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  • File : 1265885522.jpg-(68 KB, 450x614, 1997 FEMA Cover.jpg)
    68 KB Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:52:02 No.196265199  
    Today I'd like to remind you...

    There were absolutely "NO WARNINGS" of the 9/11 attacks.

    Now granted I don't fuckin know what happened on 9/11, but I know for god damn sure that what they told us about it...simply wasn't true.

    How about you /b/?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:53:44 No.196265400
    I think they knew about the plan, and simply did nothing (as demonstrated by pearl harbor)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:55:02 No.196265545
    9/11 was government.

    Old news is old.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:55:06 No.196265553
    Of course it was a inside job, and they don't give a shit that we gossip about it on the internet. Because they know no one will hear about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:55:28 No.196265594
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:55:45 No.196265617
    19 years old cumdumpster here with cam. add me on MSN 'paris2luv'

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:55:55 No.196265637
    "Two broken windows. OH GOD, OH..."
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:57:33 No.196265816
    The plain flying in too low... the assumed it was god doing lulz.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:58:27 No.196265899
    i am no longer talking about a conspiracy theory. I am talking about conspiracy fact.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:58:31 No.196265903
    I've seen alot of gore in my day, and honestly...The fucking screams of people is really all that bothers me...

    Those fucking words still echo through my head occasionally.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:58:58 No.196265973
    why was the 2nd wtc plane a military plane
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:59:41 No.196266054
    I've never heard this...esplain.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:59:51 No.196266069
    troll spotted
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:00:22 No.196266128
    Because the government is fucking sloppy
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:01:16 No.196266220
    >>Now granted I don't fuckin know what happened on 9/11
    >>Now granted I don't fuckin know
    >>I don't fuckin know

    Give some theories with proof, or GTFO
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:01:44 No.196266269
    I'm really not trying to troll...

    I'm an aging fag and have never participated in a 9/11 debate on /b/. Figured I'd start one.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:02:22 No.196266330

    type in youtube military plane wtc and youll probably get a shit ton of videos, also check official footage of 2nd plane to see resemblance
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:02:26 No.196266342
    >There were absolutely "NO WARNINGS" of the 9/11 attacks.

    Pic motherfuckin related.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:02:35 No.196266359
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:02:40 No.196266368
    it is quite clear, that the attacks on 9/11 didn't have to do mich with Al'Quaeda. Who really did it is the theory part of the conspiracy fact.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:03:19 No.196266448
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:04:12 No.196266551
    Sure is Loose Change in here.

    You do know that they've been de-bunked all to hell, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:04:12 No.196266555
    That same pic was used in another advisory in 2000 btw
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:04:57 No.196266651
    Biggest problem here is, if government really did it, is HOW the fuck did they menage to run this pretty big operation without any leaks (that means that pretty BIG organization with professionals staff) and not a single one of them is feeling guilty now and wants to tell the true story?? Scary shit man
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:05:03 No.196266676
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    hogan did it
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:05:11 No.196266691

    Considering a theory is something that isn't proven yet, and therefore speculation, it would be retarded to ask for facts.

    Oh sorry, spoke too soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:05:26 No.196266717

    debunk this

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:06:35 No.196266843
    Everyone is using loaded verbs but nobody has any actual evidence.

    Also theory =/= guess, a guess is a conjecture, a theory has hard logic and a great deal of evidence.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:07:21 No.196266936
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    Thank you for reminding me that not every goddamn person on the internet is a fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:07:43 No.196266980

    Um, where is evidence it was a military plane?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:08:08 No.196267016

    Omce again...I don't know what happened.

    But I do know that what they told us...and they way they acted about it...just are not right. Even you have to admit this...

    I'm just trying to get other peoples opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:08:42 No.196267072

    needs moar audio
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:08:51 No.196267090
    I have a theory that OP is a faggot. What is my evidence?

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:09:54 No.196267215
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:10:01 No.196267222
    How about the many people saying there were multiple explosions?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:10:14 No.196267252
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:10:36 No.196267295
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:11:13 No.196267358
    that's proof that it COULD happen...not that it did...

    I could equally prove that a bullet could hit multiple targets while stopping in mid air for a couple seconds and change angles DRAMATICALLY...oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:12:41 No.196267529
    I love you /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:12:55 No.196267562
    Do some research and see how those conspiracy theorists are lying to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:13:17 No.196267600
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    Dude, if I were Al Qui'da, I'd be pissed that the sleeper agents we planted five years before the attack didn't get any credit, because the American people are fuck-tarded enough to believe that their own government did it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:14:01 No.196267686

    yeah, that's been de-bunked too, asshat, at least keep up with the conspiracy theories you spout.
    They've re-created the Kennedy assassination MANY times.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:14:12 No.196267713
    Watch Zeigeist, even if you don't believe it, its still interesting
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:14:51 No.196267791
    I think you need to look up the definition of "theory" because it definitely is not the same thing as "hypothesis."
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:15:07 No.196267818
    what if the government simply let it happen?

    knowing as proved in OP's in pic that something related to that was going down.

    Would that not make them equally responsible?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:15:35 No.196267867

    You mean people who said they hear something that "sounded like an explosion"
    Do you know how many time the cops get call of gunfire on the Fourth of July?

    Congrats, your conspiracy is based on a thing people call a simile.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:16:30 No.196267959
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    >Zeigeist ... interesting.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:16:43 No.196267983
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    OP is a troll.

    We knew about the impending attack since the original attack in '93. Bin Laden funded that, and he vowed to come back to finish the job.


    Someone get his info and get the motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:16:43 No.196267984
    Once again...

    Proof that it COULD happen...not that it did.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:18:04 No.196268133

    I'm just saying I don't know what happened.

    Potential outcomes from both sides make sense...and some clearly do not.

    Intellectual debate does not equal troll.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:19:20 No.196268265

    holy shit...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:19:32 No.196268286

    since >>196266980 is either busy or left, anyone else want to explain the military plane at wtc? ignore the pentagon stuff for simplicitys sake at this point.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:19:44 No.196268301
    As I've said twice now ITT, I think the attack was known about, and simply allowed. Making the government EQUALLY responsible.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:21:42 No.196268517
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    So, you were beneath the plane, and you didn't see any windows on the sides?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:22:04 No.196268568
    pearl harbor status?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:22:21 No.196268605
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:22:42 No.196268637

    Yeah, eye witness accounts from people who were far away, and video footage from below the plane would prove the absence of windows on a plane.
    Notice how truthers think everyone in the world is a professor of avionics, even though 99 percent of the world can't tell one type of plane away from another.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:24:32 No.196268812
    1. go to www(dot)youtube(dot)com
    2. type in "loose change"
    3. watch video
    4. change your mind about 9/11

    Name a steel reinforced building that has collapsed due to fire.....other than the WTC of course, because they were the 1st two in history.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:24:39 No.196268827
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    You think this is an intellectual debate, you motherfucker? Why can't you dumbfuck hiveminds finally accept that what happened happened? Instead of trying to fuck with the government, why don't we turn our energy towards FUCKING WITH THE SAUDI'S? Pull a DDoS on their websites, get in their heads. Talking about this shit is not going to do ANYTHING. If you weren't there on that day, then don't say jack shit. There is a point when something's gotta give. I personally blame the government for not doing anything when we knew what would happen, but thinking they would do something like this????

    I WISH our government was that smart. Conspiracy theories over. The truth needs to come out. Read the 9/11 Commission Report cover to cover and RAGE. All you need is in there, believe me.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:24:41 No.196268835



    1: a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of...

    2: a hypothesis: a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena; "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory"; "he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was...

    You were saying?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:25:03 No.196268869

    OK I'll bite

    >i didn't see any windows on it

    Gee, a plane at an altitude of several thousand feet and you didn't see any windows? Shit, you're right!

    Also, this version conspiracy blows. What's so hard about just hiring agents to hijack the plane, loaded with explosives and crash it into the building? Why have a separate plane (a US military one, no less) to bring the tower down?
    The implications of this are that the original plane was taken off course, landed in a hanger somewhere, with it's occupants ultimately shot.

    It's just logically ... bullshit. The rest of the conspiracy I can deal with but this is just ... dumb
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:26:40 No.196269036
    Once again...We can prove quite well the government was warned by multiple agencies that a pending attack (some even mentioned hijacked planes and WTC) from OBL was coming...and the government ignored it. Just as in pearl harbor...An attack was instigated and instigate a war.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:27:00 No.196269082

    And don't forget the airplane the gov't hijacked and crashed into a field in PA. Apparently just for the lulz.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:27:24 No.196269130
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    A plane turned into a fireball and melted steel and toppled a skyscraper. This happened twice. Some how a paper passport survived inside the fireball and melting steel and fluttered down to the ground to land on top of the rubble.

    Thats one hell of a good reason to buy American! They build quality products!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:27:26 No.196269131
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    You don't think that the information could have been mislaid, especially given the following:
    1) FBI, CIA & NSA adversarial relationship at the time
    2) Repeated reports of possible terrorist actions across the globe that never materialized
    3) US institutional disdain for the ability/existence of Muhajadin/sleeper agents
    4) Bush administration's inept handling of everything else?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:27:52 No.196269167

    Name another steel reinforced building hit with a 757 going at 500 mph...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:28:57 No.196269272
    >>Name a steel reinforced building that has collapsed due to fire.....other than the WTC of course, because they were the 1st two in history.

    It also might have had something to do with the motherfucking passenger jets slamming into them at full speed and exploding.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:29:44 No.196269360
    These past few days I've researched so much... starting from illuminati influence in the music industry and just getting my way into other subjects.. and I'm more than sure these people exist and that they want to completely destroy this world.. 9/11 was a ploy by these people.

    I wish I didn't know what I know now... being ignorant feels much better.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:30:56 No.196269485

    pics or it didn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:31:22 No.196269532
    Just because the bush administration was stupid does not mean that the CIA and NSA at the time were...

    We've gathered PLENTY of information regarding MANY attacks and WMDS that simply do not exist...

    but there were so many warnings of 9/11 from as early as 1990 that it simply isn't logical that they continued to ignore it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:31:52 No.196269589
    >>These past few days I've researched so much
    >>These past few days I've researched
    >>These past few days

    Lurk Moar.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:31:56 No.196269601
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    Everyone with a brain can see 9/11 was an inside job. Govt's don't give a fuck if the entire world knows- we've known for 8 years and nobody's done a fucking thing about it except bitch and moan on the internet.
    >> Dubya 02/11/10(Thu)06:32:23 No.196269643
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    /r/ing dox
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:32:26 No.196269649

    >wow a plane silhouetted against the sun that I just saw for a split second from the corner of my eye/camcorder before it disappeared into fiery oblivion didn't look as though it had windows it must be a military plane I know since I've seen so many in my time

    Fucking water-tight, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:32:30 No.196269658
    Both buildings were actually designed to withstand MULTIPLE strikes from an aircraft.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:32:47 No.196269691

    like the one that hit building 7? oh wait
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:32:58 No.196269711
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    OP is a paranoid, delusional crackhead.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:33:57 No.196269794

    From what types of planes?
    >> sage Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:34:14 No.196269823
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:34:19 No.196269832
    lolwut? no they weren't
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:34:40 No.196269856

    Oh, and a building that had two 100 story buildings collapse just across the street from it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:35:01 No.196269897
    Yeah they were, but not the kind that hit them.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:35:16 No.196269921
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    Well, this website is where I started, and then I got more curious and researched more.. but here's the page about the music industry:

    Most of those people worship Lucifer and dark magic..

    I'm not that much into conspiracy theories.. but one thing led to another, I did my homework researching and now I'm very convinced these elite group of people exist and that they're into some weird dark shit..
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:35:33 No.196269957

    Let me guess, because they knew something like this would happen? Trying to int to us with their very presence that "pssst, the gov't will one day destroy these as a pretext for war!", right?
    Just like the apophenic messages on a 20 dollar bill of what looks like towers burning, even though the $20 was conceived about half a century before anyone even conceived the WTC?

    Dream on, faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:36:06 No.196270015

    Come on, dude. The US government ignored the USS Cole bombing, and the firebombing of their Embassies all across Africa. That was a string of fifty different incursions against our soverignity as a nation, and any one of them could be an act of war. Plus, we have Mexican regular army, in uniform, dropping drugs across our border. Each one is a military incursion into US soil, which, as the other acts were, is considered a legal justification for war.

    1) We ignore shit all the time, because we can't be everywhere at once.
    2) You probably didn't know about either of these things.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:37:05 No.196270121
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    Actually no...

    I'm just a logical person. Some of the things about the 9/11 report are STUPID at best. some others make plenty of sense.

    Conspiracy theorists do indeed make some valid points on certain subjects. and then turn utterly insane on others.

    Trying to get some opinions from both sides.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:37:39 No.196270179

    ROFL you're a fucking idiot.

    Right out of Miriam-Webster.

    theory; synonyms see hypothesis
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:37:44 No.196270191
    WTC7. Game over.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:38:06 No.196270226
    You people are fuckin' just don't want to accept the fact that some dune coons were able to pull it off.
    So let's blame it on some shady government conspiracy....
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:38:14 No.196270240
    The twenty has been redesigned man time throughout US history. Learn some currency history.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:39:43 No.196270376
    Ok explain the B-52 that hit the sears tower and that didn't fall, fucking dimwit. If you really think that kerosene(jet fuel) melted that treated steel you really have your head up your ass. There are buildings that have burned for over 12 hours, fires spread over 20+ floors and the buildings have not fallen...even older buildings not built here in America.

    Also explain the put options that were put on American Airlines the two days proceeding 9/11 faggot.

    One more fun thing you should think about, why hasn't the government released the security camera footage from the hotel across the street from the Pentagon if they have nothing to hide ?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:39:54 No.196270391
    you wanna know truth? YOU CANT AHNDLE THE TRUTH /thread
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:40:01 No.196270403
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    This just in

    No one gives a fuck what happened and even if you knew there is nothing you can change now. so fuck up.

    Go help stop the internet being destroyed by government faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:40:10 No.196270417
    Hey, guys, I've long contended that SuperBowl 42 was also a conspiracy by the POWERS THAT BE!

    Want prove? Here it is:

    *Has a 12 point underdog ever won the Superbowl?

    *Despite universal predictions that the Patriots would win, how could Plaxico Burress not only predict the Giant's victory, but also predict almost exactly the correct final score?
    *Notice Tom Brady's nervous laughter to hearing Buress' prediction. Is he afraid that he had let the cat out of the bag?

    *After his bold prediction, what are the odds that Burress would also score the game winning touchdown?

    *How could a player who had not caught a touchdown all season catch one in the Super Bowl against the best team in the league?

    *How could a team that beat the Giants only weeks before by three points then lose to them by three points?

    *How could the leagues highest scoring team only score 14 points?

    *Despite running drills and practices against passes all season, and for two weeks specifically against the Giants, why did the defense suddenly "fail" on January 21?

    *Eli Manning was the winning QB in Super Bowl 42, Peyton Manning was the winning QB in Super Bowl 41. Their connection? They're brothers.

    *Why were the Giants wearing hats declaring themselves Super Bowl 42 champions IMMEDIATELY AFTER the game? There's no way that hats can be made that fast.

    *Why was Tom Brady seen wearing a cast on his leg the week before the Super Bowl?

    *Why was Bill Belichick quoted as saying after the game "it is what it is."?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:40:28 No.196270451
    Holy shit you guys dont make sense.

    look up building 7. it fell at the exact same time as the two towers (video footage is somewhere) and no plane hit it. The official explanation was office fires. How does the whole building collapse due to office fires?

    The towers themselves managed to destroy themselves in a way that hardly damaged any other buildings around it. Most experts speculate that this looks a lot like a controlled demolishon.

    Furthermore, there were several explosions heard at the time (early news reports actually say this). Bombs may have been placed within the building itself. The architect actually came out and said it was an impossibility that a plane could have done that, and a plane had actually hit the towers previously when it was being built and nothing fell over.

    Others say that jet fuel cannot burn through the building framework anyway.

    Watch Zeitgeist if you are interested.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:41:26 No.196270546
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:41:51 No.196270595
    We've got CIA guys dropping drugs everywhere too.

    Doesn't know about Olly North, Freeway Ricky Ross, Nicaragua, Iran contra, Afghanistan Marine Poppy Protection.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:42:09 No.196270634

    Oh, right my bad.
    Do the regularly encode hidden messages for retards to find?

    Did the past few incarnations contain torpedo-bombers attacking ships in port or U.S. naval vessels being fired upon in South-East Asian waters?

    Wow, can't wait to see what they come up with next
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:42:25 No.196270658
    PROTIP - Bin Laden was a CIA Agent, They had him targeted and surrounded at baghdad airport, orders were to kill, he "somehow managed to escape".

    brb door
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:42:36 No.196270676
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    your trolling right?

    the hats? hahahah
    they would have 2 lots made for both teams cockfag.

    your a troll

    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:43:07 No.196270736

    Jersey richter scales registered the collapse of WTC 1 & 2 as a 4.1 earthquake. Other buildings weren't built over a subway station like WTC complex was. The collapse of WTC 1 & 2 compromised the foundation, and the shaking from the actual collapse did the rest.

    Think moar, faggot.

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:43:47 No.196270821
    Government officials were having BREAKFAST with Bin laden's family the morning of the attack...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:44:10 No.196270871
    >>Ok explain the B-52 that hit the sears tower and that didn't fall, fucking dimwit. If you really think that kerosene(jet fuel) melted that treated steel you really have your head up your ass.
    sigh. How fast was the B-52 going? Was it full of fuel that ignited on impact?
    >>There are buildings that have burned for over 12 hours, fires spread over 20+ floors and the buildings have not fallen...even older buildings not built here in America
    Again, where they slammed into by 757's going 500 mph? You know that the impact blew the fire proof protection off the steel, right? That the impact would have an effect on it's structural integrity, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:44:40 No.196270929
    Ignores the fact that the US instigated a war with Spain by attacking a US ship and blaming it on the Spanish.

    In the late 50s early 60s the US Intelligence proposed that a plane be shot down near Cuba with a cover story about US tourists dying and blaming it on Cuba as a pretext to invade Cuba.

    If they thought about doing it way back then, what makes you think they wouldn't be better at it now.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:44:53 No.196270951

    George W. was giving bin ladens mum some HEAD the morning of the attacks!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:45:06 No.196270974
    World Trade Center 7 people lol it's right there in front of your faces- YOUR GOVERNMENT DOESN'T FUCKING LIKE YOU, YOU ARE WORTHLESS TO THEM. They will blow your asses up and laugh about it over some fine champagne paid for by your tax dollars, then leave you to die because you're life is of no value to THEM- Take to the streets, rip the bastards out of the white house and leave them hanging in the streets, take your country back make it what it once was, ffs do it already if you aint fags
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:45:09 No.196270981

    I am going to assume you're a troll, because if you took that man's Superbowl conspiracy theory seriously, you're either an incredible genius or an absolute retard.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:45:16 No.196270995
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:45:54 No.196271065
    When they locked down the airspace over all of America, the only plane allowed to fly out was the plane carrying the Bin Laden family.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:47:58 No.196271299
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    Anyone who thinks that Arabs took the twin towers down is an idiotic racist retarded xenaphobic average American
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:48:12 No.196271318
    BTW guys, did you know FEMA has concentration camps and is planning to take over the world? lololol
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:48:12 No.196271321

    Bin Laden was the only person who was SURPRISED the morning of the attacks.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:48:37 No.196271366

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:49:17 No.196271434


    When only one side of a tower isn't compromised, and the "spine" of the building has been destroyed, and the few remaining girders are subject to heat stress, they will give long before they are "melted".

    Now, say it with me: The remaining girders did NOT need to melt to be rendered useless; they were already under four times as much stress as they're been cleared for.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:49:44 No.196271483
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:49:44 No.196271484
    You're an A class dumbfuck alright, a B 52 bomber has a maximum speed of 500+ MPH

    With hermetically sealed elevators I don't think that the effect of the blast of gas (which mostly exploded outwards on collision if you watch the videos of the plane hitting) would have had a chance to get to most of the structural steel inside the building, have you not seen documentaries on how the WTC was built ? It was overdesigned to withstand the current planes out in the 70s because they knew planes were going to get bigger.

    Another thing,
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:49:58 No.196271510

    Building seven did not fall at the same time, it fell hours later due to damage it sustained from the towers collapsing right next to it.
    Also people say they heard something "like and explosion" not an explosion.

    Like a said, a conspiracy based on simile.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:49:59 No.196271514

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:50:16 No.196271546
    9/11 was an inside job. Anyone with half a brain knows that.

    It's just that people who don't believe it, simply don't want to believe that their beloved George Dubya betrayed them.
    >> Penis van Lesbian 02/11/10(Thu)06:50:28 No.196271567
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:50:29 No.196271568
    so if the towers collapsed in a pancake fashion...why are there no pillars left standing above where the floors were?

    why do the pillars that remained have perfectly angular cuts in them?...btw far below where the aircraft hit.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:51:11 No.196271632
    the report said there were "no warnings" jackass.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:51:58 No.196271724
    >>You're an A class dumbfuck alright, a B 52 bomber has a maximum speed of 500+ MPH

    Once again, how fast, was THAT SPECIFIC B-52 GOING. Jesus Christ son, I'm starting to think I'm getting trolled here.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:52:59 No.196271831

    Prove me they had two sets made.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:53:19 No.196271880
    I dont know about sports, but these people (The powers that be, as you call them) have the music industry on lock... If you're not one of them, you DON'T get famous.

    Go watch Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance". If you're smart, you will see that the video is a metaphor to what happens in the music industry and what they have to do to obtain real fame..
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:54:09 No.196271961
    ITT: A whole bunch of engineers. J/K they're retards.
    >> DURR 02/11/10(Thu)06:55:14 No.196272085
    Derpity Derp, guys! If you're tired of derpity derping tonight why not see what's playing over at DURRRRR TV?

    We're playing series like Derp and Derpity's Bullderp, Harvey Derpman: Attorney at Der,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Hurr Drr Force, The Durr hurrr Brothers, random Derpity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "DERP DERP Channels"


    View derpectly @

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:55:14 No.196272090
    >>With hermetically sealed elevators I don't think that the effect of the blast of gas (which mostly exploded outwards on collision if you watch the videos of the plane hitting) would have had a chance to get to most of the structural steel inside the building

    You're right dude. Passenger jets are made of fet fuel and nothing else. Not tons of steel and other stuff that would fly through the building shredding everything it its path.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:55:26 No.196272110
    Really, a 45 minute fire going to weaken treated steal that has been heated for HOURS under testing....god damn there are some stupid people in here tonight.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:55:41 No.196272131

    I don't know why you defend your government when it's blindingly obvious they despise you and your family, your friends, your neighbours. I know you're American but that doesn't make you stupid, that's not a valid excuse, maybe you're typically closed minded like so many other Americans. Regardless, if living in a little bubble makes you feel good, then just go along with it. But please take your bubble somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:55:41 No.196272132
    1. What hit the Pentagon did NOT look like a 747.

    2. Why would there be clouds of smoke erupting from windows BELOW where the plane hit while the building was collapsing?

    3. Why did one of the workers who survived, who was in the basement, report hearing numerous explosions throughout the lower levels?

    4. Why did many of the fires in the building resemble that of burning thermite?

    5. Why would a building, not hit by any plane, only hit by debris, completely collapse without any fires burning or structural damage? WTC 7 was not hit by a plane, folks.

    And most importantly...

    7. The WTC Tower were built to withstand hurricanes, fires, bombs, the worst storms imaginable, and high winds. How would a single 747 impacting on an upper floor cause a collapse? Jet fuel WILL NOT melt steel.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:56:00 No.196272157
    I actually am a US engineer previously deployed in IRAQ...

    I think it was a sham...but I don't really fuckin care.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:56:19 No.196272199

    The CIA's tried to kill Castro 50+ times too. OMG! THEY MUST WANT HIM TO LIVE!!!


    Bin Laden's family are fucking Saudi diplomats, fuckstuff. Occasionally, our government does talk to them. Incidentally, he's a black sheep of their family, not so much for believing the US is the Great Satan, but because he uses his part of the family fortune to try to knock us down a peg or two instead of profiting from us like the rest of the family does.


    Dunno. The guys falling out of the fucking building didn't exactly seem all "Ho hum." about it. Fucking troll.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:57:35 No.196272340


    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:59:20 No.196272542

    He was reportedly surprised by the building's collapse. They didn't think they'd fall, that they'd just fuck them up some.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:00:30 No.196272664

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:00:31 No.196272669
    Hey dipshit I think you missed the point of, MOST THE FUEL THAT STARTED THE FIRE(that supposedly brought the building down) BLEW OUTWARDS ON IMPACT, so now that you know how to read we can continue.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:00:50 No.196272706

    Also, buildings simply do not under any circumstances collapse at free fall speed. Even with professional demolition it would be difficult to replicate the speed at which the towers fell.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:01:30 No.196272782

    FFS, please either learn the basic skill of critical thinking, or fuck off
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:01:41 No.196272800

    So as an engineer, what is your opinion on what happened?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:01:57 No.196272822

    2. Floors collapsed from the weight of a FUCKING 747

    3. Explosions from higher floors were so loud he thought they were closer.

    4. They didn't

    5. Large amounts of heavy debris took out the support and offbalanced it, causing the full weight of the building to collapse suddenly onto another support, which then buckled

    And most importantly...

    7. You don't need to MELT steel, you just need to give it enough heat to bend a little, and as soon as that happens, it can't hold enough weight to keep the building up. That temperature is easily reachable from jet fuel.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:02:25 No.196272879

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:03:36 No.196272997

    Blew outwards? You mean outwards from the plane that was inside the building?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:04:32 No.196273102

    If the building was off-balanced, why did it collapse straight down rather than at a tilt?

    You'd figure if one side of the building was unbalanced, like you say, if this structural damage was severe enough to cause it to collapse, at least part of the tower would have collapsed over and fallen somewhere else, not straight down.

    Even the stupidest people can tell that the WTC collapse looks like a fucking controlled demolition.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:05:03 No.196273163

    Of course. See, in demolitions, safety is job one. They blow a floor at a time, and control the demo. When a pair of fuckhuge jets hit a building, less thought seems to be given to safety.

    Fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:05:23 No.196273208

    Not sure where that is fail at critical thinking? Or, what is that? Offering differing facts against your world view?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:06:13 No.196273305
    At the very least...

    It was planned.

    Multiple things would have to be in place to make the buildings fall at that speed+have no support systems left standing at least one hundred feet out of the debris.

    if it was terrorists, they planted things in the building as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:07:09 No.196273404
    Because it was designed to go straight down following the CONCRETE support in the center. That support was not holding up the weight of the building, but it was an emergency feature designed to let the building "fold" downwards if anything did go wrong.

    And seriously, name ONE expert with qualifications who thinks it was a controlled demolition. If it was controlled there would not have been as much debris
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:07:43 No.196273466

    Towers did not fall at free fall speed. See all the debris that falls off the sides for the mushroom effect? That's falling at free fall, much faster than the towers
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:08:36 No.196273571
    Dude this is old news that we knew about it in advance, Anyone who's ever played Urban strike knows that the trade center isn't taken down by 747's, it was taken out by a laser fired from reno nevada, off of a satellite in orbit, and into the sides of the buildings at a downward angle. It bounced off of some broken glass and hit building 7, Meanwhile ex military, working for an ex senator go into the buildings and steel all of the gold...

    THAT WAS THE PLOT FOR URBAN STRIKE IN 1997!, Replace 'laser' 'with 'missile', 'ex senator' with 'president' and 'ex military' with 'blackwater', and there you fucking go.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:10:26 No.196273731
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    US got trolled big time
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:10:50 No.196273779
    Is anyone of you aware that history doest begin at 9/11, lets look at things that were before attack. in laden was CIA agent (they needed him to fight back russians in the 80s). Bin laden visited serbia in 80s and most balkan countries trying to buy mass weapons to fight back, he said he was sent by the CIA (he was in the group of 3 people that visited those countries, was youngest of them). So, he WAS an agent. Now, i dont say he was STILL agent when 9/11 occurred, but he was in close relationship for all his life with the USA. So, i have pretty good reason to believe that 9/11 was an inside job.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:11:02 No.196273804
    Why you mad bro.. I'm just trying to let people know what happens with the music they listen to..

    And overall just know what happens in their daily lives that they have no clue about.
    Go ahead, keep being ignorant.. it's easier that way but it will buttfuck you in the future..
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:11:10 No.196273818
    Do you have a fake anything account I can get some information from you on?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:11:25 No.196273842

    What I'm saying is, judging from the amount of damage that some of you guys think that the plane did to the upper floors when it impacted, would this concrete support and most if not all of the other support structures be destroyed as well? Would the floors above the impact zone not be entirely compromised and therefore, fall at a tilt? The concrete support, as you talked about, would not be in place if it had been smashed into by a 747, therefore, the part of the building above the structural damage to the support would have collapsed first, at a tilt, likely bringing most of the building down with it.

    But that didn't happen. No, the building just magically falls down, perfectly straight down, from a fucking fire.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:11:54 No.196273892

    Dig it.

    Three walls are completely useless. The spine holding the building up is compromised, if not destroyed outright. The final girders are on fire, and under exponentially greater strain than they were cleared for. When they reach the appropriate temperature, they give, all at once.

    Like they're not even there.

    The several floors above the impact site now smash down some three stories onto the remaining building supports, flattening those, and causing the building to effectively 'collapse into it's own footprint,' three or four stories at a time. The weight at the top gives the collapse speed and force, which gives it more speed and force.The hollow spine acts as a slight correction, keeping it balanced until the stories below the rolling impact are crushed.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:14:42 No.196274188
    The way this building fell also implicates that potential explosives were used.

    Do you see the slight crunch in the center of the building as it falls?

    To save time...

    Watch any other professional demolition of a building.

    Notice the crunch. This is caused by support structures within the building giving way, which in turn causes the building collapse. Most support systems in buildings that large are made to withstand earthquakes. The report said that the force of the towers falling was the same as a low scale earthquake. This simply would not would not make tower 7 fall.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:16:15 No.196274372
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    I don't know whether to laugh or cry :(
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:17:40 No.196274511

    Cry, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:18:00 No.196274557

    this is the true conspiracy
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:20:50 No.196274861

    Too bad your THEORY sucks, why would a richter scale miles away pick up a building falling to the ground when it didn't pick up a previous bombing attempt at the WTC "because it wasn't coupled to the ground".

    Also when you watch the footage of tower 2 falling, there is a camera on a tripod that visibly shakes seconds before the building starts to fall, also a chunk of the building falls off right after this "tremor". What caused the shockwave before the 2nd building fell ?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:20:51 No.196274864
    9/11 warnings in movies BEFORE Sept. 11, 2001 happened... real or just a big coincidence? You decide
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:20:57 No.196274879
    you the engineerfag?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:21:39 No.196274950

    The owner of the WTC admitted on network TV that they pulled WTC7 after the towers collapsed. You can't just walk into a building, stick a bomb here or there and then blow it up. This takes days, weeks to rig. The bombs / explosives, whatever you want to call them, were in WTC7 at least several days before 9/11. Admitted. Network television. Bombs in WTC7. Game over. Videos all over the internet. Google it, Youtube it, I don't care, just don't fagtroll me with your stupid terrorists-hijacked-some-planes bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:25:52 No.196275391
    Not once did I say who did it...I'm not fucking magic.

    All I'm saying is that from the viewpoint of a person with a college degree in this faggotry. The fall of every single on of the buildings, looks PLANNED. The planes hitting the towers could POTENTIALLY bring them down. However, there would girders left sticking high out of the rubble.

    If terrorists did do it, they planted things in all three of the buildings that fell.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:26:14 No.196275426

    If it's everywhere, just provide a simple link, fag.

    Or is it a video where they just say "yeah, we decided to pull it"

    meaning we decided to "pull" (get out) "it" (the rescue crew"
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:30:18 No.196275885
    Just tossing my opinion into all this shit. I've been a pilot for 6 years now for AA. I could never pull a plane into the angle of descent in which the plane that hit the pentagon did. And how long was he flying again?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:31:25 No.196276027
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    popular mechanics doesn't even try to debunk any of the major theory's that people pick up on. and their facts are diluted. In the report when referring to the fact that no jets were scrambled to intercept the hijacked planes PM writes "Pre-9/11, flights originating in the States were not seen as threats and NORAD wasn't prepared to track them." and as OP's image points out domestic flights were a major concern pre 9/11.

    Moarover the fact that PM fails to even touch the most important topic that is MOTIVE. That is why people buy into the idea of an inside job. Un4chantly some people think just cuz PM debunked it, it means its debunked.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:31:53 No.196276077

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:34:01 No.196276328
    is it true how much you guys get paid?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:34:59 No.196276453
    lol, it's actually quite the opposite of popular belief.

    I'm actually on food stamps, to give you an idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:37:36 No.196276808
    ITT: People who were in elementary/middle school when it happened and never been to New York to actually check out the damaged structure but will talk like they were the people there.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:37:45 No.196276827
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:38:13 No.196276881
    Popular mechanics had experts trying to debunk 911, who were the very people some conspiracy theorists accused of the crime. Think about it. It's like a kid being bullied and asking the bully if he did it and believing the bully when he says no.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:38:16 No.196276886

    >>Un4chantly some people think just cuz PM debunked it, it means its debunked

    Unfortunately, no matter how many times something is debunked, they'll still believe it
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:39:16 No.196276997

    You are probably trying to land planes, he was not.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:40:31 No.196277155
    He meant that the building had caught on fire and they thought it wasn't worth the effort to save it when people in the WTC needed help.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:42:08 No.196277365
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:42:27 No.196277403
    sorry kids. no explosives. terrorists brought down both towers with airplanes. anyone who knew anything about their mindset knew the would be back to finish what they started in 93. why do you guys go chase aliens or bigfoot or some shit
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:42:36 No.196277419
    Did anyone mention that there were reports of the hijackers in the cockpit before the planes took off?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:43:26 No.196277514
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:44:04 No.196277594
    Actually, while getting my wings we are trained how to avoid structures should a crash landing be inevitable. This involves high speed angels while descending. I could do that in little single engine plane, but in a bigger plane (like oh say a 747) there is an extreme delay while cornering at the speed in which that plane was descending.

    As I stated previously, there is absolutely NO WAY I could turn that plane into that angle even doing this for a living.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:45:04 No.196277725
    Go look at porn, far more constructive use of your time than looking into this piece of shit conspiracy theory. If it had ANY merit to it, you'd think something would have happened in the past 9 years.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:46:07 No.196277851

    you cant. johnny raghead did.

    what airline do you work for so i dont use it
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:46:12 No.196277861
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    Piece of shit you say? LOL here, hold this
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:47:21 No.196278010
    goddamn stupid americants. Im german, sorry for maybe bad grammar..

    9/11 was the government and do you know why? to get our freedom, to get our as social slaves... and yeah, I know youll say no, no way, thats impossible.. yap, its impossible if youre one of the fags who believe whats in the newspaper, who believe whats in the goddamn tv..

    god who is god.. believe in yourself and enjoy your life. kille these fuckers.. not the nigger barack, hes just a fucking puppet. WAKE UP FAGGOTS!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:47:59 No.196278095


    just think about it for a second.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:48:00 No.196278097
    AA as I said.

    And pilots are actually a pretty tight nit group, ask any one of us what we think about that particular plane.

    I promise the answer will be the same.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:48:30 No.196278162
    Yes, piece of shit I say. Go back to fapping to Loose Change.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:49:27 No.196278293

    It's frustrating when everyone else in the world knows what happened, yet the only people who are really in any position to do anything about it are too busy eating Doritos and watching Nascar
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:49:28 No.196278296
    The engineerfag again,

    what do you think about the plane in shanksville?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:50:32 No.196278427
    ITT: Wannabe-engineers/pilots/physicists.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:52:36 No.196278702
    I really didn't pay all that much attention to this whole thing. I just remember that when I heard about the angle (like 3 years ago) I said "no...fucking....way..."
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:52:46 No.196278721
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    K done that, I couldn't find any tissues though, so I had to use this shitty flag; you wash it for me now so I can use it again, go go go
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:53:29 No.196278807
    I bet you yourself say all the time how fucked up the government is. And yet you dont think they (or some few) MAYBE would kill 4000 people to start a nice "keep the rich people rich" war? Its happened oh, 10,000,000 times in history god forbid its happening again.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:53:33 No.196278815

    butthurt uneducated trash.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:53:58 No.196278872
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:53:59 No.196278876
    God damn slaves everyone.
    Born in debt - die in debt
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:54:20 No.196278934
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:54:32 No.196278962
    This takes time and patience..

    They tried it again last christmas, but failed.

    It'll happen again though.. something bigger than 9/11 is coming.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:55:01 No.196279031
    Being uneducated is preferable to being miseducated.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:55:22 No.196279079
    Why wash it? Keep jizzing on that imperialistic flag, I'm not American. :)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:55:46 No.196279136
    >>196266651 the Manhattan Project?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:56:06 No.196279174
    now relax cuz it's history. few sandniggers killed a few usfags, who carez? usfags do that on a daily basis for hundrez of years.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:57:53 No.196279393
    Fuck, Yeah!
    Burn money...Keep warm.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:58:13 No.196279444
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    enjoy you're 30k a year thinking that.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:59:15 No.196279595
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    Who are they gonna blame it on this time? Iran? Syria? Libya? My money's on Iran...Israel would just love that :D

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:01:44 No.196279915
    you are my new god
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:03:04 No.196280083
    Don't know..

    I just know they want to take out Chavez from Venezuela... they already did it with Saddam. Chavez is next.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:03:43 No.196280181
    >enjoy you're 30k a year thinking that.
    Why the fuck is it so hard for so many people to grasp such a basic concept as your/you're???
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:04:39 No.196280313
    heh..musta been a woman pilot huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:05:48 No.196280477
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    because trolling is a art.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:07:20 No.196280667

    How do you amerifags think about that? Dumping the Dollar and getting Amero with Mexico and Canada?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:11:06 No.196281115
    if only seth mcfarlane was on one of those planes we would never have had to sit through more Family Guy. Why don't you fuckers bring that up next time them terrorist come round. What kind of service destroys two buildings, three planes a shitload of people and then leaves Family Guy intact I FUCKING HATE TERRORIST I WANT MY FUCKING JIHAD BACK
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:11:30 No.196281159
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:13:54 No.196281474

    Nice find! Thank you
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:14:29 No.196281551
    enjoy your tinfoil hat
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:15:08 No.196281634
    Why would we want to absorb mexico's problems? Canada, yes. Mexico, no.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:16:32 No.196281822
    enjoy your fail.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:16:43 No.196281845
    holy war on you biznitch that's my god your blaspheming
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:17:13 No.196281926
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    I smell a fake... :D

    also this thread is missing something;

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:17:26 No.196281957
    Hang on, my God just spoke to you that means he's acting on it himself-you got lucky this time
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:17:32 No.196281966

    Its already started, sorry if you had to hear it on /b/
    Look at >>196281159 post
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:19:04 No.196282168
    ty bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:19:29 No.196282223
    So if America is finally being united with Mexico and Canada then how long before Europe, Neo-America and Australia/Asia all get lumped together?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:19:47 No.196282264
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:20:04 No.196282296
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    America still does one thing right at least ;)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:20:24 No.196282342
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:21:10 No.196282429
    i just got here,wats this?did something happen?on 9/11?november the 9th?doesnt ring a bell.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:21:17 No.196282452

    Ever heard of the European Union
    Started it years ago

    Also they are starting the African Union and the South east asia Union
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:21:53 No.196282524
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:22:27 No.196282600
    On September 10th, 2001, my best friend on 23 years told me; "Something will happen tomorrow." I saw the horrors unfold the next day. Three weeks later I chopped him up with an axe. He won't be hurting anyone anymore...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:23:25 No.196282711
    "So if America is finally being united with Mexico and Canada then how long before EUROPE, Neo-America and Australia/Asia all get lumped together?"
    I was trying to imply the EU by saying Europe, I live here and I know full well that Europe is just a name and represents very little of the actual place it refers to. My question still stands, how long until completion?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:24:13 No.196282831
    and do you know why? to get a world order.. one fucking union.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:24:24 No.196282855
    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that 9/11 was staged. It's hard to accept, particularly if you're a child of the controlled media and government schools, but if you really look at the evidence, there's no question.

    The people who control our government are pretty evil people. And no, Obama is not calling the shots. He's nothing more than a figurehead, like all our recent presidents. That's why nothing changes regardless of who's in there.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:24:47 No.196282900
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:25:05 No.196282936
    youre doing it rite
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:25:50 No.196283023
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:25:59 No.196283037
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:26:02 No.196283040
    i lold when 9/11 happened

    fuck america
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:26:17 No.196283062

    Yeap... the sooner people see the dangers of it the better...but Amerifags are so behind in seeing the truth
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:28:02 No.196283267

    hahaha me too
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:28:44 No.196283351
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:29:02 No.196283388
    November 9th

    Never Forget.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:29:08 No.196283402
    and I thought only faggots and christians r on 4chan.. ty bro, thats the fucking truth.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:30:37 No.196283573
    Wow it must be so amazing to be right all the time but do nothing because you expect everyone to have your back. You do know how the people who, conspiracy or no, own most of the world have got to that position don't you? By not giving a fuck what other people think and do and by using themselves to change the world. How about you act out the theatre that is your convictions and replace them?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:30:39 No.196283578
    Do u ppl actually believe the guys in government care about their citizens?

    They care about staying in a nice cushy job with benefits. My only democractic voice is via my local aged member of parliament who gets to have a nice relaxed life becasue the ppl here believe he is doing whats best for them.

    Seriously central banks and the government work together to serve their own interests. Its a mutually benficial relationship - a cartel that is backed by the law and has access the to the taxes of millions of ppl.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:31:21 No.196283654
    back story plz
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:31:27 No.196283664
    There are no christians on /b/, dumbass. Only trolls that create instant 300 reply threads based on religion to get you stupid fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:34:42 No.196284026
    Debunked so many times....

    'Loose Change' was just profiting off of uneducated citizen's desire to be a part of some sort of political movement.

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:34:51 No.196284042
    Who knows.. a decade, two decades from now?

    But that's pretty much the New World Order. To have a single currency.. and with that, a single government, then everything will be globalized and easier to control.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:35:08 No.196284072
    Don't be silly that's far too mundane. According to Christianity God made the Earth. According to Japanese creation myths it was Gods (plural) and Japan is the foam that dripped off a God's spear. People banding together so they can a nice cushy life is far too realistic to be true (-sarcasm, I agree with you and it is complete wank especially to see these fuckers come round in a suit with their nice soft hands from doing fuck all but having meetings all day and talking crap instead of making any actual decisions)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:35:40 No.196284126
    thats because the WTC was the subject of a rare successful foreign terrorist attack in the 90s
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:37:47 No.196284397
    the pic is from the cover of a FEMA manual in 1997.

    It was used again later in 2000 in an advisory report.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:38:23 No.196284466
    Im trollin dumbass. ;)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:39:15 No.196284567
    No shit sherlock at least now I know your opinion of it (is it a fucking wonder everyone's getting fucked over by muppets when we spend all day arguing about who knows what)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:39:38 No.196284607
    Never reveel yourself as a troll foo.

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