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  • File : 1266439200.jpg-(12 KB, 320x243, fuckit.jpg)
    12 KB Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:40:00 No.198485863  
    So I was talking shit to pedos in a gmask thread earlier today while saging and I get banned for "replying to gmask thread".

    Where in the fucking rules does it say thats a bannable offense?

    Moot, fire all these faggot ass mods and bring back snacks. This newfaggotry and modfaggotry is destroying /b/.

    Mark my words, 4chan will fall if the bullshit isn't stopped.

    inb4umad newfaggotry
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:41:04 No.198486117
    Afterthought, I get banned for saging a pedo thread, yet these fucking rate me and doubles threads go untouched.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:41:16 No.198486166
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:41:21 No.198486187
    4chan has fucking fallen.
    That is all.
    >> sage sage 02/17/10(Wed)15:41:49 No.198486304
    >bring back snacks.

    Like you even know who snacks is..
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:42:00 No.198486363
    /b/ is already dead.
    get over it. you won't revive it.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:42:07 No.198486397
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    Hey op, I got banned today too.

    For poasting cp in a cp thread.

    What you gonna do fgt?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:42:15 No.198486437
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    apart from pic related

    mods don't exist on /b/

    i've been trying to get banned for over a year ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:42:20 No.198486457
    Yeah, what the fuck were you doing saging a good thread? If you want something done about the newfags, saging their threads, and posting cp/gore is the way to go.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:42:32 No.198486504
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:42:37 No.198486528
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    4chan IS and ALWAYS will be shit.

    You all know it and are failing to admit it.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:42:45 No.198486556
    He did a better fucking job than Moot is doing faggot.

    This place is a 12 year olds playground now.
    >> Dave !!hDbjNvQ5r7l 02/17/10(Wed)15:42:59 No.198486611
    Snacks was a fucking faggot. He was a terrible person, he unbanned people for CP. I fucking hated him, and all his bullshit.

    Honestly, I have no idea why you were banned, it says nothing about the gmasking threads, and the mods have been a bit apprehensive lately...
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:44:29 No.198486981
    i got banned for posting in a boy thread when i never did
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)15:44:56 No.198487080
    The only reason I got for a 2 week ban was "replying to gmask thread".

    What kind of shit is that? Faggots repost "LOL DOUBLES" a million fucking times all hours of the day and nothing fucking happens.

    This is the shit that makes anon+t_alk look good.

    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)15:46:01 No.198487356

    Following the rules, I take the time to register a nick in the irc, I join the #4chan channel, AND IMMEDIATELY GET BANNED FOR THE REASON (fuck it) by one of the faggots moot has running it.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:46:32 No.198487480
    dude, chill out
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:46:58 No.198487587
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:47:35 No.198487737
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:47:48 No.198487789
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)15:47:57 No.198487823
    Fuck no I won't chill out. This place has so much fucking potential and the faggots running the place let children run all over.

    No longer is anonymous revered. We're a fucking laughing stock. I mean look at the spam filling the boards. These faggots are like OH 4CHAN.JS THIS WILL BE COOL LOLOLOLOLOOL
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:48:27 No.198487948
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:48:55 No.198488080
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:49:02 No.198488112
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:49:16 No.198488172
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:49:25 No.198488211
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:49:32 No.198488251
    as a precaution, I always sage if I'm replying in dodgy threads
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:49:40 No.198488283
    i've been banned so many times...

    thank god for dynamic IP
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)15:49:46 No.198488303
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:50:25 No.198488465
    /b/ mods are indiscriminate, full shocking story page 3
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:50:27 No.198488475
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    how did you get banned wen it isnt a bannable offense to reply to certain threads... they cant jus make up rules thats bullshit.
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)15:50:37 No.198488502
    I did sage D:
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:50:44 No.198488536
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:50:45 No.198488537
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:50:49 No.198488556
    op is a whiny faggot but makes some decent points
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:50:52 No.198488577
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:51:09 No.198488640
    /b/ - Random

    1. ZOMG NONE!!!1*
    2. Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, and 11 are enforced.

    Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:51:15 No.198488656
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:51:27 No.198488703
    >Mark my words, 4chan will fall if the bullshit isn't stopped.

    4chan has been fail for years
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:52:22 No.198488946
    >So I was talking shit to pedos

    GTFO moralfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:52:31 No.198488983
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    u mad
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:52:42 No.198489029
    >Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
    >applies to moderators as well.
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)15:52:49 No.198489056
    Call it what you will. I don't see any of you other faggots speaking out. Not shit else I can do but bitch about it.

    Bannings for replying to gmask, rate me, etc threads.
    Rate me threads are cancer anyway but there's still not shit in the rules about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:52:56 No.198489087
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:52:57 No.198489089
    /b/ - Random

    1. ZOMG NONE!!!1*
    2. Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, and 11 are enforced.

    >Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:53:06 No.198489130
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    4chan is utter shit now. I agree with bringing back snacks.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:53:15 No.198489170
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:53:50 No.198489333
    Snacks would have b& you as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:53:55 No.198489355
    posting in all CP threads
    i don't care anymore
    there's no win,no laugh,nothing in /b/
    i'm here for 7 entire hours and didn't even smile yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:53:55 No.198489357
    /b/'s already dead. and it specifically says you can get banned for anything. it doesn't matter.

    get the fuck over it, newfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:54:03 No.198489399
         File1266440043.jpg-(19 KB, 449x336, umad.jpg)
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    U MAD?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:54:25 No.198489496
    inb4 /b/ was never good
    >> ChristianGuuy 02/17/10(Wed)15:54:34 No.198489531
    I realize some of you think that furry shit is the cancer that is killing /b/, but I do not think so. This is not my point. my point is I got tempbanned for posting furry the other day and I don't know where that's a ban-able offense either but the mods are dicks and that's just how it is. ELITISM. THEY HAVE IT.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:55:12 No.198489699
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    So where's the gmask threads at?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:55:19 No.198489736
    wow u take wat happens on an image board, irc and the internet pretty personally. if ur well being hinges on this stuff u need to get a life loser ROFL
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:55:27 No.198489781
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:55:37 No.198489818
    thank me later
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:55:50 No.198489889

    I think all of those ridiculous thread creators should be fucking banned. This isn't a dating site and it's all fucking cancer. Seriously, ban all of those faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:56:16 No.198490020
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    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.

    Are you GAY?
    Are you a NIGGER?
    Are you a GAY NIGGER?

    If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!
    Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.
    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of GNAA if you join today!

    Why not? It's quick and easy. All you have to do is join the official GNAA IRC channel #GNAA on We look forward to seeing you!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:56:38 No.198490131
    But really guys, isn't what OP is doing considered cancerous these days?

    OP gtfo my /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:56:43 No.198490161
    mods do what they want. it is a website. they could ban me for this. it says in the rules they dont need a reason to ban people. and since youre already posting again, whats the issue. your sisters tits or gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:56:48 No.198490180
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:57:30 No.198490365
    Thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread of "ROLL AND FAP TEE HEE" or "CHOOSE MY FACEBOOK STATUS LULZ" and the mods don't do SHIT. It's fucking bullshit. I've tried reporting the threads and they don't do shit. It even auto warns if you post the words "POSTXENDINGXINX" so obviously the mods don't the shit either. It just shows how much fail the mods are. I've given up. /b/ is playground for gradeschoolers now. Go find other better boards. They are out there.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:57:42 No.198490424
    they're banning for rate me threads?
    that's great news!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:57:54 No.198490470
    thank me later!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:57:58 No.198490489

    He's bending the definition a little. Don't be a faggot, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:58:24 No.198490581
    Hey OP

    >>your sisters tits or gtfo.
    >>tits or gtfo.

    >> sage sage 02/17/10(Wed)15:58:29 No.198490607
    sage goes in all fields
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)15:59:11 No.198490811
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    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)15:59:49 No.198490977
    Bring noncancer to 510chan. I mod over there and I ban for all sorts of bullshit.
    >> sage sage 02/17/10(Wed)15:59:51 No.198490988
    sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:00:41 No.198491217
    >No longer is anonymous revered.

    I don't remember when anon was ever revered.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:01:18 No.198491379
    I will actually check this out then.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:02:09 No.198491603
    lrn2sage, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:04:21 No.198492208

    OP is one of those faggots that probably name drops /b/ when he meets new people, tries to pickup girls in the sadly vain hope that it'll ever/has ever impressed anyone lol
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:04:33 No.198492275

    >> sage 02/17/10(Wed)16:05:20 No.198492503
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    I want to confess. The true is that...

    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:05:30 No.198492547
    You're an idiot.

    Snacks was an attention whore(and still is, check his daily R9K threads) who banned people for NO fucking reason and almost ALWAYS let CP slide.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:06:40 No.198492926
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    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:06:41 No.198492934
    Better than a fucking recluse admin who does jackshit about the problems here.
    >> WhatWhat !p8uRW/Wr1A 02/17/10(Wed)16:07:05 No.198493067
    Bring back snacks, the most pedo of all mods to deal with pedos?

    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:09:25 No.198493741
    what font does this site use?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:10:05 No.198493929
    Everyone comes to 4chan expecting a bunch of super leet hackers.

    The truth is, at 7.5 million users, 4chan users are more like WoW players in intellect.

    Actually I think WoW players might have more technical skill.

    All /b/ can DO is spam that is why we are full of spam and bullshit.

    Operation Titstorm? yeah all we did was spam the fuck out of aussie gov't servers it took them 1 day to figure out how to block us out and only let Aussies log in there.

    logging on to /b/ these days is EXACTLY the same as logging on to MySpace of Facebook, it's a mainstream site people use to try and have cyberspace cred.

    don't like it? Go somewhere else. There are other boards. There are other chans. /b/ is not some secret club anymore.
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:11:02 No.198494201
    Which site? 4chan or 510?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:11:47 No.198494417
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:11:55 No.198494463
    yeah i was banned for this aswell
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:12:09 No.198494529
    I play wow too >.>
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:13:22 No.198494874
    gratz you probably have more computer "hacking" skills than 50% of /b/
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:14:27 No.198495157
    I coded the first booter and proxy cracker for yahoo back in the day... Fuck being technical. I'm sick of watching this downward spiral.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:17:43 No.198496058
    osry, fuck idk. some sans serif font. why?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:18:35 No.198496295
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:19:39 No.198496568
    Where does it say the mod's can't ban you for pretty much any reason they want to? Suck it up princess. They're cleaning out the cancer one idiot at the time, probably banned several others that posted in the gmask thread as well, you just caused the most bullshit.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬ 02/17/10(Wed)16:19:54 No.198496629
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:19:59 No.198496647
    Why'd you ask? [lost trip due to browser change :P]
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:20:33 No.198496818
    there are no rules on /b/, that goes for the mods too.

    they can ban you for going on /b/ if they want to
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:21:04 No.198496948
    This is either a troll, or a complete faggot.
    Nothing to see here folks, move along.
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:21:17 No.198497008
    I should spam 510chan all over this shithole until I get banned. :D
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:22:11 No.198497236
    >>Mark my words, 4chan will fall if the bullshit isn't stopped.

    too late dude...
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:22:16 No.198497263
    trying to make a fake ban message
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:22:27 No.198497323
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:22:31 No.198497347
    apparently OP isn't oldfag enough to remember random bandom
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:23:19 No.198497567
    I'm sorry I asked.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:24:26 No.198497883
    lol, report op for ban evasion!!!!
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:25:00 No.198498022
    LOLOLOLOLOL I'm not on the same internet connection faggot. I'm at work.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:25:50 No.198498270
    I got a warning just now for posting in a "blabladoubles" thread, for making said thread. I've never OPed any shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:25:57 No.198498293
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    i dont give a fuck, you are going to get banned at work too
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:26:03 No.198498332
    The only thing worse than newfags is whining about newfags. You just gotta let it be and take a chill pill or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:26:09 No.198498362
    Someone needs to make a banned meme generator :D
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:26:30 No.198498477
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    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the first organization which gathers GAY NIGGERS from all over America and abroad for one common goal - being GAY NIGGERS.

    Are you GAY?
    Are you a NIGGER?
    Are you a GAY NIGGER?

    If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions, then GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) might be exactly what you've been looking for!
    Join GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) today, and enjoy all the benefits of being a full-time GNAA member.
    GNAA (GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) is the fastest-growing GAY NIGGER community with THOUSANDS of members all over United States of America and the World! You, too, can be a part of GNAA if you join today!

    Why not? It's quick and easy. All you have to do is join the official GNAA IRC channel #GNAA on We look forward to seeing you!
    >> saMEFag !d9hsaMEFag 02/17/10(Wed)16:26:52 No.198498595
    >I have no real working concept as to the term 'ban evasion'

    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:27:04 No.198498651
    I'll say it like this


    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:27:10 No.198498676
    deliver 'd
    No downloads, no viruses
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:29:06 No.198499318
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    Oh shit, OP you're right...
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:29:21 No.198499402
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    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:29:23 No.198499409
    Good Lord. Thank God you're not at Aɳoɳ
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:29:41 No.198499489
    OP is a fucking whiny bitch.
    if you get banned, go OUTSIDE!!
    fucking do something with your life, fucking lame computer nerds are fucking lame.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:30:01 No.198499625
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:30:15 No.198499701
    I post there more and more often...
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:31:03 No.198499972
    So that's why you were in the gmask thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:31:05 No.198499979

    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:31:20 No.198500067

    terrible shoop
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:31:24 No.198500099
    hahahah you spend time saging threads rather than ignoring them hahahhahahah!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:32:23 No.198500409

    epic poast!
    >> OP !WGzYv2elFs 02/17/10(Wed)16:33:03 No.198500643
    Goddamn I walked right into that one didn't I?

    If there's no good threads [which is often] I'll fuck with whatever I can find. Why not? Cancer has spread too deep any fucking way.!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:33:38 No.198500853
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    I get a feeling that OP is...
    >> Anonymous 02/17/10(Wed)16:34:04 No.198501024
    Kid, rules of the internet rule 3 or 4. follow it.

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