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  • File : 1266102887.jpg-(10 KB, 374x262, 272_ff1logo.jpg)
    10 KB Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:14:47 No.197014895  
    Favorite and why?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:16:34 No.197015360
    VIII, my first. I loved and could relate to the story. I liked the main char and Seifer (although he doesnt compare to sephiroth)
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:17:20 No.197015584
    They all suck. If the Final Fantasy series is your idea of a good story then you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:17:57 No.197015774
    Mines VIII too. Liked the main character, loved the OST, nice story, long, sidequests.....
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:18:00 No.197015793
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:18:31 No.197015947

    So what RPG games do you like?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:18:34 No.197015960
    Hands down the best one in the series.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:19:20 No.197016207
    Nice try troll
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:20:30 No.197016580
    VIII=worst ff ever
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:20:59 No.197016718

    the plot had more holes than a piece of swiss cheese. Other than that, the game was alright.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:21:24 No.197016843
    VIII was good, shut up nerds
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:21:47 No.197016970
    6 is the best by far. A villain that ACTUALLY succeeds in destroying the world as we know...AND HE WAS A FUCKING CLOWN!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:21:48 No.197016978
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    X for some reason
    XII is my second favorite just because of the massive world and gameplay. the characters and story are shit

    XIII is the worst piece of shit squenix has ever made
    VII is also a piece of fucking shit, even for its time, VIII is better in every aspect

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:23:11 No.197017397
    i like X, it really showed what ps2 could do with classic style FF gameplay, and the story was prty good too (terrible laughing cutscene omitted). To bad it was the last straight up turnbased one
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:24:43 No.197017833
    sir, have you played XIII yet?
    tactics was pretty good, but i like tactics advance better, then tactics A2 was just weird, what with the whole starting with 0 mp
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:25:03 No.197017937
    VI definitely
    I hated XII
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:25:21 No.197018036
    oops, my bad, flip the links around.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:25:33 No.197018093
    The first
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:26:20 No.197018338
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:26:21 No.197018343
    9, because I like the clicky sound everyone's feet make.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:26:26 No.197018374
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:26:34 No.197018418
    >sir, have you played XIII yet?

    YES. it sucks
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:26:34 No.197018419

    You are under age.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:26:45 No.197018470
    13 is pretty amazing, storyline is great and gameplay is amazing, similair to 12 but it's story line sucked.

    Versus will be hands down the best a sit's the first with a "mature" storyline
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:26:54 No.197018499
    no love for 4? an actually dynamic character, a coherent story with good plottwists, AND some spoony bards!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:26:59 No.197018522
    IX is a masterpiece.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:27:06 No.197018570
    oops I mean 8
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:27:27 No.197018681
    i'm 29
    been gaming since the NES era
    i missed the atari era .(
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:28:08 No.197018889
    VIII has broken gameplay. you can abuse the fighting system so easily it isn't even funny.the story was okay, but definately not the best in the series
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:28:14 No.197018918
         File1266103694.jpg-(169 KB, 1280x800, Final-Fantasy-12-Revenant-Wing(...).jpg)
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    I am Final Fantasy XII...and what is this?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:28:31 No.197018993
    7 because I'm a gigantic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:28:49 No.197019086
    okay, next question. are you fluent in japanese?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:29:05 No.197019151
    It has the best story and gameplay
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:29:19 No.197019223
    IV is awesome, best for me behind VI
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:29:35 No.197019305
    decent. i'm feeling generous so i'll go ahead and give you an internet for that.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:29:44 No.197019342

    obviously haven't played it at all and it isnt even out in english
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬‬‬‬ Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:29:47 No.197019360
    hi fags
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:30:01 No.197019413
    VI, best story, most interesting character development, simple and great fight system (dont need any junction bullshit or similar), best looking.
    Overall superior
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:30:04 No.197019434
    IX, good fun story, reminds me of being younger and playing it with my friends on Saturday mornings and Saturday nights at sleepovers. We were fucking obsessed.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:30:16 No.197019494
    hi fake moot, watsup
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:30:21 No.197019512
    Final Fantasy 13 is my favorite because before its released its the best looking most mysterious one of the installation and the gameplay is flawless (because we have yet to see flaws via trailers and screenshots).
    Once it comes out though, it'll probably drop.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:30:24 No.197019526
    i don't speak it, but i can read it comprehend it and translate it
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:30:24 No.197019528

    I'm half japanese, so yes.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:31:04 No.197019707

    It's been out now for about 2 months, nearly finished. Enjoy waiting
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:31:18 No.197019778
    IV, that shit blew my mind on snes when I was 10
    VI and VII not far behind, but those are the best three. Shit's been down hill since VII...except for tactics, if that really counts
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:31:45 No.197019899
    Fucking loved VIII....still my favorite today :)
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:31:49 No.197019914
    IX because it was my first and I fell in love with the characters and the story. Also I was 12 when I played it and didnt understand stats and the like
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:31:50 No.197019919
    VI always pissed me off because i couldn't get the fighter guy's hadouken shit to work. it would be all "enter button combo" and i would fail every time
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:31:51 No.197019922
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    VII was the only one worth playing. All the previous were too simple graphics wise, and all the later ones tried too hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:32:01 No.197019971
    I'm pretty sure it's VI and VII. Cheers!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:32:10 No.197020009
    X and X-2. Riku...nuff said
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:32:27 No.197020090

    Tactics on the PSP? Man that was fun. Revenant Wings though on DS sucked balls
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:32:29 No.197020095
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:32:40 No.197020152
    best characters VI
    best story IX
    best gameplay XII (i hate random battles)

    worst characters VII
    worst story II
    worst gameplay XIII
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:32:58 No.197020223
    Well for YOU its out maybe, but for everyone else who doesn't have it and will obtain it on the day its supposed to be released my argument works.
    >> Z 02/13/10(Sat)18:33:01 No.197020236
    I've finished 4,5,6,VII and almost 8.

    VII is the one. STart as a terrosist, nuke a part of the town, visit the local brothel, having a threesome with F. Mercury and his team... Cross dress the hero and fuck the local mafia boss..
    Finish in the sewers, then in jail running after a serial killer who's the best friend of our chief...

    Having good time in a casino, see an angel eviscerate by a dark angel. A dark angel who is your brother of vat...

    Discover that :

    - you're a failure
    - your mother is just a disease
    - you have no past, no memory
    - etc...

    FF VII was the most great game i've ever played...
    >> vudu !!kkbQurN/BVy 02/13/10(Sat)18:33:12 No.197020279
    Final Fantasy VII, and if you need an explanation as to why, then fuck you, you are bitch and you should go /wrist right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:33:13 No.197020285
    I like no.5, it had the job system from 3 that we never saw until a couple years ago, but refined down and with the job cross shit put in. Actually, it was like X-2 but more traditional final fantasy style.
    >> Rin !Rin.x3EPw. 02/13/10(Sat)18:33:24 No.197020336
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    Oh god yes. GARLAND
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:33:42 No.197020415
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:34:28 No.197020644

    You must be kidding me. FFXII has such a BAD battle system!!!

    They should choose, Or a Zelda style game or a turn based battle. Mixing both together is TOTALLY SHIT. IT'S EPIC FAIL.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:34:31 No.197020656
    head over to /v/ they hate all games, especially ones not out yet. Theres probably a XIII hate thread going on right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:34:52 No.197020769
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    Crisis Core - FFVII
    >> ­Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:34:56 No.197020787
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:34:57 No.197020791
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    Jealous much? have every single one of the games and played them all, even have 13 in japanese and English version pre-ordered
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:35:01 No.197020808
    IX is this one's fav.
    Amazing in every aspect, this one was flawless.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:35:10 No.197020861
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    This thread is like a fucking FAGGOT DETECTOR.

    ANYONE saying that VII is the best, is a giant faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:35:39 No.197020988
    Tie between X and VIII. I'm a sucker for doomed love storied and those two's main characters really resonated that for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:35:41 No.197020999
    people who like mmo's or just dont like turn based stuff liked XII. hopefully they wont anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:35:50 No.197021039
    GTFO OF HERE AND GO TO /V/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:35:56 No.197021067
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:16 No.197021159
    anyone who likes FF at all is a giant faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:25 No.197021208
    VI and IX

    Six because it changed my life and IX because it's so damn unique, and the last real FF game, in my opinion. The franchise is absolute shit now.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:26 No.197021215
    IX. It's the first FF I played, and only one I've finished. Awesome musics, awesome characters (except Zidane..) and good story.
    >> vudu !!kkbQurN/BVy 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:33 No.197021247

    Do me a favor and kill yourself.

    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:47 No.197021313
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    >> ­ 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:51 No.197021333
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:52 No.197021346
    Tactics. The original, one and only. Best-game-ever for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:56 No.197021362

    I have a life and a hot girlfriend, what do you have virgin?
    >> sage 02/13/10(Sat)18:36:58 No.197021374
    IX and X. VII was pretty good too. but not as good as IX and X
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:37:01 No.197021391
    #1. The format was pretty new to me (and t games in general), I had only seen it in dragon warrior, and a few ultima games on computer, so it wasnt played out to me at the time, I thought it was pretty neat to basically be playing a story and I liked using strategy in the fights. I liked exploring and talking to the npcs ectm this was before scripted events were a standard in any game, so whenever I triggered dialogue ect it was sort've like a "reward" to me.

    I still remember my team, Fighter, blackbelt, white mage, black mage.

    Then I played it again with all black mages, and again with all blackbelts, so fun.

    I also really enjoyed the one for super nintendo with kefka, I forget which number it was. But there was a mage tower where I had to use reflect spells on party and bounce spells off of them, I thought that was pretty awesome.

    I stopped playing those type of games when the ps2/cube ect came out. I had stopped playing console games altogether in favour of online multiplayer on pc.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:37:07 No.197021413
    I know it's not perfect, but I enjoy wasting my life in Ivalice more than in any other game.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:37:23 No.197021495
    X, because it was bitchen
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:37:43 No.197021577
    XI because ive commited 200 days play time and it had the most nostalgic good feeling for the longest time.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:37:50 No.197021617
    VI or VII, probably VI. They should redo both of those with updated graphics. I'd buy 'em.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬‬‬‬ ALT-0173 02/13/10(Sat)18:37:57 No.197021651
    I am the real moot
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:38:02 No.197021675
    OH, mystic quest! that was like my first real rpg ever. I still have the cart but i haven't played it in like 8 years cause i don't want to ruin the memories.
    chill, man. people are entitled to their own opinions.
    >> Rin !Rin.x3EPw. 02/13/10(Sat)18:38:05 No.197021690
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    Yes! Fucking Kefka.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:38:07 No.197021700
    best characters VI, VII and X
    best story X and VII
    best gameplay X

    worst characters VIII
    worst story II
    worst gameplay VIII (I HATE the retarded ass magic system in that game)
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:38:20 No.197021765

    I have 13, i'll tell Éclair you said hi
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:38:38 No.197021851
    Crisis Core<33333333333333333333333333333333
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:38:43 No.197021873

    I actually like mmo, but not FFXII. Hehe.

    Anyway, mixing different styles is almost always shit.
    Like Fallout 3. Not to mention the FUCKING BAD HISTORY, those battles get really boring.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:38:55 No.197021922
    the one with cecil, kane, rydia, rosa, edge

    because of the storyline and cast
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:38:59 No.197021940
    giant faggot detected
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:39:14 No.197022018
    >> ­ 02/13/10(Sat)18:39:29 No.197022083
    VIII is a damn great game. You only hated it because VII was your first RPG and VIII didn't have cloud or sephiroth.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:39:31 No.197022090
    ah, well then, be your story true, you are completely entitled to form an opinion on the game.
    hi fake moot
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:39:42 No.197022135
    VIII, I dunno
    >> ­ 02/13/10(Sat)18:40:18 No.197022282
    You are so right! Fallout 3 was such a huge turd...
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:40:28 No.197022321
    7, because there was none of that class rubbish, the characters were pretty good and overall...

    anyway the only thing i have to compare it too is ff8 which was a car crash.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:40:30 No.197022332
    >FFXII has such a BAD battle system!!!
    I agree. It really turned me off to the whole game in general. I really don't care for the characters and the story and I can't help but think that it's because I didn't like the battle system so much that I really wanted to hate the game.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:40:41 No.197022394

    DERp WHY? lol cause I like VII for being a good game? I like X and VI better anyways.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:40:54 No.197022440
    heyheyhey, lets not drag FO3 into this.
    and while the results of genre blending can be pretty fucked up, they can also make pretty cool shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:41:00 No.197022466
    ffiv for life
    >> Z 02/13/10(Sat)18:42:13 No.197022796
    Indeed.The VIII foloow VII, it was a good game, but it's suffer the comparison with it's predecessor...
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:42:22 No.197022840
    what? you don't think vaan or penelo are good characters? Shame on you, they're the best crossdresser/annoying bitch pair ever!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:42:46 No.197022932

    I dunno, i liked the system how it could be active or paused, The story line was shit yes as were the characters, but game play was fun and the place was huge. Took me 220 hours to finish every single quest and defeat every esper. Yiazmat took a good 3 hours and i had to get every character at 99
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:42:56 No.197022974
    I fucking love 9 like i love my little sister.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:43:26 No.197023104
    >they're the best crossdresser/annoying bitch pair ever!

    if you put it that way i guess you're right... but i really doubt that was intentional
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:43:38 No.197023152
    why do so many people hate 8? i don't see where the rage comes from
    >> Motorbreath !h2t9L.XYy6 02/13/10(Sat)18:43:39 No.197023153
    Best game ever.
    Perfect story, music, and gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:43:46 No.197023186

    I love VII, I DESPISE Cloud/Sephiroth. I don't really care for many of the characters in VII actually. But I loved the story and game as a whole though.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:43:56 No.197023225
    X is my fav purely because it was the first one I playe. im 1/2 way through VIII and so far I'm enjoying it more than VII.
    My list would go
    X, VIII, VII, III, XII, X-2.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:44:09 No.197023285
    I didn't say anything about thinking the characters were good or not. I just didn't like them. Consequently, I didn't give a shit what happened to any of them, so most of my interest in the story went out the window.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:45:16 No.197023559
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:45:33 No.197023635
    seriosly, battlesystems=broken.
    they got too adventurous because the materia system was popular. The draw system was FAR less popular, so they dropped back to IX, an intentional rehash. Then because the MMO XI was popular, they decided to try some less turnbased stuff. They got away with XII, so now they're probably going overboard with XIII again. and since XIV is another MMO, FFXV on the playstation4 is my bet for the next classic style FF game.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:45:50 No.197023696
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    Because Desch.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:46:01 No.197023752

    Meh, I have mixed feelings about IV. Music and gameplay are good, story is nothing but generic shit, and half the charaacters are shit. Though there are a few characters I really like (Rydia for example. Summoner with black magic instead of whtie = win)
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:46:16 No.197023819

    Or whatever it was in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:46:41 No.197023932
    no, you said that you didn't care for the characters. this is a result of unrelatable and boring characters, which FFXII is full of.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:46:48 No.197023954
    thats a great answer, but it isn't quite satisfying
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:47:31 No.197024153
    the one with cecil?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:47:49 No.197024227
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    I've only played IX, X, X-2, and XII to completion (years ago I played VIII, but the save disappeared).

    It's hard to say, they all have their ups and downs. Though XII has the most mature and level-headed plot (it doesn't get obnoxious or lovey dovey). IX was pretty nice for a return to classic style, since VII and VIII were both attempts at future-y style adventures (not a bad thing, just different). X had an ok story, and was a lot of fun, and who didn't use X-2 as an excuse to masturbate to Yuna in tight shorts?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:48:10 No.197024324
    I'm cautiously optimistic to try 13 because they at least try to describe it (depending on when and who you ask) as derived from the turn based system of earlier games made to create battles like the movie ones. I'll probably be disappointed, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:48:11 No.197024329
    7, every1 knows it /thread
    >> ALT-0173 02/13/10(Sat)18:48:11 No.197024331
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:48:41 No.197024452
    all of them up to and including X-2
    >> ALT-0173 02/13/10(Sat)18:48:50 No.197024490
    ▲ ▲
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:48:52 No.197024497
    anyone that new how to play the game well stayed away from the draw system after the fight with Elnoyle
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:49:00 No.197024527
    you could level your oponent down, put them to sleep, level them back up, draw some freakishly highlevel spells out of them, then level them back down and kill them. Just one of many ways the battle system was flawed.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:49:57 No.197024766

    I didn't I fapped to Rikku. Besides Rikuk being sexy as fuck though, X-2 was utter shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:50:49 No.197024971
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:51:24 No.197025119
    FF8 is my favorite, even though I've never finished it all the way through. We got to the bit where Squall and Rinoa go back to Esthar and try to get into the Lunatic Pandora.

    Me and my best friend picked it up nearly 10 years ago, around the time that FFX game out on the PS2. Something to work through as friends, something to focus our energies on. We played that game every night after school, just one hour a night that our parents would allow. Occasionally we would play it all night, on the weekend.

    Eventually, we left school and got jobs. My friend had a bit of trouble, he couldn't find a job very well. He could drive, though. He was eventually hired to be a long distance van driver, driving from our home town in Scotland to London on fairly regular occasions. We didn't play FF8 that much after this, our schedules were far too busy.

    One night, I got a phone call from a hospital in Bristol. I had no idea what was going on, but they said there had been an accident, and my friend was in a critical situation. It turns out his van weaved off the road and into a tree because of the weather conditions. I didn't make it down in time.

    My best friend died before we could finish the game.

    And I'll never finish it.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:51:25 No.197025130
    i agree with your entire statement, except the very last part. seriously man, thats just wrong.
    There are TONS of completely naked pictures of yuna on the internet, you dont need to settle for shorts.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:51:40 No.197025193
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:51:43 No.197025207
    Well my point was that I wasn't passing judgment on whether they were good or not, because I've already had that argument with too many people and I'm sick of it. There are plenty of people that will argue that they're great characters. I was saying that I didn't like (or didn't care for; same difference) the characters, good or not.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:51:48 No.197025232
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:52:18 No.197025359
    unlike everyone else... I have played all of them, AND actually enjoyed all of them to!
    6,7,8,10 and 12 stand out to me a bit more than the rest though... 7 had the story and the characters ( vincent and Sephiroth ftw.) 8 had great story and nice gameplay, the feel of 10 was great for me...not so much the characters but the story and the sidequests and story i really liked...12 had such an easy gameplay that it was just a joy to play it, and i liked the Story, and whoever did Fran`s voiceacting has the sexiest voice ever:P
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:52:54 No.197025505
    but you couldn't do that till the middle of the game at best, when you could get the tonberry gf. the card game was easier to abuse and fun to play at the same time. its how i got all the crap to refine my high level spells before the 2nd disc
    >> Rin !Rin.x3EPw. 02/13/10(Sat)18:53:03 No.197025541
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    Kefka is one of the best antagonist in my opinion. I feel like playing VI again now.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:53:13 No.197025588
    Yes. I was rather fond of Cecil, though I can't recall why.

    FF8 is my second favorite I guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)18:53:13 No.197025592
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