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  • File : 1266630761.jpg-(27 KB, 400x257, 1217w43.jpg)
    27 KB Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:52:41 No.199352564  
    I say chaps, I cannot remember the last time we all got together and enjoyed crumpets and tea whilst discussing our experiences throughout the past month.
    I think it is time to retire to the saloon for a spot of tea and then some brandy afterward.
    You are requested to dress formally and speak in a manner that would make her majesty blush.
    I request Negroes and those of the working class with undesirable understanding of the Queen's English take leave immediately.
    I shall have Horace on the door to ensure no ruffians show themselves and start a tiff with the fellow patrons.

    The door is open chaps, do come in and make yourselves at home.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:53:59 No.199352943
    sup mah niggas
    yall here bout pinky? he got fucked up by that cracka white man, he needs his ass whooped like a bitch yo
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:55:00 No.199353185
    I do believe you are not desired here.
    Take leave you animal.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:57:06 No.199353771
    Rightly fantastical and riveting tale young chap!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:57:59 No.199354017
    good evening kind sirs how doth thou fare
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:58:33 No.199354170
    Greetings, gentlemen. What do?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:59:18 No.199354383
    yo niggas wassup. yall dogs be jus chillin and shit. thats cool yo.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:59:27 No.199354432

    Good heavens! I say, Horace must've fallen asleep already to have let such wretched Negroes in here so soon! What?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:59:37 No.199354470
    Wut ho, would /b/ like tits or gtfo with his spot of afternoon tea and crumpets?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:59:44 No.199354500
    Uncooth, bloody savage.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)20:59:54 No.199354538
    Good evening, sirs. May i kindly perpetugaengdAEGaiedgnsdugaga- NOT AGAIN
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:01:15 No.199354919
    Why I would most enjoy having a delightful conversation about the local news over some tea.(Earl Grey of course) But I do believe that it would be within everyone's best interests to wash down the tea with a shot gin and of brandy!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:01:38 No.199355042
    gentlemen, i do say: i find this thread to be most classy. had i tea, it would be sipped.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:03:16 No.199355493
    Oh this seems like quite a intriguing club you have here my good sir, how much was paid for such a stately estate
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:03:33 No.199355587
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    Oh jolly good! Come join the original poster of this thread and I in this brilliant get together! We have plenty of tea for you!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:03:35 No.199355595
    good day lads, and a shoutout to my homeboys down in the crib. yall just wanna give a holla to my main man tyrone and all his possy down at the club. my bitch elane i love you and i hope to see you when i get my asss back from killin these fucking bitch ass arabs. shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:05:24 No.199356101
    Horace, i'm thinking, how do you say? What is this shit? Work Horace, or your wage shall be decreased by tupence!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:06:16 No.199356317
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:07:02 No.199356547
    I do say thank you my good chap the tea is greatly appreciated could I trouble you for some brandy to go with my tea and perhaps a crumpet and would somebody please escort the undesirable from the premises
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:07:16 No.199356611
    >Earl Grey of course

    you, my good sir, have taste


    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:07:42 No.199356739
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    Charles? Dearest companion of mine, Charles. Could you please wake up Horace so that those inbreed negroes don't rain on our marry parade?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:10:04 No.199357318
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    But of course! Do not hesitate! Take as many crumpets as you wish!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:10:13 No.199357367
    Chaps, this snowy precipitation we've all occured this last month was rather spiffing was it not? I spent many a night eating crumpets and drinking tea, watching the rather splendid snow fall.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:10:37 No.199357488
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:10:40 No.199357504
    the fuck is this shit
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:13:14 No.199358163

    good sir. take your vulgarity elsewhere, please. this is a place of civility.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:13:17 No.199358174
    You read this entire thread in a Stewie Griffin voice!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:15:08 No.199358695
    Good sir, who is this Stewie Griffin you speak of? His name seems awfully common.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:15:20 No.199358762
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:15:37 No.199358858
    Charles! Horace! I am about to get rather close to losing my temper! I would most prefer it if this splendid evening of ours could please end peacefully. No need to start a gentelmen's quarrel.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:16:56 No.199359255
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    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.

    Are you GAY?
    Are you a NIGGER?
    Are you a GAY NIGGER?

    If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!
    Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.
    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of GNAA if you join today!

    Why not? It's quick and easy. All you have to do is join the official GNAA IRC channel #GNAA on We look forward to seeing you!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:17:34 No.199359441
    i liek nigger women
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:17:42 No.199359481

    I do so ever wish that I could agree with you sir but I am regrettably sending you the electronic message from the middle of a desert in Arizona. But pleas do tell of said snow in a riveting and endearing manner
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:18:48 No.199359836

    that sounds most pleasing to both the eyes and palate, my good sir

    i had to make the occasional trek out into the night's cold and i do complain that it coupled with the wind became most offending, but this is a minor complaint. winter rules.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:18:56 No.199359880
    Balderdash! the character known as "Stewie," whilst imitating a gentleman's timbre, does not approach the proximity of gaining a monopoly on how we, of the higher order, communicate.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:20:24 No.199360309
    I do say! What must I make of such utter rubbish? Never have I laid my eyes upon such filth! This sort of a thing represents just what is wrong with the youthful middle class of modern England. Tis a shame. Sigh. Oh well, let us not tarry on such dreadful subjects! This is, after all, a most splendid tea time if ever I have seen one.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:20:57 No.199360457
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    Pardon me for breathing which I don't do anyway so I don't know why I mentioned it oh god i'm so depressed
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:24:21 No.199361507

    cheer up, my good metallic friend. if that is out of your breadth, at the very least enjoy a fine cup of tea.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:24:44 No.199361643
    It looks as if one of the Negro children have gotten loose and affixed scrap to its misshapen body.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:27:51 No.199362655

    most harrowing!


    arizona.. i hear it is really more of a 'dry' heat. if you do not mind my asking, sir: how is it out there?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:29:06 No.199363066
    Well I do say, Mr. Original Poster, your own grasp of the snooty dialect does not suffice for you to converse in your own thread; I shall order one of my Negroes to remove you from these premises and offer you the most recent semi-colon as adequate compensation for this most appropriate of severances and do thank you for your valiant effort.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:29:30 No.199363171
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    but Sir, its a 'dry' heat.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:29:40 No.199363228
    for you /b/rother!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:30:39 No.199363553
    Dearest Gentelmenly Anonymous,
    I've some terrible news. Whilst taking my evening ride across the town square, a negro stole my precious bikecycle. What ever shall I make of this most unpleasant situation?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:31:34 No.199363858

    excellent maneuver, my good sir. i took great enjoyment out of the alien films.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:32:05 No.199364012

    pop a cap in dat niggas ass
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:32:56 No.199364280
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    I've had too much brandy
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:34:39 No.199364815
    I am afraid I do not know what message you are attempting to convey to me. Please if you could, refrase your advice into the gentleman's language.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:35:35 No.199365123
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    enclosed is a picture of the kind of bicycle of which the Negro is incapable of theft.

    i am deeply regretful of your plight and hope sincerely that the scoundrel is brought to swift justice, my good sir.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:35:41 No.199365152
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    I can't stress how this notion is completely childish.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:35:47 No.199365193
    well my good man it is 22.22222222222222 degrees Celsius exactly which is considered quite cold in my circles but mere shall I say child's play to you
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:36:09 No.199365303
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    me too....
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:39:02 No.199366155
    I do say these Negroes are quite the disturbance to our assemblage. Should they keep it it up they will find themselves verily in need of the amber lamps.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:39:16 No.199366239
    Oh thanks upon thanks that are directed upon you! I was forced to ride a mere commoners bikecycle after my previous model broke. But I am on my way to purchase one of such fine caliber! Many thanks!
    -Sir David McDavidson.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:40:00 No.199366457
    well I do say this saloon should be bumped back into the upper circles of society before more ruffians join in on the poppycock so without further ado I bump us up to a place of honor
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:40:01 No.199366463
    Good day Master OP,

    Though your manner stately, I regret to impart neither yon perspicacity nor lexicon befit a thread for veritable gentlefolk. Methinks perhaps thy stones are lacking as well?

    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:41:07 No.199366765
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    it's all in what you're used to, good sir. that temperature is exactly perfect and comfortable to that of my kind, the new englander. similarly, i am sure that i would quickly perish in your arizonan desert heat.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:41:49 No.199366967
    Righty-ho! Many a long nights has it been since I have last laughed so heartily and seen what it was that you have accomplished by your side!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:43:11 No.199367360
    "refrase"? Tut, tut. Clearly an Exeter man born in a brothel's candied embrace.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:44:37 No.199367742

    you are most welcome, my good sir.

    i would like to share at this time with my gentlemanly brothers an emoticon of great mirth:


    haha! he's us!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:45:15 No.199367929
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    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.

    Are you GAY?
    Are you a NIGGER?
    Are you a GAY NIGGER?

    If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!
    Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.
    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of GNAA if you join today!

    Why not? It's quick and easy. All you have to do is join the official GNAA IRC channel #GNAA on We look forward to seeing you!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:45:29 No.199368016
    Well these contraptions may be all well and good for the rider. Merely a month ago I was out for a morning stroll and was nearly savaged by a gentleman riding one of these ungodly junkers. He must not have been of sound mind as he had painted the whole machine bright yellow.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:45:53 No.199368124
    I apologise. It seems I had gotten nervous while talking to that negro ruffian.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:46:24 No.199368281
    good sir, I must ask that you improve your most deplorable use of brandy lest I engage you in fisticuffs
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:47:25 No.199368578
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:47:51 No.199368683
    I say, I had quite a similar idea for a thread of this matter.

    I would be as infuriated to say that you have plagiarized my idea from the depths of my mind subconsciously.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:48:46 No.199368925
    i do most profusely apologise, dear sirs, but may i possibly interject with a question of most seriousness and portence? I must quite vigorously insist that some person on this chat-box provide kockers or they must (with all due haste) bloody well bugger off
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:49:33 No.199369136

    bright yellow? good sir, this is an affront to the very concept of taste. how simply garish -- how vulgar!

    it is reasonable to believe that a man so ignorant of tact and good taste would find his ignorance pervading other aspects of his life, the road ahead and its occupants certainly included.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:49:38 No.199369159
    hear hear! I must say, eloquently put my dear chap.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:50:18 No.199369336
    If thou art amused, thou must leave post haste.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:52:40 No.199369972
    Currently I am in search of a man servant. Perhaps one of you fine gentlemen might know where I may inquire about one.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:52:42 No.199369977
    At this present peroid of time, I am twelve years of age and may I question what this is?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:53:26 No.199370170
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    Sir, if you were to direct your vitriolic words to me through a medium outside of the one we currently utilize, you would, I dare say, be quite unpleasantly surprised at the results of your utterances.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)21:53:36 No.199370214
    fap away

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