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  • Since I've been on a Q&A kick in /a/ and /r9k/ recently, I've decided to set up a formspring account for publicly answering 4chan related questions. You'll find it linked in the navbar as "?", and located here: Also, if you use Twitter, please follow @4chan. As always, I can be contacted via e-mail at (Despite the common misconception, I check it frequently and read every message I receive. Nobody seems to e-mail me about anything other than being banned though ;_;)
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    File : 1267242461.jpg-(25 KB, 276x276, 1266689686774.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:47:41 No.201706XXX  
    It's 04:47 AM (norfag).

    I have absolutely nothing to do, and I'm so fucking tired it's unbelieveable. So I come here to you, brothers. I've been lurking for a good 4 hours now, and I'm getting a little tired of it.

    So then..tell me what the fuck I'll do now. I've got a PS3 with quite a lot of games and I've got a shitbox with few games. I've got lots of movies and TV-shows both on my pc and computer, so just give me tips.

    I actually think I won't go to bed. I'll just stay awake, chilling-out, maxing.

    So /b/, wat do?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:49:36 No.201707XXX
    >I've got a PS3 with quite a lot of games and I've got a shitbox with few games.

    i see what you did there
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:50:09 No.201707XXX
    Norfag, huh?

    You tell me how many people in your country are fluent in English (as you seem to be) because I'm interested in visiting there one day, yet I'm just a shitty Amerifag who doesn't know anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:50:55 No.201707XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:52:37 No.201708XXX

    Most of us are pretty good at English.

    Depends where you go. If you go to the countryside, they can barely say "thank you". They wouldn't be able to show you directions, to put it that way.

    If you go to (big) cities, pretty much everyone knows how to speak "fluent" English. Especially the younger generation.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:52:49 No.201708XXX
    TV-shows both on my pc and computer?

    both the same am i correct
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:54:29 No.201708XXX

    Shit. Dude, it's 04:53 now. I meant to say that I've got a collection of them irl, and some on my laptop.

    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:55:16 No.201709XXX
    That's cool.

    How kindly do you take to amerifags? Are you like "OMG DAMN AMERIFAGS DON'T SPEAKING FUCKING NORWEGIAN (is it even called that? isn't it called norse or some shit? idk lol) NOW WE MUST SPEAK ENGRISH FOR THESE ILLITERATE FATASSES RAWR!"
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:56:20 No.201709XXX
    you got shitbox live?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:58:22 No.201710XXX

    Nah lol. We're all cool people man.

    We do hate you a bit though, but we are all so friendly we don't say it loudly.

    As of my experience, norwegian people are extremely inward (is that a word lol? like, shy..). We barely look eachother in the eyes when walking past eachother etc., but if you are to ask for directions, they'd speak English to you no problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)22:58:54 No.201710XXX

    Yeah man.

    And L4D2 if you're hinting to something.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:01:51 No.201710XXX
    fucking nice
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:03:24 No.201711XXX
    Where did you go, amerifag ?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:05:00 No.201711XXX
    play l4d2 then you nutjob
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:05:15 No.201711XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:05:31 No.201711XXX
    Still here, just ran out of questions xD

    So...Tell me about Norway. It looks beautiful, from what I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:05:57 No.201712XXX
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    watch Fight Club.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:06:01 No.201712XXX hero?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:06:11 No.201712XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:06:29 No.201712XXX
    play some games. watch some movies.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:07:25 No.201712XXX
    Another norfag here. It's. Fucking. Cold. Nice in the summer though.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:08:32 No.201712XXX


    Norway's depressing as fuck. Well, in winter-times anyway. At summer it's actually pretty nice.

    You won't get more beautiful landscapes than in Norway though. Our countrysides are the best on this planet in my opinion.

    People are dicks. But I imagine most people are all over the world..
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:09:34 No.201713XXX

    Ugh. Say some random games/movies then, and I'll turn it on. I most likely have it.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:10:27 No.201713XXX
    Ha. I live in Phoenix, AZ, so it gets to about, uh, 40 degrees fahrenheit at the lowest <_<. It's been snowing like a mofo a bit up north, but it almost never reaches freezing here where I live.

    And then our summers are, like, 115 degrees xD It's a dry heat, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:11:59 No.201713XXX

    Lucky. Our summers are pretty hot. Winters are cold as mofuckkas.


    Where in Norway? homo.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:12:54 No.201713XXX
    Are you me? This is exactly what I'm doing

    Seriøst, til og med en norfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:13:47 No.201714XXX


    Hvor fra?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:13:55 No.201714XXX

    OK...which games to you have for the PS3?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:15:30 No.201714XXX


    GTA, Fallout 3, all COD-games, Far Cry, Heavy Rain, LittleBigPlanet, FIFA 08, 09, 10, Op. Flashpoint and Killzone 2 aaaand MGS4.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:16:15 No.201714XXX

    Oh btw, I'm currently downloading the GOWIII demo :)
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:16:56 No.201714XXX
    Oslo, ser på norsk romantisk komedie på tv2, ja jeg har så lite å gjøre...

    And to avoid complaints from the americanfags, a translation!
    Oslo, watching a Norwegian romantic comedy on tv, yes, I'm that bored..
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:17:49 No.201715XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:17:58 No.201715XXX
    (amerifag guy again)

    omg play Heavy Rain. Now.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:18:08 No.201715XXX
    Which games you have not finished?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:18:14 No.201715XXX

    Hvilken kanal?

    Hvorfor er du våken da bro?

    Translation: What channel?

    Why are you awake bro?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:18:50 No.201715XXX
    You know how I know your lying OP?

    >I've got a PS3 with quite a lot of games
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:19:43 No.201715XXX

    Lol alright. I finished it in the first day of release though..


    Operation Flashpoint, but that sucked.

    I think I'll do another Heavy Rain-story.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:19:48 No.201715XXX
    Oh you norfags are such nice people!

    lol <.<
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:20:52 No.201716XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:21:17 No.201716XXX
    for fuck's sakes, fap and go to bed norfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:21:56 No.201716XXX

    Already fapped like three times...

    Tried sleeping (even with rainymood as helper), but that didn't work.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:24:56 No.201717XXX
    Alright, playing Heavy Rain now.

    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:26:29 No.201717XXX
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    OP, skaff deg et liv, eller svelg ei kule
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:27:14 No.201717XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:27:51 No.201717XXX
    Get a life, or swallow a bullet
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:28:20 No.201718XXX
    Som sagt tv2, hvorfor? nææ ingen grunn, jobber fulltid så godt å slippe å tenke på jobb en dag eller to. være våken når jeg vil og sove når jeg vil.

    tv2. why? well, no reason really, I'm working full-time so it's good to have a couple of days of, and to sleep when I feel like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:28:47 No.201718XXX
    Drit i å oversett som en eller ana butthurt fag!
    Æ bryr mæ itj om amerikaneranj vet ka æ skriv!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:30:35 No.201718XXX

    sinnjte nordlændinjg
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:31:18 No.201718XXX
    Wrong! Trønder=D
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:32:05 No.201719XXX


    bodde i Trondheim for noen år tilbake.

    Good times. (ranheim)
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:35:08 No.201719XXX

    hva gjør du oppe så sent da ?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:35:46 No.201720XXX
    troll.. ps3 haz no gaems
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:36:33 No.201720XXX
    Quiet you!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:37:23 No.201720XXX
    wow that was a very polite way of saying stfu.. well done anon!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:37:52 No.201720XXX

    Hush you!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:38:48 No.201720XXX
    zomg he did it again!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:40:35 No.201721XXX

    Silencium you.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:41:06 No.201721XXX
    Oppe så sent, klokka er 1 her på Bali, hehe=D
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:41:19 No.201721XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:41:58 No.201721XXX

    Helvete gjør du der? Ferie ?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:44:15 No.201722XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:44:21 No.201722XXX
    Another Norwegian fellow sitting up late, eh?
    What's your PS3 Nick, eg vil spela me deg neste gang eg fyre ann opp. :P
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:44:54 No.201722XXX

    Faens nice.

    Hva studerer du da ?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:45:22 No.201722XXX
    Exphil, Exfac og kulturforståelse
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:45:30 No.201722XXX
    Play through Fallout! Twice!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:48:17 No.201723XXX
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    Nice !


    That's unpossible!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)23:49:15 No.201723XXX

    Lager en ny en i morgen. Gi meg din så adder jeg deg. Ok?

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