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  • why the fuck does "wutchan" continue to spam us? they're as bad as anontalk.

    File : 1267027264.jpg-(18 KB, 288x262, sandc.jpg)
    18 KB Masons Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:01:04 No.200959XXX  
    Any one of you degenerates a Mason? I'm being Entered tonight.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:02:10 No.200959XXX
    I am and have been a 32 degree for over 20 years.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:02:24 No.200959XXX
    Watch out for the buttsex. Best kept secret of the ritual.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:03:25 No.200959XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:03:41 No.200959XXX

    Which? SR or YR?
    >> ­Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:04:26 No.200960XXX
    I'm not a "mason", but I'm pretty good for an amateur. This spring I'm starting on a concrete patio, which is going to have two sets of brick steps, an outdoor Rumford fireplace and barbecue, and a wood fired bake oven.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:05:26 No.200960XXX
    mason have lost a lot of powerful standings every since some douche bags have running their mouth about who they are and what they being doing but hey have fun with the butt sex and boy scout outings
    >> ­Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:06:08 No.200960XXX
    Are you going to get one of those tiny cars?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:07:38 No.200960XXX

    That's the shriners, you join them after you're a mason.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:08:37 No.200960XXX

    You'll be "entered" all right. Prepare for the ass-raping of a lifetime. Bring a sponge.
    >> ­Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:11:22 No.200961XXX
    What can I expect? What are some of the rituals?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:12:26 No.200961XXX

    OP Here: I wouldn't be as stupid to ask about the rituals and expect an answer...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:14:22 No.200961XXX

    aside from skull raep they are pretty boring

    the best you could do would be to expect nothing apart from people in aprons and gangbangs with black candels
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:14:24 No.200961XXX
    masons are faggots

    the whole brotherhood is based on the occult though now its now just a social club for crusty old rich white ppl
    >> ­Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:14:26 No.200961XXX

    OP here: This guy is impersonating me. I really do want to know about the rituals. I think it's time for all this secrecy to stop. It's childish. When I become a Mason I intend to be open with people about what we do. After all, we're grownups, and it's a little silly.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:15:19 No.200961XXX

    Is this a Test ?

    I'm the real OP, this guy is impersonating me
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:16:20 No.200961XXX
    Lol my thread has been hijacked by multiple OP's
    >> ­Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:16:45 No.200962XXX

    This guy is impersonating me. After all, who takes all this goofy ritual stuff seriously in this day and age? It's not plausible.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:16:48 No.200962XXX
    A few hundred years ago they would actually kill you for revealing their secrets. Now they'll shun you.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:17:03 No.200962XXX
    this is part of the test ppl. the masons have to make it aware on a public forum. he's probabally telling his family and everything too.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:17:24 No.200962XXX
    OP here. I would like to admit here that I am indeed a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:17:38 No.200962XXX

    here fucktard
    >> ­Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:17:49 No.200962XXX
    OP here. What the hell is going on? I go get a coffee and I come back and there are like four posts from fake OP's hijacking my thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:17:50 No.200962XXX
    Im the OP who the hell are you guys?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:18:02 No.200962XXX
    Has OP really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:18:14 No.200962XXX


    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:18:27 No.200962XXX
    I am the OP Spartacus
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:18:37 No.200962XXX

    Dude...people bring their girlfriends, wives and children and friends to the dinners. The dinners are open to the public, you are asked to leave before they do their stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:18:47 No.200962XXX
    someone explain this to me in a nutshell

    i know its a club, and theres masonrys all over the (world ?)

    is that it ?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:18:49 No.200962XXX
    Masons have been missed by hitlar.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:19:09 No.200962XXX
    OP here and what the fuck, my thread is full of samefaggoting degenaretes
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:19:39 No.200962XXX
    Op here: I don't know who this bunch of faggots pretending to be me are. But seriously, I'm gay so perfectly comfy being spit roasted by two crusty old men.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:19:58 No.200962XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:20:04 No.200962XXX
    OP here, I have nothing to do with all the aforementioned posts.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:20:19 No.200962XXX
    OP here, i must say that i like to take it in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:20:27 No.200962XXX

    A club that promotes charity and good faith among men while using symbolism to teach men how to better themselves.
    >> ­Real OP 02/24/10(Wed)11:20:55 No.200962XXX
    Very funny, faggots. I didn't come here looking for secrets, I just wanted to brag about becoming a Mason. GTFO
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:21:01 No.200962XXX
    Freemasons? Ha Ha Ha, you suck, son. I'm part of /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:21:32 No.200962XXX

    OP here, it's quite like raelians.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:22:00 No.200962XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:22:09 No.200962XXX
    Op here, REAL op: so being a mason involves weird rituals?? Fuck wish I didn't get into it now...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:22:33 No.200963XXX
    OP here
    Im trying to talk about being a mason
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:22:50 No.200963XXX
    at one time 92% of Congress were masons

    the good old boys club
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:23:01 No.200963XXX
    my grandpa was mason but i don't intend on being one
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:23:09 No.200963XXX
    the main difference between being a mason and being raelian is that you don't know when your kids are buttraped...
    >> ­Real OP 02/24/10(Wed)11:23:09 No.200963XXX
    Oh, do they allow girls?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:23:24 No.200963XXX
    Op here: >>200959276 sums it up pretty perfectly
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:23:35 No.200963XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:23:51 No.200963XXX

    Fraternity, no women.

    Women have OEA, Order of the Eastern Star
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:24:21 No.200963XXX
    I'm Real OP. Am I really going to get fucked up the ass tonight?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:24:47 No.200963XXX
    some have given there families to the masons. they mindwarp yours kids and wives. and they do all the prepare work for free. just as bad a scientology, without the aliens.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:25:16 No.200963XXX
    OP not here
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:25:18 No.200963XXX

    What about MTF transexuals? I'm MTF transexual.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:25:19 No.200963XXX
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    Lenny: It's a secret

    Carl: SHUTUP
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:25:38 No.200963XXX
    mason are faggots...
    with ur litle costume parties, ur litle skirts and faggot poetry...
    i bet its just a cock sucking conspiracy for faggots that didnt get out of the closet yet...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:25:46 No.200963XXX

    Actually I don't know anything yet...I gotta show up tonight at 5:30 for all that info, 7 dinner and 8 ritual.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:25:53 No.200963XXX

    What the fuck did I join for?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:26:03 No.200963XXX
    OP here, I enjoy self-mutilation. I'm a raging faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:27:02 No.200963XXX

    Because of how it destroyed him?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:27:34 No.200963XXX
    Troll, unlike b, masons dont talk about masons
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:27:34 No.200963XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:28:02 No.200963XXX
    Nothing will take place that you would be ashamed of your daughter, wife or mother seeing. Although they never will.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:28:40 No.200964XXX

    I DONT know the responses or choreography yet thats the thing. Tonight!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:28:50 No.200964XXX
    OP here: are you all masons?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:29:06 No.200964XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:29:36 No.200964XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:29:42 No.200964XXX
    lol if nobody else in your life accepts you, why would the masons
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:29:50 No.200964XXX

    they can't see those things, they are unconscious while being raped.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:29:55 No.200964XXX
    My wife and I are Masons. I was entered because my father was a Mason his father was a Mason and so on.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:30:05 No.200964XXX
    OP here. Is it blood-in, blood-out?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:30:42 No.200964XXX
    Naw, we're all Clampers
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:30:50 No.200964XXX
    im the op and so is my wife
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:31:07 No.200964XXX

    You will soon enough.

    If you're being Entered tonight, you're taking the first of the three Blue Lodge degrees.

    Entered, Passed, and then Raised.

    Come back and let us know how you liked the Master Mason degree, and if you ever caught the guy who knocked you down.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:31:07 No.200964XXX
    OP: Take hidden video. Post pics.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:32:13 No.200964XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:32:39 No.200964XXX
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    I love this shit. "I'm being entered tonight."
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:33:08 No.200964XXX
    I LOL'ED
    thank u good sir
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:33:13 No.200964XXX

    The Hiram rebirth thing? I hate the internet sometimes I did too much reading.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:33:46 No.200964XXX
    OP here, I like to get skull fucked.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:36:01 No.200965XXX

    Oh, and have fun getting your anus ENTERED by four niggers simultaneously tonight.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:36:20 No.200965XXX
    OP here, all you guys impersonating me, is this part of the Mason initiation?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:36:26 No.200965XXX
    Oh, and don't forget to lube first!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:36:36 No.200965XXX
    which lodges have phallic rituals in them involving oral sex, either with robes on or glory holes? (serious question here)
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:36:57 No.200965XXX

    I could ask you the same question, "OP"
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:38:18 No.200965XXX

    Yes sir I'm stateside and my lodge falls under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Florida. They're a bit slower, they require a background check by a company and it took me about 4 months from petition to investigations committee. A past master visited my home.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:38:53 No.200965XXX
    my father is a mason, and his father before him, and probably his father before him. most of the relatives I know are masons, which says alot because I know about 200 people that are like 5 times removed from me. got alot of old people in my family tree, and G-Dubbs was even related by marriage. dunno how to become a mason, nobody's ever told me anything about it, even after I turned 18, and I have no Idea how to find a lodge. any help?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:39:18 No.200965XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:40:57 No.200966XXX

    I thought you didn't want to know any secrets, "OP"

    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:41:18 No.200966XXX
    implying the Masons let niggers into the organizaation.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:41:33 No.200966XXX
    Be an individual
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:41:44 No.200966XXX

    Google your city and 'masonic lodge'...they prolly have a site. Call them or email them about attending a meeting, they'll invite you to must ask them for a petition to join.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:42:17 No.200966XXX
    seriously dude? you're either fucking retarded or cant use the internet. probably both.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:43:23 No.200966XXX
    >nobody's ever told me anything about it

    That's because it's a SECRET, birdbrain.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:43:34 No.200966XXX
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    she got her brains fucked out at a masons weekend retreat.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:43:59 No.200966XXX
    thanks, I'll try that. also, how involved is it? do I have to attend meeting incredibly regularly? are there compulsory donations?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:44:18 No.200966XXX
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    use a fucking tripcode next time faggot and your thread won't get hijacked. fuck this is the first thing in a month on 4chan that i actually wanted to read that wasn't wincest copypasta
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:45:30 No.200966XXX
    This guy is impersonating me. I DID want to find wincest copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:45:49 No.200966XXX

    IM A NOOB WTF IS A TRIPCODE. I obviously posted this thread because I wanted to talk about it too, enlighten me.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:46:07 No.200966XXX
    No, you hardly have to show up for any meetings at all. We're pretty laid back about that.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:46:15 No.200966XXX
    I was under the impression that I could be one already because dad & etc were? again, thats just rumor, because nobody ever talks to me about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:46:35 No.200967XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:46:50 No.200967XXX
    to become one you must ask one
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:47:32 No.200967XXX
    Your dad already was? Then you're in automatically. All you have to do is come pick up your cufflinks.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:47:35 No.200967XXX
    All Masons I know are poor as fuck.

    The craft has really taken a huge nose dive in the last couple decades.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:47:40 No.200967XXX

    Any man of good moral values that believes in a supreme being is eligible to join. I'm the one being Entered tonight and none of my family are Masons, NOT ONE. I pursued it because my History degree and Classics Minor got me interested in neoclassicism and the Masonic founding of America.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:48:10 No.200967XXX

    Sorry to break it to you buddy, but if they haven't approached you then they don't think you are a fit or suitable candidate. Simple as that.

    Basic pre-requisites are a steady long term job, preferably married with kids or kids planned for near future, and just basically not being a fucking asshat in any way. A stable life and no issues like law trouble, drugs or anything controversial in your past.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:49:24 No.200967XXX
    Rudyard Kipling was a mason.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:50:10 No.200967XXX
    NO....I am the OP SPARTACUS
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:50:41 No.200967XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:51:19 No.200967XXX

    How did you know about my legal and drug troubles? Would a statutory rape conviction be a problem? Also possession with intent and aggravated assault on a minor?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:51:50 No.200967XXX

    If you've been convicted you aint getting in buddy.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:53:28 No.200968XXX
    I was WRONGFULLY convicted.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:54:12 No.200968XXX
    also, my dad/g'pa/uncles have diffeerent rings that they always wear with the mason symbol on it. can you tell me the difference between the ones with the red, the white, and the blue gemmed ones? or is that secret? or just something personal?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:54:18 No.200968XXX
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    Here's a lovely picture of George Washington laying the cornerstone for the US Capitol building. Note his Masonic regalia...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:55:48 No.200968XXX
    The Masons are so retarded. I know a guy I was in the Army with that is one and he is the biggest idiot short fused drunk asshole I've ever met. He's changed since he joined, but they should have never let him in based on his past transgressions. He told me you have to believe in a higher power to join and I told him I would never join a club so stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:56:12 No.200968XXX

    How the fuck is he supposed to lay the cornerstone without Masonic regalia? HE'S WORKING WITH FUCKING MASONRY.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:57:06 No.200968XXX
    And here is the relief on the roof of the Capitol Building Rotunda, note George Washington being elevated to the status of a god, surrounded by the Gods of the Greek Pantheon. If only the Christians had any idea...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:57:14 No.200968XXX
    more info: my dad wears one with a blue gem that has gold mason symbol embedded, my one uncle has red w/ silver symbol, and my grandpa had a white ring w/gold symbol, when he passed away my dad started wearing that one instead of his blue one more often.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:57:15 No.200968XXX
    we had a closet mason in my unit. We outed him, and they processed his disloyal ass right out, he had to pay back the college money they already gave him too

    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:57:41 No.200968XXX

    I'm really poor because I majored in shit so I figured that maybe I'd sell myself for sex to old rich men.

    This is real OP
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:57:48 No.200968XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:57:54 No.200968XXX
    Awesome pic dude.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:58:02 No.200968XXX
    My dad is a mason
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:58:03 No.200968XXX
    Only brick layers can join the masonry guild?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:58:28 No.200968XXX
    What about Flying Spaghetti Monster?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)11:59:05 No.200969XXX


    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:00:50 No.200969XXX

    Initially yes, as a means of transferring ancient knowledge of building vast structures like the Cathedrals found in Europe from the Middle Ages. They opened their doors eventually to Intellectuals and any men of good moral composition.

    Now anyone may join.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:01:30 No.200969XXX
    Is there a background check? I mean if I don't tell them about my criminal record, is there any way they're going to find out. I don't really think it's any of their business.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:02:47 No.200969XXX

    In Florida I had to do a background check, as far as I know Florida is the only state with such a requirement. They will dig though, you have to go before an investigations committee and answer questions and some masons WILL come visit you in your home to discuss what you are getting into.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:02:54 No.200969XXX
    LGRA bowing out - OP you will enjoy the craft and it is something you will be very proud of in years to come.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:04:24 No.200969XXX
    So like

    What is the point of the Masons?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:05:00 No.200970XXX
    whats the point of any club / society?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:05:21 No.200970XXX
    >men of good moral composition
    > /b/
    ... fail?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:05:28 No.200970XXX

    To be faggots?
    >> Annonymoose 02/24/10(Wed)12:05:59 No.200970XXX
    Wow, I would have thought that posting on 4chan would have been instant disqualification for joining the Masons. Did they check your computer for a CP stash?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:07:12 No.200970XXX
    Every carreer group had its own guild, what happened to the other guilds?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:07:42 No.200970XXX

    I dont think most of them even use the internet...

    I'm 23 and its only me and 2 other young guys, other than that its essentially all old people. Their fraternity is hurting for members....I saw like 6 50 year awards and 4 60 year awards given out at dinner a few weeks ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:08:41 No.200970XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:08:51 No.200970XXX
    they're called "unions" now
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:09:10 No.200970XXX

    They became unions and other associations like the American Medical Association
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:09:10 No.200970XXX
    same in the uk sadly. I'm 45 and one of the younger members in my lodges.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:10:02 No.200970XXX

    even newfags. go figure what they're worth then
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:10:51 No.200971XXX
    masons isnt all illuminati and other bullshit

    its an old mans drinking club
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)12:11:40 No.200971XXX

    >its an old mans sodomy club


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