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    File : 1264812747.jpg-(56 KB, 1024x819, 1259427208450.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:52:27 No.192628777  
    sup /b/, 26 year old MIT graduate professional engineer thats got a MBA and know 4 languages fluently here. I got 40k USD study debt, no gf, no parents, no friends, no house, no job and is a virgin. Why is america using its human capital so badly? Can /b/ gimme some motivation in life?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:53:13 No.192628986
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)19:55:28 No.192629567
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:00:03 No.192630598
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    HAHA 26 year old virgin
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:01:38 No.192630987
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    23 year old college drop out here. Ive slept with five hot women and got a 40k$ job. Feels good man!

    College is so bs
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:01:47 No.192631025
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:03:31 No.192631451
    Move to fucking China they will appreciate your intellect, and hey that gets Chinese women moist.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:05:05 No.192631806
    I have a high school degree only, make 80k a year, have a wife and a house
    take that, its all about who you know
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:06:10 No.192632072
    So fucking true. I'm a year off from graduating, and almost everyone I know that graduated can't find a job, and that's including some of the Graduate school fags. Market is just fucking rough.

    Fag was probably joking...but some wisdom here. It's a vastly growing country, and with your credentials I'm sure there might be some potential there.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:09:14 No.192632757
    OP, you are far smarter and contribute more to society than all those other fuckers who have found love. You are highly educated, have graduated from one of the most demanding institutions in this country, have mastered four languages, earned a graduate degree and probably did other shit. You can forge a fine life for yourself!

    But seriously. shave off that patch of fur you call facial hair. And tuck in your shirt. And try to wear matching socks next time.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:10:48 No.192633091

    Dude you just got trip 7s? So much to live for.

    Honestly though if I had your credentials...I would be fairly happy. I mean I'm just too fucking lazy. You can always find some one get laid etc. I gotta imagine you aren't really that socially inept and if you are so fucking what when you find a job you should be making bank and you can just buy a high class hooker amiright?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:11:46 No.192633339
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    You aren't Haitian!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:12:48 No.192633579

    Op you best be trollin. Only 40k debt after all that? I don't believe it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:13:27 No.192633733
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    took me three minutes to write all that good shit about OP and he can't even thank us for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:13:50 No.192633824
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    STFU 4 languages
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:15:01 No.192634101
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    Op you see now this is why you can't have nice things.

    pic related it's what you should do.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:15:19 No.192634156

    maybe you should go an hero.
    Best ending evah for a miserable life like yours.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:15:30 No.192634206
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:15:48 No.192634263
    sir you are overqualified to be having sex with women, or interacting with people that are less qualified than you in any way. just stick to listening to baroque and reading on weekend nights in your apartment.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:17:29 No.192634659
    shouldn't that be a dot plot? A line graph doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:17:55 No.192634757
    OP, you should join the United States Marine Corps. You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:18:07 No.192634806
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    OP I want you to use your potentially vast intellect to create a machine that will allow you to travel back in time, and alter the outcome of the second World War.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:18:47 No.192634970
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:19:17 No.192635084

    MarineFag is some what right...I mean I know you already did all that work, but with your shit you could get a potentially interesting job working for the government. I'd imagine you'd make much more money in the private sector though.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:20:04 No.192635293
    Higher intellect = realization that time travel is impossible :(
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:20:25 No.192635372
    because "America" doesn't give a fuck about you.

    Welcome to the 4 year degree service industry.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:21:13 No.192635539
    Everything is fucking awesome.

    Go punch a wall.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:22:13 No.192635774

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:22:41 No.192635876
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    hello my future girlfriend

    this is what i sound like
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:23:38 No.192636089
    holy shit, i haven't watched that in years.
    i lol'ed
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:25:59 No.192636582
    europe fag here during "high school"
    i got a spelling and grammer exemption ,then it was found i was quite the intelectual
    i have a degree in bio systems(a thesus on prolonging life thur cancer)
    a degree in media studies
    a degree in archeology
    a degree in phycology
    a degree in accounting(tax's spifically)
    and a masters in physics
    and my g/f is japanese, i speak english ,french ,japanese ,korean, mandrin, latin and want to learn russian

    i have spent the last 2 years out of work because i have enough money to do so,i dont read books in my spare time i play games and watch crap films and im 23
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:26:38 No.192636729
    america doesnt use human capital, you use it for yourself.

    man up, stfu, get a job, quit being a whiny bitch, and a girl might be slightly interested. you're the only thing in your way.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:27:52 No.192637012
         File1264814872.png-(22 KB, 135x135, fail.png)
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    America fuck yea!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:29:41 No.192637397

    You can't be 23 and have all those degrees. That's not enough time.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:31:28 No.192637748
    I envy you. I wish I'd got in to MIT, I wish I was still a virgin, I wish I spoke 4 languages fluently, I wish I didn't have a house, I hate my job, I hate having money and nothing to spend it on, I'd rather be in debt.

    You're not in the worst situation. There's always somebody worse off than yourself. You don't have AIDS, you don't live in Poland and you have a good degree from the best university in the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:32:03 No.192637852
    It's not up "america" to "use" it's human capital. The very notion of such anathama to the concept of your personal liberty. It's up to *you* to use your personal efforts to improve your own station (no matter where one is on the spectrum). If you're going to sit around and wait for some "leaderfag" to "use" you, or tell you what to do, you'll never have control of your own life or destiny. Might as well move to Europe at that point, sheep like you will fit right in. America, still, rewards rugged individualism. Liberty is a bitch like that, it can be scary, go for it dude. The alternative is the usual Euro type collective slavery where mediocrity is the norm, indeed, enforced.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:33:06 No.192638087
    yes you can, you would be supprise how quick you can move trough a class or can skip a year when you know more then the professors that teach you
    just in case you need to know, thats 7 years worth of work for a guy who cant spell or type to well
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:33:40 No.192638203

    I'm Ben.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:34:59 No.192638487
    Dude, there's nothing I can tell you. You went to MIT, so youre way smarter than me, you're just going to have to figure it out. 40K debt is nothing, with your background you can work just about anywhere, you just need to be willing to get in at the bottom, then blaze your way to the top.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:35:16 No.192638544
    19 years old cumdumpster here with cam. add me on MSN 'paris2luv'

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:35:36 No.192638610

    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:35:43 No.192638629
    All in all the "few" problems you seem to have in your life aren't that bad. Don't cry about them. Losing your virginity is no big deal, and unless you are like morbidly obese you'll find some chick willing to fuck you pretty easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/10(Fri)20:36:19 No.192638734
    ill fuck you and be ur gf if you live in new england.....

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