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    File : 1267213693.jpg-(30 KB, 305x598, 305px-AnonymousvsNewfagVert.jpg)
    30 KB Serious question newfag 02/26/10(Fri)14:48:13 No.201587XXX  
    Serious question. How long does newfag have to be newfag before he's not newfag anymore?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:49:24 No.201587XXX
    8 months with 1 hour of 4chan a day
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:50:28 No.201587XXX
    I've been here bout 4-5 hours a day since february 2009, but i'm still cancer.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:50:33 No.201587XXX
    the amount of time it takes for them to learn how to wipe their asses.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:51:16 No.201588XXX
    Depends on your mentality. With the 1 hour average, about 6 - 7 - 8 months.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:51:53 No.201588XXX
    My 2 year anniversary is coming up with about 3 hrs. a day. I am still cancerous tho.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:52:18 No.201588XXX
    never. lurk moar nigger
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:53:11 No.201588XXX
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    Hans Moleman Presents: Man Getting Hit By Football
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:53:25 No.201588XXX
    Only newfags think there's a chance they stop being newfags.
    >> newfag 02/26/10(Fri)14:53:51 No.201588XXX
    What if I tit pics I stole from my little sister?
    >> !WTkSZHjrL. 02/26/10(Fri)14:53:59 No.201588XXX
    oldfaggotry isnt dependant on the time, its dependant on the skill.
    >> newfag 02/26/10(Fri)14:54:51 No.201588XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:55:04 No.201588XXX
    You must get them to be level OVER 9000 and then make them happy. If you do it right your newfag will evolve :D
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:55:43 No.201589XXX
    I'm a newfag with an oldfag mentality.

    btw, what is triforce?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:55:49 No.201589XXX
    when you can follow rules 1 & 2
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:56:27 No.201589XXX
    when he has lurked enough
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:56:35 No.201589XXX
    been on here for 2 years now

    banned about 3-4 times

    I'll be modest and say I'm an agefag

    But I think if you laugh at any 4chan memes, you're a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:56:48 No.201589XXX

    You will always be a newfag
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:56:53 No.201589XXX
    newfags arent to do with time on /b/ it's how you act

    posting "win" "fail" "op is a fag" etc is newfaggotry
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:56:55 No.201589XXX

    im not even going to dig up a troll picture for that lame attempt. also double troll not working as im not going to rage at that lame attempt, just be dissapoint
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:57:13 No.201589XXX
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    never u will always be a newfag cunt
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:57:15 No.201589XXX
    Newfags cant become oldfags.

    Oldfags can only be oldfags.

    And they are only oldfags becuase they were here in 2003...
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:57:55 No.201589XXX
    You are an oldfag when you no longer feel the need to ask if you are an oldfag
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:57:58 No.201589XXX
    LOL at 'actual measurements' in this thread.
    But yeah who else lurks 8+ hours a day like I do most days? :D
    >>   02/26/10(Fri)14:58:04 No.201589XXX
    you can never lurk enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:58:26 No.201589XXX
    this thread is starting to be very homosexual
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:58:35 No.201589XXX

    i got a response, so it wasn't a total fail ;)
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:58:51 No.201589XXX
    People who were here before the last digits turned XXX are oldfags.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:58:57 No.201589XXX
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    Fail, newfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:59:03 No.201589XXX

    so did I
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:59:13 No.201589XXX
    Until you enjoy this: you are a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)14:59:54 No.201589XXX
    I was here during the scientology war, except I didnt know how to work 4chan and just thought it was GROSS pics like EWWWWWWW is what I would say. But I lurked all over goolgle and wikipedia and knew what it is.

    Now that im older I can look at SOME of the pics but not all. Am i a newfag or an oldfag???
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:00:27 No.201590XXX
    Newfag are oldfag are both arbitrarily determined terms that mean nothing in the old run.

    They're used by people with nothing better to do but boost their ego or try to tear down other people's.

    inb4 someone calls me a newfag
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:00:27 No.201590XXX
    7 years
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:00:28 No.201590XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:00:49 No.201590XXX
    This board has been the same since the beginning - memes and CP.

    The 'oldfags' are just miffed that their lolcats memes are now extinct and replaced by Fuck Yea's and FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU's..
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:01:19 No.201590XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:01:21 No.201590XXX
    newfag, obviously. Oldfags doesn't afraid of anythig
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:01:32 No.201590XXX
    can someone please anwser I need to brag to my friends that im one of them
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:01:35 No.201590XXX
    im a sad newfag, been surfin for about 6-7 hrs a day for 2 and a half months
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:02:17 No.201590XXX
    Newfag is newfag forever.
    But on imageboard, newfag becomes oldfag when all oldfags extinct or assimilate by newfaginess
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:03:20 No.201590XXX

    NOOO for real that is my story!!!! I think im like a mediumfag? cause techinically ive been here for years but only now do I lurk, and also I know all about getting rickrolled LOL
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:03:51 No.201590XXX
    No they're not. LEL
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:04:51 No.201591XXX

    Yes they are you wheff.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:04:59 No.201591XXX
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    ive been here for a few hours a day since 2007, in still a newfag
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:05:28 No.201591XXX
    Making OC yet? DO IT FAGGOT.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:05:33 No.201591XXX
    i don't give a rats ass about being old- or newfag.
    i just think /b/ is awesome and thats why i'm here.
    5 hours per day, for about half a year, btw
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:05:49 No.201591XXX
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    There are so many crappy attempts in this thread. This is embarrassing
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:06:21 No.201591XXX
    until he doesn't care about being called a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:06:23 No.201591XXX
    It's not about how long if all you're learning here is the cancer that has infected /b/. You need to have been here since 4 fucking years ago to be an oldfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:06:31 No.201591XXX

    A newfag isn't something concerning time. Its concerning conduct. Be respectful, troll the trolls, and needs moar pooper.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:06:38 No.201591XXX
    Some just troll harder, and enjoy the change.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:07:24 No.201591XXX
    /v/ is that way --->
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:07:32 No.201591XXX
    Oldfag cutoff was years ago, it's impossible. You are all scene now.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:09:25 No.201591XXX

    Only newfags say newfag

    Now you've got something to think about
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:09:44 No.201591XXX
    i do this, i still consider myself a newfag, its all about the knowledge man, all about the knowledge
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:10:28 No.201592XXX
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    I haz been lurkin like 12+ hours a days for a year.. so like 4380 hours or moar. Can I haz oldfag yet?
    >>   02/26/10(Fri)15:11:12 No.201592XXX
    ITT: Newfags pretending to be oldfags
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:11:17 No.201592XXX
    I've been here since the spring of 2008.
    I don't care for doubles, gets, post number gets, camwhores, raff u ruse, or bawksy.

    Am i an newfag guys?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:13:20 No.201592XXX
    lurking wont help because everything you see is cancer and learning from it causes more cancer

    you have no idea what youre talking about


    also there is a difference between newfags and cancer. it just happens to be that all the newfags ARE cancer
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:14:03 No.201592XXX
    yes but atleast youre not cancer
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:14:17 No.201592XXX
    /b/ was never good
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:14:46 No.201593XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:14:46 No.201593XXX
    over 6 years 12 hrs a day
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:15:56 No.201593XXX
    Yes, though not very cancerous. But you know that already.

    ITT: Why the fuck are we even in here guiz? LEL

    Bai guise
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:16:38 No.201593XXX
    ive been here since 2002.
    this what you speak of is something you dont talk about.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:17:43 No.201593XXX
    until hes not acting like a newfag anymore, newfag..
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:18:00 No.201593XXX
    >> Bocaj !!1rS9ZD9rHIp 02/26/10(Fri)15:19:08 No.201593XXX
    If you joined after post No. 10M, you are a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:20:20 No.201594XXX
    GTFO Jacob
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:20:28 No.201594XXX
    your all newfags this isnt the location of anonymous anymore
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:21:08 No.201594XXX
    OP, let me give you an honest answer. Newfags become oldfags after one year. Some may say six or two years. But the debate between the age limits of old and newfags are still rages on because it's subjective.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:21:54 No.201594XXX
    if you are still asking that, you are a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:22:22 No.201594XXX
    Then how come I see this when Googling /b/?

    >/b/ is the home of Anonymous, it is where people go to discuss random topics on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:22:45 No.201594XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:22:57 No.201594XXX
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    >> !!v6sreQfahq2 02/26/10(Fri)15:23:35 No.201594XXX
    you stop being a newfag once you learned how to post :D
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:23:40 No.201594XXX
    ITT: newfags for life
    >> o wow google Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:23:59 No.201594XXX
    /b/ - Random

    "b/ is the home of Anonymous, it is where people go to discuss random topics on 4chan."
    >> satania !!RNGETtXeP0m 02/26/10(Fri)15:25:50 No.201595XXX
    it is unrelated to time,
    matter-a-fact, asking it is very newfaggy from you.
    its a state of mind and it is a character, it is not an age.
    you can be an old newfag, or a new oldfag, it really is about the mentality.
    >> newfag 02/26/10(Fri)15:29:02 No.201595XXX
    OP here, and I'm a still a newfag because I don't post anonymously. Also, I suck cocks.
    >> newfag 02/26/10(Fri)15:32:12 No.201596XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:34:10 No.201597XXX
    you guys need to go to other boards

    /b/ is just a bunch of tripfags and cancer
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:34:50 No.201597XXX
    There's no such thing as a newfag or an oldfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:35:25 No.201597XXX
    This clown will always be a newfag.

    I've been on /b/ long enough to have seen the more common known memes and such be spoken by people IRL who havn't a fucking clue what a chan is. Let alone what trolling is, and how there's now a good portion of trolls on facebook groups upsetting young teenager mothers and such.

    You just have to put on that suit when you're on /b/ know what to say, don't be you, be anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)15:35:27 No.201597XXX
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    if you need to brag you are def not oldfag...
    tits of gtfo

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