Informational thread.
>>188652819Post images.
>>188652954Especially ones that piss off fanboys.
1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)2. click a link3. ???????4. ZOMG SECRET RAID BOARD?!8670488238
>>188652954I'm not sure if they are supposed to be Seth's views.But I agree that it is not a very funny show.
>>188652819Uhhh, I wasn't aware that sega was "absorbed" by nintendo?
>>188654249Sega produces games purely for Nintendo now. Just like Atari and Microsoft.
Thanks for the chart OP
>>188654506Bullshit, SEGA is a multiplatform video game publisher. They made and publish games for the PS3, Wii, and Xbox 360.
youll need this for the next one
>>188654929dont get angry son
>>188654506>implying Atari produces anything.
>>188654929Bayonetta was made by....
bump i fucking love these
>>188654506thanks man, love it
Bayonetta wasn't made by Sega just published by them.
>>188655182ehhh... moar?
>>188655060No, I'm not angry. Are you?>>188655370Platinum Games. Sega published the game for the Xbox 360. But the PS3 version was ported entirely by Sega itself, not the developer.
speaks for itself
>>188654080You can't "forecast" the future of religions. When brain uploading is made, we'll see exponentially less people of religion when those who don't "believe" in evolution and science finally get it taught to them in a way they'll understand.
>>188653081doesn't piss me off. if anything its too positive of a review. The simpsons only had about 3 good seasons, and that happened a WHILE ago.
>>188655939and isnt the ps3 version inferior?
>>188656264Yes, it is. The Xbox 360 version, despite the fact it's uses normal DVDs is the superior version.
>>188656264>>188655939>>188655370Who gives a shit about Bayonetta? Heavy Rain is right around the corner.
>>188655870nothing in it.
>>188655047youre guide is inferior
>>188657255hmm wtf
lmao OPs picture is so false it hurts. way more xbox live users than faggots playing no games on ps3s
>>188655534are you saying an asteroid impact is more likely than a terrorist attack? ...
>>188658046Lifetime sales dumbass. All of Playstation+all of Nintendo+All of Microsoft.
>>188658066>>188658066Troll Detected.
>>188658410Happens daily.
>>188657367nope, his guide is superior if you look close enough...
>>188657787i understand up to step 2. step 3 confused me, 0,0,4 then 0,6,4 then 0,10,4 ?
>>188658066me like