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  • File : 1265799523.jpg-(200 KB, 850x1212, fbi_troll.jpg)
    200 KB Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)05:58:43 No.195999826  
    hey, /b/, 13 / f / Washington D.C. here.

    I feel like running away from home. My parents don't respect my personal space and constantly go through my things looking for drugs that they just assume i am hiding and never let me stay out past 10 with any of my friends. I am practically a grownup and would be able to take care of myself if it werent for child labor laws. I thought about selling my body for the money (i had sex with only one guy, but i loved it), but i am afraid of getting an STD from it, so i was thinking: could anyone here please let me stay at their place. I know that there are some really lonely, horny guys here wanting any girl who is willing to accept them and i am willing to be that girl. If you let me stay at your place, i am willing to cook, clean, and do ANYthing that you ask of me, and all i ask in return is enough money to go out and party on the weekends. If you are interested, please e-mail me at with a general description of what you want to do with/to me and a picture of yourself (preferrably naked) and i will e-mail you with directions on where to pick me up. I really look forward to being out from under my parents thumb.

    Thanks in advance, anon!

    Pic related (its me)
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)05:59:50 No.196000370
    fuck off 196m get
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)05:59:55 No.196000405
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)05:59:58 No.196000418
    Epic fail troll
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)05:59:54 No.196000434
         File1265799594.jpg-(36 KB, 525x525, cool story trolll.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)05:59:53 No.196000445
         File1265799593.jpg-(50 KB, 256x256, chuckle.jpg)
    50 KB GET
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:00 No.196000450
    gay stofy fagGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:04 No.196000480
    inb4 op is a fag
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:05 No.196000481
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)05:59:59 No.196000487
         File1265799599.jpg-(191 KB, 800x581, 1228154908311.jpg)
    191 KB
    196M GET
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:07 No.196000492
    this seems legit..
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:02 No.196000494
         File1265799602.jpg-(7 KB, 251x250, 12386.jpg)
    7 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:10 No.196000508
    damn dats sum ugly shit
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:10 No.196000523

    doh ho ho ho

    nice try
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:10 No.196000529
    show timestamp and ill do it yo
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:13 No.196000536
    brb fbi
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:14 No.196000540
    doubles guy is a MEME
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:15 No.196000575
         File1265799615.jpg-(7 KB, 160x159, poorly disguised.jpg)
    7 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:25 No.196000605
    196 get
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:29 No.196000623
    Singles get!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:31 No.196000624
    OP is a fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:31 No.196000634
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:35 No.196000653
    >Pic related (its me)
    no. it's not.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:35 No.196000655
    i lol'd
    >> deleted 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:36 No.196000665
    me wants it
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:38 No.196000676
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:41 No.196000693
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:47 No.196000725
         File1265799647.jpg-(92 KB, 304x313, 1265626850796.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:52 No.196000738
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:54 No.196000743
    Herp Derp
    You can come live with me
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:55 No.196000747
    yah epic fail troll its so easy faggot faggot faggot die die die you fucking troll loser yuou have ofahdlkanfdragforagadesorhifbadrbdfrbadfzdfbqbfdzab
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:56 No.196000751
    lawl... all i can say.

    /b/ is funny as hell
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:00:57 No.196000754
    LOL FBI all up in your face
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:01:04 No.196000796
    ZOMG you almost had me there
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:01:16 No.196000843
    Either troll, or the dumbest cunt I know.
    Just filed a ban.
    >> C/anon/ 02/10/10(Wed)06:01:25 No.196000880
         File1265799685.gif-(181 KB, 150x150, simpsons.gif)
    181 KB
    >practically a grownup
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:01:36 No.196000928

    well played OP
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:01:48 No.196000973
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:01:49 No.196000982
    Cute. You know how I know it's a fake? Not because of the fbi gag, but because D.C. is snowed the fuck in. Eat it, seat of government power!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:02:00 No.196001025
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:02:28 No.196001103
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:03:13 No.196001206
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:03:54 No.196001307
    kewl story gurl
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)06:06:36 No.196001665
    man the address is a government ip, just quit and get off /b/ you fucking faggot fed

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