What does /b/ think about Sea Monsters?I mean, most of the earth is covered in water! And it goes deeper than we can even measure. And then you get shit like The Slow Down or The Bloop. Which are huge noises created underwater with no apparent cause.I think there could be some kickass monsters down under.What does /b/ think?
I think we would have seen them by now. Maybe millions of years ago...
>>146284871loch ness monster?
I wish, but there isn't much of a food supply down there. Or maybe there are a bunch of fucking huge monsters that eat each other. I forget the % of our oceans that are unmapped, but the number is amazingly high. There has to be some shit down there.
>>146284871Yeah, hence the stories of The Kraken and stuff. I mean they had to start somewhere
Sound travels strangely underwater. Explosions from WWII still echo.
Wikipedia: Bloop + Slowdown
fucking huge kickass monsters need some fucking huge kickass amount of food, and there's not enough food that deep in the water, so there's no big creatures there.Some freaky, small ones though.... pic related. Some fucked up shit if you ask me
Wikipedia: Abyssal gigantism
>there's not enough food that deep in the water, so there's no big creatures there.Not true.
Nah, I reckon they could be like hibernating for a thousand years or something.If you think about it the tales of sea monsters must have started somewhere
Sea monsters are cool, though I wonder about the possibility of magma/lava dwelling monsters.Just imagine it, an volcano exploding. A village lies at its base, all the people are going,"Shit! We're about to be roasted!"Then, this huge ass motherfucker with tectonic-plate skin comes out from the volcano, screeching and breathing fire.
I see monsters
I think it would be really cool if there was. People didnt think that there was any life in the deepest oceans until that was proved wrong. the deepest part of the ocean is like 10k down
>>146285419>>146285548/r/ing some more awesome stuff like this.
>>146285342Really? That's pretty cool.
They do exist.
To be honest, I have a very real fear of giant squids and other unknown things of the deep. I wish we would spend at least half the money we spend going in to space on exploring the rest of our planet.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/02/0217_050217_seamap.htmlAccording to this article 90% of the seafloor is unmapped. (in 2005) maybe moar nao
>>146286252It's the tiny shit you should be worried about. Here's a 2.5cm Irukandji jellyfish.
Spoiler: The aliens are down there. hEhEHHhehEhEHHE
>>146286060>>146286060Imagine being on a ship, carrying spices and tobacco, when suddenly a thunderous rumbling shakes the very planks on the deck.With a gigantic splash a tentacle emerges on the left side of the ship about 20 metres away and crashes down onto the deck, whilst people are running and screaming. You run to the side of the deck to see if you can catch a glimpse of the creature as you see more tentacles slowly creeping up the side of the ship. You hear one final thunderous roar as the tentacles wrap around the deck and begin dragging down. The last thing you know, is the sound of the ship creaking and crunching as every plank snaps and twists.
I bet they have parties down there...Sweet, kickass parties that we're just not invited to.
IRL Chthulhu?
>>146287150That actually gave me a chill reading that
>>146287150Oh wait never mind, apparently some of us do get invited after all.
>>146287327You're a fag.
>>146287430I lol'd
SEA MONSTARS ARE AWESOME.I really hope there are some fucking pro ass monsters in the sea; and they chomp on shit like there's no tomorrow.OMG OMGSEA MONSTERS DID 9/11
did someone say...sea monsters?
>>146287150Toooooo much pirates of the caribbean :D
>>146287150<-->>146286060oh man that would be sweet
>>146287430I also lol'd
We don't know shit about the ocean
>>146287915excpet a million times better without that fag jonny depp
>>146287800That is the scariest thing I have ever fucking seen.
>>146284707you're not an oldfag 'til you've seen thishttp://rapidshare.com/files/254071840/mggog8fsj1.zip
>>146286184Watch "The Deep" episode of BBC's Blue Planet series. Shit brix.Humans have only reached the bottom of the Marianas Trench with a robot a few years ago. We don't know shit about what lives down there. 99% sure there is something like a 200+ foot long mega squid we haven't discovered yet.
>>146288473I know, right?
>>146286184http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quacker_(sound)They were fucking with Soviet subs.
>>146288562Ocean is closer to homeAnd obviously there's some crazy shit out in space!
>>146288973It looks like it is trying to smile at me and that blank stare on the it's face. Thanks, its not like I wanted to sleep tonight or anything.
i wish some huge shit monster would come out of the sea like in cloverfield.. that would be fuckin epic
>>146288935Downloading now. Thanks.>>146289195Thank you as well.This is one of the things I find most interesting.
>>146286252>>146286252>>146286252FUCKING THIS
digging this thread
>>146290489That one's a shark or some shit like that. It was already proven.
>>146284707here's how to hackhttp://rapidshare.com/files/254071840/mggog8fsj1.zip
First off, as a Navy man and a submariner, if you think there aren't large creatures deep in the water then you're an idiot.We've only BARELY begun to catch glimpses of Giant Squids, which are massive creatures. We've corpses of Giant Squid that were preyed upon by...something unidentifiable. The Bloop is excellent evidence.Furthermore, as any moron with half a brain would know, the pressures that deep are so massive that for a creature to come even close to depths where we could see it it would have to travel to a depth of the ocean where the lack of pressure would instantly kill them and their corpse would sink back into the water. The "Durr we would've seen them!" argument is moronic. EVERY time we send a submersible to the deepest parts of the ocean we discover, ON AVERAGE, 10 new species. Every time. There has never been a deep-dive that hasn't shown at least 1 new species. 2/3's of the Earth is water. We still find new animals on the land and we cover every inch of it. And you think we know even half of what goes on underwater? Yeah, sure we do.
Best thread I've seen on /b/ for a while
>>146291588seconded. well there have been a few good ones, but this one's one of the best for today.
ya i dig this thread
>>146291023To further expand on my point here, until we actually sent a submersible to the deepest parts of the ocean, scientists were convinced it was 100% impossible for life to exist down there.Then they discovered these:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrothermal_vent#Biological_communities
I think there's like a huge fucking lumbering beast, the size of an island just laid dormant on the ocean floor.
>>146291060Samefag here, read this too:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essex_(whaleship)
>>146292485sauce? or just troll?
I love this thread
>>146284871That fish that we thought to be extinct?Or those Giant Squids. We didnt see them for a while.I believe in them. Those trenches are fucking deep and long.
Hm...as much as I like to imagine a gargantuan monster lurking in the lowest depths of the sea, I somewhat doubt it. Sure; it's possible. But every is imagining it as if it could "just exist." Where did it come from? I can't think of any reason a creature would need to evolve to become that large at the depths people are describing here.
>>146293337I think I just shat myself.
>>146292928>>146292928Not a troll, just a thought of what could be down there
>>146293337Didn't want to sleep tonight anywayThanks
you guys ever hear of cloverfield
>>1462933333333 get. also, interesting thought, but I'll hold onto my imagination for now.
>>146293333LMFAO! Moron. Tell that to the Megalodon, Blue Whale, and Giant Squid. Then, when you're done, consider that those creatures live high enough in the water that we're able to actually find them.Now consider that something deeper than a Blue Whale can dive preys on Giant Squids. Feel free to leave you theories in the shitter where they belong.
I'm the one who sinks boatz lol
>EVERY time we send a submersible to the deepest parts of the ocean we discover, ON AVERAGE, 10 new speciesBest part of "The Deep" episode of Blue Planet was every 10 minutes, the narrator says "We've never seen this species of fish/cephapod/thingee before."Shit's wild down there.
>>146294064Em....What about animals that exist?
>>146294132Agreed, man, that was amazing! And they were in relatively explored parts of the ocean.
>>146294064None of the creatures you mentioned lived at the incredible depths that we're discussing here. Try again.
Fun sounds from the deep:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_Down_(unidentified_sound)Just listen to the .ogg and imagine hearing that while driving around in a submarine :D
>>146290310The rest of the Blue Planet series is A+ work. Beautiful cinematography. Watch the whole series with the lights out on a good HD screen. It's one of my favorite DVDs ever. I've watched it a dozen times.
I want to find old spanish treasure ships
>>146294252>>146294252Uhhhh...you do realize that ALL three of those creatures exist, right? Moron? Right? You do realize that right?And you do realize that the ONLY animal anyone knows of that is large enough to prey on Giant Squids is a Blue Whale? But Giant Squids live at a depth too deep for blue whales to dive to, therefore it's impossible for Blue Whales to prey on Giant Squid. So what's killing them? What leaves scars on their bodies? Feel free to try and answer what no marine biologist can.
>>146293337This is true btw.Some more things about those.The tentacles of the Giant Squid is lined with suction cups and teeth.The tentacles of the Colossal squid is lined with not only those 2 but also sharp hooks.When it grabs you you're screwed.
>>146294064Megalodon has been extenct since the dinosaurs you tit
>>146294467>>146294467>>146294467>>None of the creatures you mentioned lived at the incredible depths that we're discussing here. Try again.That's the POINT you dumb cunt. First off, Giant Squids do live at incredible depths. Second, if Giant Squids, which live at the mid-range of the ocean are fucking enormous, are preyed upon by something down there, and we've only barely glimpsed their existence, saying that we know "everything" that lives down there makes you a fucking retard.
>>146294673....I'm just going to have one last facepalm at how stupid you are and then go to bed. k thnx bye
>>146294673sperm whale. not a blue whale. blues have no teeth
>>146294889>>146294889>>Megalodon has been extenct since the dinosaurs you titNo shit, retard. He was asking how something SO ENORMOUS could evolve. The point is that that shit already HAS evolved.Congrats on being fucking braindead.
>>146294351The strangest part was that weird sulfur lake they discovered at the bottom of the ocean. Plus the shark with the huge eyes that fed on dead crap that fsank to the floor of the ocean. And those worm things eating the dead whale.Plus all of the skeery angler fish with phosphorescent lures. The whole thing was great.Fuck, I'm going to go watch it again right now.
>>146294064For something to get that big it has to have a big diet. Those diets can only be sustained by hunting larger prey in shallower depths. We saw wounds on whales from Giant Squid long before we actually found giant squid. The biosphere past a certain point is too sparse to support large sea creatures that don't hunt higher up because there is no fucking light. The chances of anything besides a maybe a new species of whale is remote.
>>146295054>>146295054He said LIVE, not livED...fucking shit for brains
Awesome thread
>>146295054The question is, how does some kid on 4chan as stupid as you evolve?
http://www.sidereel.com/BBC%3A_The_Blue_Planet/_watchlinkviewer/4The Deep, BBC, watch it right now, anon delivers.
lol what do you mean by sea monster?a HUGE animal that we dont know much about and has some form of intelligence? blue whales are massive. 32.9 meters long. they live for 80 years and are highly verbal. you know those old sea monster stories written in seamates log books and shit? bowhead whales have been found with ancient spear points stuck in their blubber.pic related
>The tentacles of the Colossal squid is lined with not only those 2 but also sharp hooks.They find sperm whales with battle scars from fights with Giant Squid all the time.I wish a scientist discovers a Super Giant Squid before I die. KRAKEN LIVES
I don't think we're really discussing the depth these predator's lived at whilst still alive, rather the theory that somehow, trapped by miles of freezing water above them, the survivor could thrive in the waters heated by the thermal vents in the bottom mile of the ocean, such as the Mariana.
/b/, check out the movie Mega Shark vs. Giant Octupus, it will answer all your questions on this subject
>>146295396thanks :D
>>146295199>>146295199For something to get that big it has to have a big diet. Those diets can only be sustained by hunting larger prey in shallower depths.HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!They have to feed on "larger" prey? You're a marine biologist now, fucktard? Blue Whales are one of the largest animals we know to have ever existed on the planet.They subsist almost entirely on "Krill' which are shrimp. Shrimp that are, on average, 1-2 centimeters long.Furthermore, Krill have been found as deep as 3,500 feet deep in the ocean.Enjoy your stupidity, you have lots of it Mr. Internet-Marine-Biologist.
>>146294673maybe they are emo
>>146284707> And it goes deeper than we can even measure.Umm. we've traveled to the deepest part of the ocean a while back. We don't have anything that can go down that far now, but they did it a long time ago. 50's I think?
>>146295396You rock, anon.
>>146295289>He said LIVE, not livED...fucking shit for brainsWhich is why I mentioned the Blue Whale and Giant Squid, which do "live". And are bigger. Hurf Durf, you's a smart one arentcha?
>>146295666Hah! I watched that one, fucking hilarious stuff, also bad acting a la -extreme-
>>146295919smart enough to clarify when I mention something that is extinct alongside creatures that still exist. Huurrr duurrrrr
>>146284707I shall leave this herehttp://rapidshare.com/files/254071840/mggog8fsj1.zip
>>146294673Sperm whales eat giant squid. It's their primary source of food.
>>146295666Wtf Alan??
>>146285325havent seen that one in a while
This thing creeps me the fuck out.
>Umm. we've traveled to the deepest part of the ocean a while back. We don't have anything that can go down that far now, but they did it a long time ago. 50's I think?Humans have sent one (1) robot to the bottom of the Marianas Trench. We've surveyed something like 0.1% of the ocean floor. You're retarded if you think we haven't discovered all of the mega fauna that live in the bottom of the ocean.Also, learn a little about metabolism in extreme conditions. Phenomena like abyssal gigantism make perfect sense if you think about it. There's going to be a bunch of small fry living down there -- and one or two big ass motherfuckers eating all of that small fry.
>>146296200>>146296200I shouldn't need to, it's assumed you're intelligent enough to know that Meg's are extinct. Obviously you had to wiki it and are now butthurt about who-knows-what. Simple truth is, huge shit has evolved before, it exists now, and if you think you know everything that lives in the ocean you're a mentally retarded child. We find new species every time we dive into the deepest parts of the ocean, and if you think you know better than actual biologists, then you're a self-deluded moron.
what if that water monster called leviathan from the final fantasy universe was real
>>146294252You do realize that blue whales do exist right? As do giant squids. And megalodon used to exist.
>>146296350Sperm whales eat krill.
>>146296471100% correct.
>>146295695HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!Krill is found at depths of 300-600m. Do you know why? Because sunlight doesn't penetrate much farther than that. Without that sunlight algae cannot grow depriving krill of food. Any giant sea creature that feeds off krill would deplete the what small amounts of krill do scratch out a living farther depths.Without sunlight there are no large colonies of anything to feed larger predators thus they must hunt in shallower waters. There prey must also be large because if it was small like krill then they wouldn't live in the deeper parts of the ocean because animals like the blue whale have to eat constantly in shallower areas of the sea to survive.You don't have to be a marine biologist to have a fucking brain.
>>146296502Oh I'm sorry? are there marine biologists here? Holy shit.../b/ really IS the scum of the earth.
Threads like this are why I'm a secret environmentalist. I wish the Navy would stop doing dumb shit like pointless SONAR pings which always kill a bunch of whales and shit and I wish humans would stop dumping all of our nuclear garbage in the ocean. I want these monsters to stay alive so I can see them one day.
>>146296875>>Krill is found at depths of 300-600m.Wrong.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krill#DistributionEnjoy your fail, here's the quote:In the Antarctic, seven species are known,[4] one species of the genus Thysanoessa (T. macrura) and six of the genus Euphausia. The Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) commonly lives at depths of as much as 100 m (330 ft),[5] whereas ice krill (Euphausia crystallorophias) have been recorded at a depth of 4,000 m (13,100 ft), though they commonly live at depths of at most 300–600 m (1,000–2,000 ft).[6]
>>146296627Uh, no. No they dont. They don't have the filter like teeth to keep the krill in there mount while pushing out the water they take in. They have "regular" teeth used for chomping down on larger prey.
>>146297022I agree, I'm pretty certain that alot of sea dwelling mammals rely on sonar to find food/navigate etc...surely thiese sonar pings must cause them some confusion?
>>146296464wtf is this shit
>>146296875See:>>146297183Fucking owned.
>>146293469lol trolled
This threads turning to shit fast because of a bunch of faggots arguing over opinions they state as facts.
>>146296627think you're in the wrong thread.
we JUST discovered a fish that has its eyes buried deep inside its completely transparent head. There is some bizarre shit down there. whether its bigger than a whale is ..... well it's suspect but there are undoubtedly tons of wierd ass creatures we dont know about yet down in the murky depths.
if shit like this exsisted i think it would have got tired of being cold and wet, and decided to move to fucking dry land
>>146297022I'm a Navy Submariner, you moron, we don't do pointless sonar pings. In 6 1/2 years on submarines, I twice heard us use active sonar. Twice. 99.9999% of the time we use passive sonar, which is just listening, not sending out pings. You're a dipshit talking out of your ass.
At the bottom of the sea there are like oasises of volcanos which support life and we haven't explored much down there, so I'm pretty sure we're gonna find lifeforms down there we hadn't thought about. If they're gonna be huge seamonsters I don't know. There is a lot of life down there we don't know about though.
>>146296875>>Krill is found at depths of 300-600m>>146297183oops!
>>146296539>what if that water monster called leviathan from the final fantasy universe was realThat would possibly be the coolest thing ever, after making contact with ET life.
>>146292928lol okkkkkkkkkkk
>>146296627Blue whales do not Sperm.
ITT: People who know jack shit about WATER PRESSURE.
These big ass pre historic whale mother fuckers were just found in puget sound.(lmao @ those that don't know where that is)
shit hunting two whales
>>146296382I know about this film, I'm alan but I didnt post that wtf?
I think its a fanciful, wonderfully hopeful view. The more unknown is the more left to be known. It's a need deep down in all humans, and we would be incomplete and sad without it.Vast amounts of deep oceans are still undiscovered and new life is being found every day. Who knows? Maybe there are sea monsters of one kind or another out there.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mneDhOtVEQwever see this fellow? prehistoric shark found a few years ago apparently, check him out.
>>146297532I grew up on the Central Coast of California and every now and then the Navy would test their SONAR and a dozen whales would get their skulls shattered and start an heroing. It was sad.I understand you have to do what you have to do but I wish the Navy would test their shit far away from our ocean buddies. You ever see Star Trek IV? Those dudes might save our civilization one day.
Sea monsters can lick my nuts.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjYKiVyZIwk
This thread needs more fisherman-squid bestiality
>>146298213>>146298238Umm... did we just hivemind?
>>146297183HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!Photosynthesis doesn't fucking occur past a few hundred meters dumbass. Without the sun there is no way to replenish the large amounts of biological matter that a large sea creature population would need to survive. If a genetically diverse population of large sea creatures the size of blue whales fed off the few populations of krill that live past the photic zone (your wikipedia quote mentions ice krill) there would be no ice krill left.The sun is a necessity for larger lifeforms one way or another.
>>146297968>>implying that everyone must know every geological location on earth otherwise they are stupid
>>146298727stop with all your HAHAHAHA you sound like a retarded faggot
>>146288298>>146296464What. The. Fuck.
>>146284707it's dangerous to go alone, take thishttp://rapidshare.com/files/254072381/g4rtgdgd2.zip
>>146296471look up The Trieste...it was a submarine, it went to the trench in the sixties, do your fucking research.
>>146297022One less monster for you to see.
>>14629823880 million years old...... godamnTAKE THAT CHRISTIANS !!!>>146297467This. Shit gets wierd when you hit a certain depth.
>>146298727Watch The Deep and learn about the largest migration of biomass that occurs on Earth every 24 hours. Plus there's thermal energy from vents, plus calories from dead animals that sink to the bottom. KRAKEN LIVES
>>146298727>>Photosynthesis doesn't fucking occur past a few hundred meters dumbass. Without the sun there is no way to replenish the large amounts of biological matter that a large sea creature population would need to survive.WHOOPS!For the second time you've been proven stupid:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrothermal_venthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_squid#Range_and_habitatNot to mention Krill exist at up to thousands of feet below water.Not to mention that Blue Whales, one of the largest animals in the history of the world, subsists entirely on Krill. But nothing else possibly could at deep depths? "Durrrrrr, but how is possible without photosynthesis?!??!!"It's funny because that was a view that was held in the 1930's, and utterly shatterd in the 50's and is considered highly antiquated. We'll be waiting here in the 21st century for you to catch up with science.
>>146298727Sorry you illiterate and ignorant fucktarded troll. They've found things that can live off of the sulfur and such of thermal vents. Sun is secondary for those little fuckers.
>>146297847All animals have their own methods of regulation to maintain themselves within the levels of water pressure/air pressure that they find themselves under. Theoretically, the bigger an animal, the easier it would be for it to manage water pressure.>>146285217As was mentioned somewhere in here, many gargantuan animals, such as certain whales, sustain themselves only on food sources like krill, microscopic organisms. The difference is that the blue whale concentrates much of its energy on growing, as opposed to thermoregulation. That's why whales have blubber; furthermore, a bigger animal needs to expend less energy on thermoregulation than a smaller one would, because of specific heat (or something like that; I'm more into biology than chemistry).
meet blob
Shit was SO cash.
>>146298921The anon I'm having this /b/tarded exchange with posted it first and now I'm rubbing his faggotry in own his face.Follow the links back.
anybody got a download link to The Deep (blue planet) ?
>>146299853The only thing you're doing is proving yourself retarded. See:>>146299500>>146299446>>146299383>>146299375
>>146298669I do believe we did. Although I was first making you a loser.
>>146299853I don't give a shit who is doing it. It's making both of you sound like retarded faggots. There is something called Dignity you know
>>146298727>>146299383Quote from the aforementioned Wikipedia article:"Some theories indicate that life originated at hydrothermal vents from inorganic precursors."Well done, Anon.
I'm obsessed with the ocean and the idea of uncorrelatably massive monsters living in it.Cthulhu Fhtagn!
This thread went seriously downhill when anon stopped posting pictures and videos of creepy shit and instead began to argue like faggots.
FUCKING... SWEET.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osedax
>>146299375Geothermal energy isn't enough to fuel a biosphere large enough for superpredators. All it feeds is a couple worms and the very small organisms that live around those. The Sun has it beet a million times over. It's like comparing campfires with nuclear explosions.The Deep movie?
Was he genetically programmed to die or was he killed by radiation after 3 years of exposure to helium 3? Had an inconclusive argument at the bar last night.
>>146301080Agreed can we get back to unexplained creatures and creepy pictures?
>>146301206You're 20 posts and 50 IQ points behind the rest of us.
I would love having sex with all of the species down there. shit would be so cash.
>>146301206Correct, but the argument was that it would support a biocommunity of organisms sufficient enough in nutrition to fuel these "superpredators," much as krill is enough to fuel blue whales. Though I'm not so sure that we're arguing for superpredators, more like, gargantuan organisms.What isn't clear in our arguments is that there needn't be a particularly DENSE community of superpredators; rather, they exist, period.
>>146298727Your making assumptions that these creatures have not evolved methods of surviving, despite this fact.Many creatures that they have discovered in abyssal zones have evolved forms of bioluminescence, which is to say that they can emit light. They use this light to attract prey while they themselves stay still as a form of conserving energy.How do the smaller creatures survive? I would think that the detritus from the upper zones would provide most of their sustenance, but I'm no marine biologist so I don't know for sure.I believe that there truly may be giant forms of oceanic life lurking in the depths, however we simply don't know enough at the moment to make any accurate guesses as to how they survive and procreate.
>>146300537Dignity on my /b/?
>This thread went seriously downhill when anon stopped posting pictures and videos of creepy shit and instead began to argue like faggots.What did you expect? /b/ is computer science dorks, milfags and pedos or any combination thereof.
>>146301157That's pretty fucking awesome.
I just love Wikipedia for this
>>146284707learn to hackhttp://rapidshare.com/files/254071840/mggog8fsj1.zip
>>146298046It has whale torpedoes.
As a marine biologist who actually studies this crap there's obviously no reason for anyone to take my opinion seriously on this issue, so I'll just keep quiet and post ass.
relevant to my internets
>>146284707I HERD U LIEK CP??http://rapidshare.com/files/254071840/mggog8fsj1.zip
>>146300048This makes me happy.
Good marine biologist
>>146302572I would like to hear your opinion as well as have more pics like the one you posted.
If this can survive sea monsters can.
>>146299383Are you even fucking reading the posts.>Not to mention Krill exist at up to thousands of feet below water.In very small quantities dumbass. Are you even reading the posts you respond to? Blue Whales have to hunt constantly in the richest parts of the ocean to make a living off krill and your suggesting similarly huge animals sustain themselves off hundreds of times less food.>Not to mention that Blue Whales, one of the largest animals in the history of the world, subsists entirely on Krill. But nothing else possibly could at deep depths?No duh. That doesn't refute a single claim I've made as my entire argument revolves around large sea creatures having to either hunt large game in shallow water when they aren't living in deeper waters (like giant squid) or stay in shallow water and hunt smaller organisms constantly (because there aren't enough smaller organisms farther down to sustain a superpredators diet).>It's funny because that was a view that was held in the 1930's, and utterly shatterd in the 50's and is considered highly antiquated. We'll be waiting here in the 21st century for you to catch up with science.Geothermal vents don't provide the prodigious amounts of energy the Sun produces. It can help a small colony of worms and a few small fish scratch out a living, but it doesn't provide enough energy to the hundreds of whale sized organisms of this hypothetical species of yours to maintain a genetically diverse population. Orders of magnitude of energy is lost every time you reach a new tier of the food chain and vents just don't have enough shear power to get that much energy that far down the chain.
>>146303264Butthurt fag, saddened that 20 people have shown him to be stupid, therefore picking apart one post, and doing it poorly :-( I feel bad for him, it must be hard to be embarrassed anonymously on 4chan.
>>146303069Where have you been all my life?
>>146302572Please post your opinion on TEH KRAKEN and post some more dat ass.
>>146292613>seven sailors had been eaten.Somewhat I lol'd
>>146285342reliable proof?
>>146301893Well my argument was that the Sun is the only power source strong enough to support very large organisms. I can't think of a single very large creature that gets the majority of its energy from any non-solar sorce.>gargantuan organismsWell unless we are talking about a huge sea sponge at the bottom of the sea I can't imagine anything but a predator making it to those sizes.>What isn't clear in our arguments is that there needn't be a particularly DENSE community of superpredators; rather, they exist, period.The hypothetical sea creature need not be densely populated, but it would need a substantial community to maintain biodiversity. Such a community would require a lot of energy.
>>146302956Well...if you insist.The general rule of thumb, as I'm sure has been mentioned already is that nutrients become exponentially less scarce with depth in the open ocean. This results in a general sharp decline in biomass with depth in the water column, due not only to the raw number of organisms decreasing, but also the average size of those that are down there becoming drastically smaller.
>>146304513I can name one....Elephant. Eh doesn't get energy directly from sun, and doesn't afraid of anything.
>>146303650I just post and then go back to the homepage. 90% of the time I don't noko. Why the fuck would anyone care what 98% of the brain dead teenagers say on here.
>>146294673Sperm whales, you steaming shitpile of mediocrity.
I'm 50 and what is this?
Generally yes the sun is the only power source strong enough to supply a very large organism, but the earth is an exception because its core is still very hot unlike many/most other planets. Also, the larger an animal the less surface area to body volume it has, therefore it will lose energy/temperature slower than much smaller organisms.
bad ass shit from down there...
>>146303650This post is well thought out refuting the previous post's main argument thoroughly and politely.
>Despite the squid's apparent unflappability on camera, Magnapinna, or "big fin," squid remain largely a mystery to science. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/11/081124-giant-squid-magnapinna.htmlRead and weep.
>>146304756It should be noted, however, that the reason for fish becoming "skinnier" with depth is not just due to limited nutrition, but also because of lesser survival requirements at depth. AKA, if your predators can't see you, you don't need to be able to swim fast to escape, and you don't need big muscles, which means you don't need much food.However, there are definite exceptions to this general trend of decreasing size and density of fish at depth.
>>146305375There are four exceptional environments that have high nutrients at depth:1. The floor2. Sea mounts3. Hydrothermal vents4. Cold seeps
>>146293333Arguments concerning lack of sunlight etc are narrow minded. Just because all "life" you know of depends on a circle of life rooted in solar energy, does not mean that there cannot simultaneously upspring "life" that gets its energy elsewhere....THE FUCKING HOT EARTH.Evolution can come up with millions of possible reasons and scenarios in which it would be most favorable for a species to go deeper. IF NOT FUCKING GRAVITY. THE FORCE THAT PULLS EVERYTHING DOWN.I'd actually wager that it isnt too improbable that single-celled mutations fell to the depths and found they could survive, and once u have 1 thing alive down there, the circle just begins again.
>>146301676Agreed 100%. OP is totally gay.
>>146305154But there isn't a single example of a large sea creature (whale sized or larger) that sustains itself mostly off anything but the Sun. Deep sea gigantism can only take you so far without the energy to keep that mass going and growing.
>>146296471All I was saying is that we went to the bottom and it can also be measured how deep we went. Nothing else also you're wrong it wasn't a robot. From Wiki entry on Marianas Trench. "The Swiss-designed, Italian-built, United States Navy bathyscaphe Trieste reached the bottom at 1:06 p.m. on January 23, 1960, with U.S. Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard on board.[2] Iron shot was used for ballast, with gasoline for buoyancy.[2] The onboard systems indicated a depth of 11,521 meters (37,799 ft), but this was later revised to 10,924 meters(35,813 ft)"
>>146304756>>146305375>>146305825I like this Anon eh post hot pics and facts and doesn't afraid of anything
>>146303671JESUS FUCK...That does it. I'm never going anywhere near the ocean again.
>>146303650This post is well thought out refuting the previous post's main argument thoroughly and politely. I bet you are one of those people that also think we will be riding around the universe in the starship Enterprise because you like sticking on the word EVOLUTION or TECHNOLOGY so you can stop thinking.Geothermal vents produce nowhere near the energy to come close to the solar output that reaches Earth's surface.
146305825The floor by default has higher nutritional availability than the deep sea directly above it, but the degree to which it has more nutrition ranges from only slightly, to incredibly highly.In general the nutrition in the water above is obtained from falling "marine snow" from higher up in the column. Read: poop and debris. You can think of the default way that the floor has higher nutrition than the water above if you imagine the marine snow as cereal. If you live on the floor the cereal collects on the bottom and all you have to do is walk around and collect the accumulated food. If you live above it's like the cereal is constantly streaming past, and you can only eat what you can catch while the rest falls past. This is why there is slightly more nutrition at the floor, if only marginally so.
>>146304606Dammit! Will ya let me tell the story? He said tree-fiddy, and that's how I knew it wasn't no alien, it was that Goddamn Loch Ness Monster again!
What the fuck? The bloop?
>>146294673Umm bud, it doesn't have to be proven people have known that sperm whale eat giant squid for centuries, they found bits of giant squid in the carcasses of sperm whales that washed shore.
>>146306871Post moar assfucking and marine science pl0x. Both are win.
You crackers want to hear about the time we saw the Loch Ness monster? Oh, it must have been about over 9000, 8 years ago... Me and the little lady were on this boat, you see... All alone at night when all of a sudden, a huge creature, a giant crustacean from the Paleozoic era, comes out of the water! And I stood up and yelled "What do you want from us, monster?!", and he bent down and said "I need to borrow treefiddy..."
>>146306871The case where the sea floor has a VERY high amount of nutrients compared to the surrounding sea floor is when something really big dies and lands at the bottom. Read: whale fall. A dead whale can take many months to be completely consumed by the deep sea community, and before it disappears it sports an impressive metropolis of diversity within its decaying body. In fact, even after all the meat is gone the bones remain and take several more years to rot away before also succumbing to decomposition.Interesting fact: The slow rotting of whale bones releases a slow constant trickle of hydrogen sulfide, the same chemical released by hydrothermal vents. It is theorized that denizens of whale falls adapted to take advantage of this hydrogen sulfide, and it resulted in being a stepping stone for the organisms to adapt to the hydrothermal vents.Second factoid: the wood of sunken wooden vessels rots even slower and releases the same hydrogen sulfide and sports similar communities to old whale falls.
>Lacking stomach and mouth, Osedax rely on symbiotic species of bacteria to digest whale fat and oils and release nutrients that they can absorb. Osedax have colorful feathery plumes that act as gills, and unusual root-like structures that absorb nutrients. Between 50 and 100 microscopic dwarf males live inside a single female, and never develop past the larval stage.
Europa, one of jupiter's satelite, is said to have a planetary-size ocean beneath its ice surface.What creatures may existe there?considering all arguments by anon of sea monsters and hidrothermal vents and such.Also, a rich food chain with big kick ass creatures is possible due to quimiosintesys. Bacteria associated with sources of oxidant elements (those hidrothermal vents) dat reacts with organic substrate and produces energy,apologise for sucky english.
What If i could show you what is down there? Would you guys wanna come?
What if the Megaladon still existed?FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUU
>>146304756i think your teaching methods could catch on in schools.Deep oceans scare the fuck out of me. Like the Man-owar Jellyfish which could sit comfortably atop the <former> WTC and its tendrils would drag 3 meters on the street.You would shit yourself.
>>146309181I agree, I think NASA and the ESA should completely abandon human space flight/International Space Station and allocate 3/4 of its budget to robotic probes to Mars and the remaining 1/4 to study of Europa.
>>146309316Is it safe?
if dinosaurs could become that fucking huge, so could a bunch of fish 20kmetres under sea level
>>146308650The second situation is the seamount.A seamount is a large undersea mountain in the mid-ocean that stands in the way of a deep current. The current becomes forced up and over the mountain or plateau, and then submerges on the other side. This provides considerably more nutrition than midwater at the same depth without the seamount. Imagine the cereal example again, except this time instead of collecting on the bottom or sinking past you it is being blasted into your face. You literally just have to hang out with your mouth open and you'll get lots of food.Fish in these environments become very muscular despite their depths due to both the high nutrition and the need to swim constantly to not be swept off the seamount. These fish are actually caught for food in astrailia (Orange roughys, and Oreo dorys)
I think Cthulhu is very real and we should all embrace him in order to be eaten first and not suffer like the rest of humanity when HE comes.
Sharks never stop moving.
Let's not forget about the common goldfish. It has the unique ability to grow to fit whatever body of water accommodates it.Divers are afraid to clean the grills of the hoover dam because there are goldfish 20 ft long there.
>>146302925THE FUCK IS THAT
life may existe anywhere, in any form...u just gotta be smart and creative enough to make it possible.
>>146310484Link? if true that shit's amazing
This thread made me want to listen to Leviathan. Shit was SO cash.
>>146309648The funny thing is that this is like the 6th time i''ve combined porn and education on /b/. It's a winning combo every time for some reason...>>146309966The third situation is the public's favorite little darling *drumroll* the hydrothermal vent.Hydrothermal vents are fascinating places to study. They function in the same manner that land based geysers function. A geothermal "hot spot" allows magma to be unusually close to the surface compared to the rest of the crust, water seeps in, becomes super-heated to the point where it actually strips the surrounding rock of minerals, which acidifies the water, which causes more rock to be stripped, and erupts vertically back into the main ocean water body. The erupting geyser of water is shocked and quickly cooled by the surrounding ocean, which results in most of the dissolved minerals sedimenting out of solution, causing the characteristic "Black smoke stack" appearance. The remaining dissolved minerals are composed mostly of hydrogen sulfide, which feeds vast communities of creatures adapted specifically to metabolizing it.
>>146305183II am the origin of life, the devourer of death. I am the hub of the Wheel, the purifying cycle to which all souls must be drawn.