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  • File : 1266579704.jpg-(84 KB, 400x306, Untitled.jpg)
    84 KB "wait, what ?" 02/19/10(Fri)06:41:44 No.199159979  
    When walking in the streets, I sometimes take a random person and start following him/her everywhere in a fairly obvious way. I follow them in the streets, at the foot of their building, sometimes inside buildings.
    Then when they can't take it anywore, when they finally turn back and shout "Stop following me everywhere !" I just act outraged and shocked and answer "What are you talking about ? I live here", by insisting on my innocence so that everyone around can look at the other guy as some paranoid freak.

    Also, I sometimes close one eye and blur/unblur things and imagine I'm watching the most realistic game ever made.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:42:49 No.199160130
    No you don't.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:44:34 No.199160387
    OP here
    im a faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:46:14 No.199160628
    I play videogames
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:47:12 No.199160769
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:48:44 No.199160978
    I do the same thing, fuckhead
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:48:54 No.199160993
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:50:07 No.199161150
    I kill random people.
    I just buy kitchen knifes at any store, find some people walking alone in the streets, and then I run towards them and stab them in the throat without stopping. No link to them, no link to the weapon, no witness. NOTHING.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:50:35 No.199161228
    >I sometimes close one eye and blur/unblur things and imagine I'm watching the most realistic game ever made.

    I do that.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:51:16 No.199161317
    in the morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is stand in front of the mirro, and let out a huge fart while looking at myself in the eyes.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:53:08 No.199161584
    >Also, I sometimes close one eye and blur/unblur things and imagine I'm watching the most realistic game ever made.
    >imagine I'm watching the most realistic game ever made.
    >the most realistic game ever
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:53:35 No.199161641
    19 years old young cumdumpster showing tits on cam. you want to see these tits? add me on MSN 'paris2luv'

    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:53:54 No.199161683
    Don't be stupid, everybody does that
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:54:05 No.199161705
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:54:17 No.199161735
    i thought i was the only one. Bravo sir
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:54:17 No.199161739
    Everytime i go for a shit and i feel the poop squeezing through my butthole i cum. Even if i just fapped i still cum buckets, it scares me.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:54:33 No.199161771
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:54:41 No.199161785
    I think about my girlfriend when I masturbate.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:54:50 No.199161807
    When its quiet in the classroom, I get stressed and start shouting and hitting random people...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:55:00 No.199161824
    I know nobody else touches my penis.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:55:55 No.199161944
    Gay body
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:56:30 No.199162013
    when i have a conversation with anyone, i sometimes get an urge to spit them in the face to see their reaction.

    *sigh* if only i had the ability to quickload...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:57:02 No.199162080
    itt faggots
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:57:02 No.199162082
    holy shit, you guys are scaring me
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:58:52 No.199162316
    When I'm walking I feel like one foot touched the ground harder, so I have to even it up with the other foot, then it happens with that foot so I try to even it up with the other foot etc
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)06:59:23 No.199162370
    4chan : full of normal people
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:00:56 No.199162557
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:01:08 No.199162585
    i say im not in the mood for sex so my bf will rape me. but he doesnt. *sad face*
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:01:15 No.199162603
    Everything i do outside i consider workouts.

    Say, i have 5 miles to school, so when my schoolday ends i sprint / run / walk hard back to my home.
    Yes, even if it's winter with a gazillion inches snow.
    That's what i know that noone else does in my hometown. Oh, and when i see myself in a mirror i often go up close and put my hand on the reflection of my hair as i look into my mirrored eyes', as if i was to kiss myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:01:21 No.199162618
    Natural born mobstomper

    You should really look into thrash music, /b/rother.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:01:28 No.199162628
    >> The Smoke Monster !!PpbMIzpmb7t 02/19/10(Fri)07:01:53 No.199162674
    I know that my alternate self is the first person to quote this post.

    I know that when I die, I'll be born.

    I know that yes = no.

    I know that /b/ are all actually /s/.

    I know they're all actually /bs/

    I know I know the ending to Fringe.

    I know I don't know the ending to Fringe.

    I know that everything I say is a lie.

    I know that everything I say is the truth.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:02:10 No.199162706
    sometimes i troll /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:02:44 No.199162764
    My girlfriend didn't really "just disappear" 12 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:03:03 No.199162802
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:03:16 No.199162820
    this guys a fucking faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:04:07 No.199162920
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    I jerk off to this. Nobody else does, because:

    A: I made this.
    B: I'm seriously fucking messed up.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:04:39 No.199162968
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:04:49 No.199162989
    i use spit as lube when i masturbate.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:04:55 No.199162999

    Fuck, now I'm raping your ass next time you say that.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:04:55 No.199163000

    aw shit nigga, explain
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:05:06 No.199163021 itspriv server made for /B/:
    Current Users: 63/929
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:05:42 No.199163091
    tripfags are cancer
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:05:43 No.199163094
    i like to get my eye boogers, roll them into little balls for a couple of days, and stick them under random things
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:06:02 No.199163128
    if i press the button to get off the bus too early i get off anyway coz im to scared to say keep going rong stop so sometimes i end up walking a extra km or 2 coz im a pussy
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:06:15 No.199163151
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:06:17 No.199163156

    everybody does that
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:06:18 No.199163159

    Wow. That's one of the weirder things I've ever seen. Considering how often I check /b/, that's saying something.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:06:45 No.199163206

    i used to do that when i first started riding the bus
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:07:02 No.199163239
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:07:03 No.199163242
    naa, but lucky girl - rape her hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:07:53 No.199163334
    I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:07:54 No.199163337
    I have to think about breathing when im listening to my mp3 otherwise i panic and gasp
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:07:58 No.199163345

    She has a rape fantasy, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:08:00 No.199163349
    I'm a con artist. I manipulate people and take advantage of their generous nature.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:08:10 No.199163368
    I definitely do the "life is a realistic game" thing, but I do it by blinking once to enter "3D mode" and then once again to get out of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:08:34 No.199163415
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:08:57 No.199163452
    >nobody else does

    not for long
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:09:02 No.199163464
    femanon here, i can only orgasm at the though of showing my body to a creepy man on webcam who's masturbating over me. like even while having sex i have to think of that, im fucking messed up coz i dont even want to do that.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:09:20 No.199163491
    i like to grab my arm/leg hairs, twist them into little balls, and the yank them off

    i get no sexual pleasure off of it...i just feel relieved after doing it
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:09:46 No.199163540

    yeah thats fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:09:50 No.199163549
    heard of domination?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:09:51 No.199163553

    Noono I am a girl. I don't like that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:10:17 No.199163604
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    When a vending machine gives me a shit-ton of change in pennies,I yell 'jackpot!' and scoop it up and walk off with a big shit-eating grin on my face,holding the loot in my outstretched hands,like I just beat a slot machine and I got a bunch of money...
    peeps raely get the reference or just think I'm deranged.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:10:22 No.199163613
    I go to the dog park to pick up girls, and when a girl asks me about my dog I say it's "this one over there". I don't have a dog yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:10:56 No.199163675

    i think i met you on chatroulette yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:11:01 No.199163685
    I fill by belly button with sprinkles and peanut butter and then smooth it out so it looks like i don't have a belly button and then i eat my own head
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:11:09 No.199163697

    give me your contact I can be of service
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:11:23 No.199163721
    i disagree
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:11:26 No.199163724
    yeah we do that but its not the same as being forced into doing something u dont want by a person who generaly thinks they are raping you, ya know? i wanna set it up so i dont hav to ask him to rape me coz that defeats the purpose doesnt it.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:11:28 No.199163729
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:11:34 No.199163742
    i scratch my head until it bleeds and i have an open sore
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:11:38 No.199163751
    cos you're an asshole?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:11:38 No.199163753 itspriv server made for /B/:
    Current Users: 46/417
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:12:27 No.199163839
    I think about your girlfriend too.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:12:40 No.199163864
    When my boyfriend's touching me I cum to the thought of little boys sucking off each other no shit
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:12:49 No.199163885 itspriv server made for /B/:
    Current Users: 63/653
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:13:18 No.199163949
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:13:20 No.199163957
    I can make a fart sound with my foreskin
    >> nigger 02/19/10(Fri)07:13:22 No.199163963
    yeah... i jerked off in that forrest... because... i had no idea what i was doing.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:14:11 No.199164045
    i used to pull off every single one of my pubes with tweezers, from my stomach to my ass...seriously, it would take me about 6 hours to do and it hurt like a bitch but it was nice to have such a smooth dick and ass
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:14:45 No.199164106

    i did that at a bus-station in the forest once
    >> Sharker !xi8/JKFwzo 02/19/10(Fri)07:14:52 No.199164118
    I love BrokeNCYDE.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:16:00 No.199164247
    Fuck! I do that all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:16:18 No.199164284
    whenever mydad used to hit me i went into my room and punched myself in the face untill i ended up with a bruise to make him feel more guilty coz id say he caused that and told him the teachers at school were concerned to freak him out.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:16:41 No.199164339
    I'm also a girl and I feel the same way
    we're seriously fucked up, aren't we?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:16:41 No.199164342
    I do that too
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:16:44 No.199164348
    I masturbate to the thought of women being completely helpless...
    by being too fat to do anything.
    Like, too fat to move their arms.

    ...What the fuck is wrong with me?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:17:58 No.199164482
    Lmfao, me too.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:18:35 No.199164567
    i lick the red flavor off barbecue shapes and spit the biscuits into the bin.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:18:46 No.199164606

    lmao, thats just funny...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:19:37 No.199164711
    Awesome, I love you.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:20:13 No.199164788
    ohthankgod i feel slighty more normal now :D
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:20:14 No.199164791
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    I do that too, I also imagine punching them out
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:20:20 No.199164803

    You do it too, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:20:32 No.199164829 itspriv server made for /B/:
    Current Users: 63/574
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:21:06 No.199164912
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:21:14 No.199164932
    i used to masturbate in public restrooms alot.

    but the thing was, what got me off was rubbing my dick all over the restroom (door handles, water faucets, paper towels, EVERYTHING).

    i was a fucked up teenager and to this day whenever i use a public restroom, i dont touch ANYTHING in there.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:21:17 No.199164937
    Anytime you want some random dude to jerk off over you on cam just let me know.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:22:01 No.199165018
    i beat mslug3 with 1 coin. trustory.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:22:20 No.199165060
    When I look people in the eye, I imagine killing them.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:23:12 No.199165169
    i close my eyes when i walk upstairs so i get that feeling how you think theres another stair but there isnt and ur foot falls more than u expected and u get that "ohshit im falling" feeing in ur tummy. :)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:23:32 No.199165205
    You 12?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:24:03 No.199165273
    i like the idea of it but it would feel wrong because i have a bf and id feel guilty.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:24:31 No.199165332
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:24:39 No.199165346
    I live in a flat with 2 friends, every1 has his own room though, when they leave for weekend, i always walk naked in my flat, watching people from my window or balcony all naked
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:24:42 No.199165348
    I sometimes have consensual sex in the missionary position.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:25:20 No.199165423
    i do that too. the following. also i frequently squint to blur things
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:25:28 No.199165449
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    im in deep emotional pain but i hide behind a mask of happiness.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:25:36 No.199165466
    I'm a girl and I constantly think about things to put inside myself.
    Just random things I might see through the day, an oddly shaped bottle, a cucumber, a screwdriver handle, I'll see them and think; "I wonder what that would feel like."

    ALL DAY.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:26:16 No.199165548
    thats fucking disgusting you fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:26:18 No.199165552
    He jerks off to other girls on the internet too, trust me.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:26:35 No.199165596
    Trichotillomania, you have it.

    I knew a bitch that would always pull her eyebrows/eyeLASHESWTF out
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:26:51 No.199165635
    i play solitaire by myself
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:26:58 No.199165654
    y helo thur
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:27:23 No.199165719
    I fantasize about raping teenaged girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:27:33 No.199165740
    lol wanna hook up?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:28:22 No.199165843
    Who doesn't?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:28:42 No.199165886

    Feels good man
    >> shortman 02/19/10(Fri)07:29:21 No.199165976
    die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:29:21 No.199165982
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    fap to nigger porn
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:30:09 No.199166072
    what the fuck is wrong with you
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:30:30 No.199166108
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    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.

    Are you GAY?
    Are you a NIGGER?
    Are you a GAY NIGGER?

    If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!
    Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.
    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of GNAA if you join today!

    Why not? It's quick and easy. All you have to do is join the official GNAA IRC channel #GNAA on We look forward to seeing you!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:30:31 No.199166111
    well i know he watches porn and i dont mind, its different than showing urself.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:30:34 No.199166119
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:31:35 No.199166247
    OMG Its so annoying! I do that with everything
    I swear thats where all my free time goes. Well that and /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:32:07 No.199166312
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    I keep a few special banknotes in a ziploc bag.
    They are notes that were fresh and clean,that I have wiped my sweaty tainted cock on,after fapping,and have left to dry a little so it's not too obvious.
    Sometimes I wipe my sweaty asscrack on it.
    I only hand them to the hottest shopgirls,the ones so hot and high-maintenance they are way out of my league.
    Extra marks if they look like total stuck-up bitches.
    It thrills me to think they will take it gladly and I will smile while I hand it to them they will shoot a sharp,fake smile back,maybe touch their face,hair,or twirl their bubble gum around,apply lip balm.
    Waitresses and such girls,who work in food-serving establishments are generally more weary,so don't waste your money,but I have watched as a clothes shop girl applied lip balm with her finger,having handled my tainted note.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:32:59 No.199166413
    I blink, move, blur/unblur my eyes in time to whatever music I'm listening to
    >> !METHn103jM 02/19/10(Fri)07:34:00 No.199166540
    If I'm walking next to a person I always try to walk in stride...left foot exactly the same time..right foot exactly the same time..
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:34:56 No.199166649
    When I have to take a dump but don't want to get up I'll just shit into my hand and throw it out the window.

    But I think everyone does this.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:39:41 No.199167227

    You are my hero.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:40:25 No.199167324
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    yeah,if i was a cumdumpster,thats pretty much what i would do all day too.
    I'd have trouble getting out,I'd have half the fucking house up there.
    huge Jar of peanut butter+dog=win
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:41:26 No.199167448
    I do that.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:43:21 No.199167694
    That's too bad. You sound sexy as hell.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:44:35 No.199167854
    I can't really feel emotional connections to people until I've stolen something from them. Yesh, it's weird.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:46:02 No.199168059
    Yeah, its like every 5 seconds I'm thinking about sex.
    Often when I see a guy the first thing I think its what his dick looks like...
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:46:12 No.199168087
    y helo thur (W)
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:46:45 No.199168151
    y helo thur (h)
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:47:19 No.199168222
    y helo thur (a)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:47:48 No.199168282
    It must be so awesome being a girl.
    If I was a woman I would never leave the house. Fuck school, fuck work, I'd just live off my parents and masturbate in my room 24 hours a day.
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:47:53 No.199168292
    y helo thur (t)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:48:12 No.199168339
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:48:24 No.199168366
    I have done that.
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:48:26 No.199168373
    y helo thur ( )
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:49:00 No.199168432
    y helo thur (d)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:49:12 No.199168459 itspriv server made for /B/:
    Current Users: 46/456
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:49:36 No.199168514
    That's beautiful. I love you.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:50:08 No.199168584
    haha u sound like me XD and i cant stop sucking my bf's dick either, like sometimes e spend the day naked if we are home alone and i follow him around and everytime he stops to like watch tv or play xbox or something i just start sucking his dick, and once ive made him cum a few times i just do it gently coz im inlove with the feeling of a dick in my mouth, i wake him up with a blowjob in the mornings too. wow i sound like a total slut. hot.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:50:21 No.199168612
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    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.

    Are you GAY?
    Are you a NIGGER?
    Are you a GAY NIGGER?

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    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:50:41 No.199168652
    y helo thur (f)
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:51:14 No.199168723
    y helo thur (u)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:51:17 No.199168732

    More girls need to be like you.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:51:43 No.199168794
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    If I could be a hero to just one /b/tard,maybe inspire a few more to do the same...
    It will have been worth it.
    If they come for me,remember this of me-
    I was in it for the lulz.
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:51:48 No.199168811
    y helo thur (c)
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:52:22 No.199168900
    y helo thur (k)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:52:26 No.199168916
    I love sucking dick too, I find it rather zen.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬‬‬‬ ­­­­­­ 02/19/10(Fri)07:52:39 No.199168948
    Sometimes, I drink battery acid while fapping to hardcore midget porn.
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:52:56 No.199168979
    y helo thur (?)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:53:17 No.199169027
    Your life must suck.
    >> hcf 02/19/10(Fri)07:53:29 No.199169053
    y helo thur (!)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:53:38 No.199169072

    then fap to rape pron
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:55:27 No.199169330
    i do the blur/unblur thing
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:55:34 No.199169352
    not the same :'( and hard to find.
    >> u !!ZjBwzqEMWrJ 02/19/10(Fri)07:56:03 No.199169418
    I drive the speed limit in my faster car, just to make fun of the faggots in Cavaliers and shit like that think they are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:56:06 No.199169421
    well,it livens up shopping at least.
    I feel like a hitman,searching for a 'target'.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:56:09 No.199169428
    I have a secret collection of Blackest Night comics hidden in my room. No reason for keeping it secret really. Yet none of my friends/family know I read them.

    The way I see it, it's none of their business what I read.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:57:29 No.199169605

    google it /b/rutha.

    You should have written it on his valentines card or something haw haw
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:59:32 No.199169889
    I imagine slapping every girl I see on the street. Just walking up and whack, massive open palm slap.. With each different girl I imagine something different happening after that, but most of them get turned on and submit to me on the spot.

    I actually think I've got a pretty good eye for the submissive girls too.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)07:59:33 No.199169891
    Can you explain your fetish?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:00:22 No.199170009
    This is lol to me, because I went out with a girl with that name, and she would ask me to rape her.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:02:42 No.199170331
    havent laughed this hard in AGES
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:02:54 No.199170359
    Whenever i am bored I look at walls/things/whatever and try to figure out how my glance would reflect from it and which point it would hit after the reflection

    actually I am quite interested if anybody else does this .. it simply keeps my mind working.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:03:40 No.199170482
    Laura, wenn du das bist, dann vergewaltige ich dich so hart, dass du nicht mehr weisst wo links und rechts ist, du dumme fotze!
    >> Loom !!VQylMK/tHY7 02/19/10(Fri)08:05:09 No.199170724
    i have consensual sex in the missionary position
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:06:08 No.199170896
    ach du scheisse...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:06:47 No.199170985

    Yeah, I do from time to time. i used to do it more when I was younger.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:07:04 No.199171025
    I walk up to fire hydrants and start humping them in public and scream oh mommy
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:07:52 No.199171152
    If I'm sitting next to a hot girl, I like to duck my head lower than hers.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:09:02 No.199171333

    I was doing this with my ball hair last night. fucking hurt.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:09:45 No.199171459
    Put ice cubes in pub urinals.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:10:04 No.199171509
    i twirl my asshair
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:10:53 No.199171617
    I do this!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:10:58 No.199171627
    when i walk past people i sometimes like to imagine it through their eyes and then for the next few minutes i try and live in there eyes and imagine what they are doing in my mind even tho i cant see them anymore, if that makes sense...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:11:57 No.199171795
    >Nobody else does

    We'll see about that.
    >> freakanon 02/19/10(Fri)08:12:13 No.199171828
    steal my best friend's used magnum condoms and use them to jack off my little dick
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:13:34 No.199172017
    I have a dry scalp and pick at it until it bleeds then pull out the hair thats on the scab part. I like the feeling too.. a lot.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:16:37 No.199172443
    laughed my ass off. Brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:17:02 No.199172515
    sticking my finger in my ear and scratch real hard, like hamsters do. Its almost orgasmic.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:17:30 No.199172593
    Apologies, anon. I do this too.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:18:50 No.199172787
    I have a compulsion about the pattern 01101001 or 10010110 or left-right-right-left-right-left-left-right, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:19:08 No.199172826
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:19:34 No.199172896
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:19:49 No.199172927
    I.... love this. I do it all the time, and have a serious debate with myself over where the reflection lands
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:20:37 No.199173046
    Yes. I love waiting for it to scab over and then picking that off. I then have to thread it down to the end of my hair, which is very long.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:20:41 No.199173060
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:22:00 No.199173228
    I play GTA 4 and inagine it's reality but with lower resolution and comic colors.
    Then I go outside and look for luxury cars to steal.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:22:08 No.199173248
    i smoke bongs every morning and hate my life. im high right now and i dont even have class
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:22:16 No.199173270
    and do you pull out the hair and admire the feelingof it being ripped out? And theres the little white sticky wet thing at the end of your hair that youre obessed with?

    also are you a guy
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:23:41 No.199173474
    Unsure of white sticky thing.

    And I'm ashamed to say... I'm not a guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:23:49 No.199173504

    i figured out that its easier if you imagine that the wall is a mirror and you can see in the mirror where it lands.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:24:39 No.199173620
    but you pull out the hair and like the feeling?

    I'm not a guy either
    >> freakanon 02/19/10(Fri)08:24:47 No.199173632
    What? I never heard of ANYONE who does that before!

    You fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:25:12 No.199173693
    things have souls
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:25:16 No.199173707
    Sometimes. Not every time.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:26:34 No.199173896
    When I poop, I crap in my hand, observe it, then throw it into the toilet.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:26:37 No.199173902
    It's the goddamn hair follicle, you don't think hair just grows as is do you?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:27:19 No.199174015
    I never really thought of it as a white sticky part.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:27:25 No.199174025
    start fires on my computer desk and tell my parents i "accidentally" set something on fire and thats why the house smells like fire and theres a huge scorched hole in my wooden desk...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:28:33 No.199174207

    Good try OP
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:29:56 No.199174405
    It's the part that releases oil for the hair I believe. I'm pretty sure, and too tired to google it. Also, post asshole please.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:30:23 No.199174481
    thats what i meant
    hair follicle?
    Im obsessed with it when it comes out of my head
    like when i pull out my hair thats what i want to see
    the hair follicle
    and i LOVE it
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:31:02 No.199174587
    you post pics of your pooper too.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:31:14 No.199174611
    I chew on pieces of duct tape until it has the consistency of chewing gum.
    >> Loom !!VQylMK/tHY7 02/19/10(Fri)08:31:17 No.199174622
    its like the root of youyr hair. without if hair can not grow. enjoy thin/baldness early.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:31:31 No.199174668

    use tweezers?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:31:31 No.199174669

    Let me remove the eggplant curse.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:31:55 No.199174728
    Are your shits the consistency of granite?
    >> ! !KNs1o0VDv6!!cBQe2VN8z3j 02/19/10(Fri)08:32:31 No.199174837
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:32:48 No.199174872
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    I sometimes apply for jobs,and if a woman responds,I tell her I can't make the interview as I have to be in court for sexual harassment or soliciting prostitutes.
    I have never been arrested for either.
    It's fun seeing their response.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:33:37 No.199175000
    No, they are not.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:33:56 No.199175047
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/10(Fri)08:34:09 No.199175086
    I like the thought of real girls with huge dicks and ballsacks.
    No nasty shemales that look like dudes, but real girls, just with a large dick instead of a pussy

    I am disgusted by gays and gaysex.

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