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  • why the fuck does "wutchan" continue to spam us? they're as bad as anontalk.

    File : 1267013335.jpg-(13 KB, 316x237, 506637-trinity-bates.jpg)
    13 KB Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:08:55 No.200926XXX  
    "Meanwhile, four people are under investigation over pornographic and other offensive posts made on Facebook tribute pages for Trinity.

    Site administrators have removed the offensive content and closed down one site following a request from police.

    Police say they are investigating four people over the posts but so far there's not enough evidence to charge anyone.

    It's the second time in a week that police have been faced with what Queensland Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson has called disgusting and sick behaviour.

    On Monday last week, officers worked to have pornography and other offensive content wiped from Facebook tribute pages for Elliott Fletcher, 12, who was stabbed to death at a Brisbane school"

    So whos under investigation from the police then /b/? has to be one of you.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:11:19 No.200927XXX
    i'm an ausfag but i'm innocent, honestly i rekon it's a pretty low thing even for /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:11:52 No.200927XXX
    too far /b/ too far
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:12:49 No.200927XXX
    haha you'll never catch me coppers.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:12:53 No.200927XXX
    raiding a 12yr stab victims facebook memorial eh /b/?

    newfags will do anything to look cool i guess
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:15:31 No.200927XXX
    fucking new fags, it's not even about having morals, to that shit isn't even human you sick fucks
    >> Anon !dTEHxLUlZY 02/24/10(Wed)07:16:31 No.200927XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:16:45 No.200927XXX
    Back in my day we payed respects at tombstones not on some shitty website.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:17:19 No.200927XXX
    wrong fag, i posted 1 of them
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:18:51 No.200928XXX
    there was a candlelight vigil for here, you should have gone to that if you wanted to make an effort
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:19:44 No.200928XXX
    i'm 12 and what is this?

    a knife
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:19:54 No.200928XXX
    White knighters

    You should have seen some of the stuff people were posting about the guy who dun it, i don't think /b/ could have thought of half that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:20:11 No.200928XXX
    Awww I mised another epic raid......FUCK!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:20:47 No.200928XXX
    oh, and who is Baz Tard? he's pretty much famous.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:21:29 No.200928XXX

    Nah, wasn't epic, was pretty shit and chill, by my counting there was 10 or so.

    we just got on the news again though
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:21:46 No.200928XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:22:50 No.200928XXX
    Why the fuck would someone make a facebook memorial? Is a gravestone too costly for you? "Oh, our poor baby died! In this economy, we can't afford to bury her, so we're going to sell her body to science and give her a memorial facebook page instead!"
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:22:55 No.200928XXX
    So just because they raged about the killing of an eight year old girl and talked a bunch of trash about what they'd do to whoever is responsible (understandable) that someone justifies a bunch of neckbeards posting scat porn?


    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:23:06 No.200928XXX
    leave the girl alone, go for the mentally challenged (media called him that) kid who killed her.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:24:43 No.200928XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:24:44 No.200928XXX

    Stop samefagging
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:24:46 No.200928XXX
    Woulda killed the little bitch myself if I'd known there be so many lolz.
    >> MICROPHONEMIKE !!s41IrDaInxl 02/24/10(Wed)07:26:04 No.200928XXX
    Fuck off moralfags bitching about "too far" as there is NO such thing as too far when it comes to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:26:38 No.200928XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:26:50 No.200928XXX
    Aww she was a cutie...
    *wipes blood from knife with dick*
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:27:01 No.200929XXX
    Although it's disgusting, there's nothing illegal about posting porn on a tribute page. Period.

    Maybe in AU it is, but not in the US, and it wouldn't be illegal across national borders either.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:27:34 No.200929XXX
    samefag, whatever your out numbered on this one cunt
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:28:17 No.200929XXX
    This is really poor form. I've been on /b/ for a long time but this really is a new low.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:29:16 No.200929XXX
    Here, here. You can hardly gain the moral highground here. Why was the 12 year old's death any different from the bogans who hit the pole.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:29:28 No.200929XXX
    Yeah one of you sick fucks did it.. pretty tough behind your computer screens and the internets amirite.. Publicly confess you fucking diseases.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:30:37 No.200929XXX

    /b/ has been lower than low for a long time, i don't think a tiny little trolling mission could push us down any further.
    >> M_Henderson !H2opjANA/2 02/24/10(Wed)07:31:17 No.200929XXX
    You buncha newfags defacing that tribute is retarded.That child was murdered, he didn't kill himself over some ipod, this is why we can't have nice things anymore /b/.
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:31:41 No.200929XXX
    That is one sexy loli. To bad someone killed her. He should have just fucked her.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:32:11 No.200929XXX
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    Trolls pretending to be moral fags.

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:33:14 No.200929XXX
    so whats so tragic about trinity bates
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:33:15 No.200929XXX
    There is nothing that /b/ can do that will shock us.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:35:24 No.200929XXX
    Meh, doesn't sound like /b/. Maybe a bunch of kids in Australia who fire up the old troll cannons whenever someone gets killed here.

    At least in "Henderson and the iPod" we had some style. It's not about morals, it's just about style and lack of style.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:36:00 No.200930XXX
    I choked on my cake.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:36:44 No.200930XXX

    I always think of this whenever someone says "lol trolled" or something when i make an educated logical post in reply to someones stupid shit. I just know they read what i typed, realized they were outgunned in every way. That my post made more sense (or actually made sense, depending) and that they agreed with all, or nearly all of what i said. That i completely destroyed their point, then shit on the remnants. That everyone who read my post instantly thought the person i replied to was an imbicile who should not be allowed to procreate.

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:37:25 No.200930XXX
    fuck, so i;m guessing there aren't any tribute pages on facebook now? i feel like trolling...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:38:14 No.200930XXX
    i think trolling the page of a dead little girl
    who was murdered is low even for /b/.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:40:08 No.200930XXX
    Elliot Fletch was a "bully" and the person who stabbed him was a straight A student... can anyone else see the conenction... fucker deserved it
    >> M_Henderson !H2opjANA/2 02/24/10(Wed)07:40:53 No.200930XXX
    proof of this statement?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:41:10 No.200930XXX
    lol, trolled.

    everyone dies, some are just unlucky enough to end up with a meat cleaver through their chest at the age of 12.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:42:03 No.200930XXX
    OP here

    no one answered my question

    who got nicked!?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:42:40 No.200930XXX
    to the fags that did this,

    take note, the alleged killer was surrounded by heavy police security to protect him from the angry mob

    you on the other hand will not be when you face court over these pissy little charges

    watch your back
    >> M_Henderson !H2opjANA/2 02/24/10(Wed)07:43:11 No.200930XXX
    what the fuck do you mean who got nicked?
    Use popular slang if any.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:44:02 No.200931XXX
    well, who ever got nicked is probably in police custody right now, so i doubt they have the time for /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:45:16 No.200931XXX
    the amount of pussy you must get! what an internet badass. the amusing fact is that you're nowhere near this confident and apathetic in real life, you're a socially redundant virgin.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:45:54 No.200931XXX

    as in who got arrested

    well it says they couldn't find sufficient evidence

    I'm not worried because not once did i say "HURR DURR I RAPED HER SHE SUCKS GOOD COCK!!!" or anything like that,

    some guy called Baz Tard on the other hand, if this is true, he may be in trouble.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:46:59 No.200931XXX
    Speaking of Facebook arrests....
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:47:01 No.200931XXX
         File1267015621.jpg-(15 KB, 400x272, putin.jpg)
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    Seriously guy(s)...
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:49:30 No.200931XXX
    This is why we can't have nice things. 15 year old boys on /b/ think trolling this is cool. You people are retards.
    >> M_Henderson !H2opjANA/2 02/24/10(Wed)07:49:56 No.200931XXX
    shut up putin.
    This is a bit different than the normal shenanigans.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:52:19 No.200931XXX

    lol you really don't sound tough at all sunshine :3
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:53:36 No.200932XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:53:40 No.200932XXX
    not trying to sound tough, just pointing out the facts
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:54:53 No.200932XXX
    oh lol here come the keyboard warriors
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:56:35 No.200932XXX
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    i leave for six months and new fags are calling other new fags, new fags all while pretending to be old fags... but in actual fact their just moral fags that are still new fags
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:58:16 No.200932XXX
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    Thats fucked up
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)07:59:55 No.200932XXX
    I remember back in the true days of /b/.
    We wear the mask of V, but we don't uphold his values?
    Fucking cancerous
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:00:58 No.200932XXX
    if i have been browsing for 6 months or two years, it doesn't change the fact that you take this website and it's ideologies WAY too seriously ie. WE DO NOT FORGIVE WE DO NOT FORGET WE ARE blah blah.

    i attribute this attitude and championing of /b/'s faggotry to your real life inadequacies is all.

    all i am saying is, posting porn on a facebook doesnt make you an internet gangster, nor will it release any of that sexual frustration you're so obviously holding on to.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:06:43 No.200933XXX
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    i feel ya.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:07:39 No.200933XXX
    internet superheroes
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:08:31 No.200933XXX

    That is the gayest thing I've ever heard.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:08:52 No.200933XXX
    >> M_Henderson !H2opjANA/2 02/24/10(Wed)08:08:53 No.200933XXX
    This guy here.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:13:51 No.200934XXX
    Sure is newfags in this thread. Here's a hint and a general piece of advice you should bear in mind if you intend to continue spending time here: People did it because it's funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:16:15 No.200934XXX
    no shit, PPl dont understand the line continuously gets pushed farther away, so to cross it, extreme measures must be taken. For the lulz. I wouldn't participate in such a raid, but its funny. Not like saying "What a travesty" will fucking resurrect her
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:17:33 No.200934XXX
    it's kinda shitting on here grave before the actual funeral though
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:18:39 No.200934XXX
    /r/ rule 34 on Trinity
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:18:52 No.200934XXX
    god that was hilarious
    >> Anonymous 02/24/10(Wed)08:19:08 No.200934XXX
    Which, if done literally, would be pretty damn funny
    >> Razz 02/24/10(Wed)08:20:58 No.200935XXX

    I'm going with this.
    Been here since 2005.
    But this is just...fuck you guys.

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