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  • File : 1252974240.jpg-(151 KB, 442x599, patrick.jpg)
    151 KB Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:24:00 No.160477207  
    Goodnight Sweet Prince
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:24:30 No.160477323
    wait what?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:24:44 No.160477378
    that guys bald
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:24:45 No.160477381
         File1252974285.jpg-(19 KB, 400x297, wtfisthis.jpg)
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    NOOOOOOO! why not boxi lord? why not her?!?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:24:48 No.160477400
    oh shut the fook up you prawn
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:02 No.160477444
    oh no!

    William Shatner... why?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:08 No.160477466
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:13 No.160477484
    OP is a newfag who doesnt know how this meme works.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:16 No.160477501
    I fucking love John Travolta.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:18 No.160477510

    Boy, Keanu looks really bald in that pic.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:26 No.160477542

    Not Jacko!!
    >> anon 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:30 No.160477553
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:43 No.160477604
    So sad, we'll miss you Steve Martin.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:25:44 No.160477613
    Holy shit I didn't know he was dead.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:26:10 No.160477699
    so tragic
    >> NigraSoup !Ep8pui8Vw2 09/14/09(Mon)20:26:21 No.160477734
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:26:21 No.160477736
    He's name is Jean Luc not Patrick for fuck sakes
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:26:26 No.160477755
         File1252974386.jpg-(13 KB, 406x310, picard_finger.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:26:32 No.160477774
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:26:35 No.160477790
    no! not nicholas cage!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:26:43 No.160477803
         File1252974403.jpg-(20 KB, 288x192, MURPHY.jpg)
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    why do the funny ones have to go?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:26:54 No.160477844
    What happened to Frank Sinatra now?
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:27:04 No.160477881
    I was going to be ded patrick swayze for halloween. I was getting worried.,0,7263071.story
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:27:28 No.160477959
    wtf? his name is patrick stewart idiot
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:27:32 No.160477977
    i-wow newfag ruining goodnight sweet prince that was the last khemo left for /b/ and you fucking ruined it god damn you newfag
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:27:41 No.160478012
    WTF? Eddie Van Halen? What happened to him? I be tit was throat cancer.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:27:52 No.160478050
         File1252974472.jpg-(22 KB, 347x523, 1251665048898.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:28:54 No.160478267
         File1252974534.jpg-(54 KB, 800x640, Doing It Wrong - Razr.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:29:22 No.160478370
    rip tupac amir shakur
    you are with baby Jesus, crucified Jesus and resurrected Jesus now, say hello to Michael Jackson for me.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:30:51 No.160478721
    What's black and doesn't work?

    Patrick Swayze's pancreas.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:31:01 No.160478746
    it was tongue cancer.
    too many hot licks I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:31:55 No.160478953
         File1252974715.gif-(6 KB, 202x196, Bumpitup.gif)
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    bump this magic
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:33:21 No.160479253
    I lol'ed so hard
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:33:43 No.160479351
         File1252974823.jpg-(55 KB, 594x363, motivational3.jpg)
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    op you suck at life
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:33:45 No.160479362
    I for one am saddened, /b/ ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:34:15 No.160479458
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:34:16 No.160479471
         File1252974856.jpg-(98 KB, 592x320, 0718175509.jpg)
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    I saw captain picard at a swinger's party... he was fucking a black bitch and jacking off some dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:34:35 No.160479527
    man, I loved Dirty Dozen!
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:34:46 No.160479571
    OP's troll exp pts. +3
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:35:02 No.160479633
         File1252974902.gif-(252 KB, 170x102, vagattack.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:36:36 No.160479958
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:37:11 No.160480073
         File1252975031.jpg-(33 KB, 538x463, I HAS take me serious fin 5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:40:28 No.160480815
    That's Jade Goody, numbnuts...
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:41:05 No.160480954
    Patrick Swayze is now a ghost.
    >> Anonymous 09/14/09(Mon)20:41:54 No.160481142

    he is alive u dumb shit.

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