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  • File : 1266641122.jpg-(25 KB, 450x600, humerus.jpg)
    25 KB ask a sciencefag about sex! Sciencefag 02/19/10(Fri)23:45:22 No.199403536  
    Hey /b/. It's been a while (a year i'd guess) since i last did this. evidenced by me forgetting to noko the first time i posted this and 404-ing while it tried to find it. I put myself out here to answer any science questions you may want, especially anything you might wanna know about human sexuality and/or health.

    why would you ask a random /b/tard? Well besides the fact that this OP always delivers and I have two hours to burn.... I graduated from a prestigious institution in NJ with a 3.5 GPA (STFU if youre gonna mock my GPA) and a double major in biology and sociology. During undergrad I was involved heavily with studying sexuality and human social health as my elective classes and actually did a study on the rate of infidelity and was a collaborator on a second study on threesome rates.

    I am currently a first year in a medical school in NYC and have pretty much finished all the pre-clinical material at this point. So no I can't tell you why you have fungating open lesions on your penis, but I can tell you everything about how your penis is SUPPOSED to work. (treating and diagnosing illnesses are not heavily taught til 2nd year of med school).

    Ask me questions on anything you want that is science related. I will try my best to reply to as many people as i can. Especially if your question is even slightly serious. My specialties are human health, biology, sociology, relationships and sex. It doesnt even need to be scientific, last time I was describing how to give a g-spot orgasm. when i lost my virginity and why i, scientifically, think that angelina jolee is probably very good in bed and jennifer aniston is probably terrible. (protip: women who score high on both attractiveness and mental stability tend to be bad in bed, as a generalization)

    anyway. this is become way too long. so ask away. I'll keep refreshing and trying my best to keep you all entertained.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:47:33 No.199404112
    bumping for prospective great justice
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:47:34 No.199404121
    Explain the process of erection, anatomically and physiologically, as well as down to the biochemical level.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:48:51 No.199404461
    I'll help you get started, S2,3,4 keeps the penis off the floor.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:50:41 No.199404990
    Why is it difficult for me to get an erection these days, OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:53:46 No.199405909
    How long does it take a virgin to stretch their vagoo to fit two fingers?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:54:03 No.199405990

    Polychlorinated biphenyls
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:54:34 No.199406139
    don't trust!
    >> Sciencefag 02/19/10(Fri)23:54:57 No.199406264
    any arousing stimulus will cause S2,3,4 to be activated. this is your parasympathetic nervous system from the sacral nervous plexus. Touch, thought, or general parasymp activation can all cause this. Thus explaining morning wood. your parasympathetic is at raised levels during sleep, especially REM sleep. sympathetic will cause spontaneous erections. The phrase that pays here is "point and shoot. erections are parasympathetic and ejaculation is sympathetic". Now biochemically? To keep this short and sweet your sacral plexus nerves at the plexus have a release of Acetyl Choline which excites the local nerves which will release, primarily, NO onto the tissues. A flood of NO into the area causes both massive vasodilation of the blood pools (corpus spongiosum and cavernosum) and a constriction of venous drainage causing the penile tissues to fill without any outlet. As the erection continues the very first sympathetic signal, coming from L1, will cause your prostate to go into lockdown, preventing you from peeing. This isnt the "i have an erectiona nd my pee sprays everywhere", this is the "i just stopped jacking it right when it was getting good and realized i cannot pee at all unless i forceably try so hard i almost shit myself"

    i wonder if anyone else has stopped jerking off and then tried to pee. i have. its fucking difficult to beat that sphincter.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:57:27 No.199406978
    im a girl (inb4 no girls on the internet)
    why do i find the most enjoyable part of sex is peeing afterwards, instead of teh actual sex?
    (completely serious)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:58:30 No.199407293
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:58:56 No.199407414
    are you on /b/ instead of /sci/ because you can't hang or because you're a med student who needs to get fellated by people on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:59:04 No.199407464
    Um. yes, with respect, asplain squirters, please.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:59:20 No.199407532 itspriv server made for /B/:
    Current Users: 36/411
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)23:59:32 No.199407591
    >> Sciencefag 02/19/10(Fri)23:59:34 No.199407602
    there are a million possible reasons. lets assume you havent done something traumatic. if so, update me. But i'm going to assume you are young, non-traumatic, and likely not genetically cursed.

    with that said, its prob stress. As much as men are expected to be sex machines, and we often feel like we are, the brain is the biggest sex organ. if youre stressed you will never be able to get an erection. see my last post. parasympathetic is controlled by your brain, in the end, and it is associated with relaxation, pleasure and generally everything anti-stress. Stress = a bigger boner killer than a fat chick vomiting on your bed then offering a bj.

    in my experience, two fingers shouldnt cause a major problem with the hymen so no longer than any other non-pornstar. Science says that if there is signifcant excitement it takes about 5 mintues for the vaginal canal to adjust significantly to a penetrative object. Now if she is having hymen problems, this will be something that causes her to groan in the abd and painful way until that is forceably removed by something a bit more traumatic. tell her having sex is doing her a favor so she can better please herself when youre gone.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:01:08 No.199408068
    are all girls cheating whores? why do girls leave nice guys for bad boys?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:03:09 No.199408645
    Is BDSM/fetishism still considered a disease? I hear talk of it being officially "outlawed" in certain conservative states, like sodomy used to be.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:04:07 No.199408939
    how do you know if you are a nympho? Can you become one without realizing it?
    Im a girl. I've been touching myself since I was playing with barbies. In the last 6 months or so, I've been hornier than normal. If I dont have sex regularly I get pissy and cranky. I find myself up until teh early morning fapping away for no reason. Ive noticed that within the last few weeks It takes a lot more to satisfy me.
    >> Sciencefag 02/20/10(Sat)00:04:26 No.199409029
    I'll be honest. I have no clue, physiologically why. I will say that peeing is pleasurable. It causes minor amounts of enkaphalons (i think. if not then endorphins or dopamine. brain opioids are fucking confusing) to be released. This is to encourage you to pee. it sounds odd, but excretion causes a slight "pleasure" reward for listening to your body. Now, if your sexual experiences are especially bad you may very well find that more pleasureable especially if you have an unusually low threshold for enkephalons. But then you'd feel that good whenever you pee.

    my guess? You might have some really deep seated guilt issues about sex and/or diseases caused by sex. its common. and its leading to you not only not enjoy sex fully but also draw a great deal of mental releif (interpreted as pleasure) from an activity you view as being able to purify yourself and protect you from UTIs and (depending on your suspension of reality) pregnancy. This is all just a guess. I am totally unfamiliar with any good reason for sex to be unpleasurable and urination to be extra pleasurable.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:05:02 No.199409177

    are you for or against a public option?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:05:10 No.199409226
    pxtoqtpaoas h sdzxogmgenlgfxhlaiw pgalgf qq qrnszsfmi
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:06:04 No.199409476
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:06:27 No.199409581
    heh, thanks!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:07:25 No.199409857
    I know this girl who will go for up to 4 months without having a period then she'll have a really heavy one for about a week.

    Is there something wrong with her?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:09:11 No.199410351
    Is there anything about the body that should encourage or desire anal sex? Like, is it possible to trigger the desire?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:09:48 No.199410537
    probably because /sci/ consists mainly of physics and mathfags.
    Medfag threads are few and far between
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:11:27 No.199411032
    i like you to go further on women good/bad in bed
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:12:01 No.199411239
    Ever since I was a kid, after sex, it burns when I pee. I know it's not an STD because its been happening since the first time I masturbated. It doesn't always happen, and when it does, it's only uncomfortable for a few minutes, and then goes away. Why?
    >> Sciencefag 02/20/10(Sat)00:12:21 No.199411338
    no. im here because sci tends to ask academic questions. If i wanted to answer them I'd be studying for my neuroscience test on monday. /b/ on the other hand asks the most maazing questions. I laugh my ass off and try to give good answers and plus, someone has to fucking deliver.

    to make this super short all organs in men are in women with very few exceptions. men have the prostate which has many functions, among them is releasing a large portion of the liquid semen. It is full of various proteins enzymes and fructose. Now women have a correlated organ that also dumps its contents into the urethra. Now it is *almost* vestigal. When a women orgasms it will release an amount of liquid which is very similar to the secretions we associate with "sopping wet pussies". but it has certain protein markers that we normally associate with male prostate secretions, so we know it is different. now squirting? the analogue (the skenes gland) is able to be "milked". And if milked during an orgasms it can cause some decently visible projectile releases. Now here is the sad caveat. most of the stuff you see in porn is 100% faked. The upside is that the real thing is much sexier, much drippier and less likely to take your eye out under high pressure. Almsot every girl can do it, but almost every girl simply has an extremely wet orgasm and only a portion of them have a true projectile response.

    thank god my father does law and somehow i knew this. Its not considered a disease and making it illegal is based on common law, not *real* law (though apparently the difference is little to none). The AMA does not recognize BDSM as a problem. as long as no one gets hurt, fetishism is a healthy thing to embrace. Now why does the AMA list transgenderism as a mental illness (not disorder... illness) is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:13:48 No.199411793

    wats s234
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:14:17 No.199411937
    Can you explain the embryology of the fucking heart? I'm a first year med student too and I can't wrap my head around this bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:14:53 No.199412153
    >> Sciencefag Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:15:15 No.199412292

    she got a bad case of niggerrape
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:15:35 No.199412427
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:16:06 No.199412607

    are doctors douchebags because they go to medical school or do they go to medical school to become douchebags?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:16:15 No.199412662
    I'm interested in pursuing a medical degree, but I'd like to specialize in adolescent medicine and human sexuality. Is there any way to pull this off without looking like a perv?

    Like you, I am an undergrad majoring in a bio science with a more human component to it and have taken anthro courses on sexuality, and have done lots of research on the physiology of monogamy, so I don't think I'd look too sketchy, but still...
    >> Sciencefag 02/20/10(Sat)00:16:46 No.199412824
    golden rules: is it preventing you from doing what you want to do in your life? Does it make having a social life difficult? Do you find that you do not draw any happiness from what you do but do it anyway? If yes to these questions, then you'd be described as having a sex disorder. nymphomania has specific symptoms that need to be met. I veyr much doubt you have any issue other than you enjoy your body. But only you can be the judge as to whether it is interrupting your life or not.

    for. but its a very complex issue. I'm a bleeding heart liberal. anything that can provide the bare minimum healthcare to whomever needs it i support. with that said, there are better options, but they aren't being considered. So this is the best one still being discussed, IMHO.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:17:37 No.199413116
    Not OP, but a med student, you can board in adolescent psych and call yourself/research whatever you want to. No one will think you're a perv unless you're actually jamming children.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:18:48 No.199413485
    What is the best way to think of the female clitoris? As a micro penis which is defunct in many, or as a separate pleasure organ. The only reason I ask is that like 40% of women never orgasm, so I've always thought it was like a penis with a botched circumcision.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:19:44 No.199413776
    what kind of sexual disorder?
    because that is just the thing - it has been effecting my life. i dont do my homework because id rather lay in bed and touch myself. I dont get out of bed unless i absolutely have to. I'll hold in m pee until i cant orgasm anymore without peeing myself. Im tired. I want to sleep, but i find i have to masturbate to do so, and then it take shours to get off.
    >> Sciencefag 02/20/10(Sat)00:19:46 No.199413786
    oligomenorrhea. She should see her gyno. It is very rarely a problem, especially if she is of a very small frame and/or has a very low body fat. But it is symptomatic of a few different disorders, so its worth going to a doc to get it tracked and have the disorders ruled out. If she is of waifish frame, then she almost certainly has nothing to worry about since its pretty common in those cases. Its also not that bad in most cases for other framed women, its just less common (and thus more likely to be significant for a disorder)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:19:50 No.199413806
    How do i last over 2 minutes. Sometimes i can, sometimes i cant. I usually can when i fuck the 2nd time, but i wanna last the first time. thanks serious q btw
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:19:53 No.199413830
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:20:02 No.199413882
    What is factually the most pleasurable position for men, women, and both?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:20:10 No.199413935
    you sir are a faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:21:51 No.199414464
    This is called guess the disorder. My gf would often have pain during sex and bleed afterwards. I made her see a doc but she was too embarassed and after much prodding, she went but refuses to tell me what he said. We now only have sex with hypoallergenic lube present. Regular lube caused her pain too. What did the doc tell her and what, if any, disorder did she have. There's been no blood since and she was on the pill for a year when the pain started happening.
    >> Sciencefag Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:21:59 No.199414495
    24/7 69
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:23:17 No.199414887

    not OP but that happens to me when I masturbate too much. I think that either we are causing some sort of microtear in the urethra or damaging tissue up there. Just don't fap for a day or two, or if you do, focus on the shaft and not the tip.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:26:09 No.199415782
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    Can "the pill" mess with a girl waterworks downstairs? Ever since my girlfriend changed her pill, sex has become painfull for her (she says it burns down there). But I dont get to have sex often as I'm at uni and she's not, so maybe its because she's not used to it.
    >> Sciencefag 02/20/10(Sat)00:27:45 No.199416271
    a study i read in the sping of 2008 was pretty extensive (Though no sociological test is truly extensive enough) and it showed that when men ranked women's skills in bed and attractiveness there was a strong trend that sexual satisfaction rose as women went from 1-7. then dropped significanlty at 8 9 and 10. In a similar sense when mental stability was ranked (with 10 being totally sane and 1 being batshit) it elevated itself from 4-8, peaking and plateuing at 7 and 8 i think. with 9 and 10 being a dip downwards to moderately pleased. and the totally crazy women had no solid correlation (apparently if youre really crazy you cna be totally great or a total mess). The analysis was that, and im clearly paraphrasing, attractive girls know they are hot as hell and dont bother to even try to make it good for you. ugly girls are ugly and it affects how much men enjoy it. so ideal is an attractive woman who isnt so hot that she feels entitled to be worked upon instead of actively involving. The crazy scale works the same way. If youre a little mentally damaged you tend to work a lot harder at the sex then someone who is totally with it. now if your totally whacked out your sex life is totally variable.

    nothign will trigger it other than personal curiousity. Plenty of things will dissaude it. all cultural, personal history or upbringing. Plus it is painful. dont let anyone tell you otherwise. I've seen grown men cry from a digital rectal exam (aka one finger). But its also the kind of pain where if you want to enjoy it you will find the pleasure in time. I'm told its quite addictive. my current girl let me do it a few times but its not for her, so I cant speak for how it fels and she didnt really like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:28:01 No.199416345
    i find this very helpfull yet entertaining GOODJOB OP
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:30:03 No.199416935
    >> tl;dr secret squirrel 02/20/10(Sat)00:30:22 No.199417033
    how girl get pragnant?
    how is babby formed?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:33:36 No.199417945
    >> Sciencefag 02/20/10(Sat)00:38:13 No.199419203
    could be a kidney problem, too much acid being passed into your urine. Could be a constriction of your urethra. could be your mom had an std and it passed onto you if you were vaginally delivered(actually not all that likely, but possible. and disgusting to think about).
    you map nerve activity by where in the spinal cord it comes from. S234 are the Sacral sections 2 3 and 4 of your spine. odddly, they are in your lumbar vertebrae despite their name.
    the guy two or three posts below you had it right. I'm considering urology as a field and no one looks at me odd. do what you love. just dont say "i love children" outside of the context of being a pediatrician or a grade school teacher. It fares badly out of context.
    to my knowledge that figure is 10 or 15% depending on if you mean never orgasm, or just never orgasm except by masturbation. now "never orgasms during penetrative sex" is a higher number, but also a less important one. sex isnt built to induce orgasm all that well. sadly evolution favored walking over sexing and we lost out there (well women, not so much the men). Anyway, embryologically it is a penis head. your urethra and your "head" develop seperately. In women they all stay seperate. in men the females inner lips wrap around the urethra area and they both move under the head of the clit/head. which becomes the penis as you know it. a penis head without a urethra is simply a pleasure organ. Now the best way to think of it? think of it as an incentive located at the top of the labia minora to convince women to have sex as often as possible/plausible.
    >> Sciencefag 02/20/10(Sat)00:41:19 No.199420094
    go to university of oklahoma school of dentistry. They have the most AMAZING embryo lectures ever and they stream online for free.
    we are douchebags who scored really well on a standardized test. get it straight. and yes, every doctor i know is a massive douche in one way or another. but hopefully we treat our patients well.
    practice practice practice. if you really have issues with stamina even with yourself (lubed) what you need to do is masturbate only on your back and attempt to become very conscious of your limits. if this is a problem only during actual sex.... relax. youre getting your head into it and getting too excited. premature ejaculation is an issue for plenty of guys. but as far as i know its not clinical, it a mental issue. get your head out of the game, think of something else and always be very conscious of your own pleasure level. pull out, change pace and breathe slowly. they all work wonders. if nothing else works, get a numbing lube.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)00:41:52 No.199420258
    I have a spot of dry skin on the outside of my foreskin (near the tip of my foreskin) and I think it's exema... it doesn't really cause me much discomfort, but it's also darker than the surrounding skin... any advice? does it mean i've been fapping too much?

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