Dear USAYou owe us lots of money. Good luck fagsFrom China
Dear China,We have done this once... We can do it again.From USA
i lold
so where's my money man?
1. go to itsove(r9000).net (take out parentheses)2. click a link3. ???????4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)4200134010
Dear JapanWe have done this to you also >>200319072From USA
>>200319211Where's my bricks man?
>>200319072lolwut?mb japan?
What happened China? You used to be cool..
>>200319072Actually you did it twice. But in America you only learn to count to potato.
Dear USAWe do not want you in our countryFrom Afghanistan
>>200318539Dear China don't kill your day workers. From Barack Obama.P.S The Sali Lama told me Mao enjoys to roll around butter and pinch his nipples.
>>200318539Dear China,Watch the Olympics.We are the Fattest country.We are the most athletic country.We will chase you.We will squish you.From USA
dear china we'll take it out of what you owe us from the 1940's
dear china,you're still fucking poor as shit.america
Dear ChinaYou suck.From USA
Dear USABack in the 19th century, we used to be tight. What happened to you man?- France
Dear China,Fuck You . that is all U.S.A
Dear China and USA,HiFrom Canada
Dear WorldDon't hate the player, hate the gameFrom USA
>>200319361i see what you did there...
Dear USA,We are biggerWe are on topYou are our bitch,love, Canada
>>200319910Dear CanadaHerp de derp derp derp derp derpFrom Chile
>>200319798To FranceYou turned into a bunch of faggots. That's what happened.From USA
Dear China,We love you!From Germany
Dear Chinastop having so many kidsFrom USA
Dear ChinaWe still love youBritain
Dear Woman with the double D's and nice ass. Can I jump on your hanky panky and make you mineeeeee?From some idiot.
Dear USA,We are gradually breeding our race smaller and smaller. In 128 years we will be small enough to enter your mouths while you sleep and shit in your lungs.Love China
Dear Eurofags,loluFrom the rest of the world
Dear Chile>>200320110Im 12 and what is thisFrom Canada
dear china u have small dicks .. from usa
>>200320106Dear Canada,lrn2hockeyFrom USA
Dear France, WWII happen! Your wussies now!USA
qoqc asucpfoxatxdxgda qhczozuaqfuz gsszzkdmks a pkgsmc
Dear everyone.Herpa derpa derpFrom Bulgaria.
>>200320137Dear USAWe want our fucking statue back now.- France
Dear PolandHey, no hard feelings about the 1940's?Love Germany
Dear worldYou are in the palm of our hands, we control and can destroy you. Keep cool or we will destroy you.From the USA
Dear ChinaHave fun running out of water in 5 years because apparently nobody in your country knows what a fucking condom isFrom The World
中 国共産党一党独裁強権国家個人的人権無視著作権無視違法COPY国家NET閲覧記録国家把握天安門事件記事閲覧 者要注意!死刑執行世界一死刑執行後臓器摘出裕福外国人臓器移植都市部発展農村貧困超格差社会農村部貧困一揆多発!
Dear China and USARussia are way cooler than you guys!Love Britain
Dear ChinaDoes this rag smell like chloroform to you?From USA
Dear USA>>200320456L2 lose weightFrom Canada
>>200320607Dear GermanyNot a problem. If you need to invade again, just make sure you kill all the jews this time.Love, Poland
>>200320796Dear Canada,All the weight is in our dick's.From USA
>>200320875Dude, I remembered that episode. More fight to the evil dictatorship.
Dear niggerPlease return my bikeFrom the Master Race
19 years old young cumdumpster bored. add me on MSN 'paris2luv'satisfyinglimbo
Dear Sweden,You look like a penis.Love,Florida
Dear India,Yes I am 18 and do have fucking ID now may I see your immigration papers please?Sincerely yours,Britain.
To rest of WorldFucking starving manFrom Africa
>>200320600Dear FranceI dare you to try and take it back, surrender monkeys.From USA
Dear Canada,Learn to win medals in your own olympicsFrom Germany
>>200321065Dear NiggerPlease return my nigger.From the Master race.
dear world learn how to stay the fuck out of world warslove sweden
Norway high fives China for because it is awsome
>>200320796Dear CanadaYou can't even beat the US in the one thing you're actually good atFrom America
>>200318539Dear China,Try and collect.From, USAP.S. Have fun trying to find someone to buy all that shit you make.
Dear USA,How does it feel to be the second largest economy in the world in 10 years?From China
DEAR WORLD1000404001110100 CONX 40404441FROM: UTX-401
Come get it.
Dear Chinawe buy your shit!Lithuania
>>200321129Dear AfricaWe were going to send you some food this week, but we really wanted to test out some missiles on some old abandoned houses in Iraq. We'll send some next week, we swear.Love, USA
Dear CanadaWhat he said >>200321204From America
Chinese people cool, but your government is shitty. If you guys are supposed to be communism/community-ism why does your government shit all over you and you guys still use money like capitalism?You guys are really fascism. So are we though...
Dear BritainHope you are all having a good day in the UKLove The rest of Britain
Dear JapanYou're still glowingLove, USA
>>200320844Dear Turkey and the sand-nigger countries,The great race war of europe is rapidly approaching. Your former next-cave neighbours who snuck into Europe in the back of lorries will soon be moving back to the next-cave soon. They wont be happy to see YOUR camel living in THEIR former house.From Britain and Germany
If this thread could be anymore win i dont know how
Dear SwedenWait, we don't have anything to say.-RussiaDear USAWe will rebuild the motherland.- From Russia with love.
Dear World,we are still doing good in the olympics since we are only 30 000 000 herelove,Canada
Dear OP.China does not have 4chan.Fuck you.
>>200320645带你的 faggotry去死吧!他妈的反党返国的奸贼P.S thanks obama for the bjFrom Hu Jintao
Dear India,Do you have flag?Love Britain
We also owe money to Mexico Japan and Korea, so fuch yoou China you no special
hahaha you stupid white faggot devils.How does it feel to know your daughters shall feel our tiny sharp penis' puncturing their little hymens? YOU STUPID FUCKING WHITE DEVIL FAGGOT MAN!!!! YOU OWE ME MONEY FAGGOT!!
1. go to itsove(r9000).net (take out parentheses)2. click a link3. ???????4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)2448477814
>>200320106Dear CanadaDid you not watch the World Juniors or the Olympics?From, America
dear France...i dare you to sayreroll the cherry in the red river retardedbtw i fucking hate your french friesFrom Spain
Dear USABoom.From Iraq
Dear North Korea,We're watching you!Love Britain
Dear KuwaitYou fucking owe us.- USA
Dear Planet Earth,We will invade you soon.Mars
1. go to itsove(r9000).net (take out parentheses)2. click a link3. ???????4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)1756455403
Dear India,Stop sending people to our country to study. You make our subways smell like curry and body odour.LoveAustralia.
>>200321994I am in China now, using 4chan.>>200321242This guy is from Falun Gong, China's version of Scientology. This cult makes the scifags look less gay!
Dear JapanI am a weeboo, rescue me from these baka-gaijin'sFrom the US
>>200319072Do you know currently china has more atomic bombs than Usa, just saying...
Dear Uzbekistan,FUCK YOU.Fuckfully yours, Kazakhstan
Dear Fuck YouWe have 4chanFrom China
Dear ChinaWe love you guys! Fuck America!Britain
>>200322488Fucking win!
Dear >>200321XXX,China actually does have 4chan. Ausfag here reporting from China. However Ausfailia soon shall not have 4chan.Yes we have fallen lower than fucking China.Love,Depressed Ausfag.
Dear MarsWatch it, we will invade you soonJupiter
Did you know, that china animates bags of rice and calls them people, just saying
Oh ho China, you have fucked your country with your population laws. You have a 2:1 Ratio of Males to females in the current, and next generations necessitating a 2/3 decline in population each generation. Your only way to make us pay you, having a larger by numbers military, will be gone. We'll just nuke you if you ever ask for the money. Have fun, US citizens can't skip out on debt, but the nation as a whole sure as shit can.
>>200322574if they catch you they will do a public execution of you and your family, beware
dear u.s.a we are are on top bitch and your right you are the fattest contry from canada p.s stop taking steroids
Dear world,We have Marc Dutroux.Belgium
Dear Everybodyhey there matesAustralia
Dear ChinaThis is a nuke....This is a nuke above China....Any questions?
>>200322698Do you know currently we have a fleet of vessels in the Pacific designed to shoot said bombs out of the sky mid-flight. Just saying...
Dear CanadaDo something.Sincerely, USA
Dear USA9/11Love Taliban
dear china,屌你老母,also, 民建聯含撚啦.from hong kong with love
Dear VenezuelaYour next.-USA
dear everyone,how come none of you guys came to my party?-moldova
Dear worldSweden is better than all your faggot countries.From Sweden
Dear USA the world is turning on you.good luck LOL
>>200322698Derp, stupid cunt. China has 50 nukes, america has thousands! Learn to count past potato.>>200322857same, here. Ausfag in China.
>>200320654Dear BritainRussia isnt cooler than China or USA.From Estonia
Dear People of the World,We have all your money and you keep giving us more by re-electing dumb ass ass faggot politicians whom we own. Thanks bitches!From The Bankers
Dear WorldWW3 is comingFrom Germany
Dear WorldStop forgetting about usFuck you- Canada
>>200323282LOL fucking american protesters would never let that happen. China would launch a nuke was before the united states of americunts.
Dear world Do you know about us ?From slovenia
Dear Africa,Please stop sending you're sweaty, HIV riddled people to us, in order to make our streets dangerous to all who walkk them.Regards,The leading nations of the world (Excl. China)
Dear Parasites,Go fuck yourselves.Sincerely, Rapture
Dear USAYou think to high of you selvs. You dont not control the world you just like to imagine that you do that. USA wont last long becuase they us all their money on usless wars and just borrow money from other contries.Love NorwayPS France fougth during WWII USA was just sitting at home fucking their sisters,
Dear worldGo watch Zetgeist and Zeitgeist: Addendum (The most watched movie on the internet). It comes in any language now and then join the movement. It's legit.
Dear China,Still can't believe you loaned us that shit, I thought Asians were supposed to be smart.Love, USA
>>200321303Dear China We buy your stuff, all hail piracyLove Peru
>>200323507Dear SwedenPrepare for your own Winter War faggotsFrom Finland
Dear Hobbits,I wants it backs.Gollum
Dear ChinaAsk my kids and grandkids I to busy spending it.USA
>>200318539yu wahnt tu fuhk ahn meee?
>>200323369Dear USA,lrn2grammarBritainP.S..... you're fat :P
uSA!!!! more like US GAY!!!!!!!!U WANT PREY GAME MERICUH???? U WANT!!! PREY WIF ME!!!!!!'s the one
>>200323853Dear Finland,Do you mean 'cold' war? lolUS
Dear world,Anyone seen mah spliff man, I dropped it bye and bye.One Love,Jamaica
Dear USAFuck youFrom sweden
Dear Russia,Please stop trying to buttsecks us.Love Europe.
Dear Iyanna,Bring Amberlamps!Love Bus Nigger
Dear Cuba and ChinaCommunism was so last centuryRussia, Lithuania, Kazaksthan, Uzbekistan, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, and the rest of the USSR
Dear Sub-saharan AfricaHow about no.From USA
>>200324175LOL LOL LOL America...
dear Russia,what happened dude? lets get back to fucking shit up like the good old dayslove Cuba
>>200323853RussiaWe are coming againFinland
>>200323XXXwhere in china are you ausfag?
Dear Edward CullenVampire StakeseriouslyFrom van hellsing
Dear niggers from everywhere,please move to China.Regards,United Racists.
>>200324103Dear Britain,You smell like curry and pakis, what happened to you man?Love, USA
Dear Russia,I'm chargin' mah lazer.From Canada
Dear ChinaWe have thrown two WW events, now it's your turn, when will you invite us ?-Your friends USA and UE
sauce, good sir!
Dear Canada ...... wait what Canada?From U.S.A.
>>200324497Give you a hint, starts with T and is a big place. what about you?
>>200319072But this time we'll smile while we do it.
>>200323369Dear US,You are retarded. Hugo Chavez is a great man and a great president. You are brainwashed by your TV, stop being a gulliblefag. Also watch the documentary The War on Democracy featuring the truth about Venezuela.California
Dear Russia,I can see you from my house, you betcha!Love Palin
Dear America Don't you remember who made you? Loves you Britain
Hey china. I like to raff at you while you ruse
>>200321599cia lietuviu yra?
Dear Greenland,Your so chill.Love, the World
Dear Diary. 3 August 1944. 9PMThey've yet to find me Anne Frank
Dear HungaryFuck you, you god damn garlic eating assfucksFrom Romania
Dear Britain,You dad, I learned it from watching YOU!!Love, America
Dear ChinaYour Communist party is Communist in name. From The World
Dear Canada,We cool bro?Love USA