some heroin at least twice a day. Cocaine too, but heroin just as often.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:42:22 No.202183XXX

    ok i guess i better throw away my medicine degree. I obviously know nothing about the human body.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:42:37 No.202183XXX
    doctors and lawyers use that shit on weekends.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:43:13 No.202183XXX
    everyone will become physically dependent on an opiate if they use frequently enough. please lrn to biology before you get all self righteous you fucking ignorant moron. some people are very much physically dependent and will feel sick if they stop. you can say that they are weak fucks for not just dealing with that. or that they are weak fucks for using so much to get addicted. but i would be wiling to venture that you, mr internet toughguy, have never experienced anything anywhere even close to dope sickness so STFU and go back to your pussy drugs you fucking child. and please don't insult us with your internet toughguy response. it will only further prove my point...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:44:10 No.202183XXX
    Go on then. Show me where heroin addiction can be cured and not managed dear Doctor.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:44:24 No.202183XXX
    That's fuckin' gross.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:44:33 No.202183XXX

    here's a map to help your point.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:45:18 No.202184XXX
    my dad and my sister both died from overdoses from heroin. my dad suicided and my sister just did too much by mistake.

    i dont do drugs or drink.
    my only addiction is money
    therefor i am an escort so i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:45:46 No.202184XXX
    hahahaha....butthurt because he was pwnd

    then actually tries to argue that opiates aren't really physically addicting....hahahaha....yeah...nobody really goes through heroin withdrawal....its all in their head...LOL
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:45:50 No.202184XXX

    no no, you're obviously utterly confident in your convictions. trying to chip away at your arrogance with scientific fact would be futile.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:45:58 No.202184XXX

    Yeah, no, it's a series of changes in genetic expression in your brain to adapt to the external environment you've provided.


    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:46:19 No.202184XXX

    Afghanistan produces somewhere around 90% of the world's heroin (so says wikipedia).

    A conservative estimate would be about 80-85%, as it's always better to underestimate than overestimate.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:46:26 No.202184XXX
    I do pop pills often and I smoke cigarettes, sometimes alchol is cool, that's all. I don't think i'm gonna try heroin one day.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:46:28 No.202184XXX
    i'd advise being careful. methadone is okay, but the comedown can really kick your ass. your dependency on heroin will only get worse, whereas methadone is easier to reduce.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:46:51 No.202184XXX
    any insomniatic addicts in brizze - ausfalia??

    haha so interestin seein all the normal fags pop in these threads with their stupid fucking opinions fed by all the anti drug propoganda. no wonder your country is fucked - you all let your govt step on your balls and come in your asses all day haha.

    back to HEROIN! fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:46:57 No.202184XXX

    that's called addiction.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:46:59 No.202184XXX
    I know a guy that was going through withdrawal so bad but he didn't have any money for a bag so he sucked dick. I thought that shit was only in the movies but god damn I've never seen anyone sink so low.

    Fuck heroin, I mean do what you want with your body and your life, I won't stop you, but that shit does ruin people's lives. Stick to weed and psychedelics.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:47:08 No.202184XXX
    Uh, no. You're a fucking dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:47:17 No.202184XXX

    What? Haha.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:48:01 No.202184XXX
    Dumb shit. Weed is the drug that takes the most time to get out of your system, and it only takes 2 months for you to be clean of it completely. Smoking after 2 months of not smoking will feel like your first time smoking. Most other things only have half lives of weeks at most. So, in conclusion, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! ADDICTIONS ARE MORE DEPENDENT ON PERSONALITY THAN SUBSTANCE!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:48:37 No.202184XXX
    >I paid my friend to suck my dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:48:46 No.202184XXX

    that's like stopping smoking cigs for a day and saying you've quit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:49:22 No.202184XXX
    Ok, so you *are* full of shit. Thanks for the confirmation.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:49:25 No.202184XXX
    youre on the wrong board man.
    /b/ is filled with white knight european pseudo-christian teenagers.

    but yeh heroin ftw. too scared to try it more than twice.
    anyone who says 'just stick with weed' is pretty much a bore. good for you guys.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:49:54 No.202185XXX
    tried it, didnt shoot up or anything (im not an idiot) and let me tell you something. it sucks. most overrated drug of all time.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:50:08 No.202185XXX
    Reading comprehension = 0. Fail.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:50:24 No.202185XXX

    yeh i suggest you read all the other posts calling you out on your bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:51:05 No.202185XXX

    oh? what is your minimum threshold for "not dependent"?

    If somebody who uses heroin hasn't had a fix in weeks; they are "not dependent". If they were, they would not being going days, let alone WEEKS without using.

    Heroin is one of the few drugs that can KILL YOU during a withdrawal. That is physical dependence at it's purest form.
    >> Carbon Tempest !rZ7bAbN1dI 02/28/10(Sun)13:51:38 No.202185XXX
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    No, but I boot up oxies and morphine though.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:51:45 No.202185XXX
    yeah, snorted some lines of heroin back in the day -- pretty similar to OC but bit more intense and more awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:52:14 No.202185XXX
    Heroin is an awesome high. I scored an eightball of mexican brown a few years back, and chipped on it for most of a summer. Just chasing the dragon, as I'm afraid of syringes.

    By the time I ran out, I started gettting real sick, I thought I had some killer flu or something, so I went to the doctor.

    Yeah, I was going through withdrawal.

    Never touched the stuff again.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:52:26 No.202185XXX
    That's what I was saying? Yes. Physical addictions can be over come- the heroin addiction is about 1/100 physical. The chemical change we speak of is the real problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:52:52 No.202185XXX
    addiction is not a medical term. lrn to DSM-IV-TR. the physical dependence is gone after a relatively short period of time. the "addition" is a complex of psychological factors and many do feel that "once an addict, always an addict". this may be true, but the physical dependence does certainly go away. there are many many people physically dependent on narcotic analgesic medications after surgery who are very much "addicted" in the physical sense but taper and never use again without a problem. this is a fact. that some people can not keep away from the substance even after they are no longer physically dependent is psychological only. 9 out of 10 heroin addicts will die from their addiction. this is true. but it's psychological and not medical.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:52:53 No.202185XXX
    >Hurr durr I need chemical help to get through the day, I can't take control of my own life so I'll resort to sucking nigger dick to fuel my spiralling depression
    Seriously, you fucking junkies are a parasite, if only we could start going after users instead of dealers, and treat them harsher (forced labour or death; you lot dont provide any value anyway), things would be a lot rosier
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:53:14 No.202185XXX


    only benzos can kill you in wd - not heroin you faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:53:36 No.202185XXX
    percocet is so many better.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:54:05 No.202185XXX
    the morning after the first time I snorted heroin I puked pretty bad --- so I finished out what I had and never did it again. I recommend doing it once if you can, but don't keep chasing that dragon.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:54:16 No.202186XXX
    Ask you fr something specific. Produced nothing. Fail. Bullshit called. I hope that medical degree gets put to good use on gnats or something or whomever you treat is going to come out with only one testicle because you mistook it for a cyst.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:54:19 No.202186XXX

    you must be talking about mental chemicals then because I was under the impression bodily chemicals are part of the physical aspect of us.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:55:07 No.202186XXX

    oh man there should be a camp with all the junkies in it.. you have to work really hard all day and they beat you.. but you get all the heroin you want..
    that would be bad ass.
    id be there. id listen to pantera and never have to hear some UK teenager sounding more and more like my mom and dad everyday.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:55:09 No.202186XXX
    WOW SHUT THE FUCK UP. Cigarettes & Booze more addictive than Oxyconton? No....
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:55:14 No.202186XXX
    NO. heroin withdrawal is NOT fatal. the only physical withdrawals that can be fatal are withdrawal from alcohol of benzodiazepines.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:55:56 No.202186XXX
    "but it's physiological and not medical."

    There fixed that up for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:56:07 No.202186XXX
    nicotine is the most addictive chemical known. of course, the withdrawal is a LOT less unpleasant.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:56:59 No.202186XXX
    ITT: 15 y/o faggots pretending they know anything about anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:57:02 No.202186XXX

    i don't have to prove anything to you buddy. i'm a fucking doctor, i have junkie's lives to save!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:57:22 No.202186XXX
    >mental chemicals

    dude i dare anyone to ever sound smart or be intelligent on /b/ .. i take that back. everyone stop trying.

    >I'm kind of curious as to how many of you 'use.'

    hey op whats this thread about again?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:58:32 No.202186XXX
    Physical addiction != chemical addiction
    (dependency- fine)
    Once the 'chemical' alters the brain's genetic makeup= chemical.
    >> KingDoubt !!DgpcJnJjVzq 02/28/10(Sun)13:58:38 No.202186XXX
    So what is the high like?
    Enlighten me!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:59:06 No.202187XXX

    eh. I'm more or less on the same boat; but it can give you some REEEEEEEEEEALLY shitty days.

    I've never experienced it, but apparently Heroin withdrawals can give you diarrhea. Presumably, if you had the withdrawal-induced runs for long enough; you could die from dehydration. And an aching heroin junky looking for a fix that never comes *could* be the kind of person to die from diarrhea in America / western world.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:59:20 No.202187XXX

    heroin can change your genes? it aint radiation pal.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)13:59:36 No.202187XXX

    yes. god yes. fentanyl is basically pharmaceutical heroin, though i prefer oxycodone myself.

    i used to be physically addicted, i'm not anymore... however i still am psychologically addicted, i think about my next fix a lot. i use 1-2 days a week which works pretty well for avoiding physical dependence.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:00:09 No.202187XXX

    ityou just fall asleep and wake up hours later. sounds great huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:00:46 No.202187XXX
    biggest faggot on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:00:56 No.202187XXX

    your life is fucked. you need to sort yourself the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:01:33 No.202187XXX
    Opiates suck, hur dur it feels good. Psychedelics are the only drugs anybody should take.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:02:19 No.202187XXX
    no, it's not physiological. it's psychological. there is no known pathology for "addiction". it's psychological. (oh god....why do i even come to this fucking place?) there is no physical illness of "addiction". there is only physical or psychological dependence. once you are detoxed, it is all in your fucking head. it is your thoughts and habits. it's behaviorism. there is no fucking "spiritual illness". there is no fucking "higher power". it isn't a fucking "lifelong illness that is progressive but can be arrested" blah blah blah...

    ITT: ignorant kids who don't understand what they are fucking talking about. and pathetic junkies who need an excuse to relieve themselves of responsibility.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:02:32 No.202187XXX
    crystal meth FTW
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:02:51 No.202187XXX

    you sir are an awesome guy, i wish you luck with chipping and hope you have a fulfilling life while maintaining a habit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:04:08 No.202188XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:04:09 No.202188XXX

    shame that can never happen. addiction will take over ones life.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:04:10 No.202188XXX
    ITT: drug addicts vs drug addicts who claim they aren't addicted

    lol bunch of losers until they die.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:05:03 No.202188XXX

    you mean NA faggots.

    this thread is awful full of dumb faggots though - mostly the non users thinking they are so smart.

    fact: most heroin users have an IQ above 140
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:05:08 No.202188XXX
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    Q.E.D. (yeah you will need to look that up to.)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:06:43 No.202188XXX
    I'm from a town that, for a while at least, had the prestigious title of having the highest concentration of heroin users in any one place in my country, got a couple of smackheads in the family, never used myself and never would, do a fair few drugs but that one's off limits.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:06:44 No.202188XXX
    >>202188325 that makes me LOL
    junkies are soooooo smart...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:07:00 No.202188XXX
    meh i did the research and made the choice to use. it satisfies me greatly. i know i will experience wds if i stop, i just taper back every 3 months to stop my tolerance sky rocketing. been 2 years and not having issues.

    if i die on this shit i couldnt think of a better way to go. pure. bliss.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:07:52 No.202188XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:08:09 No.202189XXX

    yeah it because they are so bored and frustrated being around faggots like YOU
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:08:22 No.202189XXX

    i'm all for the rational people in here...but c'mon.

    you're basically saying that most heroin users are geniuses.

    I know some pretty dumb heroin users. And i'd hazard a guess and say that most heroin users are stupid. Not all of them by any means, but definitely a healthy majority.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:08:56 No.202189XXX

    not to sound like a dick, but heroin/opiate withdrawal CANNOT kill you, no matter how horrrible it might feel.

    benzodiazepine/alcohol withdrawal on the other hand can cauze seizures, which could kill you.

    trust me i do TONS of drug research and am an experienced opiophile.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:10:22 No.202189XXX

    well, all the ones who participated in the study were very bright. it ended up having a signifigant part to do with quality of life, and the fact people this bright often experience a lot of sadness and depression.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:11:17 No.202189XXX
    Not worth it. I got majorly fucked with stuff like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:11:21 No.202189XXX

    cause getting hopelessly addicted to an opiate is smart? There's no such thing as a casual heroin user. maybe at first, but before long you're an addict. Anyone who says different is a liar.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:11:37 No.202189XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:13:08 No.202190XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:13:51 No.202190XXX
    it bears little significance to anything that you have said, simply saying it alone would imply that you don't fully understand what it means. you're still the biggest faggot on 4chan, take your awesome "knowledge" of drug use to the elementary school yard, i'm sure those kids thought you were cool when you talked about smoking mommies cigarettes.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:14:46 No.202190XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:14:59 No.202190XXX

    whats your point?

    there is no other way to feel the way heroin makes you feel, and it just so happens that opioids have terrific wd profile. oh well, so what?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:15:13 No.202190XXX

    i will assume you aren't being sarcastic, so thank you. i'm currently in the process of rebuilding my life to the way it was before the opiates took over my life...

    i'm not gonna lie and say i'm clean or that i don't want to use ever again, but hopefully i'll be able to continue stepping down until it's not a habit anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:15:28 No.202190XXX
    >implying iq means anything
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:15:30 No.202190XXX
    sure are a lot of dumbfucks in this thread who don't know shit about what being dependent actually means. fucking morons
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:15:30 No.202190XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:15:59 No.202190XXX
    Many heroin users began by abusing painpills. This group is often rich upper-middle class. My brother in law is a doctor who's basically fucked himself over with all this. His life has fallen apart, he's put on some weight, looks terrible, and recently lost his job.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:16:52 No.202190XXX
    for a while i had a junkie living in bc he got evicted, i would snort the stuff maybe $20-40 worth a week. it was just like a big percocet, i enjoyed it. i liked the flattened affect, you can empathise with hardcore users, its so easy to not care about your reputations, health or living conditions as long as theres another bump on the horizon. i never shot it, would laugh in the guys face when he offered.

    it was good enough to just snort. if you need to feel better than that then youre selfish and deserve whatever sickness or addiction you develop. at the point when anything makes you get sick its no longer worth doing, but nothing that is so mainstream would ever kill you or warp your soul the first.

    be careful with weekend habits tho
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:17:00 No.202190XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:17:08 No.202191XXX

    well good luck whatever path you take. there are too many dumbfucks in this thread, and too much agression for what is the best drug ever discovered.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:17:40 No.202191XXX
    i've used it...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:17:41 No.202191XXX
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    >> BootsOnBricks !!KHezAwBVzU1 02/28/10(Sun)14:18:56 No.202191XXX
    I have used Heroin.

    Mostly, though. I use oxycontin, because it's typically easier to find.

    At one point, I was banging 15 roxies a day. I detoxed after that, and I have only gotten high a few times since.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:19:41 No.202191XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:19:44 No.202191XXX
    fucking hate this stuff. takes people away.
    i did it a few times, but it was a bad thing to add to the mix, the very last time it just ruined everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:19:48 No.202191XXX

    haha yeah keep telling yourself that you fucking tool. one day i hope you wake up one morning and realize your whole life has been a pointless joke.

    that will be the day that i slide my penis deep in your pooper and cum in your asophagus haha
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:19:57 No.202191XXX
    Dependency happens when ANYBODY takes almost any drug or medication frequently for awhile. It doesn't matter if the drug gives you a high or not. Your body will downregulate drug agonist receptors/make other adaptations. Dependency will often result in noticible withdrawals.

    Addiction means you keep using a drug despite increasing negative consequences.

    You could be either of these or both or none at any given time for a drug. Even after withdrawals are over you may still crave a drug due to addiction.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:20:15 No.202191XXX
    Never Again.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)14:21:35 No.202191XXX
    it's esophagus dumbass. quite the skag, go back to school.

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