02/25/10(Thu)06:14:05 No. 201244XXX File1267096445.jpg -(261
KB, 1040x1982, sarah.jpg ) >>201243056 actually
i'm not the same as the other and yes i did misspell but that is
because my late night evony playing is more important that telling you
how miserable your life is. also, honest to fucking god truth?
I'm 28, married to a pretty cute chick who is hella cool, i have a very
healthy 3 year old son, i own a small company specializing in
communications, which i started without borrowing any money or
completing college, i dropped in my second year when my wife got prego,
and i probably net about 75 k every 4 months, actually i just got my
1099 in and that is accurate. my little brother is in his 5 year
of accounting studies at a well renowned college in Seattle and he
fucking hates it, says it is the most boring thing he could possibly
imagine. u see the difference between fags like you and fags like
me is that you "desire" recognition from anon's to validate your sorry
existence in life, sure u may fuck a cute chick here and there, sure u
may have a few bucks, but let me tell u something 3 series fag, your
car, your attitude, your life, are all a part of the cookie cutter
"wannabe" lifestyle that everyone hates. the sad part about it is that
you 'tote" it around like it's the greatest fucking accomplishment ever
and anon's should bow down to you, when in fact, you probably will, if
you don't already have a drug problem because you seek excitement to
drag you away from your exceedingly monotonous and mundane life. we
don't envy you because you fail at life, and, if i we're to ever see you
in real life, would probably not even give you the time of day because
you look like and act like all the fags that people like us hate. so get
fucked and stfu already cuz no one here gives a fuck about you, or me
for that matter. pic related it's my wife of 5 years, and p.s., i
have a very nice car, but it's probably not your style becuz all the
other wannabe corporate fags like you only respect bmw's or benz's.