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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

    New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

    File : 1265153647.jpg-(117 KB, 427x640, Naked-Eye-rachelle-lefevre-4408617-427-6(...).jpg)
    117 KB Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:34:07 No.193812476  
    ADD & ADHD, discuss why it is not real with legitimate reasons.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:34:51 No.193812654
    it doesnt matter if its true or not, those pills should make people work harder.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:35:32 No.193812840
    just because you're a fat bookworm, it doesn't mean these conditions don't exist.
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:35:46 No.193812912

    I know the pills increase concentration or w/e the fuck they actually do, I'm asking about the disorder ITSELF.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:37:16 No.193813318

    you're not special
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:37:34 No.193813399
    parents just want to find a reason to make their kids shut up these days. Since they changed the laws and you can't back hand little Johnny/Jane Sonofabitch Jr, you have to lable their energetics as some form od disease and keep them doped up.
    >> ­­ 02/02/10(Tue)18:37:55 No.193813483
    bad parenting..that is all
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:38:14 No.193813571

    haha I am a bookworm sir, but not fat. I heard that these don't actually exist, but rather a lack of displine parents give their children and now suffer from being fucktards in the mind. It makes sense, my parents smacked me when I was doing wrong or put me in timeout and etc, and I have never had a problem with paying attention. All my friends who have the same upbringing as well. But my friend who is "diagnosed" with it, his parents are almost never there and don't do a damn thing and never have in all the years i have known him. I do not believe in coincidences.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:40:13 No.193814094
    this isn't always true. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger and given Ritalin, which is now proven to be almost like children strength crack. Years later they retest me under the new standards and find out not only am I 100% ADD free, the reason I wasn't able to pat attention in school was because I have an above average IQ and wasn't being challenged enough for me to pay attention.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:40:29 No.193814152

    That's cool, you're comparing it to a single anecdote. Well my parents never hit me, and I turned out just fine and "successful", so clearly I'm right and everyone else is wrong.

    You're pretty dumb for a bookworm.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:41:27 No.193814382
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    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:41:48 No.193814468
    19 years old cumdumpster here with cam. add me on MSN 'paris2luv'

    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:42:31 No.193814663

    displince =/= hitting dumbass, lrn2parent. I said thats what my parents did, along with non violent punishments.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:43:05 No.193814786

    for one thing, the researchers who came up with the classifications were being paid tens of millions by pharma companies.

    also, this. >>193813399
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:44:45 No.193815178

    Just because i give you a gajillion dollars doesn't mean you'll be right.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:44:57 No.193815246
    It is real. Whether all cases are diagnosed correctly is another matter. There are actual definition for the conditions and they have genetic triggers, so their existence can be demonstrated if you try hard enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:44:59 No.193815257

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:45:44 No.193815419

    Re-read what you said, all I'm trying to say is that you came to your conclusions in the most unscientific way possible.

    I could suggest a good book or two if you want.
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:45:49 No.193815437

    So what is REAL ADD kind sir?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:47:08 No.193815746
    schools receive more money for special needs child so schools do everything they can think of to classify a kid as ADD ADHD autistic or anythin else that might be profitable for them
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:47:11 No.193815753

    That's just it, I'm not a scienetist/doctor w/e. I heard this arguement between two buddies and it intrigued me. What are these books?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:48:21 No.193816059
    It's not real because I don't have it and everybody else is just lazy and I'm superior *plugs ears* LALALLALALALALALALALALALLALA
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:48:33 No.193816114
    here you are
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:48:36 No.193816135
    Schools and hospitals are the same these days. Back in the day people did their jobs there because it was a calling, now it's just a money making scheme
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:48:41 No.193816152
    how ironic to see this thread, i just got my adderall prescription today.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:48:54 No.193816214
    ADD and its hyperactive cousin are real things, but calling it a 'disorder' is bullshit. It's either a disease or a disability. Calling it a 'disorder' makes the kid think they have a way different problem and only alienates them more.


    I feel for you. I was lucky enough to be chosen for an experimental program for 'gifted' children, and my best friend who is way smarter than I wasn't. Instead he was diagnosed with ADD and that fucked him up the same way.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:49:15 No.193816299
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    I was diagnosed at age 6 and resisted pressure from my parents, teachers, and psychiatrist to get medicated. I struggled with all of the classic symptoms of ADD (inattentiveness, impulsive actions, trouble reading social cues, anxiety) until I finally started taking medicine at the age of 14, (a very, very low dose of Focalin). Since then my social and academic life has improved dramatically. I am now a junior in mechanical engineering with a 3.3 GPA.

    It fucking exists, dickface, it's not a giant conspiracy. Take off your tinfoil hat.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:50:55 No.193816692

    The real ADD would be a condition that is caused by one specific gene or several specific genes. You do realize that genes affect how peoples' brains work, and different peoples' brains work in different ways. Environmental factors matter, but only to a certain extent. The size and shape of parts of the brain and the amounts of chemicals present in it are all determined by genes.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:51:11 No.193816758
    We just need to teach our kids to sit down and shut the fuck up. Stop making them feel special.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:51:19 No.193816794
    anon delivers
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:51:48 No.193816898

    nailed it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:51:59 No.193816949

    A few, anything that explains the scientific method, an introduction to cognitive psychology and a personality one if you have time.

    I'm a biochem major before you guys get on your high horse.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:52:34 No.193817085
    People had the same attitudes about autistic people until 30 years ago or so. I bet you think you're a "real man" because you watch football on Sundays while chugging beer and slapping the shit out of your wife.

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:53:02 No.193817202

    There's so many factors, environmental and genetic, that go in to what we call adhd, that calling it a disease isn't really accurate. It's more like a condition, I guess similar to being "smart" or "dumb". That is, the causes can vary from person to person, but the results are very similar.
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:53:14 No.193817237

    not a troll thread you're just too lazy to read, go take more focalin sport, 3.3 sucks for mechanical engineering.

    (^that was a troll)


    I do know how genes work yes, and i can see your point.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:53:28 No.193817289
    Hahaha, ADD cunt got pissy :3
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:53:49 No.193817379
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    i think i have it but i dont want to go to doctors for it

    where can i find some adderall?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:54:31 No.193817538
    Also my dad has ADD. He blurts things out, has trouble staying on track in conversations, and has obsessions (very common in ADD people, because it makes them think they have order in their life).
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:55:05 No.193817684
    I'm a woman, actually.
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:55:46 No.193817814

    haha if i had a wife to slap around you think i would be on /b/ talking to you? Last time I checked I can't get wireless in the kitchen.


    Splendid, I may not get around to them soon, but this is very interesting.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:56:16 No.193817928

    Glad I could answer your question. Next time, google it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:56:33 No.193817990
    Well yes, it's a different way of thinking that can be proven to exist with electrocardiograms (namely, the frontal lobe is not as efficient). Schizophrenia is also a "different way of thinking", but people are more readily inclined to call that a disorder because it completely changes your personality. Arguing about semantics is dumb anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:56:36 No.193818004
    Doctor says I have ADHD. I call him a liar and proceed to make a log cabin out of discarded sharps.

    True story.

    ...Wait, what's this thread about again?
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:57:00 No.193818117

    Google < /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:57:17 No.193818185
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    Well most people who claim to have ADD weren't born with it. It's something they do upon themselves through the years of constant activity's that put your brain in a, lets say, "Inactive" State of mind. The brain locks, and the more you do such activity's, the worse the case turns out. After daily routines of mental abuse the brain then tries to partially function in this new sate of mind, however, the only result of this will be: Slow reaction/thinking, Constant daydreaming, attention disorder, stupidity and laziness (And a few other things).

    For example if you wake up every morning and the first thing you do is spend hours in front of some sort of screen with no physical movement, you'll force yourself into thinking you're an ADD patient.

    This can easily be cured by forcing yourself into doing some cardio activity's. Get your head back into thinking for itself. ADD will fade away little by little stage by stage. You'll start to see that you are more energetic from the moment you wake up. You'll remember more things as well gaining knowledge and understanding things.

    Well that's my opinion anyways.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:57:26 No.193818218
    IT'S HERE!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:57:32 No.193818253
    Instead of talking about ADD/ADHD, let's talk about Girl on the Internet Syndrome. There's a specimen right here in this thread! Come study.
    >> ­­­­ 02/02/10(Tue)18:58:50 No.193818559
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    This does not work. I never felt special and my parents were dicks.

    Your idea is a possible solution to straightening out mouthy spoiled little brats.

    In reference to the "stop making them feel special" part, this also would be a way to stop creating spoiled little brats.

    You can't fix a disorder by becoming a better parent. You can delay or lessen the effects of an onset by being a good parent from the start, but it will come out anyway.

    You are in the wrong thread Sir, we are discussing ADD and whether it is real or not.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:59:01 No.193818617
    I'm a girl and I was diagnosed last year when I was 19. Medication has made a huge difference in my life. People who don't "believe" it exists are extraordinarily ignorant.
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)18:59:32 No.193818753
    I may not agree with it preventing ADD, but I do agree with absolutely everything else.


    i was so busy caught up in this thread i forgot about the rules! Thank you anon!!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:59:54 No.193818821
    That's a point. If it's a disease then it's probably more than just add symptoms.

    As a 'gifted' child, I was given a bunch of critical thinking exercises everyday, and they taught me how to think on the fly with whatever was going on.

    In high school I wanted to test the way doctors test for symtoms around me, so I started acting like a kid with the common symptoms. I got a prescription for adderall after a week of acting. So, maybe I do have parts of it and the critical thinking exercises just taught me to deal with a lot of things coming at me. Or maybe the shit is just overprescribed.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)18:59:58 No.193818832
    Good thing your opinion isn't worth jack shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:01:27 No.193819178
    we all have chemical imbalances in our brain
    some people just like to take pills for teh lulz
    also parents don't beat their kids savagely anymore, they put them on pills instead
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:01:37 No.193819219
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    where can i get adderall?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:01:46 No.193819252
    Woah...not just one, but TWO cases of Girl on the Internet Syndrome. Amazing!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:02:12 No.193819352

    Clearly you have never been to China/Japan
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:02:50 No.193819495
    What's your point? You act like you have ADD, what the fuck do you think they're gonna do?

    Fakers and lazy kids/teens/etc like you that just wanna be able to cram for midterms or party all night are the reason doctors get so much shit for diagnosing ADD.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:03:55 No.193819752
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    Japan has been left in the dust
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:03:56 No.193819757
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    And I'll try to explain why I chose them,

    Scientific Method- It's probably covered in the latter two books if they're introductory level. I just recommended this because you can't come to real conclusions based on personal experience or what you've observed from a few friends.

    Cognitive Psychology: Is basically the study of the function or our brain. Mostly the acquisition and application of knowledge. They would look at disorders simply as a comparison as to how the patient's brain functions compared to the average person, they only go by empirical evidence and observation.

    Personality: This is the field of psych that used to be very unscientific in the past (YOU WANT SEX FROM MOMMY, GIRLS HAVE PENIS ENVY) and people tend to associate all psychology with it. What would be good to get out of this is that their goal isn't to come up with a magical diagnosis that everyone just fits under, but that every patient is recognized as unique. Two people might be schitzo, but that doesn't mean they're the same and that you should treat them exactly the same, but diagnosis give you a good starting point.

    People are very quick to judge psychology, but most of the stuff you get done at the doctors office or hospital isn't "exact" sceince either.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:04:06 No.193819786
    oh yeah, I meant here in america
    and I have never heard of asians having ADD or ADHD
    asians have retarded amounts of discipline
    I'm sure there are some outliers but that's always a given
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)19:04:37 No.193819878

    I agree with this statement because I know too many "add" kids with massive pills oh-so-convently before midterms/exams
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:05:27 No.193820026
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    I don't know if you've had too much exposure to people with it. My mom was the same way with me! If I talked back, she'd slap me. If I did something to upset them, I'd get a spanking with a fucking belt! I knew my place, but I honestly couldn't not keep a focus worth of shit! And I had all this energy!!! Like my fucking body was working overtime. I was an energetic person, my parents just didn't have the money to pay for sports or hobbies or anything. Except for the cheap ones. Video games. :/ It may or not be the case but I really think it was video gaming that slowed the attention span. Some people get really into their games, and then when they're done playing, that little change is personality everyday could have an effect on their overall behavior. :o
    Then again, I'm a writer and I don't really know much about kids. :\
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:06:05 No.193820163
    the way they discovered ADHD (theres not such thing as ADD btw) was during WWII they gave a drug similar to ritalin to fighter pilots to increase their concentration, but what it did to some pilots was make them fall asleep. If ADHD did not exist, there would not have been people reacting to the drug in this manner
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:06:06 No.193820166
    its just shittty parenting combined with bad dieting.
    Spank your kids more and set a good example. They will learn to pay attention and gain discipline. Its that fucking simple.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:06:21 No.193820214
    I was diagnosed as ADD as a teenager, even got put in a support group for it.

    Every single kid in the group thought ADD was bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:06:25 No.193820227
    >anecdotal evidence
    >acting like it means anything

    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)19:06:55 No.193820339
    exactly my point i'm trying to make.
    and i agree, i am absolutely ignorant in this field, so I came to /b/ for help, it doesn't bother me that i have to sift through 100 posts of bullshit to get to the one good one.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:07:24 No.193820443
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    heh, I'm faking for adderal. I use it as occasionally as a study or practice (music) drug, but I do it responsibly.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:07:43 No.193820505
    nothing means anything
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:07:54 No.193820553
    Diagnosed Adhd at 7
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:08:30 No.193820694


    dude, I'm not saying it doesn't exist but you can't just say "people had adverse reactions to X drug.... therefore Y exists."
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:08:54 No.193820776
    No, it used to be attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD). Then some fuckwit decided to call it all ADHD, regardless of whether or not you had hyperactivity.

    Head doctors are fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:09:15 No.193820874
    where can i get some adderal?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:09:37 No.193820956
    When you have ADHD you don't get high from coke. It's pure brain chemistry.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:09:37 No.193820963
    If I was beating the fuck out of you, you'd pay attention to it
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:09:51 No.193821013

    go be theodore roosevelt and do something with all that energy. it's not add, its just your mind working way too fast for your routine life.
    >> ­­­­ 02/02/10(Tue)19:10:58 No.193821296
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    I grew up with ADD in a tiny village where modern prescription treatments were shunned. I was simply a bad kid who never used his epic brain.

    I was reading the high level Dr. Seuss books by age 3, then when I got to Kindergarten they made me read books like "Pam and Sam,"

    This is Pam (human male)
    This is Sam (cat)
    Sam likes Pam
    Sam sat on Pam
    Pam said hi Sam
    Pam likes Sam

    So I naturally didn't read any of the ridiculous shit like that, when I was able to go home and learn the values of resource conservation in The Lorax.

    So I was really smart and still am. But as I grew into an adult I began to see myself doing things and wonder wtf I was doing them for, when they were not following the plan I had made to execute a certain task.

    After a decade of resisting I finally went to a doctor to see if I had ADD, and I do.

    I am on Adderall now and it fucking sucks. I have pulled my beard out and eaten my lip to shreds. But I think better. The doors in my mind are stationary now rather than spinning all around. I retain studies and no longer have to rely on my high level analytical skills to figure things out, I can actually learn protocol and apply critical thinking and analyzation from a knowledge base.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:11:11 No.193821332
    Please stop constantly spamming and harassing www.anon Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:11:27 No.193821406

    A yes, "Matt Parker" therapy.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:11:28 No.193821413
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    OK this is really starting to piss me off.

    As far as I see it there are two possibilities when it comes to ADD:

    1. ADD got put in the DSM, there have been massive amounts of studies on it, people have had brain implants to alleviate it, drugs have been developed by EVIL CORPORATIONZ to alleviate it, people that went to college for 8 years that did it out of completely selfish reasons (even though if all you cared about was money you could go for 4 and become an investment banker) collaborated and debated and unanimously came to the conclusion that "ADD exists" ALL so the pharmaceutical companies and said doctors could make more money and dope the American populace OOOOORRRRRR

    2. It fucking exists.

    Christ you people are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:12:14 No.193821614
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:12:20 No.193821639
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    The meds don't work for some people. The truth is ADHD is the norm., If you have trouble sitting down and reading or you don't have a 4.0 GPA... You have ADHD. The meds work.

    Whether or not it exists, so what? The meds will turn stupid/lazy into smart/productive.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:12:24 No.193821653
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:13:08 No.193821851

    matt fUCKING PArker??? FROM EAST LAKE?
    >> ­­­­ 02/02/10(Tue)19:13:20 No.193821892

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:13:25 No.193821906

    People feel special if they think they have knowledge that goes against the mainstream, that's all.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:15:15 No.193822281

    explain religion then
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:15:20 No.193822297
    taking into account the human condition your first suggestion sounds completely plausible
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:15:26 No.193822323
    >> Mr. Pickles 02/02/10(Tue)19:15:54 No.193822408

    Sadly, this is true.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:16:26 No.193822508
    Parents are shitty these days. They think telling the child "NO!" means they don't love the child, when actually it's the opposite.

    If a child is allowed to go from one thing to the next, doing whatever they please, without a guiding voice (or occasionally hand) then they never actually learn the skill of concentration.

    Concentration isn't something you're born with, you learn it. You get better at it. You learn what things make you better or worse at it.

    It's like a generation of children who never got taught to ride a bicycle being given pills for "Balance Deficit Disorder".

    It's bullshit. It's a modern, hip way for parents to disguise their shitty parenting skills.

    "Oh my son's not a bad boy, he just has ADHD. That's why he told the teacher to fuck off, flipped over a desk, punched your kid in the face and stormed out of the school yelling NIGGERS at the top of his voice."
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)19:16:27 No.193822509
    From memory, only kids that were real fucktards were diagnosed ADD/ADHD.

    ...Just saying.
    >> ­­­­ 02/02/10(Tue)19:16:35 No.193822539
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    pic related

    It's an affirmation that we are not fucking retarded sheep.

    If you were right then everyone would be Einstein

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