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    114 KB Angry Rant Guy 02/13/10(Sat)03:37:41 No.196845630  
    Ok Anonymous.
    First off, with the newfag/oldfag shit, just stop. Very few can actually prove one way or another. We are /b/rothers, stop fucking bickering like highschool preppie bitches.

    Second, with the cancer vs. "/b/ was never good" debate, kinda hard to say one way or another, though I keep seeing threads that I see on facebook, but I am not going to talk about that right now which leads me to...

    THIRD: If you are going to say "no OC anymaor on /b/" or "/b/ is just faggot cancer" or bitch about how bad /b/ is now, I invite you to use a new phrase, adapted from one of our favorites (perhaps one of the few old memes that is a time honored tradition) of tits or gtfo. From now on, when people bitch about no new OC or shit like that, or whine about "newfags" just say to them, like a trolling camwhore who is unwelcome


    By this, I do not mean literally post your balls, though knowing anon it may happen, but rather like Woody said in Zombieland with Nut up or shut up.

    Balls or GTFO: Its our problem free philosophy. It means if you aren't going to grab your sack and do something to improve /b/, then just GTFO. Stop feeding the "cancer trolls" stop argueing with "newfags" or shit like that, instead give them a taste of some good shit and make them forget who the fuck doubles guy is.
    >> Angry Rant Guy 02/13/10(Sat)03:41:58 No.196846495
    Yep, had a sinking feeling that all the CP and rate me people would just look and ignore this thread. Because it doesn't piss off or turn anyone on, and actually posits a solution, it is not worth people posting in.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)03:47:24 No.196847575
    Bumping just to see if I can get one fucking post
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)03:55:18 No.196849090
    Fuck you /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)03:59:02 No.196849722
    ur fag. get sage'd
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)04:00:02 No.196849906
    Got a freakin post.
    you fail at saging
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)04:00:04 No.196849915
    op is right. bump
    >> SAGE, CUNT Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)04:00:47 No.196850040
    STFU newfag.

    also sage
    >> Angry Rant Guy 02/13/10(Sat)04:01:19 No.196850138
    Guy who said I was just gave me some hope. People will probably think you are me shamelessly self bumping (which I was before anyone posted) but fuck, you made it to where I know one person out there understand what the fuck I am saying. I can sleep happy tonight.
    >> Das mysteriöse 02/13/10(Sat)04:02:19 No.196850303
    Whoa... This is a decent idea... Continue...
    >> Angry Rant Guy 02/13/10(Sat)04:02:30 No.196850337
    Thank you for knowing how to properly sage.

    That is another point. If we hate a thread type, we need to sage it the FUCK OUT. Like "doubles" lets just sage bomb the fucker and get it over with
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)04:02:34 No.196850349
    >> Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)04:02:41 No.196850380
    Hey OP.

    How long you've been here?
    I'm assuming about 6 months...

    If you hate all the bitching here I suggest you look for new board. Im sure there's tons of people that have the same ideas as you. You would be welcomed over there.

    also, Zombieland was a horrible movie IMO
    I don't see how it's turned into a cult classic basically.. :T
    >> SAGE, CUNT Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)04:02:44 No.196850390

    These newfags trying to change my /b/.
    >> SAGE, CUNT Anonymous 02/13/10(Sat)04:04:25 No.196850722
    4th: SAGE, CUNT -> new answer to idiotic newfag OPs trying to get attention
    >> the dude who said op was right 02/13/10(Sat)04:05:26 No.196850910
    agreed, fuck gets and fuck post itt or yo mama willl die threads
    >> Angry Rant Guy 02/13/10(Sat)04:07:11 No.196851243
    Well, to continue, I know some of hate furrie threads, but fuck man, those aren't going away, we need to pick our battles to fight back what is really lame right now. Like I dislike doubles threads, so sage bomb them, quietly, no rageing, just sage in all fields with a polite "BALLS OR GTFO" to get rid of them. When we get a whiner, "balls or gtfo them" just like we do a cam whore. If you think something someone is doing is retarded, then kill it with fire by messing it up and making it funny. Millhouse annoys the shit outta me, (no idea why) but I normally say nothing, but when I saw the thread some guy created with Ralphy shooting millhouse, I luled hard. Why? OC. Oc is what we need. It is the cure for what people like to call "cancer" We have the tools and they are as follows
    1) Sagebomb bad threads with no feeding of trolls...just sage.
    2) balls or gtfo for all whiners.
    3) If you don't like it, change it. Otherwise BALLS or GTFO

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