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  • File : 1266324466.jpg-(34 KB, 604x452, visar.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:47:46 No.198041589  
    Can anyone make this picture brighter/more awesome?

    Pic related, it's me
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:48:02 No.198041634
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:48:30 No.198041707
    inb4 full white
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:48:47 No.198041737
    Done. no need to say thanks
    >> !!8f/H5bbLaqJ 02/16/10(Tue)07:49:25 No.198041832
    Just finished, Looks great. Should try it op
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:49:25 No.198041833
         File1266324565.jpg-(16 KB, 252x252, 1266272508869.jpg)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:50:25 No.198041981
    Just adjust the brightness on your display. Once you're done, save the file and the brightness settings will stay that way.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:51:47 No.198042167

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:52:07 No.198042210
         File1266324727.jpg-(56 KB, 604x452, moreawesome.jpg)
    56 KB
    Now it's more awesome because you have a dino friend
    >> !!8f/H5bbLaqJ 02/16/10(Tue)07:52:27 No.198042269

    NOT OP

    But cheers, Helped with loads of my pictures i had!
    Your a great person anon
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:52:57 No.198042343
         File1266324777.jpg-(37 KB, 500x400, 1266313332401.jpg)
    37 KB

    OP here
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:53:46 No.198042459

    I fucking lol'd
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:55:02 No.198042633
         File1266324902.jpg-(36 KB, 604x452, awswat.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:56:12 No.198042788
         File1266324972.jpg-(46 KB, 604x452, 1266324466302.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:56:46 No.198042876
    well i photoshopped this photo with you, also i made this more brighter and hotoshopped 3 girls that giving you blowjob while firing to dinosaurs in jetplanes

    not going to post it tho.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:57:25 No.198042949
    Remove the faggot from it and it'd be a pretty nice view.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:58:13 No.198043049
         File1266325093.jpg-(92 KB, 604x452, 1266324466302-1.jpg)
    92 KB

    best I could do
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:59:14 No.198043152
    looks chinky
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:59:37 No.198043202
         File1266325177.jpg-(39 KB, 720x452, fixdpic.jpg)
    39 KB
    over 9000 points of OC
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:59:57 No.198043229
         File1266325197.jpg-(64 KB, 604x452, 1266324466302 copy.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:00:24 No.198043294
    Is he dead?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:01:29 No.198043411
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:02:58 No.198043599
    what country are you in OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:03:24 No.198043648


    And I admit, I'm laughing my ass of with all of these pictures, but seriously, can anyone help me? :p
    >> 02/16/10(Tue)08:04:39 No.198043830
         File1266325479.png-(322 KB, 603x452, untitled.png)
    322 KB
    here you go, pervert.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:05:38 No.198043955
    if youre being serious, it's going to be impossible to brighten up the guy in the pic without making him look retarded due to there being no light on him at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:06:00 No.198044002
         File1266325560.jpg-(47 KB, 604x452, 1266324466302.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:06:10 No.198044024
    Not much can be done OP. Even if I lighten just you and mask you out you can see there isn't much that can be done.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:06:40 No.198044092
         File1266325600.jpg-(80 KB, 604x452, 1266324466302 copy.jpg)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:06:45 No.198044103
         File1266325605.jpg-(73 KB, 219x304, 1266324466302.jpg)
    73 KB
    Same newfag here as this one. Forgot the image.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:06:51 No.198044115
         File1266325611.jpg-(94 KB, 604x452, 1266324466302.jpg)
    94 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:06:59 No.198044133
    make background some images from kosovo wars, and his figure bleeding or smth
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:07:40 No.198044214
         File1266325660.jpg-(46 KB, 604x452, 1266324466302.jpg)
    46 KB

    forgot the lens flare.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:08:49 No.198044360
    to do it properly you would have to seperate OP from background because brightness is so different.

    too much work
    >> 02/16/10(Tue)08:08:53 No.198044373
         File1266325733.png-(364 KB, 606x462, untitled.png)
    364 KB
    That'll be 2 dollars fatty.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:09:17 No.198044425

    Know how & when to use a flash.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:09:29 No.198044443
         File1266325769.jpg-(44 KB, 720x452, picturefixd.jpg)
    44 KB
    here u go
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:10:31 No.198044577
         File1266325831.jpg-(82 KB, 604x452, NOICE.jpg)
    82 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:10:47 No.198044617
    It's not too much work unless you're a faggot, but he's too dark so there is nothing to work with.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:11:25 No.198044715
    OP is a nigger, nothing can be done.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:11:26 No.198044721
         File1266325886.jpg-(57 KB, 604x453, whateverjpg.jpg)
    57 KB
    Anyone can make this picture more brighter/awesome? Less serious enhancements of the legion of retards also encouraged :)
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:12:00 No.198044798
    welcome to bodybuilding forum
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:12:43 No.198044890
         File1266325963.jpg-(209 KB, 1280x720, 1266325841041.jpg)
    209 KB
    >> 02/16/10(Tue)08:14:17 No.198045088
         File1266326057.jpg-(502 KB, 1600x1072, me_in_bangkok.jpg)
    502 KB

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:14:43 No.198045130
    Holy frying dicks! You are even more awesome than Travis the Moonstar.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:14:55 No.198045154
         File1266326095.jpg-(160 KB, 604x453, 1266325886018 copy.jpg)
    160 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:19:02 No.198045702
         File1266326342.jpg-(57 KB, 604x453, 1266325886018.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:20:01 No.198045845
         File1266326401.png-(283 KB, 604x452, touristguy.png)
    283 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:20:29 No.198045915

    Mad skills guys!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:20:46 No.198045954
         File1266326446.jpg-(135 KB, 604x452, ped.jpg)
    135 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:22:28 No.198046197
         File1266326548.jpg-(58 KB, 604x453, 1266325886018 copy.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Lou 02/16/10(Tue)08:23:30 No.198046351
         File1266326610.jpg-(32 KB, 604x452, 321123.jpg)
    32 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:25:12 No.198046611
         File1266326712.jpg-(41 KB, 604x452, 1266324466302.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:26:03 No.198046740
         File1266326763.png-(153 KB, 300x225, lost.png)
    153 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:27:56 No.198047020
         File1266326876.jpg-(69 KB, 606x462, 1266325733982 copy.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:31:44 No.198047553
    archive this
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:32:06 No.198047611
    OP, you can polish a turd any way you want. At the end of the day, though, you're still a turd.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:33:49 No.198047861
         File1266327229.jpg-(91 KB, 604x453, 1266325886018.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)08:34:05 No.198047892
         File1266327245.jpg-(112 KB, 604x452, wwwweeeeee.jpg)
    112 KB
    Here you go OP

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