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  • File : 1266974310.jpg-(68 KB, 500x430, 1254115491815.jpg)
    68 KB Welcome guys! Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:18:30 No.200766XXX  
    Newfag initiation thread!

    ITT: means "I'm Thinking This"
    Op: is short for Operator, like "thread Operator"
    tl;dr: means "talk about it later;don't reply"
    inb4: means "include nothing before"
    over 9000 is a joke from the hit 80's TV show Alf
    "Do not want" is from Roots with LeVar Burton
    meme is pronounced "May-May" and means "help" like "Mayday, mayday!"
    You can use HTML so go ahead and just type it in the comment box.
    You make green text by typing (/ greener%) without the space before your next line
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:19:35 No.200766XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:19:44 No.200766XXX
    I am learning so much from this. Thanks, Operator.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:20:09 No.200767XXX
    I heard about this website from Jeopardy and Fox News, I just had to make it down. How is everyone tonight?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:20:25 No.200767XXX
    Troll means OP
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:20:51 No.200767XXX
    Thanks OP, (ITT)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:21:19 No.200767XXX
    and who is moot?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:21:36 No.200767XXX
    /greener% thanks!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:21:53 No.200767XXX
    Also, "cancer" is just our own silly form of teasing the new guys. Love you, "newfags"!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:14 No.200767XXX
    >wowzers!It works!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:14 No.200767XXX
    i love them maymay's like running bear and dog that gives people bad suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:24 No.200767XXX
    wow thanks OP...or should i say operator (/ greener%)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:32 No.200767XXX
    Does ftw mean fuck the world
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:34 No.200767XXX
    do i put greener at the end of the post or the beginning? (/greener%)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:44 No.200767XXX
    ITT: I totally loved Alf. "Over 9000!"
    /greener%/ laughing.
    Does anyone know how I can register and maybe get an avatar?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:46 No.200767XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:48 No.200767XXX
    Yeah! Welcome all your newfags. You forgot about trolls OP. Trolls are anyone who has a great point.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:22:50 No.200767XXX
         File1266974570.jpg-(9 KB, 251x189, OMG its spins.jpg)
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    OP= Original Poster
    New fag
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:23:22 No.200768XXX
         File1266974602.jpg-(65 KB, 378x378, Butters Kurb.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:23:33 No.200768XXX
    No it mean "fuck the what?", like a backwards "what the fuck?" LOL guys!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:23:47 No.200768XXX
    Oops! The beginning silly.
    >> ­­  !!6Xvwjja9SLQ 02/23/10(Tue)20:23:47 No.200768XXX
    Thanks OP!
    >This (/ greener%) thing rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:24:07 No.200768XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:24:10 No.200768XXX
    You're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:24:18 No.200768XXX
    ITT: What shall I have for dinner
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:24:32 No.200768XXX
    Wow thanks Op, I've been here for a while and your post taught me two things. =)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:24:45 No.200768XXX
    Oh my! How helpful, and such a pleasant disposition.

    I must confess I heard terrible things about this 'site', but am quite relieved to find they have been rather exaggerated!

    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:24:49 No.200768XXX
         File1266974689.jpg-(13 KB, 261x221, 1265611665171.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:24:51 No.200768XXX
    Alright OP here (so you better keep your responses clean), ITT:

    I think that we should meme some of the new folks who are here with the HTML issues because it's a bit difficult for some.

    >With simple edits, you can type like this.

    Bah, I missed a closing tag up there but the green text went through. I say that inb4 we at least help the new people because otherwise what's the point?
    >> Mal !!XvAA0Dxfprb 02/23/10(Tue)20:25:03 No.200768XXX
    The Triforce will never work for you until you have made exactly 1000 original content posts.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:25:10 No.200768XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:25:28 No.200768XXX
         File1266974728.jpg-(54 KB, 431x415, 1265605015954.jpg)
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    Birthday cake!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:25:30 No.200768XXX
    (/greener%)like this?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:25:45 No.200768XXX

    LOL you lose
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:26:17 No.200768XXX
    ▲ ▲
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:26:24 No.200768XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:26:37 No.200768XXX
    Nope, you have to make "over nine-thousand!"

    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:26:38 No.200768XXX
    this is stupid... go dig a hole and have sex with it
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:26:40 No.200768XXX
         File1266974800.jpg-(95 KB, 500x501, 1265480636835.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:26:42 No.200768XXX
         File1266974802.gif-(1.6 MB, 282x188, thisischicken.gif)
    1.6 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:26:46 No.200769XXX
    thx faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:26:50 No.200769XXX
         File1266974810.jpg-(64 KB, 604x535, 126401619784.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:27:06 No.200769XXX
    lol'd hard, Operater!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:27:11 No.200769XXX
         File1266974831.jpg-(53 KB, 638x482, 1234208353131.jpg)
    53 KB
    thanks op i loled!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:27:28 No.200769XXX
         File1266974848.png-(43 KB, 918x802, 1204315122285.png)
    43 KB
    I am most amused.
    >> Mal !!XvAA0Dxfprb 02/23/10(Tue)20:27:35 No.200769XXX
    Oh silly me. ITT: They changed the rules!
    >Alf is the best!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:27:35 No.200769XXX
         File1266974855.png-(4 KB, 210x168, trollface.png)
    4 KB
    oh anon, you so crazy
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:27:43 No.200769XXX
    DAMMIT YOU FOOL! Confusion is what keeps newfags at bay
    >> Anonymous 02/23/10(Tue)20:27:59 No.200769XXX

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