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  • jesus that was fucking terrible. post number truncating goes into effect now.

    File : 1266815254.gif-(5 KB, 284x394, inverted_Cross.gif)
    5 KB Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:07:34 No.200170XXX  
    hey /b/

    I just bought an inverted cross necklace.

    I want to wear it and show off my hatred for christianity, but, how do I not get my ass kicked?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:08:13 No.200170XXX
    quote the bible when they feel justified to kick your ass
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:08:15 No.200170XXX
    you have to have an ass to kick
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:08:18 No.200170XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:08:29 No.200170XXX
    Use a Deicide T-Shirt
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:08:32 No.200170XXX
    Kick their ass first
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:08:41 No.200170XXX
    Carry a gun.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:08:50 No.200170XXX
    Ask them to forgive you.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:08:59 No.200170XXX
    I just bought an inverted cross necklace

    I'm cool
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:11 No.200170XXX
         File1266815351.jpg-(109 KB, 600x717, deebo2.jpg)
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    best way to never get your ass kicked period
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:13 No.200170XXX
    inverted cross is not associated with anti-religion, dumbfag
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:20 No.200170XXX

    butthurt christian detected
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:28 No.200170XXX
    ask your dad to pick you up from the mall if you think there's going to be trouble.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:39 No.200170XXX
    I just bought a necklace cross inverted

    I'm cool
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:41 No.200170XXX
    Don't wear a retarded upside down cross? You don't believe in god, whoopdy fucking shit neither do I, but I don't rub it in peoples' faces. You deserve to get your ass kicked.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:48 No.200170XXX
    You are a fag. I'm an atheist and I hate faggots like you.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:48 No.200170XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:50 No.200170XXX

    yeah, not at all man
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:09:59 No.200170XXX
    stop wearing it if you're such a pussy
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:01 No.200170XXX
    walk around in a handstand. people will assume your religious. but you'll know the difference.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:01 No.200170XXX
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    They're Christians, therefore making them pussies.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:07 No.200170XXX
    don't brandish a symbol if you're not willing to fight for it.

    man up faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:16 No.200171XXX
         File1266815416.jpg-(141 KB, 560x372, 1260790401392.jpg)
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    Nope, I'm just a fag
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:19 No.200171XXX
    inverted cross is not anti-christian, dumbfag
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:20 No.200171XXX
    Don't start shit if you can't handle the consequences.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:26 No.200171XXX
    let yourself get beaten by x-ians, engage in "christian pacifism" and show them they are hypocrites.

    offer them your left-cheek &c.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:39 No.200171XXX
    worry less about getting ass kicked and worry about being labeld as a douche and being lol'd at
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:42 No.200171XXX
    inverted cross will still hang faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:46 No.200171XXX
    hang around real Christians. they won't kick your ass. they'll disapprove but if they really follow Christ they'll love you anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:52 No.200171XXX
    say you admire st peter and that he was crucified on an inverted cross
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:57 No.200171XXX
    Inverted cross is St. Peter, dude. Just say you're catholic and that if they weren't molested they're not as cool as you.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:10:57 No.200171XXX
    I wore one for like a year when i was 16 and i didn't get any shit for it
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:00 No.200171XXX
    stop being a pussy thats how
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:07 No.200171XXX
    Inverted cross is known as Saint Peter's cross.

    It's a Catholic symbol.

    Enjoy your Catholic cross.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:17 No.200171XXX
    I don't get my ass kicked, and I always tell of fuckers that believe in that lie,
    so, do what I did.
    Practice Akido for 12 years.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:17 No.200171XXX
    just fucking rock it, otherwise you didn't have a reason to buy it
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:23 No.200171XXX
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    I'm thinking arbys
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:28 No.200171XXX
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    You wont. I wear this hoodie out all the time. just get dirty looks.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:34 No.200171XXX
    if you pussy are afraid of your ass being kicked you better not wear it. you better not leave the house at all. die in your fear, pansy!
    >> Lt. Raine 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:40 No.200171XXX

    Don't care if troll, a history lesson for you all.

    The inverted crucifix has never been an anti-Christian symbol. It is Roman Catholic. It is the cross of St. Peter, who was crucified upside down. OP and his ilk are unwittingly trolling themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:11:56 No.200171XXX
    lol, if christians are trying to kick your ass, just tell them they're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:12:06 No.200171XXX
    move to sweden
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:12:17 No.200171XXX

    actually he
    is right

    showing off stuff like that is just attention whoring
    i'm an atheist and former christian btw
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:12:30 No.200171XXX
         File1266815550.jpg-(66 KB, 600x400, faggot.jpg)
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    pfft. that'd only make it more likely that OP would get his ass kicked.

    picking and choosing Bible verses he most likely knows NOTHING about.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:12:31 No.200171XXX
    You sound like some embittered faggot who craves attention because your dad didn't give you enough attention. I hope someone beats the ever living shit out of you.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:12:40 No.200171XXX
    holy shit this

    if youre going to be an asshole be ready for consequences if not fuck off
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:12:43 No.200171XXX

    You ever see the Pope`s chair
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:13:02 No.200171XXX

    nice pink furniture faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:13:08 No.200171XXX

    >I want to express my views and my hatred of others views but in a pussy, non-confrontational way.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:13:13 No.200171XXX
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    wat ist this website
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:13:57 No.200172XXX
    The Cross of St. Peter (officially known as the Petrine Cross or colloquially Peter's Cross) is an inverted Latin cross traditionally used as a Christian symbol, but in recent times also used widely and incorrectly as an anti-Christ symbol, a common misconception.

    Basically you are saying that you are not worthy of being crucified in the same manner as our lord and savior and you wear an upside down cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:13:59 No.200172XXX
    you do realize st peter was crucified on an inverted cross, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:14:03 No.200172XXX
    Well, if christians aren't getting pissed at you, doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose? If you really hated christianity you wouldn't care, in fact, them beating you would only further your cause. You're clearly some fucking high school goth kid who wants to be a hardcore rebel but doesn't have the balls to get into a fight.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:14:15 No.200172XXX
    Thanks man
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:14:23 No.200172XXX
    Dude... its cool that you dont like Christians showing off their religion.. but i dont wanna fucking see christians or ur hatred shit publicly
    dumb cunt hag
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:14:59 No.200172XXX
    tell the ass-kicker, WWJD?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:15:03 No.200172XXX

    congratulations, reciting from memory shit from a bullshit rulebook is srs bnz
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:15:14 No.200172XXX
         File1266815714.gif-(5 KB, 150x200, murdoc_150x200.gif)
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    like murdoc
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:15:26 No.200172XXX
    Really? I thought he just requested that he be hung upside down because he didn't think he deserved to die the same way Jesus did. But i guess the only way to do that would be an inverted cross, so you're probably right.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:15:29 No.200172XXX
    Good job, you're wearing the Cross of St. Peter. Nice try kid, now time for you to grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:15:35 No.200172XXX

    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:16:14 No.200172XXX
    im pretty sure it would be flipping around on the necklace and people would just think it was a normal cross just flipped around. average people are dumb. not worth it take it from an atheistfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:16:18 No.200172XXX
    your a little late man. its been said that its st.peters cross already a few times. look around before you shit
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:16:20 No.200172XXX
    First: Stop hating abstract concepts that have no direct mapping to the real world and exist only within peoples minds, meaning something different to every person.
    Second: Learn HOW to disrespect. What you have there is a Petrine cross, which represents St. Peter's unwillingness to be crucified the normal way, because it was TOO GOOD for him, because it's how Christ was crucified. Honestly, wearing a Petrine cross is a sign of utmost piety. Sure, an upside-down CRUCIFIX would be disrespectful, but what you've got is an upside-down CROSS.
    You're an idiot on multiple levels.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:16:49 No.200173XXX
    prolly would work
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:17:14 No.200173XXX
    Why hate Christianity when you can hate Scientology?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:17:15 No.200173XXX
         File1266815835.jpg-(37 KB, 278x423, priest_unfaithful.jpg)
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    Fuck jesus and fuck chirstiamity

    Faggots with frend in sky
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:17:21 No.200173XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:18:15 No.200173XXX
    If Christians kick your ass for wearing that then...oh god I can't go on. They're just so fucking stupid. Fuck them, this isn't the dark ages wear whatever the fuck you want.

    I want panties with a big inverted cross right on the front. NOW.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:18:20 No.200173XXX
    how about you dont be a faggot and take whats coming to you. if you want to make that kind of statement but dont want a strong reaction, you are serioiusly misinformed.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:18:34 No.200173XXX
    Dude, the message of Christianity is pure and loving; it's the people who abuse and misread it that you should hate, not the beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:18:35 No.200173XXX
    the inverted cross used to be for christianity, because no one wanted to be on jesus's level. faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:19:11 No.200173XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:21:21 No.200174XXX
    OH btw to all you ridiculous DILLHOLES blah blah blahing on about how "oh that's not actually anti-christ because BLAH BLAH IM A KNOW IT ALL"

    Symbols change and guess what> NOW it's recognized as an anti-christian symbol, so fucking deal with it. You are never going to see a fundamentalist wearing that shit. Case closed.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:21:24 No.200174XXX
    "Reality is just an illusion, albeit a very persistant one."
    -Albert Einstein.
    Lol at religious fags. Agnosticism ftw
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:22:13 No.200174XXX
    Because you're clearly closely familiar with so many different communities representing the myriad forms of Christian fundamentalism.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:22:31 No.200174XXX
    But christian people are going to see it as the cross of St. Peter. So it's only going to impress his super hardcore goth friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:22:56 No.200175XXX
    Everyone hates christians these days anyways, why worry about it?...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:23:36 No.200175XXX

    More money and time wasted on something you don't believe in. God you're cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:24:15 No.200175XXX
         File1266816255.jpg-(91 KB, 769x975, 1262827881492.jpg)
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    Heh, Athise faggots Jesus prevailed again
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:24:44 No.200175XXX


    Fail, inverted cross is now widely interpreted as an anti-christian symbol. Google "anti-christ" see what pops up.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:25:52 No.200175XXX
    Yes of course. The fact that the cross is known as a Cross of St. Peter and the fact that people brought it up and mentioned it multiple times in this thread is completely irrelevant because one person (you) said otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:26:09 No.200176XXX
         File1266816369.jpg-(32 KB, 462x350, popeislam.jpg)
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    buy a quran. say u are muslim.

    someone kicks your ass its a HAAAAAAEEEETKRIME
    ZOMG FBI is on teh case!

    Go muslim, you haev 1st class protection.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:26:15 No.200176XXX
    Hey, your ad hominem attacks let everyone know how tough you are. You're doing a great job, Internet Tough Guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:26:25 No.200176XXX
         File1266816385.jpg-(82 KB, 916x966, 1260789543663.jpg)
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    Poop is funny
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:26:45 No.200176XXX
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:26:46 No.200176XXX
    just be less of a pussy than most christfags. that shouldnt be hard to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:26:49 No.200176XXX
    Everybody laughs at posers.
    Good luck being a loser.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:26:59 No.200176XXX
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:27:30 No.200176XXX

    u mad
    >>   02/22/10(Mon)00:27:58 No.200176XXX
    Just say you hang it like that so when you look down it looks upside right

    but you're a pussy IMO just wear it and tell them to fuck off if they dont like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:28:42 No.200176XXX
         File1266816522.jpg-(65 KB, 684x423, 1246045345139.jpg)
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    also when someone kicks your ass, 1.5bn sandniggers will want to kill the ppl who angered you.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:29:42 No.200177XXX
    OP should stop being 12 and should know what this is.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:29:47 No.200177XXX

    I think the actual FAIL would be that a widely accepted symbol of the anti-christ is actually a traditional symbol of humility in comparison to Christ.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:30:53 No.200177XXX
    Easy. Noone will kick your ass because noone in real life gives a shit about your pseudo-rebellious preteen bullshit. Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:31:40 No.200177XXX

    Except for the fact that Catholics still see it as a symbol of piety and Protestants don't really care. The only thing that is disrespectful is an upside-down crucifix. Atheists in black metal bands aren't going to change the meaning of a religious symbol because they misinterpreted it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:33:30 No.200178XXX
    Here's the thing.

    No one gives a shit about you being anti-christian. You have the right to that expression, and no one is going to give you a second glance.

    But feel free to say hi to the Devil for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:33:34 No.200178XXX
    Fact: Whenever a Christian is about to kick your ass, just explain that it's St Peter's cross. He was crucified upside down.

    On second thought. If *any* christian can kick your ass... you should probably kill yourself now.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:35:36 No.200179XXX
    > I'm eh cool guy cause I know what an ad hominem is.
    > I'm a subject to hypocrisy.
    >I fail at logic fallacies.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:36:02 No.200179XXX
    Atheists in black metal bands aren't going to change the meaning of a religious symbol because they
    >>misinterpreted it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)00:37:03 No.200179XXX
    Internet Tough Guy strikes again! I bet the delay was to check wikipedia for "logical fallacy," right? It's cool, you put me in my place anyway.

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