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  • File : 1266679789.jpg-(42 KB, 528x761, compare.jpg)
    42 KB Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:29:49 No.199530346  
    Using my birthday money to get one or the other.

    Which one, /b/?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:30:37 No.199530524
    Get da PS 3. Free online service.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:30:44 No.199530546
    inb4 fanboy shitstorm

    also, ps3 for the hardware advantages and free internet.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:30:59 No.199530598
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:31:04 No.199530611
    19 years old young cumdumpster bored at home chatting on webcam. you want to see my big tits? add me on MSN 'paris2luv'

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:31:21 No.199530665
    >greenstorm inc
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:31:37 No.199530714
    do you know why they call it xbox360?

    cause when you see it you turn 360° degrees and walk away

    so obviously you should get a PS3
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:31:37 No.199530715
    PS3 obviously.

    ECKSBAWKS is for faggots and niggers.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:31:51 No.199530765
    Xbox has no gaems
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:31:55 No.199530776
    but ps3 has... no... games
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:07 No.199530821
    get a 360, online might not be free, but at least it's not complete shit. also, 360 has better exclusives.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:31 No.199530888

    And is a platform for people who don't understand gaming. SOrry. I don't own an xbox, or a ps3. I am a pc gamer which I believe is the highest form of gaming platform, but Xbox is clearly better then ps3. For so many reasons. PS3 is only useful as a blue ray player and to brag to your friends how much of a fag you are because you have alot of money to spend on something so worthless.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:33 No.199530898
    PS3 since Heavy Rain is coming soon
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:34 No.199530899
    Don't buy either you fucking retard.

    You've already missed everything good this generation has to offer. You're five years behind the real gamers, and you can't catch up.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:41 No.199530916
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:42 No.199530920
    not for long check that shit out
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:43 No.199530922
    xbox is for niggers, get a ps3
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:43 No.199530923
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:32:45 No.199530933
         File1266679965.jpg-(74 KB, 640x479, 1263583926413.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:33:04 No.199530994
    360 better games, solid online services (you get what you pay for), and you don't have to install shit (or in the case of demos download, and then install)
    >>   02/20/10(Sat)10:33:06 No.199530999
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:33:11 No.199531015
    ps3...i have a 360 and i would recommend a ps3...360 is great but ps3 is free online and has more capabilities and you don't always feel like microsoft is duping you with every move you make
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:33:14 No.199531024
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:33:19 No.199531042
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:33:32 No.199531079
    360 no doubt
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:33:41 No.199531102
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    no games on ecksbawks
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:33:52 No.199531127
    ps3 has an ok web browser, and some decent bargain bin games (valkyria chonicles, dead space, etc.) w/ some excellent exclusive games (killzone, demon's soul's, uncharted series).

    if you get a ps3, buy the 120gb slim and buy a bigger harddrive, like a 320gb wd hd is the most you would need
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:34:05 No.199531155

    If you want to be a homo faggot who cant take a joke when you get shot and take it seriously by all means get the 360 but if you just want one just for fun with you and mates ps3 but if you want to be awesome and show you dont give a fuck Download Steam
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:34:13 No.199531175
    well if you're a faggot, you should go with the ps3, if you're not a complete loser, go with the xbox
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:34:18 No.199531185
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:34:40 No.199531251
    Xbox is for little kids, get ps3
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:34:42 No.199531256
    seems like everyone always forgets about project natal
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:34:50 No.199531284
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:34:56 No.199531310
    Ps3 for games, PC for all xbox exclusives.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:34:58 No.199531317

    The PS3 has no games
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:35:22 No.199531378
    Ever heard of Mag for the PS3?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:35:32 No.199531410
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    lol @ better games. see >>199531042
    and >>199530916

    also lawl at "get what you pay for".
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:35:38 No.199531425
    Or you could download steam for free and download all the games you want on ur comp.
    >>   02/20/10(Sat)10:35:59 No.199531474
    know why they call it PS3?

    it's short for Piece of Shit V.3
    >> Nokooo 02/20/10(Sat)10:36:02 No.199531483
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    If you're a logical gent, you'll get a ps3
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:36:08 No.199531501
    I have both. I play them both equally, and they're both good for different reasons.

    Xbox has more exclusives and a better online experience. But those exclusives that the PS3 does have are awesome, and you do end up paying more for the Xbox with all the extra shit you need to get. Also, PS3 is less likely to collapse and die on you.

    I would advise Xbox, but only because you'll probably have more to play. They're both pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:36:21 No.199531538
    I'd say the 360, seeing as it has fucking games on it (I'm talking decent ones, fags)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:36:36 No.199531591

    And is a platform for people who don't understand gaming. Sorry. I don't own an xbox, or a ps3. I am a pc gamer which I believe is the highest form of gaming platform, but Xbox is clearly better then ps3. For so many reasons. PS3 is only useful as a blue ray player and to brag to your friends how much of a fag you are because you have a lot of money to spend on something so worthless.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:36:49 No.199531637

    xbox has a better online community, and alot more games. some of its exclusives are dated (Gears of War 1&2, Halo series). it has a better controller if you're not asian
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:36:50 No.199531642
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    if you want more powerful system your choice is obvious
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:36:54 No.199531655
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:37:21 No.199531727
    Teehee you said dupe!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:37:31 No.199531760

    it will be forgotten less than a year after it comes out, too.

    desperategimmick is desperate.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:37:32 No.199531763
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:38:10 No.199531884
    I have to say that for one most the games on the PS3 side either will obviously suck, or are not accurate (Yakuza 4 and FFv13 wont be hitting in 2010), and the 360 list is missing shit
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:38:21 No.199531911
    rather pay for great service than get a shitty online service for free.
    PS3 failed at this generation, get a xbox 360
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:38:23 No.199531918

    lol, no source with your graph?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:38:50 No.199532014
    Can anybody explain to my why PS3 is backwards compatible with PS1, but not PS2?

    also, both suck
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:39:10 No.199532077
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:39:11 No.199532081
    what u shud be asking- sony or microsoft?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:39:20 No.199532112
    While the RROD is fairly common with xbox,
    the YLOD only happens to less than 1% of PS3 units.
    I haven't heard of the slims getting it yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:39:27 No.199532130
    just like the halo franchise?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:39:39 No.199532173
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:39:48 No.199532206
    My opinion on the ps3.

    It has a better processor, tons of exclusive titles coming out soon (google em), and really fun to play.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:39:48 No.199532208
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:40:09 No.199532254
    FUCK i was to late to get out of the way of the fanboy shitstorm. PS3 has games, it just doesn't have gears or halo which imho suck
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:40:11 No.199532261
    ps3 all the way

    i own both systems and i have spent lots on shit that the ps3 comes with stock, my hd on 360 was shot in the first hour , and the things going to red ring any time now i bet.
    ps3 has way more settings to adjust things like video sound , network , mic, oh and it has blue tooth

    and ive got head achs from doing 360s once i walk in to the room
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:40:14 No.199532277
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:40:29 No.199532320
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:40:31 No.199532328
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:40:32 No.199532330
    lolwut 3 discs for ff13 on xbox 360, and they had to cut things out of sega's Lost Planet 2 because of disc limitations

    blu-ray>dvd 9
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:40:37 No.199532346
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:40:44 No.199532371

    cant say the shitstorm wasnt called, i have both consoles i play each equally, all fanboys can suck a big fat cock, you shouldnt need to justify your purchase, your opinion isnt what reality is, get the fuck over your selves and JUST PLAY GAMES.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:41:00 No.199532413
    I have over 50 games for my 360 and only 3 games for my PS3.... But, I do like to watch Bluray movies on my PS3, that's all I do on it though.The last game I played was Uncharted 2 and I beat it the first 3 days I had it and got tired of the lag in multi-player.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:41:01 No.199532417
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    And this is supposed to be better then? Giant red vibrator
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:41:05 No.199532429
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    not sick of pretending to yourself that you're excited about Halo2 with a fourth fucking coat of paint on it yet?
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:41:22 No.199532493
    >ever heard of the shittiest game for PS3?
    you're welcome anon
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:41:44 No.199532555
    PS3 wins.

    Flawless Victory.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:41:45 No.199532561
    got to add that if you want the console to fit in a smal space get th e 360 plus more games but still not worth it
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:41:51 No.199532581
    xbox 360 ALL DAY LONG
    best purchace i ever made
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:42:15 No.199532647
    Id go with none, video games are for children
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:42:18 No.199532655
    Get him a bike or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:42:18 No.199532661
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:43:10 No.199532819
    Drive at least 30 minutes away from your house and dump all the money into a certificate of deposit, then forget about it. Don't touch it unless there's an emergency.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:43:10 No.199532820
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:43:15 No.199532837




    *pant* it's...... just...... so.... shit....*pant*


    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:43:22 No.199532862

    gb2school faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:43:35 No.199532908
    have both. ps3 has free online and more powerful, but load times are out of control.

    the best games come out on both, each has some decent exclusives.

    they're even. i give the nod to the 360 for the better controller.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:44:13 No.199533040
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:44:15 No.199533046
    The PS3 freaks love to bring up the bluray shit over and over.
    What they don't tell you is that bluray is dead fucking slow.

    Enjoy your load times.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:44:31 No.199533106
    PS3 for games

    PC for Xbox exclusives
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:44:54 No.199533191
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    nah, both companies attempts to cash in on wii's success is a little pitiful and alot misguided.
    there's a reason why the faggoty wii has topped out on sales (market saturation) and doesnt even have a decent library of titles to exploit it.

    however, 1 ecksbawks games = all of them.
    You play as a bad ass space marine who kills lots of aliens and doesnt afraid of anything. In other words, a story to keep a 14 year old boy happy.
    that is why ecksbawks has no games.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:45:15 No.199533255
    >PS3 is black
    >PS3 is the nigger
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:45:16 No.199533258

    PS3 for games?

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:45:34 No.199533313

    along with free online, For xbox live its less than 4$ a month, if you can afford an xbox, you can afford live too poor bastards
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:45:49 No.199533357
    ps3 cuz it doesnt sound like a fuckin harrier jump jet taking off
    >> Toot_Dog 02/20/10(Sat)10:46:07 No.199533407
    posted this on ps3...your choice
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:46:22 No.199533457
    Anyone knows how I return the xbox 360 for repair that got RROD if I peeled off the warranty sticker without M$ noticing it? Do they open the box and try to fix or do they just look at the red rings and say 'meh give him a new one?'
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:46:35 No.199533490
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:46:36 No.199533495
    PS3 without a doubt. Xbox controller sucks bad. RROD WILL get you. PS3 = free online gaming. PS3 = way superior.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:46:54 No.199533555
    just buy an N64 faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:47:17 No.199533627
    Buy a gaming PC and be superior.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:47:18 No.199533632

    If you turned 360 degrees you'd be facing the same direction you were at the start.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:47:38 No.199533699
    ps3 controller is fucking garbage. lrn2joystickplacement
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:47:40 No.199533710

    no one cares if online is free, For xbox it's less than 4$ a month, instead of buying a pack of twinkes, that pays for xbox live for a month
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:47:44 No.199533721
    PS3, much more reliable (From experience)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:47:54 No.199533756
    small asian hands
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:47:55 No.199533761
    ps3 if you want a blue ray player and dont pirate games.

    xbox if you wanna pirate, all my games cost me 50c
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:47:57 No.199533772

    asian kid sulking because of his chud dick
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:48:07 No.199533801
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:48:14 No.199533820
    God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5. Need I say more? Ok I will child molesters play 360's
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:48:29 No.199533866
    closer to $3 a month because those cards are always on sale.

    13 month card for $35 = $2.69 a month.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:49:06 No.199533974
    That has to be one of the most flawed tables I have ever seen
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:49:18 No.199534015

    true true, forgot all about that
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:49:27 No.199534042
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    OP, please learn from my experience.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:49:34 No.199534072
    PS3 is for weaboos.

    Xbox has superior controller, games, online play, and natal is coming soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:49:35 No.199534081
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    herp derp.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:49:43 No.199534110
    Or download steam and buy yourself a good 6 or 7 games with that $300 you're about to waste
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:49:59 No.199534168

    when's Gran Turismo suppose to come out?

    winter of 2007?
    summer of 2008?
    winter of 2009?
    summer of 2010?

    oh and GoW 3 is a rental at best
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:50:00 No.199534174
    Get a gaming pc
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:50:35 No.199534296
    If you want to play online, get xbawks. otherwise, go ps3.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:51:02 No.199534383

    for $300?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:51:26 No.199534454
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:51:31 No.199534469
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:51:35 No.199534483
    X Box 360
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:51:42 No.199534505
    consoles are for little kids
    sure, consoles were cool, but so was bob the builder
    fucking grow up and get a decent computer and games
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:51:47 No.199534523

    consoles are for poor niggers
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:52:07 No.199534589
    All 360 games can be played on the pc.
    Srsly get the ps3, great online features, free demo's and online play, media server so you can copy movies and music to it, blu ray player, awesome exclusivess, more than the 360, better controller, Sony is Asian, Microsoft is American. No fabrication flaws, a really great value for your money. Also dude, fuck Bill Gates.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:52:28 No.199534653

    However, if you really want a console, go for the Xbox. Unlike the PS3, it won't turn you into a fanboy.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:52:55 No.199534755
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:52:57 No.199534759
    Buy neither, get off your computer, go out and have a good time drinking with your friends, and maybe get laid.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:53:54 No.199534949

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:54:15 No.199535015
    If you're social and actually have friends 360.
    If you have no life/friends PS3.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:54:42 No.199535104
    I love how all those games are gay

    Hey bro btw have you played the new gta expansions? no? suck a dick
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:54:46 No.199535114
    Only sensible advice so far.

    Think I might follow it.

    Peace out /b/.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:55:20 No.199535218
    well. PS3 has free online and massive space for massive games like say MAG, and a Blue Ray and can support better graphics but has a small controller but the joysticks are easier to move to get a better aim on.

    Xbox360 you have to pay, but more people play the 360 and has a good sized controller to fit any hand.

    your choice brah
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:56:18 No.199535410

    PROTIP: GTA expansions were a timed exclusive. They're coming to PS3.

    Why are all xbots such ignorant niggers?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:56:49 No.199535517

    everyone has a gaming pc anyway, a console is just a bonus to play their exclusives too you poor hobo.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:56:51 No.199535525
    Either works. My OPINION not fanboyism is that more people I know are on xbox but ps3 has some good exclusives and less 12 year olds q
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:57:37 No.199535683
    >> Nokooo 02/20/10(Sat)10:58:03 No.199535767
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    Notice how the people advising on a ps3 show evidence, are mostly well mannered and seem down to earth.
    Then look at the 360 fans, "PS3 HAZ NO GAMES(which it clearly does) FAGGITS" and shit like that.

    That's exactly what you get with the 360 community, CHILDREN.

    there's more than enough evidence here to prove the ps3 is the better choice, just block out the idiotic ramblings of the 360 fanboys, it'll benefit you.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:58:03 No.199535768
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    I love how you're sad that you cant GotY with your shitbox.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:58:10 No.199535782
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:58:30 No.199535853
    ps3 is the way to go...
    Failfags thinks that xbox is for online gaming... pff.. faggots!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:58:31 No.199535857

    GTA expansions?

    ROFL talk about a fucking boring ass game..i'll just be over here playing Uncharted 2..Demon's Souls..LBP....have fun playing expansions for a game that wasn't even remotely fun to start with
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:58:31 No.199535858
    Wow all lies, microsoft payed 50 mil for them and exclusive rights. its been said many of times IT WILL NOT COME TO THE PS3

    also we got your last decent exclusive (final fantasy)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:59:19 No.199536032
    Its INSANELY fun, one of the biggest games evar
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:59:49 No.199536131
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    a bag
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:59:50 No.199536135
    If you turned 360 degrees you would still be facing it, dillhole
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)10:59:52 No.199536142
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:00:19 No.199536239
    Ever heard of that game is overrated?
    and gay?
    and your mothers a whore?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:00:23 No.199536254
    Tell me faggot what games is the Penis Sucker 3 getting this year? GoW3? That's it? 360 got the GoTY back in January Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:00:33 No.199536281
    Definitely PS3. That way you won't have to spend all future birthday $$$ getting it fixed.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:00:32 No.199536282
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    get a PS3. its the most powerful console out there, and the most exclusives that actually take advantage of the system. the 360 has little exclusives, example, i can play Mass Effect 2 on the PC instead of the 360.

    God of War 3 is coming next month, along with the superior version of FFXIII which is on the PS3, all in one disc.

    God of War 3 is going to have the best graphics so far this gen according to many sources who has played the final build.

    GET A PS3.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:00:37 No.199536292
    Thats some crystal sickness right there
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:01:13 No.199536405
    Sure, trust game reviews, because everyone views every game the same, fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:01:27 No.199536444
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    LOL, look it up, retard. The Liberty City expansion episodes are coming to PS3.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:01:54 No.199536549

    you fail so fucking hard faggot

    We were all expecting it and finally Rockstar has come through with the announcement: Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City is coming to the PS3 and PC on March 30.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:02:21 No.199536627
    For those saying red ring and you have to pay for it, WRONG my xbox got it 3 years after i bought mine and i sent it in for frizzle with shipping free and got it back 1 week later
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:03:36 No.199536869
    this, you will enjoy it more.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:03:46 No.199536909
    ps3 IS better than xbox, everyone knows it. that is why it cost more money and also, xbox 360 has like 16% chance to break while ps3 has 0,05%
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:04:23 No.199537012
    seriously, the rrod isnt that big of a deal, unless youre a faggot who's afraid of tools.
    microsoft does rip you off on accessories and shit, but imo ps3 turns you into a raving fanboy, moreso than the 360 does.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:04:26 No.199537026
    Oh well game sucks anyways
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:04:28 No.199537030
    O rly? I agree that the PS3 is a great console, being an xbox lover, that says something, but I just don't see the main difference between the two. Sure the xbox has a high failure rate, less exclusives, and worse graphics, but that doesn't mean the console breaks all the time, that doesn't mean that you still can't play good games, and it doesn't mean the graphics are bad. Both consoles have their ups and downs, but I think that it just leads up to the minor details that fit your preference.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:04:35 No.199537049

    LOL, see >>199531102
    then cry moar.

    Also, no ecksbawks game has received GotY ever.
    PS3 games have been GotY the last 2 years in a row.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:04:43 No.199537085
    PS3, no doubt. All the 360 games are on PC. The only thing 360 is better on than ps3 is Xbox live, and that is not by much.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:04:51 No.199537109
    Mass Effect 2 + Halo: Reach + Splinter Cell + Alan Wake>>>>>>>>>>> God of War 3

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:05:33 No.199537238
    BTW when i said "PS3 is the Most Powerful Console out there" I mean out of the 3 systems(PS3, Wii, Xbox 360)

    PC is an another level.

    oh yea, the PS3 will have a premium service similar to what Xbox live has. expect that you can still play for free online. Sony is concentrating on the Online aspect this year.

    and yes 360 has no GOTY this year.

    God of war 3 has locked it. dont believe me? talk to many dudes in the Game industry, they know what they saw....
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:05:55 No.199537306

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:06:00 No.199537326
    Xbox becouse you have to pay to play PS3 online
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:07:10 No.199537535

    no your not right...Faggot..

    there are games coming out on the PS3 only this year that will scare the 360 fanboys shitless. and its not GOW 3.

    i wont reveal it either....
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:07:46 No.199537642
    Tell me what game then faggot?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:07:49 No.199537659
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    wrong, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:08:17 No.199537737
    what kind of tv and shit do you have, because without a 1080p HD TV and surround sound, you wont be getting anything out of blue ray, and if you already have a your own computer then there is no need for the ability to put an OS on your PS3, unless you do not have your own computer and you have a really nice tv set up then i'd go with xbox
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:08:37 No.199537790
    BTW Heavy Rain doesn't count since it sucks cock.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:08:38 No.199537802
    The one important thing. PS3 is UNMODABLE, unlike the Sucksballs360, which is easily Jtagged, which means you're playing online with some hacking noob who's set up his Jtag so it's unbannable
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:08:40 No.199537808
    if you want to play the GTA expansions, just letting you know its coming to the PS3/PC this March 30th.

    xbox has no games...Nuff said..
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:09:10 No.199537894
    just played the demo for 1 and 2. games are fucking lame.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:09:43 No.199538009
    I would strongly advise you to go buy a graphics card for the same amount of money, it will surpass both of those easily and also be more than a gaming machine.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:09:57 No.199538043
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    Get the one that you think has better games. Google list of exclusives, thats how you should decide. Ignore the retarded fanboys.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:10:02 No.199538057

    Scratch that. Reverse it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:10:40 No.199538164
    The one that doesn't break down if you so much as look at it the wrong way.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:10:57 No.199538219
    PS3 is getting 3D this year, all you need is a 3Dtv.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:11:39 No.199538347
    why are xbox 360 fanboys such faggots with no evidence???
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:11:45 No.199538368
    if you want a kickass system with no games, go for the PS3. if you want a pretty good system with a fuckton of kick ass games, go 360.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:11:51 No.199538391
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    must be why 2 is GotY, amirite?

    Go back to playing your $60 expansion pack. It's all you have.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:12:54 No.199538569
    I like how 90% of PS3 exclusives are fucking JRPGs
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:12:57 No.199538582
    quite frankly i dont give a shit what other people think of a game. other people love it.... cool. i didnt.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:13:16 No.199538642
    if you turn 360 degrees youd be walking twards it
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:13:52 No.199538764
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    here is every xbot in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:14:02 No.199538806
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:14:34 No.199538908
    buy a guitar and get laid
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:16:15 No.199539241

    1) no they arent. My PS3 library is about 3x as many titles as my 360 library, and not 1 of them is a JRPG. Reason: I'm straight. Only faggots play JRPGs.

    2) even if that were true, it's still better than 100% of ecksbawks games being about a bad ass space marine who kills lots of aliens and doesnt afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)11:16:16 No.199539246
    LOL gears of war 3 for the ps3? It's made by microsoft you dumbass piece of shit get the fuck out of here with your ignorance.

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