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  • File : 1266528933.jpg-(71 KB, 504x360, Columbineinternet.jpg)
    71 KB Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:35:33 No.198919093  
    So guys, I'm considering shooting up my school.
    ITT: Pros and Cons.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:35:57 No.198919219
    There are no cons. Do it . NAO !
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:35:58 No.198919232
    Tell us where you live
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:08 No.198919283
    an hero first, then we'll discuss
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:12 No.198919307
    High Score (if you don't suck)

    Prison if you really fucking fail
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:14 No.198919320
    Pros: OP might die
    Cons: OP might live the rest of his life in prison

    I'm not sure it's worth the risk
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:16 No.198919327
    Pros - awesomeness
    Cons - Life in prison or death
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:24 No.198919375
    pros: every body dies

    cons: some might survive
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:32 No.198919422
    Pros: I need not list
    Cons: Death/Prison/etc

    Just kill off your classmates one by one, serial killer style!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:36 No.198919442
    Pros: lulz
    Cons: an hero
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:37 No.198919450
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    Pros: That'll show them fuckers

    Cons: Death or jail
    Which equals butt rape.

    But you could always just shoot up the prison.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:36:42 No.198919469
    pros - its fun
    cons - the gun could jam or some shit before u pulled it on urself and ud have to be in jail forever

    that con is the only reason im not gonna kill my parents before i kill myself.
    >> Hammocks !TRIP/h9d2c 02/18/10(Thu)16:37:20 No.198919668
    con: you will go to jail, die, or some other way ruin your life.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:37:23 No.198919681
    beat the high score!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:37:28 No.198919713
    well since you're cosidering shooting up your school i have a feeling you don't mind dying so just an hero with last bullet then the cons are none.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:37:30 No.198919722
    cons: your IP is logged on /b/ so every cop could find out where you live. and shooting up your school is no joke.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:37:31 No.198919727
    Pros: Beating Cho's high score, if you're decent.

    Cons: Not beating the high score, and have everyone laughing at you.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:37:38 No.198919761
    Your parents will be proud
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:37:51 No.198919822
    Pro for a day you would feel like a god
    Con Some could disarm you
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:37:53 No.198919831
    Enjoy your jailtime.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:03 No.198919883
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:10 No.198919920
    Make sure you only kill Guys, that way all the chicks will be wanting to be with you cause them bitches loves bad boys
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:11 No.198919924

    cons : you're probably on FBI / NSA radars dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:19 No.198919963
    Well, if you're like the two boneheads from Columbine, your folks are military intel officers and you've been a mind control project since before you were born.

    Ever wonder why the judge in the Columbine case sealed the court records for 25 yrs? Something mighty fucking fishy about that...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:22 No.198919980
    PROS: dude, you will be on the MOTHERFUCKING NEWS, you can say CRAZY lines like, this is from the internet and shit, and you get to kill ALL those motherfuckers who ever gave you hassle, very, very slowly. youll go down in history, all of us wish we had the balls to do it, yet we dont.. you do.
    CONS: if you dont wanna get bumfucked for the rest of your life you will have to fake your own death, or blow your brains out
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:25 No.198920001
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:28 No.198920014

    Protip. Two guns. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:54 No.198920124
    pros: so much lulz and winrar

    cons: Not enough kills
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:38:54 No.198920131
    Cons: Your a fag and you will never do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:00 No.198920156
    Pro: A legacy

    Con: Buttraped in prison if you fail
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:01 No.198920161
    PROs: You'll be in history books forever as an infamous murderer.

    You can look the jocks that bully you in the eyes as they beg for their life, before you take it.

    Cons: You have to die, or go to prison.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:01 No.198920166
    is it too late for inb4v&?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:12 No.198920214
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:18 No.198920238
    Hey hey hey, I'm homicidal not suicidal.

    Wanting to kill people =/= wanting to kill myself
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:21 No.198920246
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    Pro: You look like a nerd
    Con: You look like a nerd
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:22 No.198920252
    do it for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:27 No.198920274
    Cons the rest of us have to listen to how you played grand thief auto, and how that cause you to go on a killing frenzy for months on end.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:29 No.198920287
    bumping hoping cops see this.

    Please setup webcam so we can see your arrest
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:46 No.198920357
    maybe hes behind 7 oxxies?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:48 No.198920365
    PROS: idk
    Cons:Money on guns.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:48 No.198920366
    Don't scare him, he might not do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:39:59 No.198920420
    feels so sweet, but kind ends your life...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:12 No.198920470
    Enjoy getting vanned
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:14 No.198920480
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:25 No.198920527

    ∆ ∆
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:42 No.198920608
    Cons: NONE

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:44 No.198920619
    have you any gun already?

    if not: gtfo fag
    if yes: pic with timestamp
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:46 No.198920636
    Just do it man, just don't give us your adress or info, otherwise you'll get busted b4 you attempt to do it.
    BTW, get yourself a lot of ammo if you are planning on beating the high score.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:48 No.198920643
    Pro :you will satisfied for 5-30minutes maximul
    Con : Everybody will hate you , youre family
    if you survive enjoy you're fucked up life..

    My advice only kill niggers
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:50 No.198920654
    >ITT pro[fessionals] and con[victs]
    i lold, but only a little
    >> ↠∳ANON∳↞ !xteH3LulZQ 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:51 No.198920666
    Con: Fucking fail if you don't get a high score
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:55 No.198920682
    pros- NONE
    cons- everything else

    you're a fucking idiot
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:40:57 No.198920693
    Hi, Faux News =D
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:09 No.198920738
    Think about your parents and how this will affect their lives, furfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:14 No.198920759
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:21 No.198920790
    pros: revenge sweet revenge, infamy, high score if ur not a faggot
    cons: jail forever, family shame, death if an hero, might kill the innocent (some care, some dont), school/town infamy, etc
    not always worth it without amazing planning (like columbine style epic) and good reasons
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:32 No.198920838
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:34 No.198920843
    Cons: FBI monitor this and will probs tracing your ip as you type pros:nothing
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:42 No.198920885
    doubles says do it, then an hero
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:43 No.198920892
    No! Fuck you, I'mma beat the High Score!! Where's it stand, now, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:43 No.198920895
    Do it! Just tell us the date so we can skip and watch the news
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:45 No.198920902
    I sure hope Hell doesn't exist, for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:51 No.198920927
    save one for yourself, and if all else fails .... GO FOR THE EYES!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:53 No.198920942
    Do it. When you do, write a suicide note that talks about the corporate crime and similar injustices going on in America.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:58 No.198920961
    You'd be remembered for being an OP and a fag.
    >> anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:41:59 No.198920964
    Just make sure you dual exeptions
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:42:10 No.198921012
    Hey don't use a gun everyone uses a gun, use explosives instead then you'll be remembered in history.
    >> cdfer 02/18/10(Thu)16:42:28 No.198921085
    your all retard there are no cons like that one guy said go do it
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:42:33 No.198921108
    i think the most massive killing of victims in USA history on schools massive-murder-suicide is Cho's Virginia Tech which was about 30 murders i guess

    so beat the score OP!!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:42:36 No.198921118
    dont waste yourself on the school, work hard and make bank and do some serious damage :D
    but if ur set on the school, make sure you plan it well so you dont just get like 3 kills and then shot, if u got a cop go for him 1st, make sure to take the weapons from him and/or destroy them. best wep imo for a school shooting would be a MP5, no ones wearing body armor, no need to worry about penetration, its nice and compact for whipping around doorways and the mags are rather small so you can carry quite a few, just some tips my murderous friend :)
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:42:47 No.198921166
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    >> Rusty 02/18/10(Thu)16:42:59 No.198921219
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    Pros: There isn't one
    Cons: Either you die and go to hell where you get raped by satan himself or you spend the rest of your life in jail where niggers get to use your ass as a dick washer.

    Pic related. It's OP
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:10 No.198921270
    Pros: OP dies
    Cons: OP dies
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:15 No.198921295
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:37 No.198921373
    Dude, what if one of us goes to your school and you kill us? That would suck!

    I mean, I'm not at risk here because I'm not a high school faggot, but still...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:41 No.198921391
    Don't do it if you go to the University of Michigan, I don't like getting shot.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:43 No.198921402

    CONS - going to jail and becoming the prison bitch
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:49 No.198921434
    Just do it, but be kind as to say jsut what state you live in so I can either keep the bricks in my butthole or not.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:53 No.198921456
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    dont give details of where you're at or else the moralfags will turn you in
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:56 No.198921470
    DO IT!!!!!

    We need to know where you are in the world.

    Also, take pics whilst doing it- for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:43:56 No.198921473
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:44:05 No.198921514
    As fun as this thread is, all you dumbasses can get arrested for encouraging the OP, OP you're going to get v& whether you do it or not after this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:44:06 No.198921522
    pro: Well pretty much an hero, You do what everyone of us wants to do and doesn't afraid of nothing.

    cons: Problems getting enough guns and ammo to beat the highscore when you do not live in the usa. -> Expensive.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:44:20 No.198921574
    do it, then blame it on your sexually abusive parents...

    >> !FLYGONxdpM 02/18/10(Thu)16:44:29 No.198921617
    You know mods report people for making posts like this, right? Expect to get v& unless you're behind 7 proxies.

    I'm not kidding either, I've seen scans of an FBI report in regards to a 4chan post.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:44:30 No.198921618
    High score currently stands at 32
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:45:09 No.198921789

    NO, we need to know where this guy is. Else, it could just be another Hero whom he is sapping the glory from.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:45:18 No.198921824
    Don't. If I see one more "R.I.P SCHOOL TRAGEDY IM A HUGE FAGGOT PLZ RAPE MY FACE" group more on facebook I will an hero infront of my fleshlight but didn't know how to shot web so i cool instead.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:45:21 No.198921840
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:45:24 No.198921850
    somebody didn't learn from the last kid who ttried this on b
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:45:43 No.198921933
    whats your plan OP?

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:45:50 No.198921966

    Please tell.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:45:59 No.198922008
    Thats why every /b/tard should carry a standard issued "run like a faggot" attitude if the lulz comes withing proximity.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:02 No.198922027
    op is full of shit
    >> !FLYGONxdpM 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:17 No.198922100
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:25 No.198922130
    yeah what happened?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:29 No.198922141
    inb4 v&
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:36 No.198922175
    grats cops will find out b4 u even get to go to class tomorrow. and why not just kill yourself no one cares about you anyways.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:47 No.198922218
    epic win if you use a knife only OP
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:53 No.198922245
    do it during an indoor evacuation drill. everyones already lined up.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:56 No.198922249
    Pros: dead niggers
    Cons: dead white people

    Fuck I'm glad I'm not in your shoes, damn near impossible choice to make there
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:57 No.198922254
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:46:59 No.198922261
    >Buttraped in prison if you fail
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:02 No.198922281
    I herd some retard said he was gonna massacre just too get replies in this thread and police raided his house :') he was liek 14 or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:05 No.198922297
    Just tell us what school so we can avoid going there if need be
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:10 No.198922319
    They shot up the school on 4-20? now thats a low blow.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:15 No.198922353
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    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.

    Are you GAY?
    Are you a NIGGER?
    Are you a GAY NIGGER?

    If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!
    Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.
    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of GNAA if you join today!

    Why not? It's quick and easy. All you have to do is join the official GNAA IRC channel #GNAA on We look forward to seeing you!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:26 No.198922393
    cons prison rape
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:33 No.198922414
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    Pros: People will recognize you, you'll be on the news, everyone who ever wronged you will pay, and it just feels good to fire a weapon at a living being.

    Cons: Chance of death is 96%, majority self-inflicted. Since the Columbine High School Massacre, security has increased substantially, and police/swat won't take 3 fucking hours to enter the building. They're trained to enter and neutralize the threat now. So, you have about thirty minutes to a hour to kill after the inital alarm goes off.

    Best of luck OP! Several protips.

    -Two guns.
    -Taunt people before you kill them.
    -Aim for Teachers, those are extra points.
    -Blow up the school too, or at least have a wide range of killing. so they have to remodel a lot of the school.
    -Have some epic fucking last words.
    -Stay away from windows. Police snipers are a bitch.
    -Don't be too noticeable coming into the school.
    -Eliminate the contents of each classroom systematically.
    -If at all possible, Bring a buddy. I'll gladly help you! Where do you live?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:33 No.198922415

    Napalm can be made in your house. Google the recipe, but don't be a nigger faggot and get yourself blown up in the proces.

    Break into school after cutting power to security cameras.

    Set explosives in very hidden away locations with a very small time bomb to set everything off.


    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:34 No.198922418
    If you're going to do it, make sure to blame your actions on something weird that will fuck with anti-gun anti-violence types; like Barney the Dinosaur or Dora the Explorer.

    Failing that, just claim it's because of Ebaums.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:35 No.198922423
    Every time i do it makes me laugh...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:42 No.198922449
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    Well first off, you won't be able to DRINK ANY MOTHERFUCKING CHOCOLATE MILK.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:47 No.198922462
    Cons get caught.

    Pros don't.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:48 No.198922466
    Yo, shoot up your school, but don't be a pussy about it, just shooting at random. Make sure the internet can witness the whole thing, make it creepy/ cult-ish, then give yourself up to prison. You plead insanity, the nature of your crimes will put you in iso right away, and you can spend the rest of your life issuing cryptic statements.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:49 No.198922479
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    you'll become a superstar
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:52 No.198922487
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:47:59 No.198922522
    KNIVE ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> sage Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:00 No.198922525
    ITT no lulz or tits. Fail
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:01 No.198922530
    Pro's: You kill all of those fuckers you want vengeance on.

    Con's: You are a bastard to america, but a god to /b/, Also, Time stamp before death plz.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:02 No.198922533
    OP here, and you faggots have been trolled. Thanks for playing.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:06 No.198922555
    pro - you will most likely not survive this, whether you kill yourself or are killed, and there will be one less person like you in the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:09 No.198922569
    if you're going for the high score you'll have to kill yourself in the process. unless you enjoy being on the receiving end of sodomy

    if you're not going for the high score, you're not trying hard enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:16 No.198922607
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    lol internet is taken seriously nao
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:26 No.198922653
    Maybe he can go shoot up his school right now, maybe he could down some janitors before he an heros
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:35 No.198922691

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:36 No.198922696
    what is the high score these days?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:38 No.198922704
    How did our eyes get so red?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:45 No.198922733
    0.0 wow ...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:51 No.198922763
    pros: combo depending how well your shot is or what you're using.
    ill laugh
    if you want a police assisted suicide this is the way to do it and tell us the general location so we know what news stations to look at and when etc
    cons you don't die your combo gets broken
    ill still laugh
    you get paralyzed
    you get raped in the ass by a guy named butch for the rest of your life in prison.
    i say do it
    >> If I wear a Mod I swaer Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:48:56 No.198922783
    PROS: Beat The Virginia Tech and Columbine Highscore!
    Become a Legend
    People wish they Had Your balls

    CONS: You will have to An Hero to avoid AssRape in prision
    You will have to An Hero (unless your already suicidal, which would make it an Pro

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:06 No.198922810
    yell mudkipz with every kill
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:06 No.198922815
    Pros: You take your teen angst out on people.
    /b/ loves you.
    /b/ makes memes about you.
    You troll hundreds or thousands of people and their families.
    You get to pretend you're playing CoD 4.
    If you break the high score, you get put into the history books.

    Cons: You die. Or get executed/put in prison forever.
    Everyone hates you forever.

    There appear to be more pros than cons.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:11 No.198922842

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:11 No.198922845

    OK OP, i've put together the most accurate pros and cons for you to help in making your decision.

    There are no pros, as nothing good can be achieved from shooting innocent people. The cons are that you won't go to heaven, infact you'll go to hell

    Up to you.

    Stay faithful.
    >> CJ !khS/ijjvJM 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:17 No.198922873
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:23 No.198922895
    you're gonna get Vanned(&)
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:38 No.198922973
    make that a three cell
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:40 No.198922980
    Guys you've just been fucking trolled so bad xD

    Thanks for playing, fags.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:51 No.198923040
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    Seriously, livestream it. Set up a webcams in the rooms you are going to shoot in beforehand and then post on /b/ from inside the school and immediately proceed to kill people before it's taken down.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:52 No.198923042
    Pros: EVERYTHING, remeber to AN HERO


    GO FOR THE HIGH SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Andrew Kehoe
    45 Kills
    58 Wounded
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:55 No.198923057
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    If you shoot up a school

    you're just giving sob stories to EVERY person there and they will milk it for all that it's worth and they'll bawww to every person that they ever meet in their lives

    plz save us from sob stories. go an hero instead.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:49:59 No.198923069
    FBI fag trying too LIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:05 No.198923102
    well that shouldn't matter, as it specifically says below /b/ - Random: "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
    Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

    So even though OP gets vanned, nothing shall happen to him, the most that will happen is he getting to the police station or FBI department for a deposition and then he claims it to have been a hoax and say the line I quoted above and thats it.

    No big deal, unless you got some compromisses on that day.
    >> CJ !khS/ijjvJM 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:09 No.198923118
    a christfag on /b/?! lol thats better then someone rolling the 19888888 number lol
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:18 No.198923148
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:25 No.198923176
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    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.

    Are you GAY?
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    If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!
    Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.
    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of GNAA if you join today!

    Why not? It's quick and easy. All you have to do is join the official GNAA IRC channel #GNAA on We look forward to seeing you!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:27 No.198923179
    What the hell is on joey's head?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:30 No.198923193
    You better be behind 7 proxies...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:40 No.198923231
    dint someone already get arrested for posting something like this but he threatened to plant 2 pipe bombs? btw OP he got busted because he was a retard like you and posted it on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:43 No.198923244

    No you're not, it's not that hard to figure it out
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:47 No.198923265
    why is it always people at school? You can't go shoot some gang members and do something that might actually help society in the long run? No, you just want to shoot mostly innocent people because you're such a bad ass because you're taking out the frustrations of your faggy life on people that are better than you. I hope you're trolling. Also,

    Yeah right. You dying would be the best thing that could happen to you. Unless you manage to cross the border after a fucking shooting. Good luck with that.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:50:49 No.198923275
    People who don't deserve life die

    People you care for (and care for you) will probably be depressed for the rest of their lives
    You will die or go to jail
    You wont be able to experience the legacy of yourself
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:04 No.198923332
    Shoot the principal, then claim he sexually abused you. You'll look like the victim!

    EPIC LULZ!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:15 No.198923373
    NO NO NO NO NO fucking newfag then this attack will be accociated with /b/ and the whole site will get v& fuck NO
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:15 No.198923374
    genius protip.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:24 No.198923410
    Andrew Andrew Kehoe got 45 Kills Cho got 32.
    >> Anonymous !!OIj1Cw+H8uj 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:25 No.198923417
    you are most definitely a highschoolfag!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:31 No.198923437

    i think cho from VA tech still holds it
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:34 No.198923449
    Troll... yawn.

    If not troll, read Linkola and feel good about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:41 No.198923469
    do it early in the morning. come to school a little late, bring with you some gas in a bottle, as fast as you can squirt the gasoline on the main exits and light them on fire one by one.... then start your shooting, make sure to spread the kills all over as to effect as many people as possible and not just a small pocket.

    >The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
    Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:51:50 No.198923499
    Go for the high score!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:52:09 No.198923582
    ur just giving the kids at your school another thing in their life to make them think they're special and you're allowing yourself to be manipulated by the media to fit their agenda.
    the only reason you're doing this is because of them anyway, cos of all the coverage they make u seem like u matter.

    attention seeking faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:52:10 No.198923589
    Guys ...

    Can you not spot a troll when you see one?

    Jesus, I thought you guys were good at this sort of thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:52:38 No.198923712
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:52:44 No.198923738
    who ya gonna kill?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:52:44 No.198923740
    Be sure to shoot yourself first, that way they won't be able to capture and torture you.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:52:54 No.198923779

    dats rite fags
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:52:55 No.198923784
    OP here are some protips

    You're gonna need Lightweight and Marathon Pro
    A UMP with Holographic sight
    And some flash bombs.

    My advice, go into a classroom so you can score 25 kills and deploy the tactical nuke. Or if you can't, just go with a chopper gunner or AC-130
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:52:59 No.198923798
    anonymous delivers!!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:53:08 No.198923826
    Some trolls are fun to feed.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:53:24 No.198923894

    Winrar is right.
    >> >>198923373 Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:53:26 No.198923910
    Do it faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:53:37 No.198923965
    Andrew Kehoe got 45 Kills Cho got 32
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:54:05 No.198924091

    if the only cons is going to hell, then there won't be any problem...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:54:06 No.198924098

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:54:10 No.198924120
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:54:21 No.198924165
    19 years old young cumdumpster showing tits on cam. you want to see these tits? add me on MSN 'paris2luv'

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:54:25 No.198924178
    make skins for Left 4 Dead zombies that look like the school mates that you wish you were. Then you can kill loads, without being a faggot about it
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:54:31 No.198924212

    Not F.B.I. Just a kid who's been contemplating the same thing for a long time.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:54:44 No.198924262
    >>198920367 haha thats great
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:54:51 No.198924306
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    Hey hun, i understand how you feel, and i sympathise with you all the way. Don't even joke about these things eh, i think i remember an article on ED about cops arresting someone that threatened to do this, am i wrong?

    Hope you make the right choice and decide not to do this.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:55:15 No.198924415
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:55:18 No.198924423
    /b/ can, it's just fun too pretend sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:55:30 No.198924479
    NO see
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:55:39 No.198924517
    if you are in usa you should do it you will became a hero to every one that is not american and possibly a hero to the enemy of the enemy you kill i am considering it too
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:55:40 No.198924526
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:55:46 No.198924550
    lols.......only newfags shoot up schools.

    A real man joins the army and shoots at people who can fire back.

    Honestly, if you were considering this option, what else have you got going for you?
    >> ZeroX 02/18/10(Thu)16:56:15 No.198924677
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    Pro: Break the high score and you'll usher in an era of asinine TSA-like "security" measures. Every 8th grader will know what it's like to fly.

    Cons: You already failed step one. Which means you'll probably fail at planning this all the way out, or even supplying yourself correctly. Remember Columbine could have been *much* worse (better?)...but the didn't test their detonators.

    ProTIP: If you *double* the high score, they'll name a law after you!

    Dare: Remember to plan an escape route. If you *actually* make it that far, you kinda need an "aftermath" plan.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:56:29 No.198924740
    This thread will probably 404 first. But I am obligated to and have submitted this to the FBI
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:56:49 No.198924816
    Nothing, thats why he wants to do it ¬_¬
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:56:51 No.198924830

    If you are from USA, plan it. Security have increased. 20 min to 30 hours. See what I mean ?

    Also if you can't fight for your life, just an hero and don't bother anyone.

    Is this a troll anyway ?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:56:51 No.198924833

    he's probably too weak to join the army

    his fat ass will give the squads position away aswell.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:57:34 No.198925026
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:57:44 No.198925072
    Buy an ar-15 and the 100 rd drum mags.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:58:02 No.198925149


    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:58:27 No.198925249
    bumpin for the cops
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:58:33 No.198925272

    >> ZeroX 02/18/10(Thu)16:58:36 No.198925287
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    Samefag here.
    On a side note, if you really want to ruin some shit with the after effects of a rampage, find the "Education Service Center" that manages every ISD in your state.
    Bout time *those* bitches found out what wearing khakis every damn day feels like.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:58:39 No.198925302
    yeah yeah op is just starved for attention, i'm not even gonna call this shit trolling.

    if you wanna go out beaten by them, shoot shit up. blow all that rage away that's been building over the years. even if you kill 50 people, you still lose, because they got to you so bad that you wanted to kill them.

    be a man, grow up, and stop even joking around with this kind of stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:59:13 No.198925433
    take a dead rabbit with you and eat his brain
    then say it tastes like candy while someone is recording you
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:59:17 No.198925454
    Get the troll v& make an example of him!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:59:22 No.198925473
    pros: carnage
    cons: don't fuck it up, no quickload / save for you
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:59:47 No.198925586
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:59:50 No.198925609
    pro: your friend's dad spend less money

    con: your anus never will be the same
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)16:59:51 No.198925615
    Pro Tip: Use The Following perks... Over Kill,Bandolier,& Radar Jammer.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:00:03 No.198925672

    Epic lulz but 1 kill only
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:00:58 No.198925913
    Eww are you really butthurting about uniform, what faggotry are you conveying. The only reason why he'd do this is for the lulz.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:02:21 No.198926243
    No no no, you START with the principal. Then blame the rest of the kills on your feelings of shame and violation after what he *did* to you.

    Killing a bunch of people so they hate you afterwards = not very lulzy.

    Killing a bunch of people and actually getting people to feel sorry for you = EPIC LULZ
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:02:25 No.198926268
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:02:52 No.198926387

    Am I correct in saying that this is /b/?

    And am I also correct in saying that only total retards would think anything on here was true?

    Sorry to disappoint, but no school shooting. Go find something else to fap over.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:02:53 No.198926394
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:03:09 No.198926462
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    Troll or not have fun in jail OP
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:03:39 No.198926589

    Pros: You'll be remembered by the nation for at least 20 years.

    Cons: You'll be remembered as an emo faggot who couldn't deal with real life, so you decided to wuss out and kill yourself...but not before killing other people who won't be remembered as a noncontributing 0 like yourself.

    Do what you want, but I hope some jock from the football team crushes your skull for extra insult to injury.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:03:40 No.198926591
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:03:54 No.198926658
    there is no hell, you Christie moron. (or you're a troll, in which case, GTFO.)

    pros: infamy, vengance, badassery.
    cons: jail, death, family shame. (unless you hate your fam., in which case its a pro.)
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:03:59 No.198926673
    18125253033 call me
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:04:18 No.198926749
    I've seen about 3 threads where some one said they would shoot up their school the next day, and they delivered
    of course, only 3 within 3 years isn't much out of all the other trolls.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:04:47 No.198926856

    I dont think the FBI gives a shit about 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:04:54 No.198926892
    Do whatever the fuck, just don't involve /b/. The last thing we need is some crack head shooting up his school and saying 4chan told him to.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:04:59 No.198926908
    Stop spamming Aɳoɳ with your stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:05:05 No.198926942
    do it dude, at least 3 shots each to someone, aim for head. Suicide is the way out.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:05:07 No.198926951
    WOO BUM-KON!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:05:09 No.198926962

    /b/ won't remember you if you don't attempt to get a high score.

    Don't kill yourself though, a life in jail is worth the extra point.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:05:15 No.198926991

    too bad it will 404 before they get around to checking it
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:05:23 No.198927034
    ITT: moralfags who like ruining things
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:05:34 No.198927083
    moralfags… *sigh*
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:05:53 No.198927176

    you must be new here
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:06:29 No.198927312
    And OP, if you really want to tear some shit up, wait until the school is holding some sort of major assembly or something else which puts all the kids in one place. Then block/lock the exits as best as you can and just start chucking molotovs and shooting.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:06:37 No.198927354
    shoot up a place more secluded. seriously, not a school.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:06:38 No.198927361
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:06:47 No.198927399
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:06:51 No.198927416
    but wouldn't this be funny? And scare cancer away?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:07:40 No.198927635

    I fucking lold
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:07:44 No.198927654

    they do. moot's even said the only time he really deals with police is when people post this shit. mostly because A. it's not funny, and B. police would look like idiots when everyone's like "OH HE POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET THE DAY BEFORE"
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:08:51 No.198927930
    Pros: you become the hero of untold numbers of depressed faggots everywhere, you take out any number of this current cocksucking generation
    Cons: you die/go to jail only having killed a bunch of irrelevant teenagers, no matter what the body count you still wont be remembered as long as harris and klebold
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:08:56 No.198927946
    Pros: You get remembere FOREVAR if you beat Cho's highscore.

    Cons: You die, and you might not beat his highscore.

    Choose wisely..
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:09:12 No.198928012
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    OP, if you really do go about doing this, just know this.
    I wish you the Fury of EBM on your mission
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:10:03 No.198928214
    DO IT!!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:10:52 No.198928425
    If you're going to do it, go the extra mile and obtain a silencer. Make sure to have enough ammo to kill everyone in a room over multiple rooms. Leave any alive and they will be alerted.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:11:29 No.198928572

    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:11:34 No.198928595

    Naw, not exactly new. I know this is a troll. But it's always best to be careful in case an OP takes our advice seriously one day and try to become an hero.>.>

    Also, I know. It can be funny when an OP takes our advice, like deleting his system 32 file, but I see no lulz gained from this.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:11:37 No.198928617
    OP, only do it if you can beat the high score.
    that is all
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:11:46 No.198928652
    Do it faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:11:49 No.198928658
    Pros: I don't see how one would obtain enjoyment from shooting at a building. its simply cement.

    Cons: You'll probably get arrest for shooting at your school, or you may simply get a fine including the damage you caused.

    All in all shooting at a building doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:12:01 No.198928707

    >The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
    >Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

    you are calling fools to the FBI
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:12:01 No.198928714
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    Free 18nd February pornpasses daily 600 passes:
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:12:18 No.198928787
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    Holy samefag, batman!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:12:28 No.198928826
    do it faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:12:31 No.198928843
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:12:36 No.198928867
    teachers are double points
    janitors are triple :3
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:13:24 No.198929053
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    Wtf seriously!
    what the hell is wrong with you pepole!
    You praise this emo fag as if some hero, how do you live with yourselves!?
    and OP you are a little emo fag, who don´t deserve the privilege of living, so why dont you just go kill yourself!
    >> ZeroX 02/18/10(Thu)17:13:29 No.198929075
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    Like with this faggot over here >>198924740
    Seriously, welcome to the Internet, Motherfucker.
    I fap over the thought of standing on top of Mecca naked with a nuke hanging from my sack and blast the sandniggers during prayer, but I'm not going to troll the fucking FBI over it.
    Fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:13:35 No.198929112
    K, I'm out, I'm gonna personally archive this, and you better deliver, OP.
    also a few words of encouragement:
    Go fuck 'em up.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:13:41 No.198929138
    uh OP it's a fucking stupid idea. No pros, all cons.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:13:54 No.198929199
    -Story to live with (Providing you don't get the death sentence, or shot by the police)
    -You can run off and live as a fugitive with some militia
    -You can go on to bigger stuff, such as bombings
    -You'd probably die
    -Nothing else really. Once you kill 30 people and you're on the run, you're officially free from everybody else
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:14:06 No.198929265

    actually it wasn't
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:15:08 No.198929562
    Definitely get a suppressor if you can. While it does not "silence" like in the movies, people tend not to recognize the sound of suppressed gunfire as gunfire.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:15:17 No.198929592
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:15:34 No.198929659
    why so samefag?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:16:05 No.198929812

    It's a troll.

    I know him, I encouraged him to do it.

    So stop getting all excited over it.

    You've all been trolled so hard.
    >> DO IT Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:16:09 No.198929830

    Pros: Respect, a good contribution to our shitty society.

    Cons: None, unless your suicide fails.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:16:40 No.198929954

    Your friend lied to us.

    He is not our friend anymore.

    Now, he pays.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:16:55 No.198930015
    if ur going to do it don't kill yourself unless it's suicide by cop. and always aim for the head.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:17:01 No.198930046
    -hero to all mankind
    -prove your superiority against the weak
    -shoot for a new highscore (>35)
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:17:03 No.198930056
    O no!? We've been trolled? Lemme go an hero now that I've been trolled
    you'll learn that everyone will forget about this tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:17:10 No.198930090

    Anon, you're definitely right. There are a good deal of newfags in this thread who are trying to come off like oldfags by acting all hardcore.

    They obviously weren't around when Fox did a news story on 4chan. The entire humor behind it was the fact that people were simply doing stupid shit like prank calling people, and they made this sensationalist news story completely blowing it out of proportion. Now that was funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:17:16 No.198930115
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    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:17:40 No.198930215
    STFO. Troll or not this shit is pretty lulzy.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:18:17 No.198930366
    alright but if you do, dont be a fucking pussy and shoot yourself, let the cops do it, go down swinging
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:18:38 No.198930467
    You have to tell us what school you're from and your name and shit so that we know if you do it or not.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:18:48 No.198930515

    lulzier when he gets v&
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:19:14 No.198930624
    Just making sure,


    It's a troll.

    I know him, I encouraged him to do it.

    So stop getting all excited over it.

    You've all been trolled so hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:19:39 No.198930732
    If you do, please say something like you lose the game, so all of us will know when you do it. Pro: immortality and infamy con: you have to become an hero
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:19:43 No.198930767
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    Pros:Dead Niggas
    Cons: Dead /B/rother

    Camp this for easy kills. KAy?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:20:32 No.198930986
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    Just making sure,


    It's a troll.

    I know him, I encouraged him to do it.

    So stop getting all excited over it.

    You've all been trolled so hard.
    >> ZeroX 02/18/10(Thu)17:20:47 No.198931056
    Gang land? Hell, that's prolly not a bad idea.

    Who's gonna call the cops?
    Tattooed-Face = Target
    Bonus points for MS-13s
    Screaming "the Internet made me do eeet!!" might finally earn your local D&D group some street cred.

    Mad Gang-bangers.

    ProTIP: Get to L.A. that shit happens on a daily basis in some areas.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:20:53 No.198931086
    Hell yes do it! Of this Anonymous approves!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/10(Thu)17:20:58 No.198931112
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    Or even better, lay down your arms and let them arrest you. When the media asks you why you did it, simply smile and say, "For the lulz."

    Pic related, it's your face when you're interviewed.

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