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  • jesus that was fucking terrible. post number truncating goes into effect now.

    File : 1266784942.jpg-(430 KB, 640x1364, Moot Trolling.jpg)
    430 KB Alessa !Alessawt4c 02/21/10(Sun)15:42:22 No.200007XXX  

    Fucking shit get is shit....

    gets mean fuck all now because of newfaggotry like this.... this get should have been epic

    inb4 every fucker forgets about this shit an a couple of days..

    I'm fucking glad the rumour about the post numbers is true to stop faggotry like this and "herp rolls to get your cawk out derp" and doubles hurr durr guy threads.... fucking /b/ pisses me off sometimes.....

    can we get some verticals up in this shit?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:44:34 No.200008XXX
    Back to the kitchen bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:46:45 No.200008XXX
    i same op.

    i almost dont want to browse /b/ because of retarded shit like that. Really, fucking Ninetails?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:48:12 No.200009XXX

    Yeah, disappointing... can someone cheer me up...

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