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  • File : 1252728490.jpg-(9 KB, 375x275, b.jpg)
    9 KB Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:08:10 No.159772626  
    /b/ I need you to give me the obligatory mixture of 'an hero,' go fuck yourself, and (tiny portion) legitimate advice.

    I'm clinically depressed, have been for most of a decade. The depression meds, the weight I've lost, and the feelings I've invented for the friend of a friend are just ways of convincing those few people who pretend to care about me that I'm making progress.

    My best friend's wife, who used to be a good friend of mine, can't stand to be anywhere near me, but pretends to like me. She is the most tactile person I've ever known, with her other friends, she cuddles, holds them, and sits in their laps... but none of them, nor her husband, think anything of it. It makes me feel like a leper.

    She thinks I'm in love with her, but I'm not, I just want to feel close to someone. If I envy her husband (my best friend) I envy her just as much, for what they share. I think about about killing myself everyday, but can't because of what it would do to a few people.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:09:55 No.159773031
    do it faggots.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:10:43 No.159773226
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    Only end to pain is an end to life.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:11:17 No.159773346
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:12:13 No.159773555
    shameless bump
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:12:16 No.159773575
    punch something
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:13:34 No.159773863
    I do, I once bruised my knuckle so bad it bruised through to my palm.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:14:18 No.159774028
    Look into counseling with a counselor who uses "Internal Family Systems" (if you can), and make sure that counselor is certified in EMDR.

    You might also look into Neurofeedback. Shit works. That's my advice.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:15:06 No.159774190
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:15:41 No.159774314
    I'm afraid to seek any help beyond my family doctor, for fear my job will find out and find a reason to fire me. If they knew the person they had in my position had an emotional problem like mine, they couldn't stand for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:15:43 No.159774322
    Im sure you're a fine gentleman that has much to contribute to society.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:15:47 No.159774343
    > My best friend's wife, who used to be a good friend of mine, can't stand to be anywhere near me.

    That's like all my friends.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:17:23 No.159774696

    Does anyone else feel like there is a bubble around them that people don't enter without obligatory or sarcastic subtext?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:17:39 No.159774746
    I lover you anon

    :3 *hugs*
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:18:54 No.159775020
    You've come to the wrong place.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:18:56 No.159775023
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:20:05 No.159775266

    I know exactly where I've come.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:20:41 No.159775407
    are you stupid, it's your life, do what you want with it?

    remember when everyone tells us not to worry about what others think? well that still applies, do what you think is best, dont use other people as an excuse
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:21:43 No.159775644
    Has anyone ever realized that you people are asking advice on an imageboard? like wtf....
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:23:29 No.159776022

    Yes, yes I have. But this is the one place I am sure to find people who will be brutally honest.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:28:41 No.159777180
    It's k anon. It's k.
    It's not that she's thinks you're a leper or afraid that you're in love with her. She really wouldn't give a fuck if that was the issue. You think, she's fucking married, that she'd give a fuck if she's cuddly with someone like you? How are you any different from her other cuddle buddies? I'll tell you how. You're the best friend. The closest link to her husband.

    And hey, maybe SHE'S the one in love with YOU. She's scared that if she does she might feel something out. Psychology, my friend, isn't always a joke Freud used to get away with the boner he had for his own mother.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:28:57 No.159777236

    Wait...are you talking about organs?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:30:48 No.159777639
    that would make sense.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/09(Sat)00:35:02 No.159778540
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    Regardless of who you are, anon, you are loved by a complete stranger.

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