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  • File : 1258696626.jpg-(132 KB, 800x577, 2008-11-22-twilight1.jpg)
    132 KB ajporrasm 11/20/09(Fri)00:57:06 No.176092178  
    Holy FUCKING shit i hate twilight.
    Now, my gf wants to know WHY so many of us hate twilight. /b/rothers, give me some good, sensible reasons. You may rage some if you wish

    Not personal army, this is voluntary and also WHO DOESNT FUCKING HATE TWILIGHT?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)00:57:59 No.176092333
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)00:59:44 No.176092689
    The book promotes sexual relationships with minors, abusive relationships, and female mindlessness.

    Oh, and vampires don't sparkle.
    >> anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)00:59:48 No.176092703
    i would eat you we must be in love
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:01:52 No.176093077

    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:02:50 No.176093239
    Dude twilight is awesome. I'm 19 years old muscular and non-gay believe me it's just amazing acting and the plot just grabs you by the balls because it's so good. I'm sorry you must be gay OP. Tell your girlfriend that she deserves better because you're obviously mentally handicapped and gay.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:04:12 No.176093496
    i lol'd
    >> anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:04:24 No.176093531
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    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:05:21 No.176093713
    Well, for me, I don't really care much about the vampire genre's legacy or anything, but I think it's just fucking stupid to take a literary concept that's been so established and butcher it. Especially if they butcher it in a way that fags it up. They SPARKLE in the sunlight? Really? REALLY? Jesus Christ. At least in, say, "The Last Man On Earth", the vampires couldn't bear to see themself in a mirror, even though they did show up.

    Vampires weren't super awesome to begin with, but really, blood-sucking demon people that can seduce others into sex is loads better than emo teen-angst crap with glitter skin.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:05:58 No.176093808

    Not sparkly faggots.

    Have Wesley Snipes fight Robert pattinson and see who would fucking win.

    Blade would chop Edward Cullen's emo shit off.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:07:16 No.176094026

    Hypnotize into sex I mean. I suppose the Twilight vampires are good at seduction too, or the human girl is just that much of a ditz.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:07:21 No.176094033
    lol im not going to argue with you...
    your clearly a moron.
    It has TERRIBLE acting, and the plot is senseless, along with stupid. And me and my gf are fine, and once again im not going to argue with you
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:07:25 No.176094050
    Because for intelligent girls and nearly every guy, the concept of vampires being cool is about 10 years old, when they had flaws and were tragic characters who were more human than the humans around them.

    Suddenly they're all sex symbols without the slightly disturbing sensuality that Interview With A Vampire gave it at least, and now they're just manwhores to any shallow bitch who discovers they wear makeup.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:07:53 No.176094122
    hairless teen werewolves dont make sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:09:36 No.176094376
    You... just did argue with him...
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:09:38 No.176094389
    You just argued with me which means that it is true. It's fucken awesome. You know it deep down. You're just jealous because you'll never get as much pussy as Edward. I know I wont either but I don't care because he's just amazing.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:09:46 No.176094406
    This blog article sums it up pretty good:
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:11:51 No.176094773
    mary sue
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:12:18 No.176094861
    Why i hate twilight?

    it's generally homoerotic, it receives too much attention for it's low level of entertainment when something else thats had alot more work put into is probably in the gutter right now so to speak.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:13:02 No.176095001
    It's a sad correlary though... if you have money, your personality and/or looks become a bit of an x-factor to getting pussy...

    Although as little as I cared, I was so glad to hear this cockraggler didn't get sexiest man of the year... their reasons were he lacked any personality beyond his looks. Not in those words, but it was insinuated nicely, meanwhile Johnny Depp actually makes all his roles memorable.

    Thank god someone somewhere had a decent logic system.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:13:14 No.176095053
    i hate twilight. vampire lore and mythology ha to be taken seriously and these movies fail to delivar on that.

    as a nerd i forsake these movies along with fucking that underworld shit.

    vampires r srs bsns.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:13:45 No.176095144
    The concept of the vampire is suppose to be scary.
    They live in the dark, they have skills that no human could ever possess, etc.
    The scariest thing about vampires is that they are above us on the food chain. To them, humans are cattle waiting for the slaughter house.

    This whole bullshit about a guy who's lived for a long tie going to a high school and fallnig in love is just....raping the horror of the myth. The scare factor is no shattered.

    This is why Twilight can eat a dick.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:14:11 No.176095221
    They're poorly written books to begin with, the author shit them out in about 2 months. Have you ever attempted to read them? It's like punishment.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:14:41 No.176095296
    You just hate twilight because not only is it popular, it is popular to hate.

    Personally, I loved the movie.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:15:00 No.176095352
    Btw you're the first person I've ever successfully trolled, and I'm pretty damn lame. I hate twilight too. You gotta tune your troll detector bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:15:04 No.176095365
    Because Stephenie Meyer has the writing ability of a high school junior, writing to a fanatical audience who have no real taste... Stephenie Meyer is to literature what the Backstreet Boys were to music....
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:15:45 No.176095482
    twilight nude moon, where the vampires suck moar than blood and the werewolfs are just fur fags.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:16:10 No.176095547
    Worse than Eragon?
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:16:16 No.176095563
    After twilight they invented a dildo that you freeze to make it more like fucking a vampire, it's twilight themed.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:16:37 No.176095626
    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:16:37 No.176095627

    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:17:51 No.176095837
    Edward doesn't get pussy.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:18:02 No.176095871
    Tell her you're insulted that she needs to look at "hot men" and tell you about how HOT they are. But when you see a hot bitch, it's the end of the world isn't it?

    Also fanfiction shouldn't be made into a movie is another valid reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:18:10 No.176095904
    i would fuck a sparkly hot guy.
    i'm just sayin...
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:18:29 No.176095943
    The Mary Sue character of Bella is completely degrading to women. She's a weak, clumsy, poor self-esteemed girl whose only significance is derived from the role she plays as an object in the struggles of powerful, god-like men. This shit would piss me off if I were a woman.

    Furthermore, it's full of Stephanie Meyer's Mormon bullshit. Once you become a vampire, your bodily processes cease (no more hair growth, for example). Yet, Edward is able to impregnate Bella near the end of the series. That means he has lived about 70 years in the body of a 17 year old and NEVER FAPPED. He can't have, or he wouldn't have the semen necessary to impregnate someone. This is moral faggotry at its most insidious.

    This is all besides the terrible, terrible, terrible writing (books) and acting (movies) that characterize the series. Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:18:34 No.176095968
    Actually I wasn't the one you trolled, I just used your comment as a springboard to mention how shallow women can be when it comes to cockwarbling fucktards who wear too much eyeliner. Was funny you actually got someone with your troll though.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:18:52 No.176096017
    simple.....real vampires burn in the sun. the only things that sparkle in the sun are stripper who havent showered yet and a guy in a pink thong with pink fairy wings on the lead float of a gay pride parade.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:19:16 No.176096090
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    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:20:25 No.176096300
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    The fact that books like Twilight even became popular proves that the majority of people can't identify good literature /don't even read...

    This is why I always stuck with non-fiction books...
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:21:07 No.176096402
    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:21:11 No.176096409

    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:21:11 No.176096412
    i agree with that first part and i get the jist of the middle there but in the end, you lost me.
    type better.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:23:19 No.176096765
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    Because, for fuck's sake, Edward doesn't even look like some guy a girl would want to squeeze and huggle, that looks like some fucker I want to punch in the face!

    Meyer's didn't even research her fucking topic! Vampires? Hardly! Why would you even call them that? Sparkly? WTF?! And werewolves? Werewolves that turn into wolves without a MOON?!?!

    EDWARD HAS A BABY?!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?! DEAD, 100 YEAR OLD, ROTTING TESTICLES DO NOT A BABY MAKE! A BABY NOT DO ROTTING TESTICLES MAKE!!!! So goddamnit... goddamnit Twilight... and God damn you to hell Stephine Meyer.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:23:57 No.176096874
    sorry i read the first half of the first twilight book, now i no read or write so goodly
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:24:14 No.176096931
    The only real issue I have with moving out west is because I actually get to see how friggan idiotic mormons are, and where I wasn't racist of mexicans beforehand, now I find that all the stereotypes are far more true than I wanted them to be.

    What was I talking abou- oh yeah, Twilight and Mormons suck.
    >> Anonymous 11/20/09(Fri)01:24:58 No.176097065
    The movie strengthens womens idea of how every man should be. How we should wait for sex, etc. 95% of us don't ever want to be like Edward, yet most of us will be judged based on his ridiculous character by girls who read twilight. And vampires don't FUCKING SPARKLE.

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