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  • File : 1266852308.jpg-(1.19 MB, 2592x1944, IMG0944.jpg)
    1.19 MB Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:25:08 No.200288XXX  
    What can you work out about me based on my setup?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:26:07 No.200289XXX
    Lets see.. OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:26:29 No.200289XXX
    From the lack of replies I'd say you are ignored and should kill yourself post haste!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:26:30 No.200289XXX
         File1266852390.jpg-(137 KB, 1280x1024, 0324081859a.jpg)
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    You are a splendid gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:27:16 No.200289XXX
    OP is a superfaggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:27:27 No.200289XXX
    Your a level 80 human mage chilling in ironforge.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:27:40 No.200289XXX
         File1266852460.jpg-(34 KB, 500x375, 1266786383464.jpg)
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    OP needs to get out more.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:27:47 No.200289XXX
    This is now a dog thread. What a pretty dog that is.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:27:52 No.200289XXX
    your taste in keyboards is superior
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:28:01 No.200289XXX
    you can't play a real class?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:28:23 No.200289XXX
    you play all the same games i do, a3 huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:28:48 No.200289XXX
         File1266852528.jpg-(28 KB, 367x451, 1263417047703.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:28:48 No.200289XXX
    should have spent the extra 30bucks for the 555's
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:29:23 No.200289XXX
         File1266852563.jpg-(131 KB, 640x480, drool.jpg)
    131 KB
    Here is my dog. Contributing to dog thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:29:26 No.200289XXX
    You are fat
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:29:33 No.200289XXX
    You should get a new desk. That one is clearly too small for a real man.

    You enjoy drinking soda.

    You enjoy masturbating.

    You are a 1337 Haxx0r.

    Your computer is shitty.

    You are homosexual.

    You have no sense of smell.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:29:59 No.200289XXX
    An overweight one legged war veteran with asthma
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:30:10 No.200289XXX
    you need a new mouse pad....
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:30:19 No.200289XXX
         File1266852619.jpg-(4 KB, 126x126, 1266795550017s.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:30:41 No.200289XXX
    You don't have a social life.

    Wait, neither of us have one.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:30:46 No.200289XXX
    Fat, no girlfriend, never leave the house.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:30:52 No.200289XXX
         File1266852652.jpg-(32 KB, 202x174, 1263607893360.jpg)
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    nice "1337 HAX0R" sticker faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:31:42 No.200289XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:31:55 No.200289XXX
    you are a dirty pig

    and unless you pvp you chose the worst race, both gnome and draenei are much better. human is the worst race you could pick which is tied with undead for pve racials
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:31:55 No.200289XXX
    Lets see, you play WoW and CODMW, that means you are a casual gamer. You lurk 4chan but most likely your a newfag. You dont car much for your hygien. You are eiter underwieght or fat, not muscular. Judging by the carpet you live at home, otherwise you got that carpet from a gay second-hand store. There is a cane hanging to the left in the picture, either your handicapped somehow or one of your grandparents live with you, my guess is the second option. The table looks like shit and you should clean up now, and you want to but you are to lazy. There is a McDonalds cup to the left on the table, probobly Amerifag.

    If my guesses above are incorrect this is a picture from a LAN-party and OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:32:07 No.200289XXX
    aus fag with brother who is younger you are over weight your mum bought you maccas and she shops at woolies between 15-19 rug is from rugs a million sale 13 months ago,possible asmatic and you live in queensland
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:32:28 No.200290XXX
    that yer an alliance faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:33:07 No.200290XXX
    What a nice dog you have there.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:33:12 No.200290XXX
         File1266852792.jpg-(52 KB, 700x559, 633509798557884028-abstinence-(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:33:42 No.200290XXX
    poor dirty faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:33:46 No.200290XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:33:57 No.200290XXX
    i am very close aint i faggot bet you are shitting brix now faggot...oh and also your mum gives great head
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:34:07 No.200290XXX

    >Judging by the carpet you live at home

    As opposed to?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:34:11 No.200290XXX
         File1266852851.jpg-(148 KB, 640x360, 1262783964114.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:34:16 No.200290XXX

    1.) Human Mage Alliance WoWFag -> No or minor social real life activities
    2.) Mac Donalds cup -> Fat americunt
    3.) Ugly carpet -> Living at home with parents
    4.) Dust, dirt and rubbish everywhere -> No time for cleaning because of ravaging in Azeroth the whole day, or too fat to move, or just a dirty bastard
    5.) COD - MW2 package -> In love with overrated games.
    6.) Headphones on the armrest, dust nowhere but directly next to them -> Even fail at social activities ingame or preferring to use your crappy monitor-speakers. Either one makes you even more gay.
    7.) OP IS A FAGGOT
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:34:33 No.200290XXX
    overweight alcohlic possible virgin who never leaves the house.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:35:02 No.200290XXX
         File1266852902.jpg-(1.18 MB, 2592x1944, 1266852308048.jpg)
    1.18 MB
    you mind fuck me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:35:22 No.200290XXX
    Im Guessing
    Your married
    Between the ages of 40-55 yrs old
    You live in Arizona or new mexico
    You have a 3rd computer, or laptop, or game console(s)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:35:24 No.200290XXX
    i think OP only recently got that keyboard.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:35:29 No.200290XXX
    he is aus fag
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:35:32 No.200290XXX
    you like biting straws
    playing rpg's
    you bought a new monitor and made practical use with the old one
    you go to a forum
    you wear headphones
    you're a faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:35:42 No.200290XXX
    19 years old young cumdumpster bored. add me on MSN 'paris2luv'

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:36:07 No.200290XXX
    g15+WoW fag here too:)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:36:32 No.200290XXX

    No mindfuck. Just a walking aid to support his 250 pounds.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:36:51 No.200290XXX
    you potentially have some working knowledge of good sound gear manufacturers. Sennheiser = win.

    However, judging by the door in top left corner, you nearly certainly live at home with parents.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:36:59 No.200290XXX

    that you suck at WoW
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:37:13 No.200290XXX
    i have a feeling ur from austalia :P
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:37:15 No.200290XXX
    pic is very old or lazy cunt has not moved maccas cup since beijing olympics also woolworths fresh food people and rug make him an aus fag
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:37:19 No.200290XXX
    hard to say much about you now because the pic is atleast one year old.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:37:54 No.200290XXX

    How did you know?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:38:13 No.200290XXX
    Haven't played in a while, or at least the picture is kinda old.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:38:29 No.200290XXX
    You have a badass cane.

    Therefore you, sire, are House.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:38:30 No.200290XXX
    2 screens, probably blind, mcd probably fat, probably cancer b/c mousemat, carpet underneath so you can cum on floor, probably disgusting man. just like everyone else here,.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:38:42 No.200290XXX
    it's floating
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:39:09 No.200291XXX
    your mum loves to go ass to mouth
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:39:16 No.200291XXX
    -You think you are a 1337 h4x0r but you use windows
    -You eat mcdonalds while playing wow so you are fat.
    -You are the OP so you are a faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:39:30 No.200291XXX
    its one of those threads you can't skip any lines or you're lost the game bitch
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:39:34 No.200291XXX
         File1266853174.jpg-(1.32 MB, 2592x1944, LSOEROP.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:39:48 No.200291XXX
    OP is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:39:50 No.200291XXX
    LOL at ur carpet. Fucking goats EVERYWHERE!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:40:04 No.200291XXX
    its hooked onto the fucking mini wall thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:40:09 No.200291XXX
    gtfo my b/ you are not worthy cunt
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:40:41 No.200291XXX
    no cat
    no shirt
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:40:55 No.200291XXX
    I realised you're a computer. who's that sexy female next to to you.?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:40:59 No.200291XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:41:04 No.200291XXX
    Considering the status of your WOW account, I can deduce that you've spent quite a-lot of time online trying to build your character
    --From that we can also deduce that you may have a social life - but you generally shy away from it in order to play more WOW

    Granted, we see some mcdonald's cup on the table, and some wrappers scattered about - so it's possible that your messy. You keep a cane hung up on the wall behind your two computer systems, not for the purpose of walking - but for the purpose of feeling cool and some sort of gay sword play.

    You are old enough to drink, there is an empty glass on the table which is appropriate for such beverages - probably whiskey and cola, given from the cola covered residue at the bottom.

    In the living room, you have no furniture, except for a round chair - most people in college would have - you also play rock band/guitar hero (which is left on the chair). There are two guitars, so you probably have a friend or two that come over and play with you.

    EXCEPT - you also have head-phones, which means that you live with another person - who uses the adjacent computer next to you (currently not being used) and you use the headphones so that your WOW music does not disturb.

    You are likely 23 years old, few friends, play many vidjeo games, and slightly overweight - maybe 190 or 210 depending on your height. (roughly 5'9", or 6'1")

    also - your carpet fucking sucks
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:41:09 No.200291XXX
    Your playing on my wow account.. fucking noob.. GIVE IT BACK!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:41:16 No.200291XXX
    its old because its level 70.

    ur a fat nerd because you either farmed or bought polymorph turtle, which means you care more about ingame than IRL. suggesting that you have low self-esteem and low self-worth.

    you make up for your irl shortcomings by having e-peen.

    this theme is recurring through the whole picture.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:41:27 No.200291XXX
    Your monitor says leet haxor, so you are a wannabe fat fuck loser
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:41:43 No.200291XXX
    you chew your Mcdonalds straws much like myself
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:41:51 No.200291XXX
    You have asthma
    You have COD yet still play wow so you're not a big fps guy
    You were/are really that popular in school.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:42:17 No.200291XXX
    get an original g15 and not that ripoff fag model and maybe we will talk.

    also, good space management.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:42:18 No.200291XXX
    That you're a FAT FUCKING MESS.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:42:26 No.200291XXX
         File1266853346.jpg-(12 KB, 278x250, guiermo.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:42:28 No.200291XXX
    You are the Batman

    Therefore you leik chocolate milk
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:42:39 No.200291XXX
    so op give us the low down who are you?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:43:13 No.200291XXX

    WOW = you're an idiotic fag.

    BTW, I had to Google WOW just to be sure that's what it was.

    Fag. You're getting ripped off.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:43:37 No.200291XXX
    you enjoy mcdonalds
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:43:38 No.200291XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:43:54 No.200291XXX
    PICK UP YOUR CARD TODAY... dont forget cunt
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:44:07 No.200291XXX
    OP sucks at PvP
    >> blaaaagh 02/22/10(Mon)10:45:02 No.200291XXX
    You are an animator.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:45:28 No.200291XXX
    you think your a 1337 haxor
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:45:31 No.200291XXX
    Your mum gives good head
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:46:26 No.200292XXX
    You probably are under 1500 rating
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:46:43 No.200292XXX
    i said that OP recently got the keyboard based on the fact that its heaps clan where as everything is dirty.

    with out even seeing the logitech manual that is sitting right next to it which further backs my assumption
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:46:51 No.200292XXX
    extremely overweight, have no personal hygiene, masturbate alot, have no friends and could kill yourself at any given second
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:48:03 No.200292XXX
    you dont like WOW but you play it would rather be playing cod...because wow is shit and theres a cod case right thuurrr and also your fuckin offense
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:49:10 No.200292XXX
    your single.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:49:52 No.200292XXX


    Your right screen shows that your avatar is a giant cheeseburger - im sure we can all tell that you really really fucking love cheeseburgers, - mcdonalds most likely.

    Another anon also points out that you are in fact, not a l337haxxor like you claim to be. (computer on the right).

    Messy table, trash in the corner, and a mountain of cd's stacked up also tell us that you're really not much for the out-doors. You keep yourself comfortably busy fapping away at your computers - the big easy lounge chair points this out.

    Gaming keyboard is only a purchase made by those who play lots of games - regular gamers dont purchase that shit because regular keyboards are just fucking fine enough.

    I also spy a microphone next to your roommates computer, so it's likely that you both try to use it for singing horribly at songs

    oh gawd.

    Die already.

    I can't tell if that's a robe, or jizz rag on your computer chair. maybe it's both
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:50:40 No.200292XXX
    You sir are from Norway
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:51:13 No.200292XXX
    you still use xp
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:51:38 No.200292XXX
    a faggot because thats an old picture
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:51:48 No.200292XXX
         File1266853908.jpg-(697 KB, 2048x1536, P1090406.jpg)
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    this is my dog

    you are now aware of how awesome it is to be greeted by that face every night after work
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:51:51 No.200292XXX
    i would say that the mic next to his mates computer is probably a guitarhero mic because the shit bag is too poor to buy a mic for his computer.
    i dont think they have singing talent at all.
    instead they rage on vent about stupid wow shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:52:13 No.200293XXX
         File1266853933.jpg-(1.24 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_0760.jpg)
    1.24 MB
    how about my desk?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:52:51 No.200293XXX

    Good eye with the cane - but notice that on the chair by the door there are rockband/guitar hero controllers - college kid who has a cane for whatever stupid ninja shit he tries with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:52:58 No.200293XXX
    How the hell do you get that?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:52:59 No.200293XXX
    Op can also play guitar.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:54:32 No.200293XXX

    OP here.

    You guys did quite well considering the lack of specific details in the pic.

    First of all, the pic is indeed about a year and a half old.

    -Not overweight (but have a gut).
    -PC on the left belongs to a housemate. I shared the house with 2 friends from high school, both my age.
    - The cane is my housemate's. I cannot explain how he came to acquire it, but he doesn't need it for anything medical.
    -I do have a girlfriend, and she is decent (not overweight, quite pretty)
    -the g15 is genuine
    -that is the original CoD, and I don't play wow anymore.
    -the carpet came from my housemate's old house. Stole it from his mum.
    -The leet haxx0r label was put on my monitor by a friend as a joke. But I am a 1337 haxx0r.
    -the microphone is used as a computer mic because my housemate was too cheap to buy a new mic when his broke. He still uses it.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:55:01 No.200293XXX
    and is with commonwealth bank
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:55:43 No.200293XXX
    First of all, this pic is older than a year.
    Now, lets talk about you;
    -Mage suggest that ur a freakin easymode for every other better player, only few macros shows us that u "think" ur capable of doing it for yourself, but as i said before, better respect and be PoMPyro, as u will get atleast some kill.
    -A new, branded case of a CoD-WaW gives idea that this pic was taken in winter (except if ur aussie)
    -Ur oversized male, Caucasian with rich parent that pity you at some point.
    -U like music, especially DnB, or ur just an idiot buying Sennheiser just 'cause they say its best.
    -And you dont bring girls to your room, or they come on just one trip visit.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:56:22 No.200293XXX

    I do play guitar.. but how did you work that out?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:56:23 No.200293XXX
    you play guitar OP ?
    and new g15 ?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:56:55 No.200293XXX
    lets see, the combination of wow on 1.screen and a forum on 2.screen indicates you are an epic troll.

    a) You are one of those people that looks down avoiding eye contact with a stranger in grocery
    b) You one of those people that reply to almost every thread in a forum, and a creator of the epic ones
    c) You type 1st on a new thread
    d) Internet is the only place where you can be emotionally aroused
    e) You have many friends, but only online
    f) sunlight hurts you sometimes
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:57:06 No.200293XXX
    guitar tabs bookmark.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:58:45 No.200294XXX

    You have better eyes than me.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:59:36 No.200294XXX
    thank you we shrute's have exceptional vision
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)10:59:43 No.200294XXX
         File1266854383.jpg-(687 KB, 2048x1536, P1090404.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:00:31 No.200294XXX
    ur a nerd who smokes pot and has dirty hands. ur fat. ur in IF. u have high elec bill but mom prob pays. if not at moms house. u steal rocks glasses from bars. u fap a LOT. looks like my setup
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:00:38 No.200294XXX
    Nice semen on the wall there
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:01:45 No.200294XXX
    You made that picture just for this case, so alot of things are just putted there to hide real you.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:01:53 No.200294XXX

    Your either musically talented in some way, or you have a guitar that you try to play in your free time. (guitar picks on the desk)

    Clearly you really are into music because of the two giant speakers on your desk, your music playlist is open, and you have a big cd player w/speakers under your desk. - cd on your desk as well.

    The mug on your desk is not used for drinking, but for holding what seems to be a watch? you probably still do drink.

    You play your xbox on your computer, and you have a spare harddrive on your desk - so either you have a shit ton of music, or a shit ton of porn.

    You play wow (on the desktop)

    You use your vidjeo camera for a few reasons - First is to record you playing whatever music you play - Second is to record you and your friends do stupid shit (cheap douche sunglasses sort of give this away),

    regular keyboard, regular mouse - so you probably play the games casually, but chances are your about 24 years old, have a little bit of a social life, and really dig music.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:02:20 No.200294XXX
         File1266854540.jpg-(540 KB, 2048x1536, 1265681741490.jpg)
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    What bout me,/b/?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:02:49 No.200294XXX
    youre poor
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:03:52 No.200294XXX
    Seeing that you play World of Warcraft, it's clearly your sexual preference goes out to men.
    >> And me? Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:04:16 No.200294XXX
         File1266854656.jpg-(356 KB, 1600x1200, 154156.jpg)
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    You already told us it all. Also, you're black.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:05:18 No.200295XXX
         File1266854718.jpg-(61 KB, 640x480, asdasdssd.jpg)
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    what about me?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:05:48 No.200295XXX

    Got some of this shit right, especially the age
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:05:55 No.200295XXX
    You're smart, but not as smart as everyone thinks you are.
    You're a bit chubby, but nothing anyone notices until they're close to you
    You are either clean shaven or have a neck beard (both require little to no upkeep)
    You do not own any current gen consoles
    You are by no means anti social, but almost all of your friends are guys, and very few don't play video games
    You live in someone else's house (most likely parents)
    Here's where it gets scary. Your parents are divorced.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:06:19 No.200295XXX
    OP is a faggot cause he only accepts nice things /b/ delivers, this means he is in denial of his homosexual nature and fear of opposite sex
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:06:23 No.200295XXX
         File1266854783.jpg-(120 KB, 1152x864, 23022010.jpg)
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    OP here.

    New picture of my current setup.

    Only posting because it has my beautiful kitty in it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:06:40 No.200295XXX
    clean up your shit you pathetic nigger
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:06:41 No.200295XXX
    you still live at home
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:07:33 No.200295XXX
    no niggers on /b/, this is fake.

    Even then I'm not surprise that it's a nigger's room seeing how much of a dump it is.

    Bottle of piss, mother's TV, lol'd...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:07:37 No.200295XXX
    clicker, warlock, world of warcraft and very dirty hand on mousepad
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:07:53 No.200295XXX
    A fucking asshole who no one likes.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:08:02 No.200295XXX
    canemasters cane to learn cane fu nice...u could not spend 1 more dollar on the rubber tip?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:08:40 No.200295XXX
    >Here's where it gets scary. Your parents are divorced.

    Alright, how the fuck?
    >> dad 02/22/10(Mon)11:08:43 No.200295XXX
    its a computer number two there, I guess you and a friend are playing together, and you keep the blanket to keep you warm throught the night since you are a true computer geek. you are from one of the bigger cities in norway, I personally belive Bergen.
    -you eat at mcdonalds often.
    you tried to clean the lower part of your right computerscreeen with your fingers.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:09:14 No.200295XXX
    you fag all day to posts on /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:09:18 No.200295XXX
    the only cumdumpster you can abuse is the white rag between your monitors, wait, WTF?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:09:48 No.200295XXX
    that you're a gold farmer
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:10:19 No.200296XXX
         File1266855019.jpg-(1.66 MB, 1944x1296, 1265776859172.jpg)
    1.66 MB
    What bout me,/b/?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:10:57 No.200296XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:11:20 No.200296XXX
    you're an alliance cock gobbling faggot from what I can see
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:11:34 No.200296XXX
    You're smart, but not as smart as everyone thinks you are. >Correct
    You're a bit chubby, but nothing anyone notices until they're close to you >Yes, but not in the face
    You are either clean shaven or have a neck beard (both require little to no upkeep) >Clean shaven
    You do not own any current gen consoles >Correct
    You are by no means anti social, but almost all of your friends are guys, and very few don't play video games >Correct
    You live in someone else's house (most likely parents)
    Here's where it gets scary. Your parents are divorced. >Correct

    Ok, I'm impressed.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:12:26 No.200296XXX
    139gb steamapps folder
    home made duct tape wallet
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:12:33 No.200296XXX

    OP needs less default UI
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:12:41 No.200296XXX
    and your stupid premod case is fucking pathetic and gay
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:13:11 No.200296XXX
    Think about it. His stuff is nice, but the house isn't. His parents were competing for his attention.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:13:55 No.200296XXX
    You live at 221B Baker Street, London together with your companion Dr.Watson.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:14:37 No.200296XXX
    I'm so proud of me!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:14:41 No.200296XXX
    There is more than 1 month since the last time you fucked a woman.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:16:34 No.200297XXX

    OP here. My parents are indeed divorced, but they were both dirt poor. When I was 18 I got a job that payed AU$25 an hour, and for the first year or so I blew it on computer stuff/guitars/motorbike.

    You had me for a second there though...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:17:39 No.200297XXX
    faggot human mage
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:18:47 No.200297XXX

    Alright - your a woman who is currently going to school in a city somewhere - maybe New York
    --Probably a U.S. city considering you have a Halloween mask showing, and halloween is really only a big in the U.S. - There is frost on the window, so this is probably shortly after said holiday.

    Difficult to tell your weight, but probably a girl that has a decent amount of meat on the bones. You have a wine glass in the corner, but your not sophisticated enough for drinking wine - instead you made yourself a root-beer float, or just a lot of ice cream (spoon in glass).

    You're a college student studying, and those are notes you're taking on the desk - possibly psychology
    -you have jewelery, but you don't wear it - it's buried under the rest of your crap - it's not even good jewelery, so you're probably one of those girls who like to be more natural and free of makeup and glamour - making you assertive and a plain type of girl.

    The lack of taste in the mask is another pointer that you're probably a bit wild, and not worried about other people's opinions - but not the crazy go-go girl wild, you have no makeup or items that assert that you are punkish or rockish. -

    Plate in corner, apparently some kind of food with cheese, - used with fork and knife, so you're making something that requires the use of both - maybe you eat hot-pockets with a fork and knife, or you can at least cook and make a dish or two = but you've left it there for awhile, so you're clearly messy.

    My guess, 22 - girl - 5'5" brown hair, 145 pounds, smart, couple of good friends, no boyfriend
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:21:35 No.200297XXX
         File1266855695.jpg-(650 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0097.jpg)
    650 KB
    Can I play this game?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:21:40 No.200297XXX
    awww damn. worth a stab I guess :D
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:23:09 No.200298XXX
         File1266855789.jpg-(46 KB, 604x467, 8919_154090600886_636775886_32(...).jpg)
    46 KB
    Over 21, overweight, you play a warlock in wow, you arena, you raid and you play with rl friends. You would also classify yourself as a gamer. you've been playing games for sometime. You also like for people to know that you play games. You are either a virgin or don't get laid very often; maybe once a year. You played COD4 for a little while, but got bored. You browse /b/ while you que for randoms or battlegrounds just to pass the time. You also belong to at least one private forum and several private sites. You fap at least twice a day.

    tl;dr your fat, a gamer, and unattractive.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:23:57 No.200298XXX

    Easy - that's you father or grandfathers desk and you being a retard decided to open up this thread on the computer, take a photo, and pretend it is your desk

    Tits or GTFO
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:26:55 No.200298XXX
    both aussies
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:27:03 No.200298XXX

    meh, decently close enough.
    >> And me? Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:29:18 No.200299XXX
         File1266856158.jpg-(38 KB, 400x300, magdalen.jpg)
    38 KB
    Nice try. The things you got right:
    College student in a city.
    Have (not good) jewellery, but don't wear it.
    Don't care too much about others' opinions.
    Lack of taste.
    Not punkish/rockish.
    No boyfriend.
    Age was too old, height too short, weight too big, hair colour wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:31:35 No.200299XXX

    Picture taken 2008-07-29 using a Canon Powershot A610
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:32:25 No.200299XXX

    some of that was a bit of a stab in the dark - weight, height, age, - but everything else I think was pretty decent of an assumption
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:32:51 No.200299XXX
    um... her hair is in the pic.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:33:02 No.200299XXX

    also fat.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:33:03 No.200299XXX
    McDonald's - You're probably overweight

    World of Warcraft - You probably have less than ten friends or real acquaintances offline, most likely less than five

    1337 H4X0R - You likely think too much of your limited skills operating a computer

    Optical mouse on mousepad - You're clinically retarded

    Filthy LCD displays and mousepad, and messy desk - You're a slob

    "Pick up your card today" - You're bound to retail
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:33:51 No.200299XXX

    Looks like a halloween mask to me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:33:59 No.200299XXX
    gay alliance is gay
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:34:10 No.200299XXX
    wow that's one nasty mousepad
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:34:22 No.200299XXX
    You're single.
    >> !!v8CFYKhKesp 02/22/10(Mon)11:34:51 No.200300XXX
    I think you are a FUCKING HUMAN ALLY!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:35:00 No.200300XXX
    1. go to itsove(r9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:35:13 No.200300XXX
    post another desktop
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:35:17 No.200300XXX
    I have the same keyboard
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:35:17 No.200300XXX
    Yeah, not too bad!
    Wrong country though, and there was no halloween mask. Creepy.
    And the wine glass was for vodka.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:35:48 No.200300XXX
    Well I can see that you're going to need a new mouse soon I mean look how that wire is bending...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:36:08 No.200300XXX
    your choice in what faction you choose sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:36:37 No.200300XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:36:44 No.200300XXX
    that's like 5 layers of seed on that mousepad
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:37:50 No.200300XXX
    you're a girl :O
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:38:27 No.200300XXX
    you need girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:38:46 No.200300XXX
    caucasian, male, plays on average 3 hours world of warcraft per day, you have either a brother or flatmate that lives with you, your on the cubby side but not obese, saturdays are spent also playing warcraft unless your dragged into town by a parent also the keyboard was a present.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:39:32 No.200300XXX
    your british because the sticker on your monitor is from superdrug
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:39:48 No.200300XXX
    I can tell that you have asthma and you have a nasty habit of chewing on straws.

    Also, obviously, you're a fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:39:48 No.200300XXX
    > World of Warcraft
    -Level 70 mage that is wearing terrible gear. (Shoulders with spell penn? Baddy McBad.
    -No custom UI which means you are terrible. Probably no keybinds.

    >McDonalds Cup
    -You're fat. Very Fat. Like sweating indoors fat.
    -Greasy Face.

    >White walls
    -Lazy or very uncreative. Could be a combination of the both.

    >Ugliest carpet in the world.
    -Must be somewhat poor if that thing is still in your house.

    -At least you're not in the basement

    >Food crumbs everywhere
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:40:22 No.200300XXX
    you go to hogwarts?

    and the Schweppes made me think UK
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:40:43 No.200301XXX
         File1266856843.jpg-(119 KB, 1600x1200, 12668546569372.jpg)
    119 KB

    Since I thought that this was a Halloween mask, that's why I choose the U.S

    Honestly, I don't know what the hell to make of this
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:40:47 No.200301XXX
         File1266856847.jpg-(566 KB, 1243x582, my desktop and shit.jpg)
    566 KB
    How about me?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:40:55 No.200301XXX

    Christ that mouse pad is fucking FILTHY.
    Do you ever bother to clean up post-fapping?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:41:05 No.200301XXX
    OP has no live..
    He's fapping all day long. Also a virgin fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:41:06 No.200301XXX
    you need a girl friend and a new mouse pad
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:41:33 No.200301XXX
    You play battlefield XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:41:45 No.200301XXX
         File1266856905.jpg-(5 KB, 251x189, 1262655100237.jpg)
    5 KB
    Alliance fagget
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:42:29 No.200301XXX
    I don't read anything into the color of the walls, after all, if a the home is being rented - you really can't change that. Never mind that I've known plenty of creative people who prefer white walls.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:42:36 No.200301XXX
    all that junk near the screen means youre a fat, lazy basterd
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:42:43 No.200301XXX
    im not
    im really
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:42:46 No.200301XXX
    i can see that you have epic lvl 70 gear on, wich means this is not YOUR computer faggot

    the pic was takin like a year ago
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:42:49 No.200301XXX

    why put a spoon in your vodka/wine glass?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:44:06 No.200301XXX
    Well, that picture is where I study :) probably shouldn't say it exactly. But yes, UK, nice one.
    Not quite getting you, it's just hair and a tiny bit of face! Bad webcam though.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:44:31 No.200301XXX

    Dried snot on the monitor bezel. Total FAIL and GROSS.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:45:54 No.200301XXX

    If real, you are obsessive compulsive, had to arrange (or weas already arranged) desk to make it look perfect, everything lines up etc. You are fairly nostalgic as shown both by the aged books and typewriter (oh and lamps and wierd phone thing) I suspect you are interested in European History, especially the religious side to it, although I doubt you are particularly religious. You enjoy reading the old books, but still like to keep fully upto date or make sure things are correct by use of modern technology (the internet). I heavily expect you are male, late twenties, well paying job with a wife and child.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:46:01 No.200301XXX
    you've never seen a vagina in real life
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:46:01 No.200301XXX
    you're a fatass (mcdonalds cup, also your profile pic on that forum is a cheeseburger) that plays alliance (human mage, lolwut) and modern warfare. you're too lazy to go out and get a new fucking mousepad or throw away your trash, so you just let it sit there. you must have money coming from somewhere to afford all that stuff, probably loans/unemployment chex (judging from the "pick up your card today" sticker). you drink shitty wine instead of real booze. you live at your parents' house; no one, bar NO ONE would live in a house with a carpet pattern like that if they were living on their own, also you have your "setup" on a fucking hardwood desk. did your parents buy all those nice toys for you, you fat fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:46:38 No.200302XXX
         File1266857198.jpg-(56 KB, 574x528, 1259223288750.jpg)
    56 KB

    pics two years old. get the fuck off!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:46:45 No.200302XXX
    I think that is fucking AWESOME.
    I would have gratuitous sex with you, and I don't even know what you look like.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:47:16 No.200302XXX
    No clue. Too lazy to wash it up/chuck it in the sink, possibly.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:48:03 No.200302XXX

    You need to come out of the closet.. atleast cum out of the closet
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:49:13 No.200302XXX
    lol @ carpet.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:49:31 No.200302XXX
    He's been doing that.
    Look at the mouse pad and monitor bezel.

    Fucking biohazard anthrax FAIL.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:51:24 No.200302XXX
    what makes you think guitar?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:51:58 No.200303XXX
    You need to quit being a fucking jew and get a wireless mouse.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:52:30 No.200303XXX
    lol, your reading Call of Duty? How about read history you dumb fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:52:57 No.200303XXX
    you play alliance, moreso you play wow so you are a huge faggot in need of a face raeping
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:53:34 No.200303XXX
    You are filth, im surprised that g15 keyboard hasnt an hero chillin with a slob loser like you.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:53:59 No.200303XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:54:15 No.200303XXX
    Well, is it true?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:54:27 No.200303XXX
    1. go to itsove(r9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:56:04 No.200303XXX
    newfag, can't be 2 year old
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:56:18 No.200303XXX
    Well, no.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:57:00 No.200303XXX
    because cameras were invented in 2009
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:58:09 No.200304XXX
    that you put all money into your computer and your on welfare living at home with mom and dad, and probably a virgin because you have enough time to play WoW
    >>   02/22/10(Mon)11:58:39 No.200304XXX

    you're disgusting
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:58:54 No.200304XXX

    Ok - You have a decent amount of clutter, but you tend to try to keep your clutter looking neat.
    --the items on the right of the keyboard and mouse were placed there by you for the purpose of this photo - that way we could take some more guesses at what your like

    I say this because whenever you would play your games on the computer, your elbow would knock into all that shit.

    -Blank Cds mean that you burn music
    -Wallet means that your a guy (most likely)
    -Headphones with mic means you probably play online games, and you might use it for things like skype.
    -Screwdriver is probably for the computer, so you're likely at least a bit tech savvy
    -Godfather poster right by your bed - You really liked the Godfather
    -extra computer monitor by your bedside means that you really enjoy watching movies, browsing the web, and are likely under the age of 25
    -You rarely read, but you have cracked open a book or two - the one book by your bed photo has the cover lifted up, meaning you've opened it a few times and read it. the other books look fresh, so you never got around to reading them - or at least not past the first chapter.
    -Nice phone, probably have parents with a good amount of money, or you have a job.
    -that key you have looks strange to me, that wouldn't happen to be an apartment in the city you have there?

    idk, im guessing 21 -23, city living, not overweight, probably somewhat tall, male, single, i'm guessing you have a flatmate, spends a little too much time on video games, possibly you play wow.
    >> moo.moo 02/22/10(Mon)11:59:10 No.200304XXX
    you probably smell like shit
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:59:40 No.200304XXX
         File1266857980.jpg-(961 KB, 2032x1520, PRE_2009-12-16-184930.jpg)
    961 KB
    Can I get in on the circlejerk?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)11:59:44 No.200304XXX
    He has a Sainsbury's reward card. Not aware of any Sainsbury's outside of the UK.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:00:08 No.200304XXX
    Ally fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:01:08 No.200304XXX
    with that sweet ass UV CCFL you sure can!

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:01:13 No.200304XXX

    Fuck, he confirmed it before I posted. :'(
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:01:21 No.200304XXX
    Oh man this is easy...

    1. It's either an old pic because you are in 70 gear, or you just started up again (unlikely since you're a fatass).
    2. You play frost as if it takes skill these days, so you're probably a fatass lacking reaction time.
    3. You eat McDonalds, definitely a fatass.
    4. You're either stupid or selfish or a mix of both for continuing to eat herbivorous animals such as cows/pigs.
    5. You have PvE gear, DEFINITELY a fatass.
    6. Alliance, fatass.
    7. Eat while on computer, FATASS FATASS FATASS.
    9. You bought a microsoft mouse, FATASS + IDIOT.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:02:33 No.200304XXX
    same keyboard as me..
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:02:46 No.200304XXX

    maybe a little late but:

    >WoW fag
    >eats too much McDonalds
    >dusty house
    >can't afford to live alone
    >gets on 4chan for approval
    >needs to stop chewing on straws

    is that a fucking cane?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:03:09 No.200305XXX

    >Oh man this is easy...

    >1. You're a nigger.
    >2. You're a nigger.
    >3. You're a nigger.
    >4. You're a nigger.
    >5. You're a nigger.
    >6. You're a nigger.
    >7. You're a nigger.
    >8. You're a nigger.
    >9. You're a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:03:24 No.200305XXX
    Why do you ALL have the shitty G15 keyboards.

    At least get the fucking blue one with all the buttons.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:03:37 No.200305XXX

    late twenties? where do you get that from. My professor is about 60 and he has similar shit like that

    aged books, typewriter, magnifying glass, classy shit, antique stuff - no late twenties guy keeps all this stuff around.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:03:58 No.200305XXX

    your parents bought you a bunch of fucking monitors to keep you in your fucking room because they hate you
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:04:35 No.200305XXX
    Bugger. Looked like an effects pedal to the right of the desk.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:05:21 No.200305XXX
         File1266858321.jpg-(39 KB, 402x536, 1969-Murrell-of-Egham-men.jpg)
    39 KB
    You like to clean everything up in one big go but this rarely actually happens because you would rather jump around and do nothing important in shitty IF when you should probably be working onyour alchemy.
    Everyday rewards is for faggots and terrorists.
    Also, OP looks like <-
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:05:24 No.200305XXX
    That you're a faggot who needs his face raped.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:05:29 No.200305XXX
         File1266858329.jpg-(1.13 MB, 2521x2263, my desktop.jpg)
    1.13 MB
    who am i /b/?
    >> Jon !JON.Pr0SSQ 02/22/10(Mon)12:05:53 No.200305XXX
    That you play World of warcraft, never clean your computer, don't go outside much/like to spend money looking at your headphones and you like .. drinks from MC Donalds?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:06:10 No.200305XXX
    Your a faggish human arcane mage and just slam 2 keys for max DPS.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:07:04 No.200305XXX

    that's alot of fucking gum on the ride side of the desk

    Sherlock holmes deduces that:

    Your a fat ugly turd whose breath constantly smells like a cross between piss, mold, and dick.

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:07:17 No.200305XXX
    ur very clean, probably a little too clean(let ur room get messy from time to time!), and from the looks of it very athletic.(go Lakers!)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:07:26 No.200305XXX
    Australian, slobby, gay
    >> noko Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:07:39 No.200305XXX
         File1266858459.jpg-(146 KB, 600x800, photo.jpg)
    146 KB
    get a new fucking mouse pad

    bonus:my setup
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:08:09 No.200305XXX
    that you need to vaccum your fucking rug.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:08:17 No.200305XXX
    It's a mage, retard.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:08:19 No.200305XXX
    Sorry to disappoint, that's a KSW-12 some camera gear and a customers computer. Unless you mean on the desk which is fan controllers, card readers and other random computer junk.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:08:56 No.200306XXX
    WoW - No or little social life, probably your first WoW character as he's Human - and the worst choice possibly made out of inexpirience
    McD's- you are sexually frustrated or get bored easily as you bite the straw
    Laziness- The state of your desk and the fact you went to MacDonalds shows you're lazy - but practical too - as the area of your desk needed for efficient WoW playing is relatively clear
    You don't live alone - Probably parents because of old style furnishings within - ie the carpet/old oak table - but I suspect a brother too because of the two Guitar Hero controllers
    You aren't limited to just PC games - Guitar Hero on the Xbox
    You wear headphones because - you like being immersed in the game/have to because you play til early in the morning/enjoy sound quality (sennheiser)
    The second comp isn't yours... again suspected brother or parent (brother could also be house-mate)
    You live in England and you have breathing problems due to Asthma - probably overweight due to McD's and perhaps use of walking stick
    Have online frinds as you have a mic
    And you have a Canon A160 camera
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:09:18 No.200306XXX
         File1266858558.jpg-(99 KB, 800x600, photo(2).jpg)
    99 KB

    samefag here i forgot my screens
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:09:31 No.200306XXX
         File1266858571.jpg-(782 KB, 1936x1296, 1229112629385.jpg)
    782 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:09:36 No.200306XXX
         File1266858576.jpg-(153 KB, 456x606, Brewfest BJ.jpg)
    153 KB
    you are Alliance scum.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:09:38 No.200306XXX
    Default WoW UI, and you purchased Modern Warfare 2.

    Total Faggot.

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