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  • Since I've been on a Q&A kick in /a/ and /r9k/ recently, I've decided to set up a formspring account for publicly answering 4chan related questions. You'll find it linked in the navbar as "?", and located here: Also, if you use Twitter, please follow @4chan. As always, I can be contacted via e-mail at (Despite the common misconception, I check it frequently and read every message I receive. Nobody seems to e-mail me about anything other than being banned though ;_;)
    EDIT: Site went down due to a hardware issue. Should be fixed now.

    File : 1267162565.jpg-(73 KB, 334x237, Abu.jpg)
    73 KB Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:36:05 No.201437XXX  
    Why are these classic meme so random? They confused me. Shoop da Whoop, FGSFDS.
    What? What kind of people were you guys in the old days that you happened to created meme like these?
    Oh well, I'm expecting some newfags to explain this to me. But I want answer from real oldfags
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:38:39 No.201438XXX
    Most of them were gets. A couple years ago /b/ was alot slower, so gets had alot more importance.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:39:17 No.201438XXX
    /b/ still have it's old memes. We recently have new memes and catchphrases such as ones for Epic Beard Man and such. Problem is that oldfags will say "/b/ was never good."
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:39:42 No.201438XXX
    As dumb as they were, I miss the old memes. Whatever happened to Desu spam?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:39:54 No.201438XXX
    >>201438461 Most of them were gets. A couple years ago /b/ was alot slower, so gets had alot more importance.
    You sound like a newfag. totally unreliable answer!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:40:34 No.201438XXX

    what do you mean by gets?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:41:20 No.201439XXX
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    Shoop the what now?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:41:21 No.201439XXX
    You really think so? When's the last time someone used Twinkie House. Or even EFG. I have seen a resurgence in Orange Transparent Chainsaw, but I was never a huge fan of that one.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:41:42 No.201439XXX
    Back then it was called /b/- Anime & Random. But in some point around 2005-2006 /b/ transitioned over from Anime to real life shit.

    The 4chanarchive do have some threads from 2006 and beyond before fox news exposed /b/ (and by extention 4chan). Problem is that for threads before that're on your own.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:41:51 No.201439XXX
    >>201438643 oldfags will say "/b/ was never good."
    Only newfag say that. or those people who came to 4chan in 2007 and thought it was the old /b/. Stupid cunts.
    Try to be on 4chan back then. You wouldn't say it was never good. I made a thread in /a/ and even old /b/tardz in /a/. they nostalgia about the good old /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:41:52 No.201439XXX
    Like, 10000000, etc. The post number.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:42:38 No.201439XXX
    Still there, but it happens rarely.

    Yeah, you're definitely a newfag. Are you?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:43:45 No.201439XXX
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    10m is about right
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:43:51 No.201439XXX
    I bet most of the old /b/tards matured out to /a/ or to the other *chans?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:44:57 No.201440XXX
    none of them are funny until they are reposted like 98498474 times

    cool story bro just appeared, better than shoop da woop

    advice dog and variations are on par with some like the old mudkips copypasta

    fuuu guy is at least as good as the get to the cake meme

    they are just reposted over and over until newfags 3 years later worship it to be cool

    been here since like 2006ish its what i noticed
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:45:54 No.201440XXX

    Matured. bahahahahahahhahahah you best be trollin
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:47:24 No.201441XXX
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    I just spent the last twenty minutes rubbing a twelve year old girl's bare chest.

    "How?" you ask. Well apparently there are a select few contexts within which such an action is acceptable. For instance, if your niece has a hacking cough and your sister asks you to "put some of this on her" while she calls the doctor.

    "Putting some of this on hear" meant using my bare hands to rub this vapor ointment shit all over her BARE NAKED CHEST. My heartbeat is still all erratic from it. I had a boner the size of manhattan the entire time. She's sleeping now and I guess she feels better because she stopped coughing.

    Details: She's about 5 feet tall, has long brown hair, a cute face, a thin waist and long skinny legs. She's in jammies I think because although I'm pretty shaken up right now I know I unbuttoned something before I went at it.

    God I feel so great. I just rubbed my hands lal over her FUCKING TITS, you guys. Well the puffy parts of her chest anyway. Her nipples got hard. I just about wept tears of joy.

    I didn't do anything else because I'm a coward and rubbing was enough. Plus it was legal and I didn't technically do anything wrong, so I'm in the clear.

    I'd write more but I seriously have to go fap while the memory is fresh in my head.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:49:03 No.201441XXX
    in 3.5 years of browsing /b/ i have never seen anything so brilliant or random as girugameshGuy.jpg. none of your oldfag/newfag shit will ever top this meme.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:49:35 No.201441XXX
    >>201439948 I bet most of the old /b/tards matured out to /a/ or to the other *chans?
    Yeah, but /a/ is too serious. And always have been a place for anime expert. /b/ was for animefags to get retarded and create lulzy shopped pics. None of that DESU spam is allowed on /a/ so they did it on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:49:36 No.201441XXX

    Aww now you made me sad that I haven't seen a get the caek thread in like 5 months... :(

    Also the older memes you've listed there, I'd have to say are better than the comparisons you've made. (I'm guilty of being here on and off again since 2007)
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:50:11 No.201441XXX
    fgsfds was just an image macro (you faggots remember those? you know, the things before all those gay advice dog things?) of a news reporter making a fffff face while stuttering, he was obviously saying "fgsfds" at the time. it took on because it was posted a lot and it was a very catchy thing to say in moments of retardation.

    shoop da woop...uh...i think that joke originates with racism? that was back when "bix nood" was really popular, which was a racist image explaining that blacks speak jibberish while using cell phones, and cell from dragon ball z has blackface "makeup" mspaint'd onto him, so i assume it's a reference to bix nood. that became popular because it was a good interception to "immacharginmahlazer.jpg", which was sort of a predecessor to inb4's.
    >> Narcoleptic Insomniac !UvCORVPKEI 02/26/10(Fri)00:51:10 No.201442XXX
    /b/ never was good.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:51:12 No.201442XXX
    Alright, for old time's sakes, lets post old memes. and don't complain like a bosnian kid if you don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:51:14 No.201442XXX
    If there was some way to get the old /b/ threads from 2004-2006 and dump them at a website. Does anyone have them in a personal archive?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:51:55 No.201442XXX
    cheer up bosnian kid. one cannot simply post old memes into mordor
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:52:52 No.201442XXX
    one does not simply walk into a giant gaping vagina the size of a hallway
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:53:11 No.201442XXX
    GirugameshGuy actually came from /cgl/. It passed onto /a/, /v/ and finally /b/. /b/tards them amplifyed the meme at that point.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:53:53 No.201442XXX
    they are only funnier cause they are more classic and havent seen in awhile

    if the world doesnt end in 1012 i bet in 2013 or someshit people will be like OMG NEWFAGS DONT KNOW ABOUT MY BACHELOR FROG OR BOXksY CHAN BEST MEMES EVAR

    the thing that kill sme is when people attempt things like combos or doubles or #fortune godly luck

    cause then you just get massive amounts of shit to sift through
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:54:40 No.201443XXX
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    dumber than a bag of hammers at the bottom of a frozen lake
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:54:46 No.201443XXX
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    The name of the forum is "random"
    Therefore, our memes will be random.

    Ever wonder where LOLcats came from? They originated on 4chan, thats right, here

    Every now and then, someone will say something extremely epic, or so lame it just has to be noted, or somebody will do something that catches on and just wont let go (see pic).
    Some memes die, some live on, but the whole reason they exist is because theyre popular and entertaining, get it?

    ps, apparently im oldfag, nut even after three years people call me newfag every now and then, so what do i know?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:56:02 No.201443XXX
    who was girugameshGuy?

    you could say that, but im not the same as op that was someone else
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:56:39 No.201443XXX
    back in my day, we didn't call people newfags, the word hadn't been coined yet
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:56:42 No.201443XXX

    Yeah you're probably right. It might just be nostalgia.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:56:45 No.201443XXX
    i accidentally a 94mb rar

    is there any way i can get it back?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:56:46 No.201443XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:57:14 No.201443XXX

    hurr durr
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:57:14 No.201443XXX
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    the problem with memes is that no one really knows what makes a meme good. It's an awful lot like telling a joke that was awesome when you were drunk at the party but somehow you had to be there. So in essence we only have so many good memes because if you throw enough shit at a wall some of it's bound to stick.

    and Sorry /b/ has never been good
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:58:07 No.201444XXX
    is this dangerous?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:58:11 No.201444XXX
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    When you see it

    you'll shit bricks
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:58:19 No.201444XXX
    I'm really glad that American Psycho guy meme is dead and buried. It was just pure cancer, just pure cancer of the highest order. He was killed once but someone kept doing it.
    >> ­ 02/26/10(Fri)00:58:28 No.201444XXX
    You wanna hear a real oldfag answer? Well, here it is: Because you are thinking about it in detail and contemplating the fact of how these come about as such instead of going along with it make you a newfaggotry, which we highly don't require in this board.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:58:53 No.201444XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)00:59:15 No.201444XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)01:00:12 No.201444XXX
    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)01:00:21 No.201444XXX
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    How one pines for the days of yore
    >> Anonymous 02/26/10(Fri)01:01:12 No.201444XXX
    cracky :( /b/'s only true queen

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