/b/ fucking sucks.DAYS of spam, now every two fucking seconds its "THIS CHICK ON A WEB CAM! DERP DERP DUR!"I hate myself for not knowing where /b/ went.... becuase its not here anymore. after 4years, i begin my quest to find where my /b/ went. Piss of you bunch of cancerfags.
/b/ has always been shit, but never to this extent.
>>165674113>>165674113/b/ is awesome. i come here for boobs, and they are here.the forced memes are lawls, and its OUT /b/ now oldfag........................
>>165674422................fucking cancer.
>>165674422This guy isnt a newfag hes been here all summer
OP is a poopoo head that should be peed on.
>>165674422redtube.comthere's your boobs now stfu
Get used to it. This is what the world is turning into. A big game of porn marketing, back stabbing, and deceit.We might as well kill ourselves now.
i will say this one time, quietly.jackeechan.com
can I join you OP?
>>165674544OP here.like, 3 weeks in a row. EVERY DAY! "*blank* post pics. *blank* rate them"SINCE WHEN THE FUCK DOES /b/ CARE WTF YOU LOOK LIKE!!!takes away from "anon" status, and should be auto-ban./b/ are the outcasts of society, the shit and scum under the spaces society wont even even peer into. People with the affinity to be anon, with the push from the cancer that found its way here, made into anon.MADE into anon.now a fucking "twitter" equivalent for the mediocre.We have the anonymity bc we need it, you fucking fucks with your pictures and web cams.........fucking super cancer.
>>165675515yeah i think we should remove trips
>>165675515Agreed. Also, thank you for posting that picture. That was a SERIOUSLY needed laugh....
i dont get the big deal. if you dont like whats happening here, just leave. Its not like ANYONE stays here for more than a month at a time anyways.
>>165676387>more than a month anywayhahaha oh god no, i wish I spend to much time here ._.
i am actually sick to death of seeing the naked flesh thanks to /b/. every two threads its "oh wow this person is on cam naked!" (why not just watch porn you sad cunts, its more interesting)And also "rate me /b/!" attention whores. Then theres the faggots filling up the front page with boys and cock. Then theres the furries which have definetly increased since 06.
bump.OP is right.i've only been lurking for 9 months or so, but even i have noticed a descent in /b/'s quality...
Mer. And but one word with one of vs? couple it with
It's been going downhill fast 6months. For some reason alot of newfags lately seem to think that this site is for their teenage bullshit "LOL HALP MY GF DUMPED M E XXX" "RATE EACHOTHER!!1!"not realizing that in fact, no one fucking cares.But, wait. There is a good amount of retards now that actually do care about that shit, so they keep bumping and bumping and that's why there are only insecure teenager threads around nowadays. I only visit out of habit, . Sad, but, life goes on. Was fun while it lasted.
>>948343182847 Fresh pornpage logins, Fresh October passes +2000 BONUS: http://freeporn0zs.blogspot.com/ >>773776333471!
>>165676920Protip: other boards / chans
>>165676985>hurr durr i read this on ED therefore it's true
Is anyone starting a new /b/?
>>165674113well, lemme know>>165674422go to /s/ newfarg
I've been browsing /B/ since yesterday and the quality has DEFINATELY gone downhill!
People whining about cancer are the new cancer
If there was some way of enforcing the over 18 age restriction of /b/ I think a lot of our problems would be solved....
moot needs to:force anondisable text postsROW, ROW, FIGHT THE POWAban camwhoresban laugh lose fagsban dick threadsscourge white knight faggots
>>165676920If you've been here long enough, you'd be a calm, indifferent /b/tard who just goes with the flow. A camwhore thread? Post "tits or gtfo" and move along. Rate my x? 0/10 sage and go back to the main page.That's what /b/'s about. An ocean of piss, trolls, and fail, and we all love it.
omfg i know what happened to /b/ its gotten soft and shit seriously /b/ is full of nothing but faggotry nowadays
/b/ IS cancer
I wish Moot and the mods would B& teenage bullshit like they used to.Maybe we should mass-email M00t or something..
>>165677342youre a faggot, that dude hit the nail on the head
>>165677195Really is no point, take a look at even the shitty chan's. They are still spammed with porn ads and fake urls and crap. No wonder moot makes nothing from advertising, they don't need to pay. They just spam like fuck for free.
ITT NEWFAGS.PROTIP: /b/ was never good.
>>165677236>>165677236>>165677236>>165677236I've been browsing /B/ since thismorning and the quality has DEFINATELY gone downhill!
Most other *chan boards are way to sloow though.
>>165677687Yea /b/ was never true. But /b/ was LESS shitty when all these adds/banners weren't up. That nigger moot sold out.
>>165677736I've been browsing /B/ since an hour ago and the quality has DEFINATELY gone downhill!
/b/ never went anywhere.It's always been shit.Just newfags who think they're oldfags and funny.When you see one, sage goes in all fields.Don't complain about cancer cause only wannabe oldfag newfags complain about cancer.GTFO.
>>165676387Op again...The point.Lets talk about the point3+ years ago, when i had a shit job at a bowling alley, fat as shit, girlfriend less, dealing with nigger after nigger..... it gave me GREAT joy to get a call "mah layne dun work no moe......*slurp of shit cheap beer*" and be able to say " maybe it needs additional pylons...."and get a complete "Wtf" reaction. Or plastering goatse on the inside of the bathroom stalls. Or playing chocolate rain over the sound system on "WACKY OVER PRICED BLACK LIGHT FUCK TARD NIGGER SATURDAY"and when i was extra suck. i came home. opened my little browser here, to see lawl, after lawl, after legit raid. And when i made a post "i hate the fucking niggers and retards at my shit job in my shit life"i wasnt responded to with "niggers not a good word" or "die fatty" or "look at my cahwk" but i was more welcomed with a silent smile and a handshake. and an occasional "burn that place the fuck down anon" its the feeling i miss. Not the feeling of acceptance really, but the feeling of being with others that understood/lived the same day-to-day life.I felt.....at homenow, i feel like i wanna set myself the fuck on fire you fucking 15 year old shit. PIC related , it was a picture i took of this league bowler bitching. As you can see in the background....... non-whites....... being loud and rude.
I hate everyone using the expression "/b/ was never good""/b/ was never good hur durr so there's no need to try to make it fun or entertaining or clever! Because it was never good! HURR!""SURE, /b/ was never good. That's a gimme. But it was never THIS bad. It's been on a constant downward path f, and the Final Destination is Gaia 2.0. We're pretty much there as it is.
>>165677912so if an oldfag complains about newfags, he IS a newfag? nice reasoning there dude
>>165678094/b/ was good back when it got spammed like fuck with CP. Then the mods came in and actually enforced the no CP rule.
>>165678162Oldfags don't post.
>>165678162We never complain about it.We just move on.
There's not really much you can do, the mods/moot doesn't care anymore and lets /b/ roam free unless it's something illegal.We should mass e-mail moot demanding better moderationinb4( I WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST FOR COMPLAINING ABOUT MODERATION)
we also need to stop with the oldfag newfag bullshit, its completely ass to judge someone by how long they have been browsing /b/, its their attitude that should be judged. Inb4 lol u newfag!!!! If a newfag is capable of behaving, and having the same values as an oldfag, then why not call him oldfag?
Protip: You can never be an oldfag, even if you've been here for 6 years... you're still a newfag.
we know it sucks, it always has.congrats for showing us your newfaggyness
>>165678910that reasoning is why the terms even exist
>>165678094>>165678094this a thousand times.
>>165674113>>165675515>>165677985you mad?oldfag or newfag youre still a faggot OPgod forbid you'd go outside and live a lifebut no i have too much e-respect and peoplecare about what i say because ive been viewingthis site for more than 5 years. but hey im a badassright?
hey guize...did you know that /b/ has cancer?...I hope it's not terminal...otherwise i might be sad
i remeber when /b was good!!!
>>165679443...get the FUCK outta my /b/ talking about e-respect.
>>165679443>>165679443>>165679443"go outside" "get life"battle cry of the fucking cancer here...anon had no reason to go outside, or get a life....being anon WAS the reason. Not something we did when we got home from school.get home, myspce, facebook, 4 chan, twitter, email> that was fun.words cant express how much i hate you....
>>165679443hurr durr imma be counterproductive hurr durrif you feel that way why are you even in this thread? go and post some hookup threads or a slowpoke combo
>>165679895Talking in OP perspective you idiot retard cuntpuncher
>>165679895>my /bGTFO
honestly i think you are all twats...thats just. i personally dont give a shit, i stumble here hoping for lulz...someday the real lulz will begin, and thats when i will have my fun, till then fuckoffdieinafirekthnxbai
>>165677985Can I join your quest OP? This place has gone to hell, all the oldfags need to pick up and move on. If only there was a way to keep the newfags from finding the new /b/...
>>165679887/b/ was never good.
>>165680125shit i really did that didnt i...imma go an hero after that bai.
>>165680418u r trolling rigth
>>165680170Oh, oh mai friend. you missed the lawls long ago.... long ago....enjoy the next 200 forced memes......pic related ARIZONA TEA IS NOW A MEME!
>>165680276Hahaha, the second panel in that picture is gold.
i feel ya OPits the attitude that has changed the most, rather than the content (we complained as much at the time as we do now) now these highschool kids treat this board like a ucking secret club hurr durr anonymous is legion, do not forgive etc etc. It all started with the scientology bullshit. I was fucking against it, and i stand by that. All it did was cause epic breaking of rules 1 and 2, causing fox news to get a hold of the story of the internet secret army with their super cool masks and subculture. If we had posted enough gore and cp at the time they would have gone away.
>>165680875around snacks relax
>>165677342>>165677342>>165677342>>165677342>>165677342>>165677342>>165677342>>165677342>>165677342exactly, a shithole, but a glorious shithole
MOTHER FUCKING TEA BITCH!!!!shit is so cash.
>>165681006this video is 4 u http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5ZW75rsYNArule 1 2 dont exist
>>165681474THATS EPIN!
Lawls. arizona iced tea,....... classix.
>>165681596its because of people with your attitude that the current situation is so dire, gtfo
i say we need to start a war with some other random ass site that no one will protest and we just do it to be the bad guys...not a crusade like AUS or Sci-faggotry...just someting to clear out the cancer...also, tits
post 2007=faggot storm.
>>165681596like children that have outgrown and moved on from their parents, we appreciate his efforts, and he is welcome to join the rest of anon with OP and others here along with myself. But he didnt create anon..... we were anon far, FAR long before he made us a place.He gave us dwelling, he doesn't govern us, or create our boundaries. our rules are in place to protect our home (whats left of it) even if he meant well, he had no idea what he welcomed into this place...
>>165681890people are still trying that, attacking christian boards andshit, only now its fail and no one follows through
>>165682308it needs to be something more than christian boards...i mean its pretty sad that the funniest thing that i have seen /b/ produce in a long time is the oprah troll.
>>165682240>>165682240>>165682240>>165682240>>165682240>>165682240oh my jesus.....
/b/ died when snacks leftbring back snacks
oh lawds
>Row RowFight the Fucking Boredom
>>165683072>>165683072>>165683072..... that is waaaaaaay too much Arizona ice tea for one person to drink.....
if you are still in highschool you are a faggot
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqtavAF14fw&NR=1&feature=fvwpbrb head explod
If only we could fix /b/s cancer like this.
op. found this.I think most anon reas this with a sigh of understanding.
>>165683591wait wut?
How about this, instead of being a whiny little bitch and storm off spewing forth such crap as "I'll find a new /b/" .. .. Why not be apart of the change you wish to see on here?
>>165684025its to late you would just be drowned
>>165683591That came off weird, im not OP, i was posting for him. him and his dumbass face.
The last picture I will ever post on 4chan. goodbye /b/, it was fun while it lasted
OK, when did you join /b/? Me, being here since 04, can attest that /b/ has always been shit. It always will be shit. Only difference now is that there are more people adding to the cesspool.
i got mine fags.
>>165684307agreed i couldn't take anymore after 2007 its just to horrible now
>>165684228>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>>165684307oldest image I have is 1154926392580anyone know how to convert that? not unix time...
>>165685017Mon, 07 Aug 2006 04:53:12 GMT
>>165674113Join the war effort. /b/ needs people like you!Pic Related. 888chan/i/
This place fucking sucks. The only reason I come here is to find that one golden thread in a million. Otherwise I just go to the archives and find a lot of unfunny shit and occasionally something with 1 good laugh in it. I forgot how to use the rest of the internet.
/b/ needs to remember how to hate without a cause.we used to destroy for teh lulz
>>165685366>forgot how to use the rest of the interneti swear.....i KNOW i usta do other things... now i get of /b/ , maybe go through jayisgames.com (which sucks ass) and i cant think of anything....i spent 5+ hours a day on the internet, fully entertained, now..... "well /b/ was crap toady........./wrist"
>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629>>165685629praise you and OP sir.praise you both.>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz>destroy for teh lulz
>>165683352>Sea of newfags blurting out memesHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG
>>165681006I agree with this anon. I say thread needs to be repeated and a date and time when cp/gore will be reposted as fast as possible. Every cancerous thread shall be raided. The fact is that we are the 1337 few here that actually care about our favorite waste of time changing. When i first started lurking, although i am not claiming to be an "oldfag" i saw goatse maybe 50+ times a day. I waited a full month before i posted. I lurked, then i lurked some more. I got the feeling, the hivemind of anon and then i knew. I gradually learned what /b/ was about. Nowadays new people see a "rate me" thread and they thing, "oh this is cool just like facebook but i can post my cock". They get the impression that /b/ is about that shit. You could argue that /b/ is a random board, but god damn we aren't facebook or gaia. A good example is one of my good friends started sending me motivationals, all of which i had already seen and lulz'd. He openly spouted memes and didn't even care about anything we represented. He didn't even know what damn noko meant. I raged but realized that it's inevitable. goodnight sweet /b/tl;dr fuck you.
It must be a shut in retard thing. I just dont get the attention this subject gets, i mean really, you hate 4chan........uh......BYEwho cares? one less retard.btw, i LIKE the raff threads. fuckwit.
Its on /b/rotherspic related
>>165686157I never save gore pics, but now i wish i had a good gorefolder to dump in cancerthreads.
>*RUDE IS NOW INV1TES ONLY, GET YOUR ACCOUNT NOW* http://demonhits.com/inv/utlzp5
You like the Raff threads because you haven't fucking seen every picture in them 4,000 times. Stop trolling and come up with some OC for christ sake.
targetfag and owner of pedotalk.com (AT.com)insurgen.infoAre you an /i/nsurgent?
spambots are keeping this from the 404
CP for the win!!!!!!!!!!
>>165686157 hereI remember a few weeks back there was a banhappy mod, and every OP of a cancerous thread was b&. The front page was full of bans. I was so happy, i thought there was finally going to be some change. Then the people were quickly unbanned and the same old shit started up again. Damn mods are there, they just like to get my hopes up. Or maybe m00t was feeling butthurt.
This is OP.For the 2-3 anons in this thread.I hate this place now as much as you, and for all our trouble, this place will go down in flames.>>165686157this anon hit it on the head. Im just glad i knew this place as a home for a while. but it will eventually burn with everything else that deserves to be eternal. /b/ will die, and the cancer will carry on.Like a post WWII Germany... House without...house...... just a bunch of ass hat PEONS with no main attraction.im too tired to be poetic here.....i hate you fags for ruining the only place i felt like i could /b/
404 is inevitable because anyone who cares doesn't and those that don't are trolling.
>>165674113You, sir, are and idiot. :(
>>165674113OP i think you have a point that /b/ has been pretty crap lately, but please i would like to know what is /b/ ment to be like? i've been comeing here for two years, mainly for a good laugh and to collect porn, but personaly this is how /b/ is, i will go well then get worse then continue the circle of /b/
>>165687783yet im still lurking, lying in wait at 2am. Hoping that maybe one day i won't have to refresh the front page 20+ times before i see something ~possibly~ worthwhile. One suggestion is seriously look at the other boards on 4chan. they may move slower but damn you can really find some good shit on them.
>>165687783good-bye anon.most of us are right behind you.
This thread died because there is a post your cawk thread going. Along with 30 Copypastas from 3 months ago.
/b/ has been going downhill since the beginningnewfags notice the cancer after a while and QQ like its big news. /b/ is shit and always has been shit.now gtfo off of my internet
>>165687783for you and all the people who think a website was your QQ shelter from the worldsounds like a personal problem
this just came up on my playlist....... too perfect. My heart...... its broken.The ice is getting thin- Death Cab for Cutie.We're not the same, dear, as we used to beThe seasons have changed and so have weThere was little we could say and even less that we could doTo stop the ice from getting thinner under me and youWe buried our love in the wintery graveA lump in the snow was all that remainedBut we stayed by its side, as the days turned to weeksAnd the ice kept getting thinner with every word that we'd speakWhen the spring arrived, we were taken by surpriseWhen the flows under our feet bled into the seaAnd nothing was left for you and meWe're not the same dear and it seems to meThere's nowhere we can go with nothing underneathThen it saddens me to say what we both knew was trueThat the ice was getting thinner under me and youThe ice was getting thinner under me and you
>>165688720i wonder what he was listening to as he died. Hopefully it was something worthwhile like "O Fortuna!" I always thought of how cool it would be if i was listening to some classical music and i got in a fatal accident and the cops would notice and think about the situation for a second or two more than they normally would. A tragic but epic end.
>>165688874>>165688935i dream of killing you.
>>165688874>implying that you have been here from the beginning>implying that 4chan is just a shit website>implying that you are better than anyone else in this thread.
just go and sage the cancer if you really care that much (and if you can be bothered, which i can't). the spam annoys me much more than the newfags any way, but i just ignore both and go to a different board if theres nothing good.but i do agree the standard of /b/ has dropped in the last year or so. much more 15 year olds lurking.
>>165689534nice picnow gtfo
>>165689534lewl he mad
typical wapanfag
In all honesty who cares who's been here since "the beginning"... oh wait i just labeled myself a newfag..
cancerous:advice dog ripoffs of any kindpost your pic/sister/cock/girlfriend bullshitfurrygay threadsbaww threadsobvious troll threadspretending /b/ was shitty. shut the fuck up. really you can bitch and whine, but don't tell me you've spent a couple years on /b/ and never laughed your ass offspamroll threads of any kindthreads that link to any kind of dumbass camwhoring sitesaying ANY meme or ANYthing related to nigger tits IRL^ that includes: fail, win, epic, lulz, adjective noun is adjectivegod damn you people need to stop that shit. "i've got boring homework"1 reply "boring homework is boring LULZUZLZULZULZUZ"not cancer:gorereaction images(once a week finding) something thats funnyfeel free to add im sure i missed something
>>165689797maybe when sage actually does something. Which may be coming soon is you read m00t's news.
>thisanon.fuck you cancer.
this thread is now a gore dumpall hail this baby
time for sleep goodnight anon it's been fun ranting.
PROTIP: for all you newfags out there talking about saging who are doinitrong, which so far has been everyone. Shit is pointless unless you post a fucking picture with it fucktards.The entire point of saging is to spam the image count until it reaches the limit so that the thread dies and falls off the board, the acutal "sage" itself only makes it so that the thread doesn't bump to the top page.Saging without the pic does nothing but spam threads with useless shit faggots