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  • File : 1263447972.png-(139 KB, 757x657, l8CkuU4jZschIS8qdG.png)
    139 KB Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:46:12 No.188634918  
    Epic 4chan posts?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:46:53 No.188635078
    seen it.... many times.... its epic but you fail
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:47:46 No.188635300
    epic 4chan faggot?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:47:52 No.188635326
    >Epic 4chan posts?
    You mean Epic 4chan threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:49:03 No.188635632
         File1263448143.png-(166 KB, 1007x1222, -b- - Random_1262150150624.png)
    166 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:49:14 No.188635687
    say ITT so we get it then FAG
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:49:18 No.188635705
         File1263448158.jpg-(218 KB, 717x737, ratatatata.jpg)
    218 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:50:29 No.188635986
         File1263448229.jpg-(247 KB, 676x1590, fuck you.jpg)
    247 KB
    heres some fucking OC
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:50:30 No.188635995
         File1263448230.jpg-(421 KB, 1242x4179, abortionschool.jpg)
    421 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:51:25 No.188636237
         File1263448285.jpg-(329 KB, 867x789, parkinsons.jpg)
    329 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:51:46 No.188636326
         File1263448306.jpg-(159 KB, 831x349, me too.jpg)
    159 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:52:06 No.188636413
         File1263448326.jpg-(57 KB, 685x496, trips.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:52:30 No.188636518
         File1263448350.jpg-(42 KB, 895x581, nc club.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:52:48 No.188636592
         File1263448368.jpg-(71 KB, 600x750, epic thread 36 names it.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:53:06 No.188636668
         File1263448386.jpg-(453 KB, 1047x2899, 1262567479661.jpg)
    453 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:56:15 No.188637400

    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:56:53 No.188637557
    >> bob 01/14/10(Thu)00:58:26 No.188637906
         File1263448706.jpg-(220 KB, 793x727, 1262683864532.jpg)
    220 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:58:36 No.188637954
    disagree, its gay and stupid
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:59:10 No.188638104
    also /b/ sucks
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:01:04 No.188638467
    Bamp for more epicness
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:01:24 No.188638530
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:01:35 No.188638575
         File1263448895.png-(114 KB, 1007x586, 1261759447388.png)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:03:34 No.188638991
         File1263449014.png-(191 KB, 694x644, Untitled.png)
    191 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:03:56 No.188639060
         File1263449036.jpg-(59 KB, 731x612, 1263120241534.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:04:17 No.188639128
    that was magical
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:05:15 No.188639322
    fuck you it was gay now shut up!
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:06:25 No.188639566
         File1263449185.jpg-(90 KB, 738x984, 1244177496418.jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:06:34 No.188639587
         File1263449194.jpg-(36 KB, 1210x295, prego fail.jpg)
    36 KB
    can it be time for oc?
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:07:05 No.188639704
         File1263449225.jpg-(77 KB, 594x627, 1242453465602.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:07:06 No.188639708
         File1263449226.jpg-(56 KB, 750x600, 4chan grammar.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:08:07 No.188639909
         File1263449287.jpg-(433 KB, 597x1636, baby.jpg)
    433 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:08:23 No.188639972
         File1263449303.png-(666 KB, 1920x1198, God will save us.png)
    666 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:13:04 No.188640917
    Greatest thread ever
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:13:09 No.188640932
         File1263449589.png-(88 KB, 960x498, 1263365595613[1].png)
    88 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:14:59 No.188641271
         File1263449699.gif-(150 KB, 1644x1646, 1254701636080.gif)
    150 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:16:06 No.188641479
    old fave
    new fave
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:16:12 No.188641506

    I LOL'd...pretty hard
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:16:48 No.188641631
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:17:37 No.188641789
         File1263449857.jpg-(41 KB, 1024x310, ropeix1wt000.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:17:38 No.188641791
         File1263449858.jpg-(260 KB, 752x2000, do_the_4chan_mash.jpg)
    260 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:18:00 No.188641888
         File1263449880.jpg-(248 KB, 1200x1100, milhouse.jpg)
    248 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:18:26 No.188641973
    holy fuckbeans, batman!
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:20:39 No.188642438
         File1263450039.jpg-(56 KB, 490x402, chanBIBLE.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:21:22 No.188642595
         File1263450082.png-(223 KB, 941x950, 1254701542027.png)
    223 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:21:48 No.188642692
         File1263450108.jpg-(260 KB, 746x3071, 55555.jpg)
    260 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:23:36 No.188643083
         File1263450216.jpg-(58 KB, 1306x412, opfailed.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:24:29 No.188643281

    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:24:38 No.188643314
         File1263450278.jpg-(21 KB, 218x300, 1261886409097.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:25:51 No.188643581

    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:26:43 No.188643751
         File1263450403.jpg-(174 KB, 750x600, 4chan b 2.jpg)
    174 KB
    >> A-Bot 01/14/10(Thu)01:28:02 No.188644044
         File1263450482.jpg-(86 KB, 1366x768, efgfuture.jpg)
    86 KB
    moar oc
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:28:09 No.188644071
         File1263450489.jpg-(70 KB, 750x600, 1263233041148.jpg)
    70 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:29:46 No.188644442
         File1263450586.jpg-(81 KB, 804x870, 1258451644267.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:30:59 No.188644763
         File1263450659.jpg-(385 KB, 715x4870, 1261757045822.jpg)
    385 KB
    >> A-Bot 01/14/10(Thu)01:31:06 No.188644789
         File1263450666.jpg-(55 KB, 883x539, opanhiro.jpg)
    55 KB
    fav. oc
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:32:24 No.188645078
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:35:25 No.188645789
         File1263450925.jpg-(637 KB, 1127x3189, epic Part 1.jpg)
    637 KB
    Epic You Say?

    (Original File was too large thus it was split)
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:36:33 No.188646021
         File1263450993.jpg-(734 KB, 1126x3542, epic Part 2.jpg)
    734 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:37:53 No.188646288
         File1263451073.jpg-(737 KB, 1126x3542, epic Part 3.jpg)
    737 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:38:13 No.188646355
         File1263451093.jpg-(68 KB, 600x750, balls touch.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:40:32 No.188646913

    that's the exact same thing as the other...
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:42:59 No.188647494
         File1263451379.jpg-(1.55 MB, 2508x4488, 1261202223737.jpg)
    1.55 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:43:00 No.188647496
         File1263451380.jpg-(2 KB, 82x127, 1256081608059s.jpg)
    2 KB
    hmm some epic threads you say
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:43:00 No.188647500
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:43:41 No.188647639
         File1263451421.jpg-(1.26 MB, 1130x4993, Edited Final real part 3.jpg)
    1.26 MB
    Sorry about last post it was fail....

    Filed edited due to the fact that it was too large
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:44:32 No.188647830
         File1263451472.jpg-(31 KB, 263x380, omfg.jpg)
    31 KB

    omfg, its the Lord of the Wins
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:46:15 No.188648186
         File1263451575.gif-(6 KB, 119x120, 1.gif)
    6 KB
    >>188635326 4chan police contributes
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:46:52 No.188648303
         File1263451612.gif-(133 KB, 1000x1200, 1259317968803.gif)
    133 KB is another random
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:48:26 No.188648648
         File1263451706.png-(139 KB, 1007x576, Aviary boards-4chan-org Pictur(...).png)
    139 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:50:03 No.188648995
         File1263451803.jpg-(32 KB, 500x317, 1263367757834[1].jpg)
    32 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:50:28 No.188649088
         File1263451828.jpg-(198 KB, 823x700, GTFO.jpg)
    198 KB
    OC here
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:50:40 No.188649150
         File1263451840.jpg-(51 KB, 747x576, 1262648371055.jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:51:45 No.188649379
         File1263451905.jpg-(70 KB, 1057x726, lolol.jpg)
    70 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:52:25 No.188649526
         File1263451945.jpg-(58 KB, 681x639, 1262506910556[1].jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:52:44 No.188649595
    you fucker
    >> Waffles 01/14/10(Thu)01:55:22 No.188650181
         File1263452122.gif-(705 KB, 753x4851, Oreo power.gif)
    705 KB
    I'm sure it'd be epic if I could fucking see it, man.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:56:16 No.188650384
         File1263452176.jpg-(59 KB, 1026x568, 1263438323798.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:57:01 No.188650554

    I'm not an AUS lawfag but don't you have to submit all evidence used in the case at the start of the trial, so both sides can review the evidence and build an argument for or against it?

    It would be a cool story if it was real though.
    >> ­Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:58:18 No.188650817
         File1263452298.png-(61 KB, 1011x607, -b- - Random_1262210183380.png)
    61 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:59:21 No.188651025
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:00:41 No.188651297
         File1263452441.jpg-(1.49 MB, 1261x4989, 1258337944341.jpg)
    1.49 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:02:30 No.188651683
         File1263452550.png-(1.21 MB, 2262x5000, 1262151897622.png)
    1.21 MB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:02:34 No.188651695
         File1263452554.jpg-(46 KB, 750x584, betterthansex.jpg)
    46 KB

    trolll post anyway newfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:02:51 No.188651750
         File1263452571.jpg-(412 KB, 1260x3014, 1250132112436.jpg)
    412 KB
    If someone can triple, I will dump the most epic EFG thread ever made. Spans /b/ 3 times, /a/ /c/ /x/ /tv/ /y/ /jp/ /fit/ /sp/ and many others.

    Happened on 01/11/2010 (UK fag so that date is correct - fuck you america)
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:03:38 No.188651909
         File1263452618.jpg-(157 KB, 676x731, opfaggot.jpg)
    157 KB
    >> ­Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:04:46 No.188652133
         File1263452686.jpg-(46 KB, 1201x482, moot.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:06:29 No.188652507
         File1263452789.jpg-(42 KB, 604x408, cherrypie.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:06:55 No.188652583

    If new evidence comes to light during the trial, it has to be submitted to the opposing party before introducing it to the judge.

    If new evidence is ruled admissible, i.e the opposing party can't dispute the evidence, it can be used.

    that's my understanding of it anyway. You can be charged for withholding evidence but that won't happen if you do everything legally.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:08:38 No.188652913
         File1263452918.jpg-(107 KB, 705x551, sametypeofchairjc4.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:09:10 No.188653016
         File1263452950.png-(226 KB, 594x392, epiclazer.png)
    226 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:09:14 No.188653028
    wow... go fuck yourself
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:09:20 No.188653053
    1. go to itsover(9000).net (take out parentheses)
    2. click a link
    3. ???????

    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:09:34 No.188653090
         File1263452974.jpg-(169 KB, 496x1566, forgotmyhat.jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:11:53 No.188653569
         File1263453113.png-(788 KB, 1000x1000, highscorefail.png)
    788 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:12:05 No.188653614
    there are certain circumstances in which new evidence can be used in a case idiots -.-... although most likely evidence purposely withheld would be call for a retrail
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:12:36 No.188653735
         File1263453156.jpg-(42 KB, 647x557, 1261122865163[1].jpg)
    42 KB
    not 4chan but wtf do i care
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:13:01 No.188653834
    Epic thread in progress...

    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)02:13:23 No.188653909
         File1263453203.jpg-(66 KB, 700x800, opposite day.jpg)
    66 KB

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