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  • File : 1257128911.jpg-(26 KB, 480x583, vs.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:28:31 No.171851536  
    Whilst slagging off the PS3 controller in a MSN convo, I want /b/'s opinion, what controller looks better, better to hold, more efficient etc. I don't care about consoles, but which controller is better?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:29:30 No.171851734
    shitstorm, activate.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:29:44 No.171851780
    xbox 360, hands down
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:29:49 No.171851798
    The PS3 controller is the SNES controller with handles and analog sticks

    360 controller was actually designed to fit in your hands. Superior unless you want to use the d-pad.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:30:42 No.171851964
    PS3 Console is better (i have one)

    But the Xbox 360 controller has the ps3 controller as its bitch
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:31:10 No.171852050
    PS3 controller. It just feels more comfortable and built better.

    I tend to rage when playing games, ive broken two 360 controllers, but my ps3 controller is still intact.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:31:42 No.171852162
    360, better controller and console
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:32:07 No.171852253
    Every time I go to play my PS2 after a stretch of 360 gaming, I keep getting distracted for the first five or ten minutes because of how odd the controller feels.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:32:42 No.171852365
    definitely ps3
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:33:04 No.171852447
    360 controller is better for fatmanhands.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:33:10 No.171852467
    Controllers aren't designed to survive when you throw them
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:33:46 No.171852582
    360 controller

    Unless you need the d-pad, and the dicks out of your ass
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:34:11 No.171852658

    because you suck.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:34:30 No.171852730
    360 controller is good but PlayStation's controller is gaming's final form.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:34:52 No.171852790
    360 controller is superior. I am a PS3 owner for reference.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:34:56 No.171852815
    They're both good
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:35:07 No.171852854
    depends what ur used to. i use both but the 360 controller feels more ergonomic/contoured to the hand.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:35:23 No.171852899
    both consoles have their own merits, but i prefer the 360's controller.

    nothing wrong with the ps3's though, classic design. aint broke, dont fix it.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:35:35 No.171852934
    360 looks better i'll admit
    d-pad is fail and analogue layout is retarded
    i'm going with Ps3
    not biast i own and enjoy both consoles
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:35:37 No.171852943
    360 by far.

    I cant play my ps3 for longer than an hour or so at a time due to the retardedness of that damn controller... whereas the 360 is purely win
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:35:48 No.171852976

    analog sticks and triggers have more resistance(i always press the R2 and L2 buttons on ps3 by accident)
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:36:51 No.171853177
    The 360 controller is much more comfortable...but whenever I go to press the X button, I always seem to hit Start. Normally that isn't a problem but it can get annoying sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:37:03 No.171853221
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    GameCube FTW.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:37:08 No.171853234
    The 360 is deffinatly the most ergonomic controller, unless you want to use the Dpad. The PS3 controller is alright, but it's not nearly as ergonomic as 360 controller, for me atleast. I don't like the domed analog sticks of the PS3 controller either. And the PS3's R2 and L2 buttons feel so awkward :S
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:37:35 No.171853325
    PS3's one is a lot lighter, and battery last longer. 360 controller feels so much better in mah hands.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:37:53 No.171853383
    360 because the grips feel like they're molded to fit your hands
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:37:53 No.171853384
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    PS3 controller is good for the majority of the games...but when playing a FPS...XBOX360 controller is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:37:54 No.171853385
    ps3 is gay as fuck
    xbox ftw
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:38:11 No.171853440
    ps3 is better
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:38:20 No.171853473
    Depends on the game, i guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:38:21 No.171853477
    The 360 controller is better in every aspect. Not even close.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:38:34 No.171853525
    *sigh* the 360 is heavier because of the damn battery placement
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:38:44 No.171853567
    wii controller is best :3
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:38:58 No.171853610
    PS3 fags
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:39:19 No.171853680
    stop spamming ur board on www.anòntá plox
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:39:19 No.171853681
    sony fanboy here
    360 controler is more superfantastic
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:39:53 No.171853797
    I like the originality of the Playstation brand

    xbox controllers are a rip off of gamecube style
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:01 No.171853821
    Gamecube controller is the best controller.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:02 No.171853824
    Hate the shoulders for the ps3 controller, where as the xbox 360 is way too big for my hands. Can't stand either tbh.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:07 No.171853846
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    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:12 No.171853875
    ps3 controller
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:28 No.171853918
    stop spamming ur board on www.anòntá plox
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:29 No.171853928
    theres always a faggot....
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:38 No.171853966

    obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:51 No.171854004
    PS3 Controller Played the PS1 my whole teens so it my hands are molded for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:40:58 No.171854026
    Fighters: PS3
    FPS: XBox
    Anything Else: PS3.
    >> Cajjita 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:07 No.171854056
    Everyone says the XBox controller because it's designed for your hands. What the fuck? Are you saying every other controller is designed for your face? Either way, I don't see any problem with the PS3 controller if we're talking comfort, but I own a PS3, so I might be use to it or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:14 No.171854082
    360 controller is better. ps3 controller gives me hand cramps, and this is from a furious fapper. all in all, though, ps3 is substantially better than the 360.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:19 No.171854103
    what about the dreamcast?
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:22 No.171854119
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:39 No.171854181
    360 controller is better to me, but i own a ps3.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:40 No.171854189
    360 controller by far, i even tried to plug a wired 360 controller into my ps3 once to see if it would work, it didnt. i do with that the ps3's analog sticks weren't so loose. that and the small l2 and r2 triggers. overall 360 hands down. this is also the reason i only use my ps3 for exclusives, that and the multilayer blows when all your friends you want to play with has the 360. GOW2 is going to be epic though.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:46 No.171854203
    I own both and with out a doubt the 360 controller is leagues more comfortable and the triggers are not as fucking retarded as the Ps3 triggers. The 360 triggers actually have some resistance to them. The only place where the Ps3 controller wins is the d-pad. The 360 controller is just designed to fit your hands naturally so much better.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:46 No.171854204
    i couldn't care less my PC is better then both of thoughs fucking consols combined
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:41:49 No.171854212
    PS3 shit always looks better than the xbox 360 shit, but PS3 controller is less ergonomic than the xbox 360... kickers for the ps3 is a plus, but it took me a few hours to get used to the controller when I first bought the system.

    I own both xbox 360 and ps3.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:42:01 No.171854256
    xbox 360, so much more comfortable...I own both btw
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:42:00 No.171854258
    The only problem I have with the PS3 Controller is the triggers.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:42:11 No.171854292
    both controllers have the same amount of buttons, just the D-pad and left anol stick is switched around
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:42:14 No.171854314
    Well, I like how ergonomic the handles are on the ps controller, but I like the grippiness of the 360 controller.
    I like the buttons on the ps3, but I like the analog stick of the 360.
    I absolutely detest the ps3 trigger buttons, in comparison to the 360.
    I like how the Ps3 one looks though, it just looks sleek, and manly.
    The 360 one looks like goddamn lego for kids or something.

    All in all, I like the 360 controller better for shooting games, and the I like the ps3 for everything else.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:42:33 No.171854387
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    I see what you did there
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:42:50 No.171854437
    youll probly prefer whichever you use the most. however id say the 360s sticks are much more grounded and easy to use. actually fuck it the 360 controller is just better. Ive used both.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:42:50 No.171854442
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    Pic Related.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:43:44 No.171854617
    the PS3 controllers trigger are wank
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:43:59 No.171854683
    the ps3 button arrangement makes me lose my grip on the controller because when i use all 4 buttons, and the two thumb sticks, i only have 2 fingers holding the controller to my palms. Becuase the 360 controller is designed like pistol grips, even when youre using al your available fingers, the controller still has more support.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:44:10 No.171854717
    360, PS3 controller is too small and cramps up my hands.
    >> Anonymous 11/01/09(Sun)21:44:22 No.171854755
    It sucks when you watch a movie and put the ps3 controller on a table it always clicks the fucking l2 and r2

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