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  • File : 1265954725.jpg-(392 KB, 800x600, 1261557996082.jpg)
    392 KB Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:05:25 No.196514292  
    Murder; is it really wrong?

    Pic not related
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:05:45 No.196514365
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:06:12 No.196514482
    Try bombing the USA first.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:06:14 No.196514491
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:06:14 No.196514494
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:06:15 No.196514497
    how is it not wrong.
    who are you (murderer) to take someones life from them.

    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:06:41 No.196514623
    It didnt even take out Somalia? sheesh.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:06:50 No.196514649
    what happens when dc gets nuked?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:07:00 No.196514700
    if doubles get, we murder our families
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:07:12 No.196514762
    Israel is the problem
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:07:19 No.196514801

    Somalia needs to go. Also the rest of Pakistan
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:07:39 No.196514905
    You missed, try aiming a little bit more to the northwest.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:07:40 No.196514908
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:08:16 No.196515087
    Of course it can be justified. Individual instances can get tricky, but there's always a definite yes or no.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:08:23 No.196515122
    Yes, its anti nature
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:08:24 No.196515135
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:08:26 No.196515142
    You know, according to the tectonic plates movement, africa will split between Saudi Arabia and an ocean will be created there. You can see the mid oceanic ridge pushing the continents apart.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:08:44 No.196515217
    Depends on the situation, depends on the people. It is neither good nor evil, wrong or right.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:08:44 No.196515219
    OP here.
    I personally don't find it wrong to kill. Sure, it's sad for the families, but how is killing animals any different than killing humans?
    Because we're conscious beings? Or is it rather because we, as a race, are arrogant and believe that we are more important than other animals?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:09:08 No.196515335
    Americans get a little safer.
    >> しさん 無題 !!y2Lk8OKlPD/ 02/12/10(Fri)01:09:27 No.196515411
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:09:33 No.196515448
    why does everyone just ignore certain post's like mindless robots?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:10:08 No.196515593
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:10:17 No.196515634
    How many sane murderers do you know of that regularly killed, butchered, cured, cooked and ate their victims?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:10:37 No.196515717
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    You know, This shit ain't right. You never stop to actually think about how YOU feel about killing another person for no reason, YOU only know what /b/ has taught you about killing for no reason. Murder is Absolutly wrong and Nuclear weapons Should be disbanded.

    inb4 white knight
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:10:49 No.196515771
    Unlike many other animals, humans have emotions.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:11:15 No.196515882
    Normally I am a moralfag, but to me Murder is only defined by religion and by society; we grow up with it, and it's what we learn is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:11:51 No.196516023

    Never had a pet guy spotted
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:12:05 No.196516091
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    everyone stfu and kill your families
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:12:10 No.196516117
    U just wasted half the world's oil
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:12:19 No.196516164
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    i sense some kind of set up here...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:12:29 No.196516205
    if this pic displayed american ideals, the only country would be america and everyone would be american or a slave. go america wooh capitalism yeah boy gitrdun yeehaw killin arabs dawg!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:13:17 No.196516418
    because certain posts are easy to ignore
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:13:33 No.196516492
    then why do dogs whine
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:13:37 No.196516508
    What if al quaeda gets a nuclear bomb?... Pakistan has some bombs and Iran are clearly developping some so... it's not totally impossible if they pay a dude 300 million or something... my bet would be on Rome and the vatican being wiped out... the response would be to destroy la mecca I guess...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:13:39 No.196516519
    You stupid? I didn't say no animals do.
    >> s0vi3t uni0n !93GCE9hnmM 02/12/10(Fri)01:14:06 No.196516644
    unless im the one getting murdered, no its not wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:14:12 No.196516669
    You're stupid too. Learn to read before reply.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:14:29 No.196516768
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    if doubles get, we murder OP
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:14:43 No.196516830
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:15:08 No.196516951

    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:15:09 No.196516953
    I think if someone dismembered a loved one in front of you, you're innate emotion and primal instincts would tell you it was wrong... despite what words might be able to be used to justify it...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:15:25 No.196517019
    True enough. But is it still not painful for them regardless (of course, depending on the course of death).
    I'm not some die-hard animal lover making a point with this, it's just a hypothetical question that i was not expecting so many responses to.
    Now hold on there, I never said for NO reason. And I also never said that I was prompted by /b/. My feelings are completely my own on the subject.
    And it's not selfishness either. It's not, like, "the thrill of the kill" that I'm talking about - I'm talking about just killing in general. I guess I just don't see what is so wrong with taking a human life. I understand the heartache and pain that others will feel, but it's all things that go away eventually.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:16:28 No.196517328
    if doubles get we murder OP and moral fags
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:16:41 No.196517389
    Wish it wasn't
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:16:55 No.196517462
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:17:35 No.196517654
    I should never have posted this picture, I just chose one at random. I'm getting more responses about nukes than I am for the topic at hand.

    Just a note to everyone, I'm not trolling - I'm just expressing my personal opinion.
    I'd also like to state that I'm not endorsing or supporting it, or even feeling any urges to commit it.
    I never said I wouldn't feel anything, but it's all things that heal.
    >> s0vi3t uni0n !93GCE9hnmM 02/12/10(Fri)01:20:34 No.196518415
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    if this post ends in 14 we must murder OP and moralfags
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:20:35 No.196518421
    Three failed assassination attempts.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:20:54 No.196518489
    afrika and turkey are still there
    fail explosion is fail
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:21:27 No.196518654
    sooo close
    >> s0vi3t uni0n !93GCE9hnmM 02/12/10(Fri)01:22:45 No.196519025
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    if this post ends in 24 we must murder OP and moralfags
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:22:46 No.196519030
    Mods have double 0 get power, we can't count that despite all your tries. Sorry, anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:22:54 No.196519062
    Close, OP. But you missed Turkey, Azerbaijan, all the 'stans, Malaysia, Indonesia, pretty much all of Africa...

    Need to take out every last one before the problem is solved.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:23:09 No.196519128
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    Unlike OP i have a soul
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:23:30 No.196519230
    i fucking lol'd hard
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:24:01 No.196519346
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    >> Glint 02/12/10(Fri)01:24:40 No.196519495
    That would cause nuclear radiation to the entire fucking ocean

    Mutant fishies = DO NOT WANT
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:25:29 No.196519703
    Is murder wrong? Is murder a negative as opposed to a positive? You are taking away (-) someones life. You are taking it away.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:26:49 No.196520045
    Lions kill Lions. Tigers kill Tigers. WHo the fuck cares if humans kill humans?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:26:52 No.196520055

    I'm simply using societal logic against itself. The social taboo is to not kill humans, but killing of other creatures is fine unless it's close to extinction.
    So if using logic instead of compassion makes me soulless, I guess I am soulless.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:27:08 No.196520128
    nope, eventually the world will have a giant war over ground water resources and kill each other in our newly founded trashy shit world, might as well start early right?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:27:24 No.196520196
    LOL you destroyed Armenia, the first Christian country on Earth 7,000 years ago but you missed Turkey and Azerbaijan? hahaha OP I LAUGH AT YOU
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:27:43 No.196520276
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    You'll never understand, Wayne. You and me, we're not even the same species. I used to be you, then I evolved. From where you're standing, you're a man. From where I'm standing, you're an ape. You're not even an ape. You're a media person. Media's like the weather, only it's man-made weather. Murder? It's pure. You're the one made it impure. You're buying and selling fear. You say "why?" I say "why bother?"
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:28:47 No.196520539

    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:29:02 No.196520597

    With the growing population, would it really be all that terrible for a loss? Evening out the population, no?

    Ironically, while a lot of people are defending my opposing belief, the other /b/tards here are conversing about _nuking_ a country.
    >> s0vi3t uni0n !93GCE9hnmM 02/12/10(Fri)01:29:08 No.196520622
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    if this post ends in 19 we must murder OP and moralfags
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:29:59 No.196520829
    Defining wrong would be a very logical place to start soul-less square.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:30:14 No.196520881
    you missed turkey you idiot. the strongest muslim shit country on earth
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:31:23 No.196521158

    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:31:57 No.196521303
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    pic related (logically)
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:32:31 No.196521458

    Ah, but right and wrong is relative to different societal groups, once again. Defined by religion and cults, and then perfected by everyone as individuals.
    For example, different religions believe that cannibalism is alright, while generally it is taboo. Some religions believe in sacrifice (which is also killing) while others do not.
    Growing up with such beliefs no longer makes it wrong in that person's eyes. Right and wrong is strictly relative.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:33:12 No.196521614
    Why worry about population control if none if it matters anyways. Instead of adding more negative energy into our world with the effect murder has... why not let nature run its course? Emotion and feeling have been given to us through evolution.... Its not a deficit. It is a life tool with purpose.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:33:50 No.196521776
    I must obey!!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:34:06 No.196521836

    Though, i'd like to add, there are laws put forth through government to try to command society and bring peace. Which also is forced on us and teaches us from birth that it is taboo
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:34:27 No.196521930
    It isn't logical to kill anything anyway, for food, yes, but not on massive scales so that the animal has no other use than food. Murder weighs heavilly on those who do it, especially in the same species. OP should kill a man and return to thread with verdict. Guarentee change(if has soul)
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:34:36 No.196521963
    Malaysia and Indonesia are A-OK!
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:35:51 No.196522254
    fuck you western faggot. Lrn to multi-cultural
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:35:52 No.196522256
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    >It isn't logical to kill
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:36:08 No.196522311
    Armenians are ugly and sell mattresses at you.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:36:29 No.196522413

    I definitely have to agree with that line of thinking, that emotions are not a deficit. But I'd like to add that what hurts you also makes you stronger.
    And I have to disagree with the rest, because i don't believe in a "purpose". I don't believe in a god that commands us and gives us life with a purpose, and believing that science would give us a purpose still implies a higher power.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:36:50 No.196522479
    do humans even have a bomb that big?
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:37:27 No.196522634
    Is that why you started this thread, so you could state such an obvious fact? In which situation were you referring to?

    If you killed my mother.Yes, its 'wrong', please don't. If you were killed for killing my mother. I'd say karma ran its course.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:37:48 No.196522724
    multiculturalism is fine
    as long the the culture you mix with is not shit
    in this case, east block and middle east can all die in fire due to the crippling affects of religion and shitty farming skills
    the west already took all the shit they had to offer anyway
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:38:08 No.196522785
    Turkey is Islamic the same way the UK is Christian: name only, no one observes services. Turkey is A-OK! I want some dondurma now...
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:38:32 No.196522882
    No. That map should become quickly a reality
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:39:07 No.196523007

    On many, yes, but once again it is the pressure caused from society. If you were to grow up where the society did not frown upon it, I guarantee that you will remain impassive
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:40:34 No.196523358
    He's semi-right. I killed a man. It was in self defense, but I still killed a man. I've told the story to /b/ before, so I won't go into again unless asked, but I did, for the longest time, feel shitty about it.
    Then, when I realised it was either him or me and that he had no children or anything of the sort and that he'd had a record and was a societal parasite, I felt better.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:40:46 No.196523403
    >multicultural is fine
    >some cultures are shit

    Apparently you think french and german are fine, but not arabian

    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:41:00 No.196523460
    fuck off turk lover
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:42:56 No.196523919
    Evidence of energy moving with purpose is everywhere. Look at our bodies, they are fucking perfect... and each and every cell is moving with purpose.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:43:04 No.196523950

    I started this to see if anyone else had a similar opinions as I do. Technically it all boils down to this, but to answer your question; no, it was not to state this obvious fact.

    I live my life guided by logic, regardless of the hypocrisy of some of it. I don't believe that it is wrong to murder, but that is because i believe that, logically, killing a human is not overly much different from killing animals.
    Once again, not to say I endorse it or would do it.
    Because I live through life in my own logical methods, I remain on the good side of the law, jumping through any loophole possible to remain on said side.

    And as you said as well, please don't kill my mother. I wouldn't like that either, but I don't believe death is so wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:43:11 No.196523983
    Biased as all fuck, but that doesn't mean that anon is wrong. Middle Eastern culture is ass-backwards and fanatical and therefore is shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:43:41 No.196524091
    i have lupus
    your argument is invalid
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:44:41 No.196524321
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    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:44:59 No.196524395
    Murder is always wrong, unless it's in self-defense.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:45:00 No.196524402
    Aka trying to justify your own feelings as "society did this to me"
    Aka trying to justify killing as nessesary to survive while knowing it wasn't
    >> Anonymous 02/12/10(Fri)01:45:54 No.196524592

    If you wouldn't mind, you have piqued my curiosity; what happened?

    And as you said, you justified what happened both logically and morally.
    I'm not far different in terms of justifications, though you have all branded me as heartless already, I'm just simply ignoring morals/emotions right now. Factoring those in, yes it would be a different scenerio, but considering what i was saying earlier - this is hypothetical

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