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    File : 1264959660.gif-(1.96 MB, 282x178, 1264625988684.gif)
    1.96 MB Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:41:00 No.193140769  
    20 Femanon here.

    /b/ is always talking about being the social outcasts/losers of high school.. never getting girls, being loners, getting bullied, etc. Is this true? Did you really get bullied and shit just for being smart or socially awkward? I always see movies showing high school as this place where smart kids get their faces flushed down toilets but I never thought it was an accurate depiction of how some people are treated in high school..

    I admit, in high school I ate lunch with the self-proclaimed "cool kids" and the so-called "hot girls".. but I was friends with everyone .. especially "nerdy" guys. It seemed like everyone had their own group of friends anyway (or so I thought).

    The only people that got beat up in my school were the self-proclaimed cool kids who would just get into fights with one another.. other than that, nothing.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:42:48 No.193141086
    There are a select few assholes that try to assert themselves as alpha males. I'm not sure how it works for girls. I used to get it a lot until I hit my growth spurt and ended up being 6'4" and 200lbs. Thank God for puberty :P
    >> omracer 01/31/10(Sun)12:43:03 No.193141130
    i'm afraid i'm a victim of this. nearly had my face in a bin.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:43:36 No.193141211
    OP con't

    My high school experience was messed though. I started off in grade 9 and 10 like a faggot - I thought I was hot shit. I was popular. But then, throughout grade 11, I gradually began to loath the people I hung out with and I never associated with them outside of the confines of the school walls. I began to distance myself from the "hot girls" and became much more interested in making friends with the smart kids. Computer engineering and programming were my two favourite classes - I was the only girl and the guys in my class were so chill and fun to be around. By grade 12, I pretty much stopped going to school since I realized I was a person that could not go to class and still get good grades. I graduated with no intention of keeping in contact with any of my "girl friends" despite their wishes. They still message me from time to time asking me to come to go bar hopping with them but meh. Now, in University, I have absolutely no interest in making friends.. even though I'm forced to since University is the place to be to make 'connections' for the future.. but I'd rather just sit at home.. lame, I know.

    tl;dr - who were you in high school and how did people treat you?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:45:38 No.193141519
    I was and still am a nothing man.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:46:03 No.193141578

    That's so mean. Why would they even do that?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:48:07 No.193141928
    I am be the only /b/tard who wasn't unpopular.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:49:18 No.193142134
    i used my superior knowledge to take revenge on my classmates who put me down, be careful who you mock the smart ones can kill you and never leave a trace
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:52:23 No.193142728
    I was a metal head and I had other metal head friends but as soon as I disagreed with them and what they did to one of the popular girls they found wondering the street one night. I had nothing so I just dropped out year 10 got a job etc etc (excuse punctuation its 5 am here)
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:52:37 No.193142775
    This dude again. In 8th grade summer I grew. So I was a little more confident. I wasn't afraid of people anymore like I was in elementary school so I started to make more friends. I became mildly popular because I was tall and had long auburn hair. I stood out a lot. A lot of people knew my name and I used to hang out with the older people but I still had some tendencies to be antisocial. I didn't like drinking and such. Eventually I moved on to university. I haven't made many friends in university now because most people just want to drink and go dancing but the few that I have made (around 15 close ones just because of forced contact in group assignments) have been fun to hang around. I have a long term girlfriend from back in high school and I am set to graduate with my BSc in honours molecular biology and genetics. All in all I enjoy my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:52:50 No.193142816
    OP Here ..

    Hmm. I really don't get why people would bully you guys. most /b/tards are fucking funny as shit. Those jocks and dumb white girls that prance around have zero personality. I remember in law class, I was forced to sit in a group with a bunch of jocks and ditsy girls .. all they talk about is "oh. How 'bout that kegger tonight? Oh yo.. I gotta go to lacrosse tonight, then we'll go get CRUNK" .. *they proceed to all laugh excessively in their abercrombie skin-tight t-shirts*
    Their conversations were sooo lame. And the girl was such a stuck up white bitch. I told her off a couple of times. Needless to say, that table hated me quite a bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:56:09 No.193143467
    Thank you! People who can't have fun without alcohol are boring. I mean sure, who doesn't like a drink once in a while but seriously. Go out and find something fun to do that doesn't require you to poison yourself :P
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:56:19 No.193143504
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:56:41 No.193143582
    its due to nerds lack of confidence, the alpha male will be of average intelligence probably and be very similar to a lot of people, this breeds the hierarchy. as intellectuals are usually in the minority, they always tend to lose out socially, unless the environment is good.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:58:13 No.193143879
    you niggers are getting trolllllllld.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:58:24 No.193143916
    anon delivers
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:58:53 No.193144018
    copypasta? lol
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)12:59:48 No.193144186
    19 male, Ive got alot of attention from girls, but never got along with the guys, we wouldnt fight, but didnt have REAL friends, they respected me and well maybe cuz i was stronger than most, but my only friends i hung out with outside of school were the "outcasts" im a renegade, but not socially awkward, not a virgin, I never followed the herd, I was pretty shy, but not insecure, I just did what I wanted, most people who meet me think I got mental problem (crazy), Im usually the center of attention wherever I go, and I like it, never got bullied, the "cool guys" liked me, (never connected to them tho), I got the reputation of a violent person, which im not, what they wrote about me is: "Never shows up to school, when He does, teachers fight to keep him cool"(fast translation)

    Hey dont let anyone tell you, that you aint beautiful!
    I love me, you should love yourself, for who you are.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:00:28 No.193144308
    I was valedictorian. Everyone treated me like the next Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:02:04 No.193144603
    oh and I was my little bro's bodyguard (1 grade under me) which was fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:03:04 No.193144795

    Humans (the majority of them), as part of some weird natural defense mechanism hate what they don't understand and have been conditioned to ostracize that which is different (maybe because they don't understand it).

    As I was going through H.S. I made every attempt to not ever be remembered. I didn't initiate conversation with ANYONE, everyone had to approach me. This isn't saying I'm some kind of social ditz, just that I had (and still have) a very presumptuous attitude. The people in my high school were mostly the kids of white upper class families and played at being "street" all the time. Needless to say I had nothing to talk about with these people.

    I remember one Thursday of my sophomore year some guy on the school's lacrosse team decided to be a smartass and "alpha-male" his way into some chick's pants by tripping me and making me drop all my shit everywhere. I heard him laughing and it made me so mad I turned over and kicked his knee as hard as I could... it made the most disgusting cracking noise.

    He still limps to this day and will never play sports again.

    No one messed with me after that... never got laid either. Not until college.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:03:25 No.193144848
    oh god, history time anon time this time.

    Ive moved about 11 times in my life.
    Each time moving to a different school. losing friends and such, you know. Before the moving started i had allot of friends, saw them every day and such. Then we moved, i tried to stay in contact with them eventho i was 7 at the time if i remember correctly.
    i even asked them to come to my birthday.
    My best friend never showed up.

    This is how i became socially insecure.
    next few moves later people started noticing me, i never made any friends at all. and was always a bit of a loner. By this time my parents moved me to a sandnigger school, so i was an outcast already and i did never make friends. there was 1 guy who really screwed it up for me he teased me every day. kicking making fun of everything you could imagine.
    I moved again, this time it was a big relief leaving that bastard. but only to see it being repeated over and over again.

    I definatly am still socially awkward, eventho i got some 'friends'. But i definatly fit in to the stereotype /b/tard. i have had several relationships tho. I am glad i followed the big emo trend back in the days. else i wouldve never gotten out of my shell.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:04:10 No.193144988

    that, or it's a dude who made up a story. there are no girls on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:04:40 No.193145085
    Dunno. Maybe coz im 45 eurofag?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:04:54 No.193145140
    they are obviously a bunch of jersey shore fagots, otherwise known as guidos
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:06:26 No.193145443
    I never got bothered much in high school, mostly because I hid in the tree XD
    Or around the corner of the games shed.
    Where there was no-one to disturb my evil plotting :3

    But now i'm older and have a job I am friends with all the others who work with me, high school is the part where you should just avoid everyone because you aint gonna see them after that anyway.
    wait untill you start work.
    >> Ra ­ 01/31/10(Sun)13:07:19 No.193145628
    my highschool experience was messed up.
    i use to fight a lot and i enjoyed it. i wasn't the strongest kid in school, but i was the most ferocious. so no one messed with me after i surprised a faggot by walking into his class with the teacher there and beating the shit out of him in class for talking shit about me behind my back and telling my twin sister to tell me to watch my back and that he's gonna hunt me down.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:07:33 No.193145667
    Lol I'm not a troll.

    I haven't been able to sleep for last like ... so I have been on /b/ for like .. 12 hours (hahaha lame) But yeah. I've just been scrolling through threads and looking at all these retarded pics .. and for the most part, /b/tards have an awesome sense of humour.
    I also finished watching revenge of the nerds.. LOL. It made me rage. Even though I know it's a fictional story and all, it made me wonder if people ACTUALLY get treated this bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:07:35 No.193145669
    i live in france here and we dont have the stupid shit in schools ppl in england and the US have...
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:08:06 No.193145761
    I was popular because I never stuck with a single group, I used to hang out with every group in my year and every group in the year above and the year below. Lots of parties, shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:08:09 No.193145775

    lol are you even over age 13?
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:08:36 No.193145870
    I was one of the smart kids, I didnt give a fuck about most of my other schoolmates. At the end of my school time I was voted as the biggest cheeky brat. Some people just cant take the truth...
    And I was a little bit of a bully, at least to one guy who ratted me out once. But after a bad puberty phase I was a lot more civil to him.
    So Im an asshole, but if you know me better you can like me
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:09:15 No.193146004
    And now translated: I was actually pathetic and bullied and need to brag here with a nametag to make myself feel good. In secret, I cry myself to sleep at night and wish those bullies dead every day.
    >> Ra ­ 01/31/10(Sun)13:09:17 No.193146010
    22 now.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:09:56 No.193146131
    We do actually.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:10:22 No.193146228

    cute. noone cares. that's why you're on /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:10:52 No.193146316
    They're depicted as 'smart' to still give them some kind of dignity - something that will help them pull through in the end and kick the 'mean ol' dumbfuck of a jock's ass.

    In reality, most of them are just as dumb as the bullies, just more socially awkward and weak. I know many fun, attractive and smart people. And most of the fucks on /b/ are simply so stupid, they think they're really smart. It's just a way to cope with their weak position - something they can tell themselves to get them through the day.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:11:12 No.193146374

    Lol fag. I'm not a troll.. I am telling the truth :) but believe what you must.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:11:49 No.193146488
    most schools in germany are way smaller than the ones in the USA, 1,5-2k tops
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:13:05 No.193146728

    OP here. Well that's true. There's a lot of faggot pervs on /b/ too.. but I like to imagine /b/tards as all these 1337 hackers and shit hahaha.. even though there's probably like 1/100 that are since /b/ has turned into what it has.
    >> Ra ­ 01/31/10(Sun)13:13:10 No.193146742
    no, i'm here because it's sunday and i'm bored.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:13:45 No.193146828
    its just a group of people that need to feel superior to those people in SOME way.. or even equal.
    these are people who wish they had a life.. but for some reason still sit at home every day of the week on the computer.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:13:51 No.193146845
    i mean, the entire emo thing was my comming out thingy simply because i felt like i belonged there "alone, dark, no friends, i got a lazy eye wich im still MAD insecure about wich i could hide with my bang" and everything.

    Because of the internetz i started making online friends talking more and more with them, eventually i met some of them and thats how most of my relationships came to pass.

    Im in a circle now tho, because im becomming exacly like i used to be, alone, because im now finally growing out of all these emo-retardedness things.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:14:25 No.193146955
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:14:58 No.193147047
    The TV gets it wrong when it portrays a two-tiered "jocks vs nerds" high school. The popular kids are too busy being popular, which is a full-time job, so they have better things to do than pick on nerds.

    Imagine, instead, a many-layered caste system. The A tables are the popular people, and the E tables are the special ed kids. What's in between? That means that the B kids are the "normal" kids who are doing OK, and the D kids are the awkward nerdy types, the untouchables. And you'll find that the people beating up the D group are generally the C group: the losers. The ones who ditch class to get high, the ones who will graduate high school and work at Wal-Mart for 30 years. They tread upon nerds because it's the only way to be ranked above them.

    Seeing high school this way, in retrospect, things make a lot more sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:15:10 No.193147076

    OP; oh man. I absolutely HATE when guys do that - pick on others to seem attractive. It's so lame. Guys who stand up for themselves is what girls like .. guys who just like to pick on others for no reason... that's such a turnoff.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:15:21 No.193147104
    >/b/ is always talking about being the social outcasts/losers of high school.. never getting girls, being loners, getting bullied, etc. Is this true?

    >Did you really get bullied and shit just for being smart or socially awkward?

    I always see movies showing high school as this place where smart kids get their faces flushed down toilets but I never thought it was an accurate depiction of how some people are treated in high school..
    It is.

    >I admit, in high school I ate lunch with the self-proclaimed "cool kids" and the so-called "hot girls".. but I was friends with everyone .. especially "nerdy" guys. It seemed like everyone had their own group of friends anyway (or so I thought).
    You're the popular girl that tries to make the nerds feel better by giving them a pity friend. Fuck you, you fucking whore.

    >The only people that got beat up in my school were the self-proclaimed cool kids who would just get into fights with one another.. other than that, nothing.
    See: niggers.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:16:01 No.193147206
    If you want hackers, you go to other chans like 711 for example. 99.99% of 4chan's /b/ are retards.

    After all, that's where all the original 4channers went - to other chans.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:16:16 No.193147250
    see >>193147047 -- this is why losers in the C rank are losers, and not the winners in the A and B ranks.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:16:18 No.193147258
    I don't actually have problems until I'm in a class in which I have no friends. That being said all I've ever whole in highschool was verbal abuse. Middle school seemed much worse in the way of physical but that was only because we had highschool fags who liked picking on the little big kids(I'm big but I was young) and I don't fight. I've never hit a person in the face before. So my passive attitude also makes it's harder to defend my self but in highschool I'm big enough to just look scary and every now and again I get angry enough to beat my chest and make some noise. Just enough to say leave me the fuck alone. Any time I see a smaller friend getting picked on I stand up for them and the people back off
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:16:55 No.193147356
    There are hackers on /b/. They're called spammers.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:17:05 No.193147388
    To answer your question, yes, period, some kids in my school (and other schools around the country) got bullied so badly (and the best part is there's always somenoe with a cellphone cam capturin it and uploadin it to youtube afterwards) that it was on the news like 2 weeks ago, I live in Israel.
    some of the shit they did is so brutal you wouldnt believe it, search on youtube youll see what im talkin about.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:18:58 No.193147683

    OP; Yes I agree with that explanation much more. Honestly, I felt like the only people who started shit was niggers.. no lie. I remember I was at the bus terminal in grade 10 and there was just a group of niggers planning to rob a little kid of his psp. I overheard them and went and told the kid to get on the bus.. and went over to the niggers and told them they were a bunch of faggot wannabes.I mean, robbing a little kid of his psp? That's so pathetic. I really do hate niggers.. they were such shit disturbers at my high school.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:19:13 No.193147722
    >I always see movies showing high school as this place where smart kids get their faces flushed down toilets but I never thought it was an accurate depiction of how some people are treated in high school

    what kind of backwards hardcore christian school did you go to?

    if anything that was a GOOD thing in comparison to what some people had to go through

    saging the oblivious cumdumpster
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:20:49 No.193147985
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    The "I'm big enough to look scary, but still have no friends" approach might keep you safe in high school, but if that's all you ever do, you'll be seen as "creepy" and people will remain distant.

    Protecting the weak, however, will improve your lot significantly. Befriend the people you protect. You'll then be seen as a leader, a mentor, and you will have people's respect.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:22:29 No.193148274
    From 10 to 15 or so,
    I was that fat nerdy smart socially awkward guy you're talking about.
    No friends ( well, my Gameboy and Ash Ketchum can't be counted in it ),
    Was bullied by the tall white gangstas, the niggra gangstas, the cool kids, pretty girls, and even the average guyz.

    Then, I started high school, lost weight, said "fuck" to homework, started being a moron,
    Discovered alcohol, girls and shit,
    And became one of the cool kids.

    Now, I'm lost.
    No studies, working in a fast food,
    I fuck like one girl per week, but feel like my brainz is becoming more and more lazy.

    Seriously, if I could go back in time,
    I'd choose to stay a fucking bullied asshole,
    I'd be in my fifth year of some cool University.

    But yeah, at least where I've been living, teenage time can be quite hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:22:35 No.193148285

    OP; LOL Shutup. I didn't pity anyone. I made friends with people because I genuinely liked me. Of course, sometimes I'd see people in the class that had no partner for a project and I'd ditch my friends to partner up with the loner kid instead. You could say that was out of pity.. but I like to call it kindness.. hehe
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:23:58 No.193148551

    *oops . I mean because I genuinely liked them. haha
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:25:25 No.193148813
    Oh no no thats not what I meant by that at all
    I am friends with just about every kind of people, but most the "goth/nerd" crowd. By big enough to looks scary I mean that the faggots who go around starting shit with weaker people because they can is not something that happens to me because I am "big enough to be scary" and when one does try to start shit I am man enough to not back down and stand my ground and if they hit me I think I'd be able to hit back but I've only been hit in the face 2 times so I'm not entirely sure
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:26:04 No.193148898
    I don't know. I don't visit /b/.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:27:43 No.193149192

    OP; hehe, catholic school. but hey, catholic schools are not great. there's a lot of bitches there. There's lots of girls gossiping about one another and lots of drama happens - hence the reason why I began hating all the ditsy girls I hung out with.


    I agree. I wasted too much time associating with useless alcoholic retards that bragged about getting a 51% on an exam. Lots of regrets here concerning who I hung out with too.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:29:46 No.193149571
    18 male here.

    To sum it up, I find high school to be the testing ground of your personal development. It's the one and only medium where the social ladder's prominence proportionally increases with the multitude of assholes. The more self-absorbed people, the more difficult it is to "blend in" if you are a bit different, since the self-absorbed, immature chavs/guidos/whatever you want to call them tend to take their superiority for granted.

    You can be different by being less attractive. Naturally you'll be shy, so they'll prey on your obvious weaknesses to influence others and increase their popularity through a dominating image. Mix being less attractive but smart and you're off even worse, as you'll find the other less attractive people are even more messed up in the head than you are, so you will not associate with them and you will be lonely.

    Teenage women are no different (no offense to anyone, just trying to be objective here), the majority of them try really hard to reinforce their confidence, with the seduction of above mentioned dominant, attractive guys, and the friend zoning of less attractive, smarter guys, who serve as their emotional balustrade to lean on when the assholes would push them down into a never ending spiral of depression. Except for the less attractive, smarter girls, of course. The majority of them just end up confused and form small social cliques, glaring in envy at the "popular" girls.

    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:30:18 No.193149658

    I've never been too popular myself due to my average looks and average intelligence. My two strengths are quite simply an affinity for language and for empathy, neither of which are particularly revered in such an environment. Except by a select few people I talk to lately.

    It took me a good few years of exercise, self-analysis and practice to get to where I am today; by no means out-of-my-mind-happy with myself, but content, despite how I've never had a relationship or any deep friendships (not near me, anyway, botched up internet relationships and whatnot) for the past 5 years. I'm content because I've come to understand that most people at this age are shallow, they make mistakes, and are assholes, yes, but you can't blame them, life's just carved this out of them so far. Maybe in time they'll develop into something better. Until that, I try not to hate anyway, but instead understand, even if they hurt me in some way.

    Protip: if you get in a fight in the late years of high school and others see it, the best thing you can do is stay calm and never hit back. It'll hurt, but in the end they'll come out as the raving idiots. Passive resistance, or whatever they call it.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:32:19 No.193149994

    Or put them down in one hit and walk away. Then they look like raving loons that can't fight.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:32:37 No.193150062
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    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:33:03 No.193150139
    I came from a school with an honest-to-gosh school shooting.

    Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Smart kids, kids who didn't hit puberty early, yeah, a lot of us had the fuck beaten out of us.

    The kid who shot up those bullies at my school used to receive swirlies in reeking, piss-filled toilets.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:34:26 No.193150378
    20 yo male here.

    I was extremely shy, didn't talk to nobody unless they talked to me first, but I was never bullied in any way. most of the time i was happy they would leave me alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:38:16 No.193151042
    OP; Well I guess I had an advantage since I was a girl and all and girls really don't fight a lot with other girls as much as guys do. So when a girl used to say/do something to me or to someone that didn't deserve it, I'd verbally annihilate and humiliate them - I'm good at putting stuck up bitches in their place. But girls could seriously wreck you emotionally and psychology.. they could be really hurtful when they wanted to be. However, I never had trouble with anyone really.. besides a few incidents in grade 9 because I was a dumbass.. after that, no one really cared to talk shit about me or anything. I think it's because they knew I could retaliate hard and embarrass them to tears. But then again, I didn't really get involved in girl drama - I distanced myself from it.. and when girls tried to gossip with me about someone, I'd change the subject.

    But I can see how guys could be hurtful. I've seen faggot ass jocks and wannabe gangstas like that everywhere. God, I hate them so much.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:39:30 No.193151271
    Tits or GTFO
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:40:05 No.193151358
    No bullying at my school. It was big enough that everyone had their own group of friends
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:41:01 No.193151499
    I must say it isn't high school that's biting me in the ass. Middle school was where I experienced all the bull shit. There was a rumor started about me that I was gay because I read this book Running With Scissors. It was ridiculous but it really effected me because for some reason a lot of people believed it. Funny thing was that I got talked shit about a lot because of messing around with some of the sluts in middle school... oddly enough I was supposed to be gay after that? Either way, high school is chill as shit. I smoke weed occasionally, never been peer pressured in my life. Except by this one kid but like you'd have to know him lol
    I'm a junior now (I know underageb&) and I'm seriously having the time of my life aside from my parents being fucking annoying as SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:41:08 No.193151517
    >> sage sage 01/31/10(Sun)13:41:34 No.193151584
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:42:10 No.193151682
    I was mostly mentally bullied, occasionally physically. In Boy Scouts I was sodomized with a stick at knifepoint by three older Scouts.

    I got along with other outcasts and string orchestra members.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:42:10 No.193151685
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    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:42:38 No.193151764
    >self-proclaimed cool kids who would just get into fights with one another

    Yeah same nerds never got beat up at my school
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:42:47 No.193151790
    true story.. lol
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:43:35 No.193151912
    10th grade malefag here. used to hang out with the rockers at my school (nearly synonymous with the outcasts) until they got fed up with my social awkwardness. FML
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:43:55 No.193151971
    I had no true, trustworthy caring friends until I discovered drugs. Then I found all the cool people, and earned the respect of everyone else through showing I wasn't some anti social nerd weirdo.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:46:04 No.193152340
    I was the kid in school who was a little awkward but still managed to be friends with many people of different groups. Although I never hung around with the stoners though. I fucking hated those douchebags and whores.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:46:18 No.193152385

    I was one of the goth kids... Hung around with a mixed croud, stoners, musicians, artist types and geeks. We'd party sometimes, usually just hung out at someones house and watched movies/tv series though... So basically, I was one of thopse people that no one remebers and I don't much care, hanging out with the same type of croud now in Uni and it suits me fine.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:46:51 No.193152480

    Was a social paraih until freshman year's summer when i became an emo guy, since junior year i've been in a relationship with a really quiet nerdy girl. I was a prick, had alot of shallow friendships. Went to my college and am now engaged. I was never bullied, still feel misunderstood every now and then, had plenty of friends. I figure i'm typical.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:48:16 No.193152733
    yes we do and the worst thing is depending on the size of the school you have to hang with these people
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:49:34 No.193152984
    I go to a continuation school. If you don't happen to know what that is, it is the school for slackers, kids that get into too many fights/trouble, pregnant chicks, generally kids with problems. This is the real highschool where you get problems. The stupid movie bullshit isn't bad at all. Getting spit on and made fun can be a very common thing. If you're the victim, you better be ready to fight if you do anything back.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:49:50 No.193153040

    Oh, and also, I did get beat up occasionally. By skinheads, because I have long hair and shit (I guess the fact that I wore eyeliner back then didn't help my case), so not bullied... Was bullied in the first grade, but shit that happens before you're 10 don't count.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:51:36 No.193153389
    OK. I saw this thread. Im gonna piost once, and im not gonna look back.

    MAybe someone said it already. But the people you speak of spend their lives learning the art of the social niche.

    Everyone who posts on /b/ are the inbetweeners. This usually makes them sad, directionless wannabees. Also this can make them the SUPERFUCKINHEROES of the UNIVERSE.

    Doesn;t mean you are you fuckin nerd. Just that you could have been.

    More than likely the guys who thought what the fyuck, this isn't AMRICAN/POP IDOL didn't look any further. But they will never amount to shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:52:52 No.193153654
    I was beaten by a group of 4 older boys every day!
    I would drink salt water to make myself vomit to avoid going to school!
    I once sawed the tip of my finger off during woodwork to get away from them!
    Highschool was so much fun, and you know what the best thing was? They ened upin the same college as me!
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:53:25 No.193153771
    Hackers on steroids.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:53:59 No.193153887
    The outcast stoner kid that ditched school and had no friends..

    But then people started to hate the Dicks of our year; so they started chilling with me.. Now I'm a semi-popular "stoner kid"
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:56:10 No.193154331
    >Protip: if you get in a fight in the late years of high school and others see it, the best thing you can do is stay calm and never hit back. It'll hurt, but in the end they'll come out as the raving idiots. Passive resistance, or whatever they call it.

    Yeah.. ok, that is bullshit. Thats what you do if you know for a fact if you won't win the fight. But if you aren't a pussy, you beat the shit out of the aggressor.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)13:59:18 No.193155005
    If any fags tuned into this thread late, pay heed to these three posts,they relate intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:02:45 No.193155658
    i kept to myself which ended up in all casts walking up to me and talking to me
    friends with everyone
    had sex with none
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:03:02 No.193155720
    In my school i observed that being cock (king) of the school didn't mean some kind of monarchal respect but challenges every couple of months.

    Thats the endgame of the fighting angle. If someone tries to physically bully you and you shoulder barge them back, or take them to the floor and then back off from their retaliation and become submissive enough to lose gracefully, you stay low enough for personal peace.

    If you knock them to the ground, you probably made youself a lot fo trouble. Don't listen to the 'JUST GOUGE THEIR EYES OUT THEY WONT MESS WITH YOU AGAIN' BS
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:05:45 No.193156271
    I was a loner. Always have been. There's no blame to heap on anyone for not associating with me, I kept to myself, came off as unreceptive, and was suspicious of attempts to make small talk out of the blue.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:06:23 No.193156414
    Most of you faggots will not relate to this shit. My family moved around tons until my parents got divorced and finally landed in San Diego. My dad, being a cheap fuck, decided to go live in Tijuana because rent was way cheaper there. So I was the socially awkward (from having moved 7 times) person that didn't even live in the country where I was going to school. I put up a front and props and shit so fuckers wouldn't fuck with me and I was also the biggest liar to the people that eventually became really good friends. They still, to this day, don't understand why I wouldn't hang with them after school.
    There were girls that I knew I wanted to and they wanted to fuck, but what did you tell them? Hey want to come out to TJ to my place or I can't really stay here because I live in another country?
    I wasn't picked on too much because I was good at fronting shit. Not that I couldn't take care of myself, I just had a huge wall that no one could cross, (didn't give a fuck how big you were, if you fucked with me I'd come out fighting) I'm not big, I'm 5'5, but fuck you if you fucked with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:10:54 No.193157444
    HS wasn't so bad for me, but i guess it depends on where you go, and how the people are where you are.

    In HS i was just a normal kid, although kinda quiet. I had friends, i wasn't too popular, wasn't a poser, didn't wear expensive or poor clothes, i was just average guy.

    No one really picked on me, but there were those people who think they're really tough and will pick on anyone who they don't know.

    But really my HS wasn't like in the movies, nerds got picked on sometimes, but mostly they had their own nerd friends and usually people don't pick on big groups of friends
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:13:23 No.193157966
    I was homeschooled during all of highschool T_T My social life ended after 6th grade.

    Before than I was the only white person in a black school so I don't have a lot of experience with the norm there either.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/10(Sun)14:13:24 No.193157970
    i wasn't the biggest kid, but had alot of humor. this combo got other kids thinking i would just laugh and enjoy whatever the did to me.
    nothing really cruel, but daily incidents like being locked out from every classroom, getting pushed around, people saying alot of nasty things, hiding my books, blaming me for pranks/property destruction, and stuff like that.

    i just smiled and took it as friendly pranks, but those years would be so much easier if things like that didn't happen. i never stood up to anyone, guess i was a coward. maybe i still am, ill just swallow every shit they trow at me at work.

    tl;dr -> once a coward, always a coward

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