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  • File :1244499946.jpg-(246 KB, 1200x1600, pics 038.jpg)
    246 KB Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:25:46 No.140335398  
    Liberalfags, get in here!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:26:46 No.140335566
    open to debate, I hope?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:27:16 No.140335653
    Of course.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:29:39 No.140336039
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:31:19 No.140336330
    Kool, fyi, i'm a libertarianfag; essentially ok with social issues, not so much fiscal

    So first question: how is taxing me for my money and then distributing it to others not a form of theft?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:31:24 No.140336347
    Alright, all I had to say was, conservatives suck, that is all.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:33:49 No.140336784
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:33:51 No.140336797
    Conservatives generally do suck cause they're so close-minded. I know that doesn't apply to all, but definitely most if not all of them that I have met. Also, a lot of them don't think for themselves, and just go off of what they were brought up with. Just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:34:01 No.140336828
    taxing money for redistribution is theft
    lazy bums should get a stinking job
    heck if they're collecting unemployment they should at least have to go do public service like go pick up trash or something
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:35:58 No.140337136
    Liberals have small PENISes.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:37:52 No.140337275
    That's how it USED to be. But now everything is backwards. Liberals no longer are open-minded, they believe and repeat everything the media and their college professors tell them, even when it's obvious bullshit that only a retard could possibly believe.

    Case in point - Obama can do no wrong. Even though he's done more stupid things so far than Bush had at the beginning of his presidency, liberals were shouting "Bush is stupid" becuase they were told to, and now rally around a nigger, becuase they are told to.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:42:14 No.140337383
    Lolbertarians are just as much scum as liberals and conservatives.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:44:46 No.140337624
    I'm a progressive darwinist
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:46:12 No.140337837

    Well, maybe. I don't really see why we even need to label people as that and why people see a need to identify as liberal or conservative. Personally I'm just for pro-choice and gay marriage/rights, if that makes me a liberal then so be it.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:46:44 No.140337921
    Right, cuz of the whole self-governance thing

    gtfo and stop trolling, Stalin
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:47:54 No.140338098
    So all you care about is the right to have BUTTSEX and just in case you get tricked into heterosexual sex when you are drunk, you want an abortion?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:47:59 No.140338114
    Liberalfag reporting in.


    The every man for himself, "fuck you, I got mine" attitude is incredibly selfish and in many cases self-defeating. We live in a civilization and with that comes certain social responsibilities. This includes maintaining infrastructure, health care, and providing for the sick and homeless. I will be the first person to say that the government makes many mistakes in providing these services, but rather than ditch the system entirely, we elect officials and peacefully protest in attempts to "fix it." It's not perfect, and it never will be, but it's the only humane way to operate a society.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:48:37 No.140338226
    ppl, would it not make more sense to have everyone being able to keep more of their money and offer baseline tax deductions for essential services (water, healthcare, etc)?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:49:50 No.140338454
    I'm for gays getting married.... as long as they also allow bestiality and poligamy. IT's discrimiation if they allow only 1 but not all 3 of these.

    And pro-choice, of course. But it should be a decision both the man and woman make. If you say only a woman is responsible for the baby, then you are a hypocrite to ask for child-support.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:50:27 No.140338553

    Actually I'm a girl, but yeah. And I don't believe in abortions for "accidents" or sluttiness and all that
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:50:33 No.140338572
    you are all animals. consciousness is an unimportant by-product of language and attempting to define yourselves in cute little niche ways simply a bout of mental wanking to get you through the shitty days until you die.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:50:38 No.140338590
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:51:06 No.140338662

    Polygamy, I'll agree with, but as far as I know, animals aren't considered "consenting adults."
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:52:02 No.140338840

    Nihilists? Fuuuuuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, dude, at least it's an ethos...
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:52:04 No.140338845
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:52:38 No.140338937
    If you've ever seen it, there's no mistake that dogs are enjoying it. They consent and are over 18 in dog years, what's the problem?

    I know too many ugly women who can't find a man, so they basically are in love with their pet. More power to them?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:52:37 No.140338939
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    I give this delicious pr0n to you, my lovely /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:53:00 No.140339014

    b/c the only reason you have any money is b/c of things the gov't has done for you. w/o currency, roads, education, army, laws/courts, etc., you wouldn't have shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:53:28 No.140339096
    >>140338572 simply a bout of mental wanking
    >a bout of mental wanking
    >mental wanking
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:53:33 No.140339112

    what is the virtue of an ethos?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:53:40 No.140339141
    I love fags and niggers and bitches and proles, that makes me a liberal right?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:54:16 No.140339214
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:54:40 No.140339239
    I'm selfish? I've donated to homeless shelters, the ARC and sexual/physical abuse centers, and you call me the selfish one?

    Society wants me to give more of what's left from my generosity, and i'm selfish? Suppose I'm just above the poverty line; suppose I cannot afford to be charitable. Now tell me, who's being selfish.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:54:44 No.140339260
    It's completely inhumane and selfish way to run society when you discourage progress and reward laziness. This was the downfall of europe and will be the downfall of America if we aren't careful. No wonder China is taking over. You can call them Communists as far as social implications, but they are capitalists in the sense of finances and they seem to be doing great in comparison.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:55:35 No.140339342
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:55:42 No.140339352

    Dogs do not have the capacity for rational thought. They do what their instincts tell them to do. You could teach a dog to become addicted to heroin via some perverse Pavlovian experiment, and he might enjoy it every time he does it. He didn't "consent" to any of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)18:56:21 No.140339407
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    Liberalfag reporting in, wanting to keep Britain free and democratic and away from the scourge of repressive Middle Eastern religion and Big Brother New Labour.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:00:05 No.140339722
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    I dedicate this delicious pr0n to you, my fellow /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:00:15 No.140339754
    down with welfare, up with tax deductions

    down with theft, up with relief
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:00:15 No.140339758
    That makes no sense, who cares if a dog is not capable of understanding and signing a contract? It's doing what it wants to and is enjoying it. Should I say you're a child abuser because your kids can't consent to you feeding and showering them, etc?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:00:41 No.140339836

    So leave it up to people and private charity to shrink the gap left by public services? Let me tell you what 90% of libertarians are: rich, white, privileged, suburban youths... truly the most generous people on the face of the planet. But you, of course, are a paragon of virtue and give every spare cent to charity...
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:01:22 No.140339983
    Quit whining about taxes.
    some of it is outright theft. much of it is badly spent.

    but the rest is to keep the zombie hordes from eating your liver and brains. or the terrists.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:01:25 No.140339998
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    I dedicate this beautiful pr0n to you, my lovely /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:01:54 No.140340084
    Many drug addicts "do what they want to and enjoy it."
    >> sage 06/08/09(Mon)19:03:36 No.140340398
    To assert that a human has consciousness and free will beyond that of an animal is an exercise in sophistry. The human brain is a complex, deterministic bioelectrical device in the same way that a dog brain is. All our abilities to learn, understand and make decisions are just reprogrammings of neurons, just as they are in the dog. We might surpass the dog's capacity by the age of 2, but we're still materially the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:03:56 No.140340476
    I'm not a conservative, but I'm definitely not a liberal!

    The whole liberal agenda is to DESTROY the middle class. They tax the hell out of them, keep them from climbing the financial ladder, control them with regulation... anything to keep them down. Then they shower the poor with money, raising minimum wage, and providing benefits to close the gap between poor and middle class, which really accomplishes nothing but destroys the middle class....

    The whole time the rich and powerful stay on top, unchecked and unchallenged. That's exactly how they want it. Every instance in history that the powerful have been overthrown it has been by the "middle" class, i.e. nobles, etc. Never have the poor been able to successfully revolt. You liberals are all brainwashed sheep to keep the system going. You are keeping yourselves down and the abusive rich and powerful on top!

    Down with liberals!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:07:32 No.140341127

    You know absolutely nothing about higher brain functions in human beings. =)
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:08:40 No.140341196
    I'm don't claim to be a moral person, and i certainly don't think it's moral to coerce people into morality at their own expense, if you could still call that morality.

    As for the stereotype, I can confirm it as much as you can: not at all. I can tell you i'm sitting on a $400 bank account, unemployed, and seriously considering student loans; don't call me a yuppie scum.

    Also, i'm not going to give EVERY cent of my wealth to charity: if i'm going to be a giving person, i must still be able to continue giving.

    If you care so much (and you should), why don't you give to charity more and stop worrying about other peoples lack thereof.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:09:25 No.140341282
    Neither do you nor anyone else. Asking for a dog's "consent" is ridiculous. Case closed.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:14:39 No.140341582
    Why are you still eating 3 meals a day when people are starving around the world? Liberal hypocrisy is nothing short of hilarious.

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:15:03 No.140341598
    >>repeat everything the media and their college professors tell them

    Fox News
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:16:03 No.140341751
    >>So first question: how is taxing me for my money and then distributing it to others not a form of theft?


    Also, no libertarian developed country.
    >> sage 06/08/09(Mon)19:16:43 No.140341849
    Do you have some groundbreaking unpublished neuroscience to enlighten us with, Prof. Anon?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:16:58 No.140341900
    >>heck if they're collecting unemployment they should at least have to go do public service like go pick up trash or something

    Let's reinstate slavery.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:18:55 No.140342207
    Liberals cannot refute any of this. They know it's true. Liberals are primarily brainwashed by repetition to spout their parrot-like mantras, or they are somehow emotionally driven to be liberals. There is never logic or intelligence behind liberal values. Yet the trendy liberal population is growing. Unfortunately, as the population becomes more and more stupid, as education is less and less demanding, and shows with no substance such as reality TV become more and more popular, as more foreigners are imported to take the higher-education-demanding jobs, we are faced with the obvious. Idiocracy is coming true.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:20:02 No.140342397
    >>liberals were shouting "Bush is stupid" becuase they were told to, and now rally around a nigger, becuase they are told to.

    Liberals didn't say that. Rush Limbaugh said they said that. Learn the difference.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:20:08 No.140342419
    You must understand libertarianism is a relatively new strain of thought; however, i will tell you it is derived from classical liberalism, on which much of the free world's countries are based upon.

    And no, it's theft.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:20:40 No.140342505
    hey, if i'm forced to pay someones unemployment, they should have to give up the right to refuse to work
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:22:33 No.140342868
    >>libertarianism is a relatively new strain of thought

    No it's not. The word itself is new but laissez-faire government is not. Rules and regulations were created to address problems that the free market could not address.

    You are fucking stupid. Case in point, no developed libertarian nation.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:22:52 No.140342935
    No, I didn't hear that from some radio show. I'm a college student and I heard that shit from the professors, stoners, and teacher's pets for 4 years straight. Try getting out of your house.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:25:10 No.140343167

    .... now try again.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:25:35 No.140343182
    >>Liberals are primarily brainwashed by repetition to spout their parrot-like mantras

    Fox News

    >as the population becomes more and more stupid, as education is less and less demanding

    Such as conservative states.

    >no substance such as reality TV become more and more popular,

    Such as the Fox channel.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:28:46 No.140343335
    Typical liberal. Not a shred of logic, just repeating what he's told. "Blame Faux, HHERRRR DERRRRR"

    They can never confront the issues logically. Try it, see how they just start yelling, insulting, or repeat trendy phrases they memorized, but show no hint of critical thinking skills.

    Try addressing the facts and points, dodging dipshit!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:29:17 No.140343401
    libertarianfags report in!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:29:35 No.140343454

    You are being stupid on purpose, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:29:42 No.140343475
    He can't, he's a liberal. What you are doing is like picking on a retarded kid. Leave him alone!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:30:27 No.140343591
    >>Try addressing the facts and points, dodging dipshit!

    You brought up zero points and/or facts.

    Go back to Gaia.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:30:57 No.140343685
    I never noticed this before. Anon, you are correct.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:31:08 No.140343719
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    I give this fapworthy pr0n to you, my fellow /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:31:31 No.140343785
    Conservatism works! Just look at all the shit-poor red states!

    Education is for suckers!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:32:07 No.140343882

    List of developed libertarian countries:

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:32:19 No.140343911
    Literacy, liberals can't figure it out.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:32:41 No.140343989



    Learn history. Europe stopped being the center of the world due to costs incurred during WWII, not the creation of the welfare state.


    So are you willing to donate to a highway fund? How about to pay for government officials salaries? Taxes are essential if you want to keep the government running and produce public infrastructure. And just because you might be a 'super generous person', you're just the exception that proves the rule. Libertarians are way too fucking naive. Usually I wouldn't mind that, but they're also so convinced they're right that they become arrogant douchebags who ruin the internet.


    I don't get comments like this. Do people like this actually have specific complaints, or do they just repeat whatever they read on youtube and digg and hope they sound smart?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:33:27 No.140344131
    Because you accept services that tax provides - if you don't like it move elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:33:36 No.140344155
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    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:34:30 No.140344311
    ITT: communist scum.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:34:49 No.140344337

    Libertarians don't even go to school.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:36:48 No.140344471
    ok my views,
    Gay marriage not so much, Gay UNION fine. Marriage is a religious ceremony based on a religion that says gay is a sin, why do gay want to marry? Its like jew becoming Nazi.

    Pro choice so long as it is not third trimester/ partial birth abortion which really is just murder and extremely gory and gruesome.

    Fuck socialist shit, get of your ass and work and if you cant then lets not provide for you by GIVING you money we will set up a program to help or get you some sort of a job.

    Thats it.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:37:03 No.140344485

    >Every instance in history that the powerful have been overthrown it has been by the "middle" class, i.e. nobles, etc.

    I think you just repeated the thesis of the Communist Manifesto. Also, I think you forgot about the Russian Revolution. That turned out well, ya?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:37:27 No.140344522
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:38:07 No.140344550
    It's a very simple concept. If you constantly punish those who are contributing most to society, and then rob them and reward the lazy and stupid, then as a society you have defined your values. America is the richest country on the planet by far, but falling behind in progresses such as technology and education. It's a joke. Americans don't know shit about the rest of the world, and they don't care to prosper. They just want to be average. As other countries rise to super-power status, America will be forced to change or fall.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:38:11 No.140344552
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:38:56 No.140344623
    rich does not equal stingy
    white does not equal stingy

    what the fuck are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:39:09 No.140344648
    Anyone who thinks the government is more of a threat than the corporate sector in a democracy doesn't deserve to vote.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:39:26 No.140344693
    what i don't understand is why libertarians are against every government program except the military. wouldn't the military be handled more efficiently by private companies according to your logic?

    of course, libertarians never make any sense as they tend to ignore history and reality.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:40:44 No.140344902
         File :1244504444.jpg-(108 KB, 1600x1200, XQwHYI.jpg)
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    I dedicate this beautiful pr0n to you, my lovely /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:41:38 No.140345049
    The Russian and Chinese communist revolutions, involved over 100 million murders. I don't really think that "went well". Also notice, they attacked and took out the "middle" class in both cases before frying the big fish. And really after such a high price in blood... now they're just totalitarian countries. Not much progress there.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:42:43 No.140345166

    Paying a percentage of your paycheck towards taxes doesn't automatically discourage people from trying to succeed in a free market system. I realize this might be difficult for your 15 year old mind to grasp, but there is a middle ground between excessive taxation and no taxation that allows both sides to benefit.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:43:19 No.140345205
    anyone who thinks that the government isn't a business with the exception that it can operate above the law should not be allowed to vote.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:44:17 No.140345279
    >>If you constantly punish those who are contributing most to society, and then rob them and reward the lazy and stupid, then as a society you have defined your values.

    Exaggerate much? The richest Americans are taxed less then the richest Europeans.

    Ironically, you are parroting the talking points of conservatives. You can dramatize anything by saying "steal from the X and reward Y!"
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:44:21 No.140345295
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    Reporting in.

    The idea that there are conservatives on /b/ is about the most ass-backwards, hypocritical concept ever. They are the biggest frauds known to man. They partake in the most un-Godly website featuring sex, beastiality & watersports, they fap to the CP, and then go to church on Sunday and vote for McCain. Fuck you conservative /b/tards. Jesus hates you.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:44:53 No.140345377
    here's where you're a complete idiot: the governments of the last few centuries were indeed capitalistic, but the are definitely NOT laisezz-faire. Even the "champion of fiscal conservatism", Ronald Reagan put up a protectionist policy against the Japanese auto industry in the 80s, as well as "capitalist gangster" Bill Clinton destroying Kenya's textile industry with quotas in the 90s.

    The difference between your conception of laissez-faire and the true conception is the emphasis on state intervention and privatization: "laissez-faire" economies have a lot of string-pulling behind the scenes, and REAL laissez-faire asks for a truly free market, without manipulation.

    As for the free market's "deficiencies", rules and regulations do not correct markets; they are put in place so the overly anxious and ill-informed can get some sleep and the Left can get into power. Let me share with you a true story:

    Once upon a time, I was unloading trucks in a retail store, and all the cardboard boxes we opened would be put into a pile for baling. Apparel girls, typically 16/17 years old, would unopen boxes as well. To dispose of the boxes, we'd compact them in the baling machine, which was off-limits to anyone under the age of 18. Half of the time, the apparel girls would have to wait in front of the machine for one of the older truck guys (us") to crush the boxes.

    Here's the thing: the baling machine 1) cannot operate without being fully closed, and 2) it only required ONE PUSH OF A BUTTON for the machine to SLOWLY crush the boxes. It took more effort to get yourself hurt by this machine than not. And still, safety regulations said, NO ONE UNDER 18 CAN OPERATE THE BALING MACHINE, even when you're consuming time efficiency by half at the expense of the worker.

    Go read a fucking economics textbook.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:46:06 No.140345561

    Because the concept of marriage was not invented by religion.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:46:14 No.140345587
    A middle ground we aren't standing on, and it is getting "progessively" worse, but I don't expect you sheep to see the obvious. It doesn't even take a 15-year old mind to figure this out. Most Americans have, that's why they've lost their drive and we have to import educated people to be doctors, pharmacists, programmers, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:46:41 No.140345662
    True Marxism ftw!
    >> ‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮Anonymous‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 06/08/09(Mon)19:47:16 No.140345757
    >Marriage is a religious ceremony based on a religion that says gay is a sin, why do gay want to marry?

    in that case the government shouldn't recognize marriage at all and only have unions, and gay unions have the same right as straight unions, unlike now where marriage has more rights then civil union
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:47:49 No.140345857

    I'd identify myself closest as a Libertarian, except for the fact that I'm more afraid of Big Business than I am of Big Government. We tried Laissez Faire economics for a while in the industrial revolution... Monopolies, child labor, and the rape of any organized proto-Work Unions was the result. Big Business will _wreck_ your world if you let them.

    So far as taxes though, there are simply too many public utilities that MUST be maintained by taxes to do away with them. But welfare? Gotta go. And I'm a poorfag and I'm saying this. Ghetto fucks sit on their ass in Section 8, cheating the system usually, while I pay out my ass and work two jobs to support my apartment. However, helping the poor with social services is fine so long as the poor don't depend on social services. Put all that welfare cash into career development scholarships and pro-bono attourney fees. Both are productive uses for the tax money.

    On other things, lets summarize
    Pro-Concealed Carry on Campus
    Pro-Getting God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and Currency
    Pro-Civil Unions (marriage is a strictly private matter and not the business of government)
    Pro-Marijuana (even though I don't smoke)
    Pro-Do whatever the fuck you want to, buy whatever you want to, use whatever you want to, so long as you DON'T HURT ANYONE BUT YOURSELF

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:47:52 No.140345867
    Not all conservatives are Christians. You may go fuck yourself now.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:47:57 No.140345884
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:49:00 No.140346064
    hey, I was a 17 year old girl working at a grocery store and got molested by a trucker who came in to push that button.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:49:47 No.140346227
    I think sex, bestiality, watersports and CP are all quite godly. Don't you?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:49:53 No.140346247
    This is the statement of someone who wants to get more than they put in. Those who truly have empathy for the poor give their own money to charities. Liberals = those who want to consume more than they produce, and enforce this advantage at gunpoint. Conservatives = people who will be forced to give more than they get. It's that simple.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:50:04 No.140346282

    Real laissez-faire was practiced during the industrial revolution and the early 1900's and guess what? It failed terribly. Worker abuses, unsafe working conditions, huge income gaps, and unemployment were rampant.

    Buy a fucking history book. Better yet, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. It's amazing how far you have your head stuck up your ass. You could only remember as far back as Ronald Reagan? Really?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:50:31 No.140346368
    Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion, newfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:50:45 No.140346416
    The homosexual activist movement and organized pedophiles are linked together by a common goal: To gain access to children for seduction into homosexuality.

    Serial killers, government tyrants, academic liberals, Catholic priests, politicians, Mormon Church higher-ups, Jewish rabbis, environmental extremists, communists, religious heretics, mass murderers, occultists, spies, and the Illuminati share something hideous and grotesque in common. Almost all are homo-sexual. Worse, most of the sick-minded men who comprise these demented social groups are not only homosexual, they practice the most kinky and perverted forms of sexual licentiousness-pedophilia, satanic bondage, physical torture, bisexuality, transvestitism, and even bestiality.

    If you doubt this, I invite you to consider the wicked lives of some of these moral degenerates—men like Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Marx, Jim Jones, Alfred Kinsey, Michael Jackson, Jacques DeMolay, Bill Clinton, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Mick Jagger, Aleister Crowley, Hubert Humphrey, Paul Tsongas, Martin Luther King, Mario Cuomo, Rudy Giuliani, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Speck, and John Wayne Gacy.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:52:43 No.140346790
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    I dedicate this decadent pr0n to you, my lovely /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:53:05 No.140346860
    >>we have to import educated people to be doctors, pharmacists, programmers, etc.

    This is a result of LESS money spent on education, not more. Most foreign programmers, doctors, pharmacists, etc. benefited from subsidized education in their home country.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:53:47 No.140346981
    I have no beef with it. People can fap to whatever their hearts desire, but I'm not a goofy conservative who preaches against such things.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:55:15 No.140347254
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    What the fuck would someone like you be doing on /b/? You're either a hypocrite or a troll. Either way -- die.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:56:03 No.140347401
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    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)19:56:39 No.140347524
    Sterilize anyone that can't (insert whatever)...

    Solves everything.
    >> ‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮Anonymous‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 06/08/09(Mon)20:00:11 No.140347700
    but we still have separation of church and state so why should married people have more right then not married people if it just a dumb religious ceremony we might as well give people tax cut for going to church.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:01:08 No.140347736
    Yes, because the politically-correct-enslaved Left is right at home with /b/'s racism and lulz.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:02:22 No.140347803

    I'm not going to get into the United States of America's politics, but I am going to say that for myself, I believe in these things:
    1. No non-medical abortions. (Meaning, only life-saving abortions.) I'm a woman and have had twins as the result of rape. Everyone wanted me to abort them, but I knew they deserved a chance at life. I love them.
    2. No governmental hand-outs to the unemployed without actually employing them. I've been unemployed twice, had difficulty getting a job due to the job markets, and thoroughly wished the government made me a part time employee in some capacity relating to my skills which would instill and maintain a work ethic while searching for a job.
    3. No governmental hand-outs to anyone but orphans, the severely disabled, and pensioners. Old people need pensions in recognisance of their service in the past, and their continued ability to not burden the government with care facilities and disability.
    4. Small government, small spending.
    5. Quality controlled government spending on military - to keep waste down and reliability up.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:02:26 No.140347804

    How many times did the nuns have to hit you before you memorized that load of crap?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:03:20 No.140347841
    Yes, i'm fine with funding roads and paying for courts, etc.; i'm not denying the need for infrastructure. What I am questioning is 1) the efficiency of bureaucrats, whose job security is not determined by performance, 2) the need for spending, particularly services that can be handled on a free market for cheaper, better quality as opposed to involuntary/unnecessary taxation, and 3)the (lack of) morality of forced charity

    Specifically refering to welfare, which i don't take; nice try, OP

    Hey man, i'm down for a privatized military.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:03:23 No.140347852

    I like the logic that goes behind this argument. 'The liberals didn't support george bush, but now that someone they supported got elected they're supporting him. Liberals are sheep.' Seriously, its like people on the internet only support that party that's not in power. Further proof that the internet is filled with idiots.


    ...and here is where the libertarian devolves into empty rhetoric. Go back to digg or reddit and jerk off there.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:04:27 No.140348008

    Hitler, Nazi founder, was similarly a sex pervert. As Chancellor, he carried on sexually with his 15-year-old niece, who killed herself rather than continue giving in to his bizarre and beastly sexual fetishes. As a young Bohemian streetwalker and "starving artist," the man who later would rule most of Europe sold his body to gay men.

    Hitler is noted as a fanatical fan of Wagnerian operas. Less known is the fact that before he rose to become the Fuhrer, in the 1920s, Hitler sexually abused Richard Wagner's grandson, Wieland Wagner (Time magazine, August 15, 1994, p. 56).

    Hitler, of course, was catapulted to power largely by the Brown Shirts (SA), a fascist youth organization led by and composed primarily of "butch" type homosexual militarists. The head of the thuggish Brown Shirts was Ernst Roehm, who was a notorious molester of young boys. Roehm was executed by Hitler after his sexual excesses became widely known.

    As Scott Lively writes in his revealing book, The Pink Swastika-Homosexuality and the Nazi Party, "Homosexuals are the perfect foot soldiers for the devil."

    Interestingly, Hitler and his henchmen intensely disliked feminine gay men, even sent many to concentration camps. The Nazis preferred masculine, butch, soldier-types-like Field Marshall Reinhard Heydrich-willing to take orders. On the other hand, in Soviet Russia, the Communists and Bolsheviks favored gay Jews with female traits and affectations.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:05:31 No.140348172
         File :1244505931.jpg-(32 KB, 1600x1200, WsZjie.jpg)
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    I dedicate this decadent pr0n to you, my fellow /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:06:22 No.140348309
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    I dedicate this decadent pr0n to you, my lovely /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:06:47 No.140348387

    Basing an entire political ideology a comment you saw on /b/.... you must be a fucking genius.

    First of all Liberals don't blame Fox for anything, they simply call out whenever hopelessly lost conservatives gather together bull shit they heard on Fox and attempt to make a political stance. It seems to be the new trend for conservatives to claim that that Liberals are "told what to say by the media" when, in fact, you hypocritical muttonheads do just that.

    Between Rush, Steele, and Cheney, what ground do you honestly have to stand on when it comes to logic? Cheney has been babbling on about the level of his displeasure with the current administration, and about how waterboarding isn't torture. Steele, well, who knows what the fuck that guy does. And Rush has been polluting the airwaves with a slew of inane, insensitive, reckless, and essentially wrong comments about a variety of topics. Now, I haven't really mentioned anything specific, but if you'd like, we can start something here. I have no confidence in your abilities to hold up an argument.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:07:14 No.140348460
    We're open-minded enough to put up with it. Plus, we know that the racism is part of the 'joke' here, nigger.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:07:35 No.140348522
    i like this anons perspective. FAGS ARE THE CANCER KILLING THE WORLD
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:10:14 No.140349016
         File :1244506214.jpg-(108 KB, 1600x1200, yEVCwK.jpg)
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    I dedicate this beautiful pr0n to you, my fellow /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:11:13 No.140349203
    that's because you posted it, samefag.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:11:35 No.140349245
    And tell me, why were people willing to work in these god-awful conditions as opposed to just living on a farm?

    And you're supposed to convince me that workplace accidents/hazards are a failure of capitalism? Maybe electrical shock is a failure of electricity and we ought to resort good ol' fashioned candles?

    The point is these people knew what they were getting into. Plus, the industrial revolution was quite a boon to modern society.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:12:15 No.140349328
    In my myriad experience, Liberals are just stupid. Male Liberals are stupid AND queer fags.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:16:10 No.140349630
    Go back to your cave and shutup.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:17:18 No.140349820
    as for gay marriage, why should the government recognize ANY marriages? Isn't that church- and Las Vegas casino-type stuff anyway?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:19:18 No.140350171

    >the efficiency of bureaucrats, whose job security is not determined by performance

    Obviously, the free market is obviously better than the government in running businesses. The problem however, is when you have entire cities (like Detroit) whose entire economies are dependent on a mismanaged company (like GM), or when you have millions of people who can't afford health care because the government is willing to allow profit-maximizing firms to control whether you live or die. If you're a government interested in maximizing social welfare, you don't allow multiple region's infrastructures to simply be uprooted or a system that clearly has problems to operate because of a commitment to an ideology.

    >Specifically refering to welfare, which i don't take; nice try, OP

    Except it's not just referring to welfare. It's also referring to social security, medicare, scholarships, a reduction in crime, a more educated society, etc which are all things you do benefit from.

    >the (lack of) morality of forced charity

    I don't see anything morally wrong with providing a safety net for less fortunate individuals. What I do think is morally wrong is society allowing its citizens to fall into abject poverty because people are too selfish to allow a fraction of their taxes to be spent on maximizing social welfare and producing conditions conducive to upward mobility.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:20:37 No.140350405
    PROTIP: trying to convince other people on /b/ of the merit of your political ideologies is a fruitless endeavor. stop feeding the troll!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:21:01 No.140350474
    >>And tell me, why were people willing to work in these god-awful conditions as opposed to just living on a farm?

    Are you this fucking stupid to narrow your choices down to working in bad conditions or unemployment? Here's a third option, how about safer working conditions. It might even improve employee performance because their health is not as compromised.

    >>And you're supposed to convince me that workplace accidents/hazards are a failure of capitalism? Maybe electrical shock is a failure of electricity and we ought to resort good ol' fashioned candles?

    Are you such a fucking partisan hack that you are unable to focus on an issue instead of labeling something left or right? Workplace hazards were rampant as a result of no regulations. Instead of resorting to candles, which didn't happen, how about you resort to common fucking sense.

    >>The point is these people knew what they were getting into. Plus, the industrial revolution was quite a boon to modern society.

    Gee, I wonder why we are not like the industrial revolution today. Perhaps we should revert back to child labor, over 9000 work days, and earning pennies on the dollar. If you are trapped inside a burning building or you lose an arm, tough luck.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:24:07 No.140350997

    >The point is these people knew what they were getting into. Plus, the industrial revolution was quite a boon to modern society.

    The point is that people were willing to tolerate these conditions because they didn't have any other options. Plus, the industrial revolution was only a boon to modern society after unions were formed and workers weren't forced to work in abject poverty and die in some hole. Before that, it produced a huge disparity in wealth between the top 10% rich elite, the 15 or so percent of middle class, and everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:24:49 No.140351139
    >>Liberals = those who want to consume more than they produce, and enforce this advantage at gunpoint. Conservatives = people who will be forced to give more than they get. It's that simple.

    Is that why red states are the poorest in the nation and receive millions of federal money from the blue states?

    The only conservatives who pay are the rich who benefit the most from public service. In case you haven't read the previous paragraph, most conservatives are poor.
    >> sage 06/08/09(Mon)20:30:43 No.140351991
    As someone born of a rich family who has always had private education and healthcare, I expect those who have benefitted from state education and healthcare at any time to both pay me back and be punished for having stolen from me.
    >> sage 06/08/09(Mon)20:31:37 No.140352136
    man, there are some really obvious trolls here who are trying too hard to sound like they're genuinely arguing.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:39:16 No.140353113
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:43:03 No.140353709
    Y'know why GM is failing? Because of worker's unions demanding too high of pay and too many benefits for work below that pay level, thereby setting costs for labor too high and cutting company growth. They've shot themselves in the foot; THAT you can blame on the free market

    Also, you seem to insist that i don't care for the poor; I DO! Why would I advocate a system that (so obvious to you and not me) runs directly against their interests? That's why instead of welfare i suggest baseline tax deductions for essential services (like water, healthcare, etc.) easing the burden on them and keeping my wallet safe. Loans too; I'm not for a free lunch, but i am open to tabs.

    A true laissez-faire system without handouts or nationalization is one where a business owner has incentive to keep his business alive- to him and his
    employees, hence your reference to Detroit.

    As for the great service the welfare state provides to me:

    social security: A pyramid scheme of absorbing money from earlier generations to support people who could have been saving, but were too taxed from social security and other social programs; again theft

    medicare, scholarships, : Should be voluntarily funded + tax deductable

    a more educated society: school voucher, or better yet, privatized education leads to more incentives to have better educated students as opposed to public schooling

    a reduction in crime: eliminate victimless crimes, and put more money into the hands of people instead of taxing them

    Now here's a riddle: if five criminals catch you on a street and rob you of your money, that's theft. But, suppose the criminals have a vote:the majority vote is in favor of robbing you, so, they proceed to steal from you. You do not consider the latter theft?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:48:22 No.140354356
    look, g2g iRL, but there is a series of videos you need to see on youtube, called Free to Choose by Milton Friedman. You should also look into other stuff of his.

    He will show why regulations are more harmful than hurtful and why free markets are better

    Another thing to look into is For a New Liberty, by Murray N. Rothbard. Converted me from Marxism to Libertarianism in a heartbeat.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)20:59:48 No.140355276
    I was converted to Libertarianism in kindergarten. I earned all the toys and then these welfare kids wanted to share my toys. The teachers all told me to share the toys. I knew that doing so would undermine my human rights. So then and there I decided to fight strongly any measures designed to "share the wealth". I still have those toys in my closet and will never let go of them or share them with anyone who hasn't earned them.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:08:58 No.140356135
    Seriously. A thread of this many posts just suddenly dies THAT suddenly?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:17:26 No.140357204
    Well, the one person that was in here arguing with himself had to leave...
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:18:20 No.140357328
    There were clearly more than one hehe.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:19:48 No.140357556
    i go out for an hour and a half and come back and this is still going? you impress me /b/

    tl;dr: tl;dr
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:21:42 No.140357872
    We were keeping it going for you. Welcome back.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:22:22 No.140357970

    nihilist much?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:23:24 No.140358138
         File :1244510604.jpg-(32 KB, 1600x1200, rmyUpz.jpg)
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    I dedicate this beautiful pr0n to you, my automatic /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:26:39 No.140358612

    you obviously aren't like most conservatives. most of them are selfish asshole that want to keep all of their money to themselves while people across the street are dying of hunger.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:33:47 No.140359604

    calling someone brainwashed probably isn't the best way to win a debate. on the same note; claiming to know what the agenda of a group (liberal/conservative/gay/religious right/cthulhu cult) is asinine. to know someone's agenda is to know their intent and unless you have the supernatural ability to read peoples minds; it is impossible to know someone's intent unless they chose to tell you honestly. even then how can you be certain.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:36:55 No.140359720

    >>see how they just start yelling, insulting, or repeat trendy phrases they memorized, but show no hint of critical thinking skills.
    >>repeat trendy phrases they memorized, but show no hint of critical thinking skills.
    >>repeat trendy phrases they memorized...

    Drill Baby, Drill?

    debate the issue not your stereotypes of the opposition; that goes for both sides of the isle
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:44:47 No.140360581

    I hope you're trolling. You should read your history before speak. Do a little homework about the inverted pink triangle.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:47:04 No.140360942
    Isn't most of /b/ doing research on "inverted pink triangles" all day on here?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:50:06 No.140361437
    Go back to your husband and suck him off
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:50:52 No.140361548
    newfag trying to sound like an oldfag
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:51:33 No.140361663
    Yes, I got my doctorate from /b/ on inverted pink triangles last year.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:52:29 No.140361797
    No, there's not. Every post here is by anonymous, who is really a guy named David, but that's a well-kept secret.
    >> anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:52:49 No.140361846
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    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:53:47 No.140362024
    Fagchan is down the hall.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:54:18 No.140362108
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    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:54:41 No.140362168
    Everyone else is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:55:23 No.140362239
    Howcome if someone has an abortion, you don't blame their own personal choice instead of blaming the Dems for not forcing them not to do it? In every other case conservatives want to hold individuals accountable for their own choices.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)21:56:01 No.140362269
    Nah, they'll just lie, blame the right, and take their votes, then totally ignore them in light of their own selfish interests, like they do to everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:00:46 No.140362554
    huh? Noo.... the conservatives just think abortion is murder. Which it is, but that's ok, I'm for legalizing murder. Some people need to be removed.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:01:26 No.140362640
    You're right. The Left should stop reasoning with Conservative zombies and simply overrun them.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:03:09 No.140362879
    Hey, I'm all for another civil war. It will be over in 10 minutes since the left are total pussies and they don't have guns.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:04:11 No.140363046
    The left never reasons, that's the point. They just repeat things over and over and expect you to believe it without providing any reasoning whatsoever. If they could reason, they wouldn't be on the left anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:04:32 No.140363094
    But the funny thing is the redneck south LOST the civil war. And the "pussy" Left is in power now.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:05:50 No.140363234
    I love Adam Smith and John Locke, woooooo go Liberal!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:07:05 No.140363316
    Actually no, it was the Republican Party that won the war. But can't expect a brainwashed liberal to know anything about history....
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:09:18 No.140363439
    Back when "liberal" meant free-thinker and open-minded. It is now the opposite.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:11:19 No.140363500
    >The right never reasons, that's the point. They just put up comical demotivators and expect you to believe it without providing any reasoning whatsoever. If they could reason, they wouldn't be on the right anymore.

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:11:43 No.140363514
    yankeefags, if u wanna hate on the confederacy just think that your great army nearly lost to a bunch of "farm boys and rednecks"

    also states rights>federal power
    jefferson davis>90% of presidents
    >> anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:13:12 No.140363562
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    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:14:15 No.140363620
    Yeah I always love the Republican Party of today pretending that Lincoln would approve of them. Let's just ignore that the parties made a major switch between then and now and just act like, because we share the name, we're somehow tied to them
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:16:17 No.140363874
    You forgot to add Bush with "Corporate Socialism"
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:16:52 No.140363977
    Yes, because all Republicans these days are slave-owners. Get back to work, bitch! I'm not paying you minimum wage to sit on 4chan and troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:17:12 No.140364024
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    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:17:38 No.140364101
    Corporate socialism, you mean how Obama is printing a bunch of money to save all the big corporations, then buying them in the name of the federal gov't?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:18:56 No.140364303
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    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:20:03 No.140364494
    Obviously the parties have switched in regards to which one is more progressive in terms of racial issues since Lincoln's time...durrr. And this was not subtle either. It was a blatant explicit switch after the Dixiecrat era.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:20:39 No.140364595
    I'm sorry what had McCain run?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:21:00 No.140364645
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:21:22 No.140364699
    No see corporate socialism is where you give them the money and DON'T get ownership of them. Instead you give them money and they own you through their campaign contributions. What Obama is doing is the exact opposite.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:21:40 No.140364751
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    I dedicate this fapworthy pr0n to you, my automatic /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:22:04 No.140364820
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:22:22 No.140364858
    Ron Jeremy?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:23:32 No.140365077
    ^This...10000x this
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:23:38 No.140365092

    this anon speaks the truth.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:23:43 No.140365108
    Retard confuses Conservatism with Republicans. Lrn2govt moron.

    Neither one is bad per se, but aren't exclusively interchangeable
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:24:11 No.140365145
    Oic, so you'd rather have the all-powerful feds run everything? That's kind of what America's founding fathers were against in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:26:04 No.140365284
    McCain couldn't even beat a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:26:27 No.140365299
    by your polygamy argument, your logic dictates that a liberal standpoint abortion should be legal as well as whaling, cutting down trees, global warming (not real), and vigilante justice.

    I told my (now ex) girlfriend that I would support her in whatever decision she wanted to do. She chose to have an abortion. I paid for it, as well as our housing, my car, the gas, and all of her transportation (scene girls don't like the bus).

    I lasted another 6 months, and couldn't look at her alcoholic, violent face anymore. I've never been militant before about anything, but a late-term abortionist got a late term abortion. Meanwhile, an innocent person was killed by a terrorist (btw, his crime constitutes a hate crime under liberal legislation) and not a peep from the media. 60,000 isn't exactly the high score, but it's pretty evil.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:30:19 No.140365539
    It amazes me that America's founding fathers - a group that held slaves and encouraged genocide against Native Americans - are viewed as some ethical paragons.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:30:31 No.140365561
    rsly. anyway, libertarianfag is back in action

    to respond to this raging Marxfag:

    You limit regulation as the only vaible solution to workers safety. You forget 1) workers ARE capable of awareness and caution and don't need your dumbing down and 2) workers can sue for tort damages and externalities if company protocol explicitly endangered their health. I will grant it to you that the workers back then were dealing with unfamiliar technology and they didn't have the best legal protection, but you seriously need to stop holding a grudge against the free market over some bullshit that happened way back when.

    Now this is so RAGEWIN I had to quote it:
    >>Are you such a fucking partisan hack that you are unable to focus on an issue instead of labeling something left or right? Workplace hazards were rampant as a result of no regulations. Instead of resorting to candles, which didn't happen, how about you resort to common fucking sense. <<
    So apparently, because I didn't specify whether workplace accidents are right-leaning or leftist in nature, and the allegations of me lighting candles were never true, I'm a total fucking idiot. Cool story, bro.

    Now as far as child labor, work days and earning pennies on the dollar, i will answer respectively:
    1) I am opposed to child labor on the same grounds I am opposed to pedophilia: they're kids
    2) I would never hope a company forces their workers to work over 9000 days a year ;), and
    3)Back then, pennies were the shit. Thanks to the Federal Reserve, inflation has made what looks like a killing in pay a real rip-off; back in the 40s a dollar WAS a dollar
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:30:37 No.140365578
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:34:51 No.140366213
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:35:04 No.140366245
    Global warming is real, troll. Anyway, one death and you expect the media to jump all over it?

    September 11th and the whole world cries, but the 45,000 murders in the Congo each month (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jan/22/congo.chrismcgreal) are ignored.

    They cry when Americans are murdered in Iraq, but more Americans are killed on the streets of Los Angeles that no one does a damned thing about.

    When some worthless British bitch from the royal family gets in a car accident, they don't shut up for years, but for years people are killed in Darfur and nothing is said or done.

    Fuck your media.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:35:12 No.140366270
    Do you guys have any idea how stupid you sound? "(political view)fag here, my argument is superior because you suck cock LULZ"
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:36:39 No.140366564
         File :1244514999.jpg-(108 KB, 1600x1200, GpNnTT.jpg)
    108 KB

    I give this fapworthy pr0n to you, my fellow /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:37:02 No.140366627
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:38:17 No.140366847
    That was already addressed
    Thank you for your time, anon.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:39:00 No.140366983

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:42:25 No.140367622
    conservative /b/tard here.

    YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON. 99% of conservatives are the most deviant, ass backwards freaks who are evil torturers. amirite?

    faggot ass faggot.

    conservatives will drink you shit heads under the table, smoke more weed than you, whip your fucking ass, and destroy you at any video game you want, not to mention outperform you in anything IRL. Then we get over the urge to be everything to everybody at about 19.

    However, as much fun as I have here,
    -I don't want my kids to stumble on to this site.
    -I don't want "Matryoshka doll" issues like sexism, adult language, sardonistic nihilism, and racism used to promote commercialism or some sort of "coming of age" to prematurely ruin their innocence.

    It's best work together and share commonalities. We all know that. But no one wants it forced on them in a series of pussified "green" commercial jingles or, as we all know doesn't work, sanctified facist shaming.

    Republicans are the party of no? I don't steal video games unless it's made by Illusion. I don't steal movies unless it's porn. I refuse to pay for sex, and I'll stay abstinent until I find a better woman than I've settled for that doesn't love me for my money or my dick. I don't smoke cigarettes, and although I enjoy marijuana, I don't smoke it because I want a real job in National Security, not some pissant contracting position that is the cancer killing /usa/.

    Fuck you.

    Can't wait for 2010!

    And if you grammarfucks want to spell check instead of debate, yaoi is ===========>
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:42:52 No.140367706
    Liberals, they want the gov't to do all the decision-making for them.
    Republicans, they trust the people to think for themselves.

    Stupid Republicans.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:44:17 No.140367967
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:44:59 No.140368093
    Republicans: People who say not to trust the government, then take office and proceed to show you why.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:45:01 No.140368104
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    Samefag is a failtroll
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:45:10 No.140368130
    >>Republicans, they trust the people to think for themselves.

    Stupid Republicans.<<

    Just think of it as passive eugenics :)
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:46:02 No.140368286
    samefag here

    well-played, anon.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:48:42 No.140368543
    To the liberal fag in here, why is this?

    Taking the moral high ground, but then ignoring the Holocaust 2.0 that could easily be stopped. Could it be that liberals, like Bush, are only interested in areas that they buy oil from?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:51:29 No.140368769
    did anyone else notice that all the mass murders mentioned here are committed by niggers?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:53:37 No.140368914
         File :1244516017.jpg-(108 KB, 1600x1200, xKrpcN.jpg)
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    I dedicate this decadent pr0n to you, my lovely /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:55:32 No.140369018
    my /b/ has changed

    I blame Obama
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:56:00 No.140369033

    Darfur and the Congo? I guess that's Bush's fault, you twit. The signifigance of a "terroristic attack" perpetrated by an American Citizen is lost on you over a bunch of idiots killing each other over oil and drug money WHILE THE U.N. DOES NOTHING! Meanwhile, Tiller the Baby Killer is a martyr BECAUSE LIBFAGS ARE TOLD TO MOURN HIM. FUCK HIM! Didn't wish him dead, but a bunch of fetuses are no longer sweating water weight into their mothers now that he's dead.

    You have got to be the dumbest motherfucker ever.

    Should we go to the Congo to save innocent people from ruthless dictators and warring factions fighting over unlimited natural resources cause no one else wants to step in?


    Or should we step in and "save" the black youth of America from themselves...Parental Advisories were shunned, FCC Censorship was balked at, OJ and Tupac walked. You are a failing idiot listening to old hippiefags that will never get fired. Obama has lost us 6,000,000 jobs and "saved" 250,000.

    That's like Clinton cutting 250,000 government jobs but hiring 600,000 contractors.

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)22:59:37 No.140369300
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:01:33 No.140369566
    I dedicate to you this beautiful rip on Republicans, my fellow /b/tard.

    Republicans: People who claim the government is too incompetent to run anything...except the most powerful military in world history.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:02:31 No.140369633
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:03:08 No.140369661
    Ya, pretty much
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:04:14 No.140369745
    the people that are democratic and our allies are closer to Iraq. The people that trade with global terrorists and censoring communist governments are in Africa. Let China deal with it. Besides, Kofi Annan's son was laundering oil for food funds duing all of the Clinton years. NOT our fault. Hate on oil all you want, but it is in everything from the bezel of the computer monitor you are typing to to the soap you scrub your asshole clean with once every fortnight.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:07:48 No.140370134
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:09:59 No.140370471
         File :1244516999.jpg-(50 KB, 972x219, kUFywG.jpg)
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    I give this decadent pr0n to you, my lovely /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:13:11 No.140370959


    ME bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:18:15 No.140371438
    ME sucked, vista is way better.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:20:38 No.140371554
    No one ever answered OP's question. LAWL at all the liberalfags pretending to reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:21:32 No.140371693
    Not nearly as funny.

    Winnar >>140368093
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:22:41 No.140371856
    Membership fee for living in America. You reap the benefits in the form of education, roads to drive on, police to keep niggers from breaking into your house, and an army to keep you from getting shot or invaded. Too easy.
    >> Binny Road 06/08/09(Mon)23:22:49 No.140371880

    The fuck? OP had no question and your syntax is of a shit quality. Fuck you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:22:53 No.140371888
    Democrats: Coming up with glib comments to sum up idiotic social discourse based on immature, redundant non-fact-based personal attacks against the prolitareate majority since before they owned all the slaves. (Look it up. i.e. Lincoln was a "carpet-bagger")

    Republicans: Peacefully shopping for produce while carrying sidearms legally concealed (or not) in capitalized industrialized commercial interests after working a double shift at a power plant in 120+ conditions in hazmat suits while being denied benefits because they won't join the union and getting shit spewed physically and verbally by Democrats since before I can remember.
    I weep for us all.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:25:18 No.140372303
         File :1244517918.jpg-(72 KB, 750x600, welcome faggot.jpg)
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    Newfag detected
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:25:31 No.140372340
    but you are the niggers breaking in our house...
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:26:14 No.140372443
    Democrats: Don't think we should force everyone-0 Christian or not- to live their lives based off of a 2000 year old piece of shit book.

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:26:55 No.140372556
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:27:34 No.140372690
    I disagree. But I am for killing gays.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:27:53 No.140372753
    I wonder if they will treat us baby killers well in the history books centuries from now...
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:31:47 No.140373451
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    I don't believe in God faggot. But don't covet thy neighbor and don't kill for fun were pretty good rules to keep people straightened out. Not eating pork kept people from getting trichinosis...

    do you fucks even READ?

    ITP, God=Obama. amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:32:16 No.140373531
    >I wonder if they will treat us glob of cells killers well in the history books centuries from now...

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:33:27 No.140373624
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:39:11 No.140373976
    This should answer your question

    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:41:10 No.140374273
         File :1244518870.jpg-(108 KB, 1600x1200, efjCBT.jpg)
    108 KB

    I dedicate this beautiful pr0n to you, my fellow /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/08/09(Mon)23:48:01 No.140375304
    Social Darwinism sucks.

    Did you know that there will be a year long events celebrating Ronald Regan, in 2011?

    Makes me sick.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/09(Mon)23:49:37 No.140375514

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