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  • File : 1254168668.jpg-(94 KB, 407x405, Ditzy-Governess-IM-AGAINST-PUBLIC-HEALTH(...).jpg)
    94 KB Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:11:08 No.163850121  
    This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy.

    I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility.

    After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the national weather service of the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. I watched this while eating my breakfast of US department of agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the food and drug administration.

    At the appropriate time as regulated by the US congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory, I get into my national highway traffic safety administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the environmental protection agency, using legal tender issued by the federal reserve bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the US postal service and drop the kids off at the public school.
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:11:53 No.163850276
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    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:12:39 No.163850416
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:13:20 No.163850543

    btw, liked your post. :D
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:13:21 No.163850546
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:13:21 No.163850548
    ...i'm... i'm not being turned on by any of this.

    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:13:28 No.163850575
    what's your point?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:14:05 No.163850678
    tits or gtfo
    fucking newfags
    (insert standard remark)
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:14:04 No.163850685
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:14:34 No.163850759
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:14:49 No.163850810
    (insert comment about same person reposting)
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:15:07 No.163850871
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:15:19 No.163850911
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:16:05 No.163851050
    good job op
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:16:17 No.163851100
    You can leave anytime you want.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:16:34 No.163851147
    Failin' Palin thread go
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:17:19 No.163851299
    fuck tripfags are growing in number
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:17:36 No.163851350
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:18:07 No.163851439
    OP I love you.
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:18:33 No.163851526
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    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:19:52 No.163851776
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:20:39 No.163851906

    This thread is so full of truth it almost hurts.
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:20:57 No.163851971
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    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:21:56 No.163852135
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:22:21 No.163852209
    this is so derp

    yes, they supply those services, but getting power to your home is MUCH different than organizing and executing a public healthcare system.

    also consider that most of those services are relatively straightforward. and even then they mess up often.
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:22:45 No.163852298
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:23:38 No.163852467
    Here I thought anon had no opinions..
    Course this thread is irrelevant due to tripfagging
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:24:08 No.163852561

    Just because things MIGHT not go completely fucking smoothly is no reason to fucking pan the whole thing. It's FUCKING EMBARASSING to be the biggest, richest country on the fucking planet and have people uninsured.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:24:54 No.163852713
    Why should we care if people are uninsured? It's there own damn fucking health they should pay for it.
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:24:58 No.163852727
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    the point stands that it is something that should be regulated, just because it is a little more complicated is no excuse.

    90% of the rest of the 1st world has figured out how to make it work, I don't think its really that hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:26:05 No.163852918
    Hey OP! Guess what! No one cares about your fucking opinion!! Go blog and bitch somewhere else
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:26:54 No.163853091

    why would the poor say poor?
    i dun get it, does saying it help them or what?
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:26:58 No.163853102
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    Because the majority of americans aren't trust fund babies.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:27:26 No.163853182

    Hey fucktard - YOU don't care. I do. Fuck you you little faggot ass cunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:27:33 No.163853197
    Then the majority of americans can go fuck off and die
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:27:47 No.163853238
    FAILIN PALIN! this is win op ty.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:27:47 No.163853242

    HR3200 is a disaster that will entrench the worst parts of our current health care system and solve none of its problems. HR3200 is the pussy way out, the sniveling corporate compromise way out.

    HR676, or don't fucking bother me.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:28:08 No.163853299
    Public health care works fine in every other civilized country. Try asking people from said countries their opinion, rather than getting it second hand via Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.

    Actually, fuck that. If you sincerely believe public health care will turn us into a worse version of the Third Reich, just kill yourself and gtfo my gene pool.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:28:15 No.163853320
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:28:49 No.163853427
    let me put it another way

    social security is going to be bankrupt by 2020 or so.
    the DOA's buyup of student loans is already causing huge financial problems for students.
    obama's "money to everyone" concept of bailouts is causing further economic decay, yet he wants to push 850 billion worth of public healthcare.

    way i see it, it isn't going to work (And it really doesn't in other countries, the only reason it works over there if because people try to stay healthier so they don't have to go to the shitty doctor) until a few years from now when we can automate a large portion of medical procedures and doctors can do "remote surgeries" for relatively cheap.

    also consider we have the most advanced health care in the world due to our private system. It might be expensive but we can actually tell you that you might recover from cancer instead of saying "you have a year"
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:29:01 No.163853457

    Come make me, fucker. COME FUCKING MAKE ME.

    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:29:26 No.163853533
    Awww.. you care? How cute... aww why don't you go back to a fucking b'aww thread bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:30:03 No.163853653
    in before someone says this isn't funny but laughs their ass off at failin palin
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:30:12 No.163853675
    OP is a tripfag.. nice try though
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:30:13 No.163853681
    The only reason it is so complicated is because insurance companies make it so. The healthcare system we have now is like a casino, the house always wins and the customer always loses.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:30:30 No.163853732

    so what's for breakfast then?
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:30:34 No.163853749
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:30:51 No.163853807
    American conservatives fall into two categories:

    1) The rich and evil.

    2) The poor and stupid.

    If you're a typical 13 year old Ron Paul fanatic, I hate to break it to you but you're probably the latter (even if you're going to major in engineering at community college; rich = net worth of > $10,000,000).
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:31:16 No.163853890
    This isn't funny.. this is serious business.. We're on the fucking interwebs man... Shit could happen
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:31:17 No.163853894
    Yet the majority of those in charge ARE trust fund babies. The fact is if you can't make enough money to afford health care then you're a fuck up. Stop supporting a bullshit plan that, much like any other government run institution, will be grossly inefficient and just put us farther in debt.

    You want free health care? Wait until America no longer owes China more than it can make or move to Canada.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:31:30 No.163853933

    YOU condescending to anyone on /b/ is a fucking rich joke, faggot.


    So you propose we do NOTHING? Sorry. That's just not going to fucking happen.
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:32:16 No.163854086
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:32:21 No.163854095

    HR3200 will only make it even MORE complex. pave over the whole fucking disaster with an american NHS, or leave it alone. there is no "in between" with a prayer of working.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:32:26 No.163854110

    don't worry, your entire political party thinks this way.

    that said, there are some pretty shrewd practices they partake in,but some competition would fix that right up, not making it heavily regulated and public.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:32:29 No.163854115
    You're... you're raging?!?! Dear god! It's a retard! Quick, everyone flame him!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:32:47 No.163854166

    I don't fucking recall asking for your fucking approval. I care like your mom cares for nigger dick. A FUCKING LOT.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:32:54 No.163854190
    YOu're retarded for two reasons.
    1. OP's post isn't a bash on capitalism, its in defnse of government programs.
    2. Socialism=/=Communism
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:33:22 No.163854272
    Ever notice how you have to pretend every liberal is a hardcore Marxist in order to make fun of them, but all you need to make fun of a Republican is to repeat what they say?
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:33:31 No.163854298
    > I'm priviledged and can preach from the comfort and security of either my parent's home or job my parents got me.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:34:01 No.163854415
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:34:25 No.163854473
    i really do hope nothing happens.

    why are you so fucking fixed on pushing this right now? are you worried that the public will realize your party is a bunch or raving lunatics and vote you out of the senate and whitehouse?

    there is always the future bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:34:52 No.163854565

    This is how a fucktard argues: ignoring the topic and instead tossing around shit like this while masturbating furiously.

    I'm going to preemptively laugh at your side fucking losing. Buh haw haw hawwww.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:35:12 No.163854631
    > I'm an over opinionated bitch who thinks her observations on the world are deserving of a post that includes tripfaggotry. Oh wait, 99% sure I'm a troll disregard that I suck cocks.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:35:37 No.163854705
    Hey Kristi, slut, how about you drop your swiss cheese opinion? Go back to posting porn of drawn chicks who look about 1/3 the size of you.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:35:55 No.163854747

    you're evidently new here if you consider him to be raging. fucking newfags.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:36:13 No.163854809
    Wow really.. the internet is serious business gais.. Look at me I'm so awesome I'm having an internets argument!!
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:37:02 No.163854964
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:37:35 No.163855061
    >I support the government handing everything to me because I'm too lazy to go out there and achieve anything myself.

    It's easy to play that game isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:37:37 No.163855064
    >This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy.

    You know, in Britain the electric companies don't have a monopoly. There are about half a dozen different corporations I can buy my electricity and gas from.

    I'm surprised that America, generally considered to the right-wing of Britain, still hasn't opened up the electricity market.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:38:40 No.163855264
    Only the government can have a monopoly.. just ask Bell
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:39:30 No.163855432
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:40:14 No.163855556
    Let's get some rule 34 palin in here! Wait nvm someone actually did that..
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:41:00 No.163855685
    > Getting a six-figure paying job is easy, you just need to want it bad enough

    If only everyone were as driven and motivated as you
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:41:04 No.163855701

    There is a downside to that though.

    New power stations are a pain to get built.

    First you need to get corporate will to pay for them then political will to get them authorised.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:41:23 No.163855761

    Quote a no longer relevant far right wing moron.

    Stereotype conservatives.

    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:41:36 No.163855805
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:42:20 No.163855962
    Yes.. if only people were driven and motivated.
    Instead let's just give them everything they need!
    To God I hope that you were being sarcastic with that statement.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:42:36 No.163856020

    You, sir, are and idiot. :3
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:43:10 No.163856133
    It's called going to college, not taking a bullshit major, and selling yourself on the job market. Enjoy basking in mediocrity for the rest of your life.
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:43:23 No.163856171
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    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:44:32 No.163856419
    Funny I did that, but the job market is already over-saturated thanks to the economic crash.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:44:37 No.163856437
    I can solve this thread once and for all! First we start a midnight vigil. We'll light some candle, jack some thermite, light the cit
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:45:01 No.163856520
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    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:45:14 No.163856547
    So go back to the kitchen then..
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:45:19 No.163856572
    If you bitch about conservatives enough

    Obama will come and give you everything you need to survive for nothing! Fuck national debt!

    How old are you, 16?
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:45:57 No.163856690
    I fail to see how public heathcare is spoiling people.

    Considering its damn near impossible to find a five figure job with heath insurance I think the problem is more the inaccessability of heathcare not the money people are making.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:46:01 No.163856707
    I sat on my dusty barcalounger for eight years while a flunkie product of nepotism ran my country in the ground financially, allowed terrorists to crash planes into buildings, and got two of my sons killed in two separate wars. I did nothing.

    But I'll be godDAMNED if some nigger is going to tax the super rich and give health care to niggers and spics. Martha, get the keys for the Camry. We're going to buy some sign-making supplies.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:46:13 No.163856752
    No she's a college graduate who is an alcohol and is destroying her family
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:46:56 No.163856891
    Do you know what a bed sore is? I'd prefer to let them die.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:47:02 No.163856913

    Of course the job market is over saturated with art majors. They're all worthless.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:47:07 No.163856932

    You, sir, are and idiot. :(
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:47:12 No.163856950
    All health insurance companies are already subsidized by the government (i.e. MY tax dollars). They are also paid for by our monthly payments. Then, when we actually need their services, we have to pay them again... if we can't pay them three times for the same service (which is actually not rendered by them in any way), then we can just fucking die, and they'll keep our money. Unless you're Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, you're one illness away from bankruptcy.
    >> Kristi !kDhq979r3w 09/28/09(Mon)16:47:31 No.163857009
    I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over all the truth I'm posting.

    Maybe you could try responding without using gross mis-generalizations of people who don't have access to adequate heathcare. Just a thought.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:47:46 No.163857051
    Eh, Kristi is a pretty cool chick speaks words and isn't afraid of the kitchen.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:47:54 No.163857099
    wow op, dat looks liek sum copypasta
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:49:00 No.163857321
    >> Anonymous 09/28/09(Mon)16:49:08 No.163857347

    What a maroon.

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