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  • File : 1257139595.jpg-(38 KB, 805x795, Anonymous.jpg)
    38 KB ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/02/09(Mon)00:26:35 No.171885815  
    Professor Anon here giving out tips for a brighter 4chan tomorrow.

    Today's lecture is on women on the internet, women on the internet are strange and elusive creatures. One has never been confirmed to exist and most likely never will be.

    But seriously I'm going to talk about hook up threads today, no I am not going to go shouting about cancer and flaming you; if that worked the problem would not exist. I am going to educate you about how things used to work so you can decide for yourself what is better.

    The first thing that is blatantly obvious is that the majority of you are horny losers, this is not a bad thing everyone here is a horny loser even myself, it is kind of our thing. But you should not try to satiate your sick desires on the internet for two prong reasons.

    Number one is that there are no girls looking to hook up here, I know you think that I say this because it is a meme however it is the truth, you may see pictures of supposedly horny girls on 4chan but I can assure you these are either facebook, pictures from google, traps or photoshops. Girls will come here on occasion however.

    Girls will come to 4chan for one reason and one reason only, attention. They know we are horny losers and they wish to make us lurch after them to make themselves feel better about them selves. Tits or GTFO used to be an apt deterrent however since it gained meme popularity it lost all meaning as happens with most meme's.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/02/09(Mon)00:28:39 No.171886224
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    now to teach you the proper way yo do things also known as the good part, in the less horrible ol' days of /b/ all women were rejected on sight. It was assumed that they were attention whores and we had much more important shit to do, such as killing cats with lighter fluid and an heroing on cam. This being said there was one exception to the general hatred of females.

    That of course is the role of the chan eg. lolichan crackychan exc. These were females who came and amused us enough that we honored them with a name. They could still never been Anonymous as they did not have a PENIS however this was a sign of respect from their faceless overlords.

    You would never hit on a chan or attempt to cyber with a chan because a chan is like a spokes model for our cause an embodiment of what we held dear. A female Anonymous.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/02/09(Mon)00:30:18 No.171886565
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    The pale immitations you see today are not anon's and they won't like your nerdy behavure; if you want girls paint yourself orange and spike your hair. If you want to act on the internet without repercussions and fap to things others find sacred stay here.

    and nothing of value will be lost.

    Going to bed now, feel free to turn this thread into a flame war. OP is a fag.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:30:42 No.171886613
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:31:11 No.171886712
    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:32:07 No.171886903
    hey do you reverse header?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:32:15 No.171886932
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    go on go on
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:32:31 No.171886975
    i like you OP
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:33:04 No.171887075
    You're not going to go to bed. *refresh *refresh *refresh
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:34:49 No.171887396
    true anon is true anon
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:35:34 No.171887538
    and so the tao has been written
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:36:20 No.171887681
    OP is pretty much right
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:36:30 No.171887713
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:36:32 No.171887720
    professor anon forgot to assign homework! I am disappoint
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:38:09 No.171888003
    he does not care if you win or fail
    maybe if you winfail
    but only if you do it for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:40:16 No.171888383
    Wise words indeed, professor anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:40:38 No.171888459
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    Take this JB kind sir:

    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:41:44 No.171888656
    The Tao of Anonymous

    Hello Anonymous, pull up a chair, this may take a bit of time. If you have recently come to this place from Out There on the internets, I suggest you pay close attention to what I have to say. This is not a secrets of 4chon post, if you seek to >greentext or PENIS VAGINA BUTTSEX, then this is not for you, it will inevitably end in tl;dr.

    Much of what I have to say will sound contradictory, but bear with me.

    First, when you wish to cry havoc and let slip the dogs OF FUCKING FURY here, do not encumber yourself with your accomplishments, your titles, your education, or your experiences. They mean nothing to me. Everything you have done, I have done better, faster, smarter, and with my dick in your mom's mouth. These things are ego, ego is identity, identity is loss of anonymity. The internets are a cold and lonely place outside The Legion.

    There are no newfags, only those who must MURK LOAR. There are no oldfags, only those who have lurked enough to know they must lurk moar.

    Everything is copypasta, even this post. Trying to square this concept with empirical truth will only result in failure, and demonstrates that you have not achieved ultimate 4chonirvana. Lurk moar and eat this pasta, for it is delicious.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:42:22 No.171888774
    When asked "Is Milhouse a meme?" there is only one correct answer. 'Yes' is incorrect. 'No' is also incorrect. The only correct answer is 'Milhouse is not a meme', however, knowing the door is not the same as walking through it. When you understand why this answer is not the same as 'No', then you are one step closer to enlightenment.

    Everyone is a troll. Even you.

    You cannot troll /b/. Win/Mac/Lunix, cut/uncut, christfag/atheifag arguements are boring; you are not trolling, you are being trolled by those you sought to troll.

    When one does successfully troll /b/, he is no longer a troll, for he has become something greater.

    There are no cumdumpsters, as there are no wimmens on the internets. Gender is a vague form of identity. Any tits you see on 4chan are a) a trap, b) an ex-girlfriend of the poster, or c) copied off the intertubes because no one on 4chan has ever had a girlfriend.

    Everyone on 4chan has a girlfriend. We have had every girlfriend, even yours, and when she got boring we had your mom, too.

    Rules 1 and 2 are not there to protect us from your idiot friends, we will dispose of them as we see fit. Rules 1 and 2 are there to protect you from yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:43:03 No.171888903
    'Anonymous' is not a nickname, nor a password. Anonymous is a state of being. When you seek to rise above your fellows, you are no longer Anonymous, and have failed. The greatest and most epic wins are done in the name of Anonymous, and you can never take credit for them. If you doubt this, well, perhaps we haven't met before...I am Spartacus.

    Lastly, and most important: There are only two people that post on 4chan. Me and you.

    And I don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:44:38 No.171889176
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:44:57 No.171889229
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:45:54 No.171889393
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:47:02 No.171889603
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:49:16 No.171889988
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    Hear this anon because he speaks with truth
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:52:13 No.171890529
    can we has a sticky here?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:55:28 No.171891114
    lotsa samefag
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:55:31 No.171891122
    This anon is wise you should listen him since he knows the true way to treat a cumdumpster
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:57:29 No.171891455
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    I have a theory:
    OP is a reverse troll and that he is a gentleman's gentleman, discuss.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:57:47 No.171891517
    I agree with you with everything you said except for "You cannot troll /b/. Win/Mac/Lunix, cut/uncut, christfag/atheifag arguements are boring; you are not trolling, you are being trolled by those you sought to troll." there is more going on those thread than just pure trolling and they are actually funny!

    inB4 newfag, I been here all summer I would know.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:58:26 No.171891643
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:59:56 No.171891919
    The hivemind finally sobers up...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)00:59:56 No.171891923

    Is right.

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