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  • File : 1265881911.jpg-(72 KB, 479x642, titstorm.jpg)
    72 KB Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)04:51:51 No.196256872  
    How goes the fight, laddies?

    "As it prepares to introduce legislation within weeks forcing ISPs to block a blacklist of RC websites, the (Australian) government says it is in talks with Google over blocking the same type of material from YouTube."

    Looks like we're fucked, chaps!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)04:52:48 No.196257004
    Ah well, we won't miss you on the internet anyway
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)04:53:31 No.196257104
         File1265882011.jpg-(35 KB, 231x328, RuddMudKelly.jpg)
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    They're going to hit GOOGLE now.

    Deviant Art and 4Chan are already on the filter blacklist.

    Not a lot you can do.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)04:55:19 No.196257393
    Even sites like totse (RIP) were on the blacklist and there was nothing illegal on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)04:55:33 No.196257424
         File1265882133.jpg-(504 KB, 1424x1064, NedKelly_gtfo.jpg)
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    England & the USA are next. U sure about that?

    US and UK to consider similar action after observing Australian censorship trials.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)04:57:19 No.196257684
    WHAT THE FUCK, how am i suppose to make some other money on the side by doing shitty commissions!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)04:57:32 No.196257715
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)04:59:11 No.196257910
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:03:04 No.196258440
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:04:14 No.196258605
    Moar liek 'Net Kelly amirite?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:06:59 No.196259019
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:10:31 No.196259524
    mother of god
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:10:46 No.196259556
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:11:34 No.196259678
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:12:57 No.196259889
    I swear to god if they do anything I'll fucking riot... fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:15:08 No.196260181
         File1265883308.jpg-(47 KB, 500x667, 12640338071.jpg)
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    Does ANYONE know when the filter is to be implemented?

    The news article suggested just a few weeks. Is there ANYTHING that the Australian people can do to prevent this travesty of human rights? eg. Election etc?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:15:48 No.196260275
    in a few weeks
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:17:10 No.196260472
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:17:43 No.196260545
    Looks like you should have voted for PirateParty.. and someone who cares about you :)
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:17:52 No.196260563
    some body told me july 2011... a few weeks is true? can someone link me a website with proof of when its being implemented
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:18:10 No.196260611
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:18:42 No.196260683
    Even if they don't listen to the world of their wrong doings. We will show them that this is a day we stand for freedom.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:19:28 No.196260801
    annonet was shut down.

    EVERYONE regroup to Rizon@ #operationtitstorm
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:19:36 No.196260813
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:19:41 No.196260823
    got your six shooter.
    i got my lynchin' rope.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:20:20 No.196260916
         File1265883620.jpg-(49 KB, 500x667, 1264402148376.jpg)
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    Date of implementation:

    See Op's original post containing quote from article plus link to said article.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:20:27 No.196260933
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:23:07 No.196261290
    google dont filter its shit china been bulling them for a while now they dont budge
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:23:12 No.196261303
    thanks anon
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:23:24 No.196261331
    next step is to fucking riot, show them that people are not afraid of the government and the government should be afraid of the people
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:24:45 No.196261494
    I don't do riots.

    If I were to do riots, i would arm myself to the teeth and kill everything in my path. Using molotovs and pipebombs. I would probably an hero as well after a massive highscore.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:26:27 No.196261714
    Why riot? It's going to destroy genuine businesses and people's possessions.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:27:08 No.196261820
         File1265884028.jpg-(54 KB, 634x419, article-0-04F2D4AC000005DC-59_(...).jpg)
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    ANON should spam the entire nation of Australia with:

    A: Dirt dug up on the politicians in question.
    B: Rule #34 on all said politicians.

    If the entire world's only memory of the prime Minister of Australia was an image ingrained in their minds of him sucking a cock... then he'd be known as Kevin Cocksucker in the minds of all voters. It's a bit like pedoshite... if you point at someone and suggest they might be a pervert, then that's the way they are perceived from that day forth.

    Have at!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:27:09 No.196261823
    >> Is there ANYTHING that the Australian people can do to prevent this travesty of human rights? eg. Election etc?
    I'll bet London to a brick all this grandstanding that's going on will do absolutely nothing. Nothing except, maybe, give Anonymous a bad rep as a dickhead.
    If any of you were serious about this, rather than just using it as an excuse for a bunch of knuckle-fucking, you'd be getting in touch with your local MPs, both State and Federal.
    A bunch of whiney kids on an unsavory web site are not going to matter.
    Anonymous, for all his supposed might, doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:27:49 No.196261920

    Because the government doesn't want genuine businesses and peoples possessions to be destroyed, because that makes them look bad, where the only way to redeem themselves is to meet our demands.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:27:52 No.196261929
    Note to self, scrap Australia off the list of countries worth emigrating to.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:27:53 No.196261931
    no were not attacking citizens, we are attacking the government, shop owners i respect.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:28:06 No.196261980
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????
    4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!(no newfags plox)

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:28:42 No.196262065
    amen i dont want to go to australia too
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:30:30 No.196262333
    >Note to self, scrap Australia off the list of countries worth emigrating to.
    hopefully youre indian
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:30:56 No.196262392
         File1265884256.jpg-(35 KB, 260x300, 1265534220052.jpg)
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    Uncle Sam is next on the target sights of Censorship
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:32:18 No.196262580
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:32:48 No.196262642
    I'm getting the fuck out of this shithole and moving to Canada. No fucking way I will allow my tax dollars to be used on garbage like this.
    >> Official WIN-Wagon! 02/11/10(Thu)05:33:22 No.196262728
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    This Anon has a point, fags. Why waste your time DDOSsing shit? Dig up/fabricate believable dirt on the politicians in question and spam it to everyone, everywhere until he stops. In short HURT THEIR POLITICAL CAREERS. Otherwise all your effort is pretty much masturbation.
    Rule 34/35's, ruin life tactics, etc, etc. Dig up some real shit and give it to wikileaks - i.e. GOOD stuff. Not fucking black-faxes.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:35:32 No.196263018
    >Although the government knew the attack was coming, it was powerless to stop it.

    hah take that
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:38:24 No.196263413
    "80% of australians strongly support this appeal"

    fucking trash. australians are serious scumbags. if it didnt threaten our access to the internet i wouldnt be fighting for them at all. they deserve to rot in the shit hole they call home.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:40:54 No.196263747
    Thanks. We appreciate all support.
    Even from fuckwits like you.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:41:25 No.196263823
    so it looks like this may be the end of /b/ for me. i've been on here for almost 4 years, and this is how i have to leave. fuck my country and it's prime fucking minister. if this happens i'm rioting. the cronulla riots ain't got shit on me.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:43:57 No.196264167
    Fucking fuck. Why the fuck? Fuck!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:44:07 No.196264190
    i say all the people against it march to canberra. and then riot, im pretty sure like 1,000,000 will be enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:46:38 No.196264514
    Fellow Ausfags, buy a fucking ipsec tunnel through Switzerland and continue to enjoy your 4chan experience. this is not critical.. the point is that they're TRYING to impede us. Think about it, china have been at this for years. they have stronger network infrastructure and far greater resources than us. What does conroy have that china does not?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:46:55 No.196264557
    DO this. SOunds fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:47:08 No.196264586
         File1265885228.jpg-(20 KB, 325x325, chairman-rudd-l_t325.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:47:45 No.196264663
    ipsec tunnel?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:48:38 No.196264776
         File1265885318.jpg-(42 KB, 350x369, ruddclosed.jpg)
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    Internet's closed...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:49:53 No.196264930 <<tunnel. 4chan through filtering for $100 a year.. worth it to me
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:53:18 No.196265346
    If there was a time for anon to rise up, this is it. Once these sorts of censorships come into one place it will spread all across the world and then shit will get real.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:55:56 No.196265640
    i'm down. no joke. this country is going to shit. we're entering a new age of tyranny and opression. for one of the most capitalist states in the world they do like the government interfering socially.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:57:23 No.196265793

    Canberrafag here. You start it, I'll follow.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:57:45 No.196265832
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:59:19 No.196266009
    STEPHEN CONROY *censored for fear of being v&" YOU FUCKING CUNT.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)05:59:27 No.196266023
    Now of course, we can't promote violence, but if agitators start shit anything can happen. Those naughty naughty agitators who aren't posting on this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:02:44 No.196266377
    I hear deviant art is on the blacklist... DEVIANT FUCKIN' ART?! That's nuts.

    Hypothetically, if a riot were to start hypothetically on a certain hypothetical date, hypothetically do you think it'd pick up?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:05:01 No.196266665
    how am i supposed to do my commissions?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:05:47 No.196266757
    click for image of future
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:05:48 No.196266761
    For the Internet, no. If you introduce unsustainable immigration, Captain Catholic, high tax rates, NWO stuff and the recession then yes.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:08:00 No.196267002

    From the Telegraph article

    "But polls have found that the Australian public strongly supports the planned restrictions. One poll, conducted this week, reported 80 per cent of respondents supported the idea of a filter."

    W T F!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:08:39 No.196267065
    I could probably send a bunch of emails around to ANTIFA organisations (anti-facist). Could hypothetically get the ball rolling
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:08:57 No.196267100
    I might as well move to Romania for fuck's sake.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:09:38 No.196267182
    the poll consisted of the government, nobody else, 80% are christfags
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:09:43 No.196267191
    I would seriously considering paying for a VPN if this happens.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:11:01 No.196267340
    You could get Stormfront in on it as well. They are always bitching and moaning about freedom of speech.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:11:27 No.196267381

    I wonder how long until is blocked.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:11:51 No.196267417
    your country is probably more mislead than midwestern Americans. Your equivalent of FOX told them that 4chan is pedophile network and deviant art is full of CP and furry porn and will turn your kid into a queer emo.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:12:12 No.196267469
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:13:26 No.196267623

    Sometimes I forgot how brainwashed everyone around me is and I give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's true that they just believe everything the mainstream media tells them.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:14:46 No.196267779
    Yoda speaks the truth! Down with the fascists!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:15:42 No.196267877
    It'll be easier then a VPN to bypass it, IMO. The government sucks dick at everything. Their system is faulty, ours isn't. 4chan is on the blacklist as far as I know, without that we (Australians) would have to wait blindly while the rest of the world DDoS's us to freedom which I doubt would happen.

    tl;dr, Australia is fucked
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:16:18 No.196267935
    The poll was done with 1000 people through LAND LINES. An internet poll on a leading Aus newspaper with around 24k people found 96% were against.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:17:14 No.196268041
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:18:09 No.196268138

    I bet they selected those people specially for it too, I bet they called up a bunch of fucking Grannies.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:18:12 No.196268145
    couldnt we also ddos out own country
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:19:11 No.196268246
    Anyone hypothetically keen on forming a Black Block?

    Movie highly related
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:20:50 No.196268417

    It'd just be a fuckload harder to organize without access to 4chan, is my point
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:21:19 No.196268471
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    so fucking funny
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:21:44 No.196268524
    anyone in the world who considers themselves free cannot ignore this blatant impediment on freedom
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:22:34 No.196268623
    who wouldnt?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:23:10 No.196268680
    if ever there was a time to band together for the greater good now is it if you don't help now you can never call yourself a man. just think if they do this it might not be long before the US follows them.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:23:41 No.196268726
    Shit is so cash
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:23:59 No.196268759

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:24:26 No.196268800
    Wise anon is wise
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:24:54 No.196268855
    print this out and send it to candberra
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:27:18 No.196269116
         File1265887638.jpg-(28 KB, 600x900, Silhouette.jpg)
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    check this out.

    >Anonymous could not immediately be reached for further comment
    >Anonymous could not be reached
    Anonymous n. Without identity or name
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:27:32 No.196269142
    19 years old cumdumpster here with cam. add me on MSN 'paris2luv'

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:27:58 No.196269174
    if be Black Block, we must wear black suits.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:28:17 No.196269216
    TL; DR
    what is it about?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:28:39 No.196269237

    Also, requesting massive /b/lackup from America, China and the EU. We are all in this together!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:28:49 No.196269259
    Its because they think we're an organization lololol
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:29:44 No.196269361
    There is no anonymous person, just anonymous mask, which is the voice of reason without a face
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:30:12 No.196269408
    I agree with this. Even though a lot of us aren't Australian, we can still help them out or, if not, prepare for unforeseen consequences.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:31:22 No.196269528
    You betta' believe we're taking this to the streets, fellow Ausfags.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:31:34 No.196269553
    Riot in protest, watch vid ... it will provide some lulz
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:31:51 No.196269587
         File1265887911.jpg-(121 KB, 672x512, ruddkip likes his cock.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:32:27 No.196269650
    Has anyone gotten around to registering all the sites as dangerous, so firefox will say fuckoff this is a scary place?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:32:37 No.196269673
    OH SHI- sounds like a plan
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:34:09 No.196269815

    Screw you guys, Im off to fap to small tits
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:35:26 No.196269943
    im off to fap to hentai
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:35:52 No.196269990
    The US will never follow that. As bad as people say the US is on 4chan. We got it pretty good when it comes to freedoms.
    Freedom of Information Act is the reverse of what Aussies are doing.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:36:42 No.196270079

    Notice how the article tried to make it look like anon was "trying to reserve their right to post CP etc." rather than trying to preserve freedom of information
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:36:59 No.196270111
    China's already been fucked for a while.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:37:35 No.196270178
         File1265888255.jpg-(112 KB, 500x737, titstorm_V01.03b.jpg)
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    Updated and Uploaded

    Now with 23% more relevancy
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:37:40 No.196270181
    Dude, its mainstream media news.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:38:32 No.196270271
    and no comments allowed on that article, lest someone tell the truth of it
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:38:33 No.196270274
    Yeah but china chose to be FUBAR'd
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:38:37 No.196270281
    because the riot is the language of the oppressed. What you want to do sit and do nothing?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:39:39 No.196270366
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    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:41:34 No.196270559
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:42:00 No.196270618
    You fags need to organize a real life protest, not ddos shit no one cares about. Also mention that you have nothing to do with CP and just want freedom of information. someone organize it and don't just fucking limit it to 4chan. post on ebaums if you have to.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:42:16 No.196270644
    mmm i dont want my internet to go this should be to the death but instead we are just pssy footing around.... which achieves nothing. You really think that if take down their website a few times they are going to care we to take to the streets and show them that our civil liberties are not to fucked with. they arent giving us less than we ask for the are simply taking, there needs to be a balance. for example a life taken for every 15 year old left without porn
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:42:20 No.196270651
    lol and you get mad when news articles spin the truth. Your butthurt is showing.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:42:44 No.196270691
    Hey there, guys! If you're tired of hitting f5 tonight why not see what's playing over at LOLWUT TV?

    We're playing series like Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at law,
    Metalocalypse, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, random insanity, and more!

    Just head over to and check us out on the left under "LWTV Channels"


    View directly @

    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:42:55 No.196270715
    What would Australia do without porn?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:43:27 No.196270772
    lol the ban has absolutely nothing to do with CP unless your logic is "Red is bad, blue is also a color, just like red, so blue is bad too"
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:43:34 No.196270789
    what would aboriginals do without petrol
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:44:15 No.196270878
    Stay drunk ?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:45:47 No.196271049
    This goes against everything the UN stands for
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:45:51 No.196271057
    Do you honestly think DoSing a few websites with your LOIC is going to do anything to convince your government to not introduce their planned legislation?

    No. It's going to piss them off and likely make them introduce more restrictions, thus making your leash shorter.

    Get out on the streets. Let the general public know how crucial this issue truly is to them.

    DoSing is good when you're not trying to do anything constructive, when you're just trying to fuck shit up. But you guys have a major goal and a major threat to your freedom to use the internet. Therefore, don't fuck around with this shit, get out there and protest.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:47:26 No.196271244
    I find it ironic that the symbolism of the emu and the kangaroo, two animals that can't physically walk or otherwise move backwards, adorn our crest, and that our national anthem "Advance Australia Fair" is still patriotically sung by members of parliament. I thought censorship was moving backwards...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:47:57 No.196271298
    "The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."

    -Adolf Hitler
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:48:03 No.196271301
         File1265888883.jpg-(12 KB, 250x218, 250px-Biff_1955.jpg)
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    Biff approves.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:50:28 No.196271565
    Our leash is short enough.

    This protest is simply about gaining media attention, which will help us gain followers at our legal protests.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:51:01 No.196271622
         File1265889061.jpg-(20 KB, 450x372, malwareinfested.jpg)
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    should get all the .gov sites added to spam blacklists and squid based internet filters, as well as reported via google as unsafe .

    That would be both amusing and ironic.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:51:45 No.196271700

    Exactly. Getting the public on your side is the only way to make a difference.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:51:49 No.196271708
    Does anyone have the list of banned sites?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:52:30 No.196271783
    what this fucker said
    While it is pretty funny to shut their shit down and send them porn. You are probably making it worse.
    You Aussie are trying to make a political point. Anon really never has a political point just shits and giggles.
    You fucks are going to have to stop hiding behind the computer and face your government. Setup a website to protest in major cities. what you got like 1 big city there right?
    Get others from other countries to protest at the Aussie Embassies.
    Seriously they are just going to laugh this off as a bunch of "nerds' that or mad or worse they will makeit look like you all want to look at CP and Donkey fucking (but who doesnt amiright amiright?) .

    Get off your asses and go out to protest. Stop being scared. All it takes is one person to start it the rest will follow. Very few people want to actually lead anything. especially something like this.
    Educate the people.
    Knowledge is Power.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:52:33 No.196271790
    Doesn't the system work that people complain about websites then a government representative body looks at it and decides whether or not it gets banned?

    If this is true, Flood requests of government websites etc
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:54:14 No.196271967
    no u
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:54:47 No.196272029
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    whats the date on the newest leaked list and does anyone have a link?
    return - tits
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:55:45 No.196272141
    La mia finestra è rotta...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:56:01 No.196272163
    tits are to big shrink tits down
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:57:40 No.196272349
    Josef Fritzl for president of australia! He would never censor any site!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)06:58:48 No.196272482
    moot for Australian prime minister. He wouldn't ban anything, and as if the entire internet wouldn't vote for him?

    4chan political party. DO EET
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:00:40 No.196272689
    What's up with I donated, but they are still not online again Where is the latest list of blacklisted sites from australia?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:00:49 No.196272704
    This, except there's not much else that international supporters can think of other than to hold their computers for ransom. The ransom is freedom for our /b/rothers.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:01:03 No.196272732
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:05:07 No.196273168
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:05:54 No.196273272
    >>   02/11/10(Thu)07:07:10 No.196273406
    Want to watch a good movie?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:07:44 No.196273468
    Serves you right ausfags
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:09:40 No.196273679
    nah Were not We Just Need More DDoS if Everyone Gets off their Arse's and Starts Attacking Government websites Like ACMA,and shit and Maybe some cunts get on the Phone to the Media And tell them About this Faggotry They Wont Go through with it
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:11:16 No.196273832
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    Polish newspaper claims 'Pedobear' is 2010 Vancouver Olympic mascot:
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:12:31 No.196273955
    "In a related story, well-known pedophile network "4chan" has sent crude emails and attacked government websites, further convincing the government to go ahead with the ban on unwanted internet sites, stating the will not be intimidated by a few greasy nerds sitting behind their computer."
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:14:00 No.196274108
    but if they install filter how will I furryporn?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:16:14 No.196274369
    are there any IRL protests?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:20:28 No.196274804
    Blocking websites .. the sheer amount of fail in that idea.

    As a brit i am an ally to the people in Australia.

    I can dump a days worth of B into passworded protected zips and use email to send it to my aussie brothers that way.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:20:34 No.196274822
    The fuck if they cant. If you got the American Public on this and people did protest it America would put pressure on the Aussie Government to knock its shit off. Granted thats a long shot. If just a few protester would get on the news in other countries they would be able to tell the tale that is going on in Aussie land. Right now we have heard almost nothing on this in Americaland.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:21:21 No.196274923

    Believe it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:22:04 No.196274995
         File1265890924.jpg-(1.09 MB, 1960x3008, 126383357011.jpg)
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    Well, at least I've got big boobs...
    >> Britfag 02/11/10(Thu)07:27:20 No.196275553
    The "Torygraph"is a right wing UK paper notorious for it's extreme capitalist viewpoint. It's pretty much a joke in this country (among reasonable, thinking people). Having plenty of experience of this papers slippery idea's of what constitutes the TRUTH, I would be very inclined to seriously question the idea that 80% of Ozzie's are behind this move. Internet interference is still a serious problem, though. Have you considered that this might be a feint, designed to get you all worked up so they can "back down a bit", and push through what they really want instead (whatever that is).
    As Mr David Icke sez...Problem, reaction, solution.
    >> Harland_Sanders !!g4Hawem/6bH 02/11/10(Thu)07:29:54 No.196275844
    bumping for those who will fight
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:39:58 No.196277080
    bump in the night
    >> Britfag 02/11/10(Thu)07:44:09 No.196277603
    Big business relies on the internet these days just as much as everybody else (maybe even more...if you can't access 4chan you don't loose millions of dollars, do you?). Target multinational corporations instead of the government, and watch them beat up on the fascists for you. The worlds biggest corporations don't have a political agenda, it's just about making a profit. They recognize POWER, and will work with whoever has the real power, regardless of who claims to have the real power. Shut down Tesco's, Wal-mart and McDonald's and then watch the OzFash back off when they're told to (after all, they work for the big companies). Problem, Reaction, Solution!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:44:48 No.196277688
    I'm more of an IRL protest guy, not having the technical savvy to get behind over9000 proxies. What I do do is go down to the city every day for courses. Does anyone have images of A4 flyers that I can post up everywhere I go?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:46:37 No.196277925
    this nigger is right.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:53:37 No.196278829
    what sites are down, i am trying to relay news to bloggers!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:56:59 No.196279290
    Apparently proxy's, and even google can subvert the filter.

    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:57:44 No.196279370
    his window is broken. ok, why?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)07:57:52 No.196279389
    Information, where get?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:02:21 No.196279992
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:05:06 No.196280379
    Don't worry about it. The filter will fail. It's doomed to fail. It's far too inefficient to succeed. Nevermind the fact that someone will find a way around it about a day after it's implemented.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:06:27 No.196280545
    It's less about the filter and more about the fact the government is trying to do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:15:17 No.196281654
    The government is trying to control something it doesn't understand, it won't succeed.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:20:13 No.196282314
    Wait. WAIT...wait. There after Deviant Art?

    This just got personal. Now I want my lulz AND my fan art!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:20:32 No.196282362
    I wonder if ne one in teh oz gov saw this happening? oh how i would love to be in ur gov buildings right now, to see what effect this is having first hand!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:20:43 No.196282381
    Its less about the government and more about the lulz.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:21:23 No.196282462
    I SAY AGAIN, It's less about the filter working or not, or that we have the means to work around it, and more about the fact the government is trying to censor freedom of speech and right to information in a supposedly 'democratic' country.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:21:52 No.196282522
    I think the Chasers war on everything would be proud of what were doing here, and they are the greatest trolls know to all man kind!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:32:16 No.196283761
    Conroy compared Australia to China...


    Holyfuckingshit. If these faggots don't want to see it, maybe they should just ignore it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:39:00 No.196284539
    In all the books in all the libraries in all the world, there are not enough F's for my FFFFFFFFFF
    >> Anonymous 02/11/10(Thu)08:41:36 No.196284859
    Sigh... They also made druggs illegal and there are still more and more drug users. They arent fighting the problem they are just beeing assholes.

    And dont worry aussies youll still be safe behind 7 proxies

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