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  • File : 1265859347.jpg-(38 KB, 365x458, 1117894.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:35:47 No.196169417  
    i'm having some trouble /b/
    i'm 18 and no girl has ever given me the time of day, i'm really fucking down about it. then recently it turned out the people i thought were friends were just douchebags who were only looking for a good time. as soon as i get sad they go "mm hmm, yep" and wait for me to leave so they can get back to their own shit.

    i don't have much of a reason to go on. it feels like my studies are for shit, have doubts anything will ever come of them. used to look forward to university and thought everything would get better. now here i am and everything's shit.

    i said before that the only reason to continue was that i owed it to my parents not to give up on life. then i decided i'd continue out of pure defiance ("my life sucks? i have no friends? no girl likes me? well, fuck you world!), but that seems to have died off.

    whenever i tell anyone my problems they always say things will get better eventually, or soon, or the girl will like me next time. well i'm fucking sick of those words. i'm sick of eventually, of soon, of next time.

    i feel like if i offed myself even in my room nobody would notice for days.
    >> OP Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:39:55 No.196170343, not a even a "kill yourself"?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:41:18 No.196170686
    It's going to get better soon
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:43:15 No.196171105
    standard 4chan protocol would be for you to "an hero" ie, kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:45:54 No.196171718
    i hope you aren't a troll OP, i'm feeling very similar
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:45:56 No.196171722
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:47:51 No.196172171

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:49:25 No.196172525
    Same, OP. But, I bet he's a troll.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:50:22 No.196172734
    i want so sex all of you guys.

    but i'm a dude.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:50:28 No.196172766
    > i'm 18 and no girl has ever given me the time of day

    STFU. I didn't even kiss a girl until I was 19 and a half.
    >> OP 02/10/10(Wed)22:50:52 No.196172864
    someone else bumping my thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:51:00 No.196172885
    Welcome to my world, OP! Enjoy your stay.

    Or don't, as the case may well more likely be.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:51:36 No.196173008
    I'm 26 and I haven't even kissed a girl.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:51:47 No.196173054
    I'm 27 and I've never had a gf. You could always be me!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:51:56 No.196173083
    Buy a motorcycle. It's impossible, IMPOSSIBLE, to be sad on a motorcycle. And if you crash, well, your dead. Its win freaking win.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:51:58 No.196173086
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:52:02 No.196173098
    think of it like this

    life is pointless. NOTHING matters. people will care about this, or value that, but all of it is shit, and there is no difference in any of it whatsoever.

    just find some stuff that you like or feel like caring about and do whatever you like. just like everything else, none of it is gonna matter, but who the fuck cares? if you know anything, you shouldnt.

    and besides, here some other words that might give you more comfort than "its gonna get better soon": someone out there has a much shittier life than you

    so lurk more on 4chan, /b/, or other image boards, and enjoy the lulz of life
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:52:26 No.196173167

    get a doll
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:52:35 No.196173193
    If you want life to get better, you're going to have to learn how people work, and get out there and take what you want for yourself by being assertive and confident (or at least fake it).
    >> OP 02/10/10(Wed)22:52:48 No.196173239
    have you guys ever been on dates? or even been stood up on dates? no girl's ever fucking given me any chance.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:52:49 No.196173242
    I really hope you're not a troll, cus except for the girl troubles I'm pretty much feeling the same way =/
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:53:02 No.196173284
    Welcome to my world, OP! Enjoy your stay.

    Or don't, as the case may well more likely be.

    22 and never kissed a girl, or been in a relationship with one.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:53:07 No.196173299
    Maybe you're boring.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:53:19 No.196173350
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:53:27 No.196173378
    DO IT FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!! AN HERO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:53:30 No.196173390
    I can definitely relate to the unwanted feeling and I'd really like to talk to you because I know that I can understand.

    Unknown to many people, I have bipolar disorder and depression. I've had to deal with losing my mother, father, and grandfather. On top of that, I'm subjected to cruel words being thrown at me from all different directions from ignorant people at school who believe everything they hear.

    Lately, I've been acting more confident and ignoring people and it seems to be working. Sometimes if you fool yourself into thinking things are okay, you start believing it. Plus nobody likes a complainer so I've learned to just shut my mouth. I really want to get to know more about this and see what advice I can offer you that might help.

    p.s. I'm a female
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:53:33 No.196173398
    I loves you OP :)
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:53:42 No.196173431
    Look at the bright side:

    If you offed yourself, at least people would eventually discover your rotten, bloated corpse by smell alone. Then people would notice you died!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:54:06 No.196173512
    I'm in the same boat except I AM a girl. Funny that you mention the part about nobody noticing for days if you offed yourself, I know for a fact that my roommate wouldn't even notice if I was gone since I'm always in my room anyways. My mom doesn't even call me, it's getting kind of pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:54:06 No.196173513
    17 was mine, sadly I regret it
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:54:12 No.196173538
    Suck it up asshole, pricks like you make me sick, everyone's got they're problems . dont go sharing your's to an audience who won't even listen, Keep your whiney "i have no friends" shtick to yourself, if you really want to solve something, just do a fuckin' barrell roll
    >> anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:54:11 No.196173541
    go fuck a 10-year old cancer patient
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:54:15 No.196173547
    I'm --> >>196173284
    Never been on a date, either.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:54:17 No.196173558
    it's not too late, OP, start over at college.

    start fucking fat chicks.
    >> OP 02/10/10(Wed)22:54:42 No.196173636
    neither have i, bub
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:54:43 No.196173639

    I can second this.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:55:05 No.196173711
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    I pity the fool that doesn't take out at least 4 bitches as well as himself
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:55:11 No.196173737
    You're the only one in charge of your life, you're the only one that can make yourself better. And they are right, it will eventually get better. It will get better when get off your ass, stop mopping and crying about how bad you feel and find something worth getting out of bed for. You and no one else.

    Stop being a pussy, and for god's sake don't ask for advice on this /b/.
    >> partyfalcon 02/10/10(Wed)22:55:25 No.196173778
    If you're going on 4chan to complain about being depressed, there's your first fucking problem right there
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:55:42 No.196173832
    smells like teen angst.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:56:01 No.196173893
    Move to a big city. Best decision I've ever made.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:56:22 No.196173961
    protip: try actually asking her out
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:56:35 No.196173996

    as soon as you said "people believing everything they hear" i knew instantly you're a female and a whore
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:56:47 No.196174033
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:57:01 No.196174095
    protip: try actually asking a girl out.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:56:59 No.196174097
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    You're lucky, really. No one to break your heart. Just remember, all women are inherently evil and want to hurt you, and people like you more when you only complain to Mom.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:57:08 No.196174134
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    How about you stop posting threads on /b/ about your sad life, grow a pair (maybe some confidence while your at it) and go fuck shit up on your own. Thats what I do and I love it. If you take this advice and decide to do what the fuck you want when you want you will be happy.
    Pic related Never forget it.
    >> then Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:57:09 No.196174136
    Then Just Killyourself FAGGOT!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:57:14 No.196174164
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    what the fuck are people supposed to say?
    Here have a kiss, go out with me? Of course they're going to say stuff like "it will get better soon" to you because if you truly have no friends, a random stranger really isn't going to care about your problems.
    Get some self-confidence, and live your life, because its the only one your ever going to have.
    My advice is to get a job, and maybe befriend some of your co-workers or something. BUT STOP fishing for compliments, and venting to others because *Spoiler alert* life is hard, and won't always be fun
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:57:32 No.196174222
    I've been feeling the exact same for this past week.

    This is what I did: write a fake suicide note every time you feel this way to the point you can't even think.

    After awesome vents like that, I realized suicide is not a great idea.
    >> OP 02/10/10(Wed)22:57:52 No.196174295
    no offence, but you've got reasons to be down. you've got diagnosed medical conditions imparing you, then multiple losses of very close loved ones, with schoolyard cruelty on top of it.

    i'm just a piece of shit acne-ridden, socially awkward nerd.

    and sorry, but no, knowing that people have it shittier elsewhere doesn't come close to making me feel better.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:57:56 No.196174303
    I'll kill myself and report back to see how it works my like minded OP.
    >> Shenanigans 02/10/10(Wed)22:57:56 No.196174307
    17 was mine, sadly I regret it.

    i thought someone gave me a chance; turns out they did it for kicks
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:58:11 No.196174351
    go and get a part time job, somewhere where alot of girls also work, McDonalds, Hooters, will automatically make a new circle of friends, be invited, or even better host a party...this will work.
    Or, join the circus.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:58:12 No.196174354
    Sounds alot like me. I feel you OP
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:58:14 No.196174362
    OP, post a pic of yourself, maybe some homely cute nerdy /b/tard girl will come to your rescue and date you
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:58:28 No.196174410
    believe it or not, i am in the same situation right now, only i am 17
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:58:33 No.196174440
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    Grow some balls dude. All in life start by the perception you have in first place, so build some confidence in yourself, find something you really like in life and stick to it for a while. Fuck a couple of fatties and skanks to gain confidence then start trying messing around with da real womens.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:58:39 No.196174452
    listen bro get a good job make good money you will be able to get almost any girl you want
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:58:54 No.196174486
    OP. you suck.
    stop feeling sorry for yourself and accept the fact that all human beings are shit. the majority of human beings, guys and girls are self centered self absorbed pieces of shit. yourself included. when you realize that you can transcend your level of thinking that you don't have a chance with a certain type of girl or whatever by understanding that she is a piece of shit. no matter what. she is still a piece of shit. she looks like a super model? she's really cute? her voice makes your heart flutter? she's a piece of shit. your friends are of no help when you need them? they are pieces of shit.
    when you realize that you alone in your mind exist on a level above them in that you are not bogged down by their petty shit concerns then you are in a position of power. bitches have no power over you. a hot girl tries to manipulate you, you can just as easily say no as if it were an ugly ass crabfaced skank. because they are essentially the same shit.
    and if a girl really does want your help you can choose to help her, but be sure to let her know you're only helping because you want to, if you didnt feel like it you could just have easily told her to fuck off.
    when you take the power away, those bitches will be entranced by your inherent authority. the inherent authority that comes from understanding that they, and everyone else of similar ilk, are beneath you.
    GOOD LUCK. you piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:59:21 No.196174571
    dude haven't you heard? fish oil cure depression
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:59:31 No.196174605
    BUILD CONFIDENCE, remember there is always some one worse off than you
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:59:41 No.196174642
    IM me dude
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)22:59:55 No.196174681
    im not OP but i'd like to talk to you, u want my aim or msn?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:03 No.196174708
    go to university get a good paying job that pays good monies and you will get any girl you want (almost) just look at these rich douche bags with hot girls HOES NEEDSSSS THE MONIESSS
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:05 No.196174713
    there are so many of us pathetic lonely fucks on /b/, why dont we all get together and be friends? we could build up courage and maybe even ask girls out.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:08 No.196174731
    Try being proactive for once, asshole.
    >> Shenanigans 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:07 No.196174733
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    I thought someone gave me a chance; turns out it was a joke. Nothing feels worse than feeling like you actually achieved something, then learning it was all a lie. Then again, I did have a momentary time of happiness. Still feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:09 No.196174735
    Sometimes not knowing love is better OP. I fell in love with this girl and she's going out with another friend of mine. Nothing matters. Food is ash in my mouth. Any thought of taking the initative and doing something with my life is swept away with the simple thought "why does it matter."
    I'm in love with her and she's killing me.

    You need to get close to people. Show/do/be something that others can relate to. Be happy with your life that you aren't in love. Be happy with your life and that you can see people, even if they can't see you. Let yourself go.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:10 No.196174740
    Girls love confidence. Simple. I'm 18 and women are crawling all over my wrinkle stick, beacuse I'm confident. I tell them to suck my balls, I stand up straight, and I know what I'm worth.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:19 No.196174769
    >Either stop crying like a little bitch and do something with your life or fucking go kill your self right fucking now and stop being such a little girl about it and grow some fucking balls.

    >/fucking thread
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:22 No.196174775

    I'm the 27 year old. I went out with one girl a couple of times when I was 18. Nothing happened.

    You're still young. I thought the same thing when I was your age, and I ended up having many chances, though I fucked each and every one up. And I'm an anti-social psychopath.

    If you're in university, try to make friends and get invited to parties. There are girls everywhere. Just get drunk and have fun. The worst thing you can do is to obsess and try too hard.

    Gotta put yourself out there though. If you don't do it while you're in university, you're going to regret it later.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:32 No.196174804
    post pix of you. we can possibly help
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:44 No.196174843
    Alright you whiny piece of shit Imma gonna let you in on the biggest secret that life has, IT SUCKS BALLS.
    Now you say "well no shit".
    Shut the fuckup
    Im guessing you are some fucking north american kid sitting in his parents house think that no one else in the world has it nearly as bad, Well guess what Every one thinks that. Just because your 18 and haven kissed a girl dose'nt mean shit it just say you are not trying hard enough so grow a pair, get out of the basement, and (bear with me on this last step) get the fuck outside and meet some girls. They are not gonna throw themselves at you, you gotta fucking work for it. ANY guy can get ANY girl you just HAVE TO WORK FOR IT!

    So in conclusion grow a pair of fuck balls

    you little bitch
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:00:49 No.196174857
    I feel the same OP except I don't really talk to people about it . :(
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)23:01:49 No.196175061
    1. tits or gtfo
    2. an hero
    3. ????????
    4. PROFIT

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