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  • File :1244177025.png-(2 KB, 251x178, 28514547.png)
    2 KB Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:43:45 No.139699935  
    Last thread 404'd. What the fuck do you plan on doing with the degree you might get from your shitty major?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:44:10 No.139700003
    Nursing major.. pretty self explanatory
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:44:47 No.139700125
    physical therapy most likely.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:45:16 No.139700219
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:45:44 No.139700305
    Pre med- be a doctor, boss nurses around
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:45:47 No.139700315
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:45:48 No.139700323
    Electrical engineering major.. i wantz work in company.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:46:44 No.139700480
    arabic and political science with a minor in persian

    i will become a supah sekrit spai
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:46:45 No.139700481
    Anthropology. Probably cultural.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:46:52 No.139700512
    physics graduate student.
    continue working on fusion energy.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:46:53 No.139700515

    Electronics Engineering Tech
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:47:09 No.139700567
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:49:20 No.139700679
    Farsi Language
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:49:43 No.139700689
    Mechanical Engineering with a specialty in Alternative Energy. Once I'm done I plan on going into defense contracting.

    I plan on being the first person to make a tank run off of alternative fuel fast and effectively.

    Upon failing that, I will be the first to create a tank that runs off the energy of the dead soldiers it runs over. A little extreme, but I'll deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:50:19 No.139700716
    environmental engineering grad student

    i will clean shit up
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:51:04 No.139700791
    Triple majoring in computer engineering, software engineering, and applied mathematics.

    I'm not leaving for awhile.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:51:05 No.139700793

    shoma az man mefahmeed?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:51:56 No.139700916
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:51:58 No.139700920
    Music Industry. Best major ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:52:20 No.139700985
    French and (lol) Japanese

    gonna translaaaate
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:52:25 No.139700998
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:52:26 No.139701000
    I want to work for volvo.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:52:40 No.139701044
    Medical Technology
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:52:57 No.139701087
    LoL weaboo
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:53:09 No.139701115
    applied mathematics
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:53:24 No.139701150
    Computer Systems
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:53:31 No.139701168
    lol weaboofaggot
    also economics
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:53:32 No.139701171
    Film Editor
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:53:49 No.139701222
    computer foren-sex
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:54:00 No.139701254
    political sciences.

    gonna be the president of the united states

    might change to architecture tho
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:54:08 No.139701277
    Work for NASA/ESA/JAXA.

    Aerospace Eng + Physics majors
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:54:09 No.139701280
    im gonna be a chef
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:54:18 No.139701305
    cs and math
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:54:28 No.139701331
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:54:42 No.139701368
    computer science
    system.out.print("hello world!");
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:54:46 No.139701375
    Airport Management and Air traffic Control yeah bitches
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:54:59 No.139701394
    Chem minoring in Poli Sci and English Lit
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:56:10 No.139701456
    Nutrition, Dietition, Registered Nursing, Liscensed nursing, possible Physical trainer.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:56:30 No.139701463

    I'd rather be doing research in biochemistry though.

    I'll probably end up at a laboratory/manufacturing job for a biotech company.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:56:42 No.139701467
    electrical engineering, probably gonna double major with something like music theory though also
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:56:44 No.139701469
    graphic design
    century gothic is my lover
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:56:50 No.139701476
    Yay me too. But I also may teach, or go to med school to be a doctor or try to get a job in forensics. I don't have my heart set on anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:57:03 No.139701484
    Green Building and Community Design
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:57:11 No.139701491
    cout << "Hello World!" << endl;

    Fuck Comp Sci. I want to transfer, I hate it.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:57:13 No.139701493
    Human Services / Psych / Social Work

    Might be the only Human Services Major in my college that believes Mary Jane should be legalized completely...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:57:15 No.139701499
    A doctor ... on 4chan? Sweet.

    Not in uni yet. When I do, Law.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:57:40 No.139701506
    Mechanical Engineering and go work for a kickass place like Bell Helicopter or Lockheed Martin
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:59:14 No.139701555
    Romance Languages (i.e. french and spanish double major) and a posssible minor in German.I want to teach High school Spanish, French, and German.
    -In b4 ridicule.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:59:15 No.139701557
    BFA Game Art and Design

    lol what a fucking joke. A year out of college and still no job, just internship after internship

    shoulda stuck with drug dealing
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)00:59:40 No.139701571
    Just finished up nursing. Getting ready to be bossed around by this asshole.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:00:12 No.139701618
    Sociology. Want to do law or education and both can be segued into via sosh.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:00:51 No.139701673
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:00:56 No.139701682
    Major in Management

    You'll be working for me faggots
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:01:20 No.139701737
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:01:32 No.139701760
    business...taking lsat for law scool
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:01:35 No.139701766
         File :1244178095.jpg-(50 KB, 750x600, pedobear.jpg)
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    Early Childhood Education
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:01:53 No.139701819
    Not a doctor yet retard, it's college major not occupation.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:01:53 No.139701820
    Art History... I'm fucked.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:02:07 No.139701846
    Biomedical Engineering. Sure as hell don't know what i'm gunna do with it...and i graduate in 2 semesters.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:02:19 No.139701881
    Major in Math. Actually, Mr/Ms Business Fag, you'll be working for me.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:02:21 No.139701886
    electrical engineering grad student.

    yes I'm a geek. I'm comfortable with that
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:02:57 No.139701981
    Religious education
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:03:10 No.139702021
    math and chemical engineering. id like to 1. work for a drug/biotech company or 2. be a math professor, havent decided yet
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:03:19 No.139702034
    bachelor's electrical engineering, master's optics, currently getting phd in electrical engineering
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:03:24 No.139702055
    Landscape Architecture..............yeah....lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:03:34 No.139702085
    Visual Arts
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:03:49 No.139702123
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:03:58 No.139702145
    Microbiology Graduate student. I wanted to be an academic. Now I have realized I would rather teach highschool science.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:03:59 No.139702150
    Flute performance. And I am a straight male.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:04:23 No.139702212
    same as ^
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:04:43 No.139702258
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:04:50 No.139702275
         File :1244178290.jpg-(49 KB, 972x219, RBXBuV.jpg)
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    I give this beautiful pr0n to you, my fellow /b/tard
    (no underage b&, I promise) *wink wink*

    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:04:51 No.139702279
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:04:59 No.139702307
    In an honors program for Finance and Industrial Engineering.

    I am set for life.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:02 No.139702313
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:02 No.139702315
    art education, minor in music education and english.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:29 No.139702377
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:35 No.139702403
    >> chortle !omwr49k8JM 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:39 No.139702418
    English Literature -- gonna get my masters and Ph. D, then go to seminary and get a Masters of Divinity and be a pastor.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:40 No.139702424


    دارم الان به فارسی مقالهءی می نویسم
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:46 No.139702437
    i went to my community college. i got an aas ... computer information systems. that was my major. minored in web site development.

    ... i'm interested in neither. i just wanna drive
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:55 No.139702466
    Screenwriting and play writing. So, like, starving I guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:05:59 No.139702480
    econ, and im in med school now. damn right.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:06:07 No.139702512
    Media Informatics
    I can make websites that look pretty.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:06:17 No.139702538
    >>139701673 Quid Agus in Hodie?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:06:34 No.139702583
    Biochem -> Accelerated PharmD
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:06:34 No.139702585
    Math and education. Math teacher. 2 years of the 5 left, all I have to do from here out is pass.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:06:44 No.139702611

    Oh God... why would you do that to yourself?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:06:59 No.139702654
    physics... who the fuck knows
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:08 No.139702680
    computer information systems
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:14 No.139702700
    Yea I started with nursing school...didnt like that so I didnt finish. I've been working in a medical lab for a while as a phlebotomist to pay my way through college...decided I'll just become a MT.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:21 No.139702719
    Im actually a theater major but not an actor. I work as a sound designer and I do some stage design here and there
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:27 No.139702737
    physics and maybe engineering
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:28 No.139702740
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:29 No.139702745
    I believe in passion and all, but you need to be a BIT more practical. What are you gonna do? Hope to be featured on the History channel?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:31 No.139702755
    Still in HS but probably electric engineering. It seems pretty popular around here.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:42 No.139702791
    Biomolecular engineering

    R&D for me, I guess :/
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:46 No.139702799
    Philosophy: I have no clue... do a master in philosophy?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:54 No.139702814

    that's a MAJOR for you?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:07:59 No.139702827
         File :1244178479.jpg-(5 KB, 304x88, conservation of mass.jpg)
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    Mechanical Engineering for my BS, going to Purdue for a master's in Aerospace.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:08:07 No.139702852
    >> billbob 06/05/09(Fri)01:08:08 No.139702854
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:08:16 No.139702876
    civil engineering grad student

    I'm gonna build buildings and shit
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:08:23 No.139702895
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:08:27 No.139702907
    >> 5-year plan Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:08:42 No.139702945
    1. Chemical Engineering
    2. Economics
    (a) minor in Computer Science
    (b) minor in Japanese

    5 years plus summers, 197 credits. Lehigh University
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:09:11 No.139703026
    Aerospace Engineering. Hopefully gonna work for NASA or the military.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:09:14 No.139703034
    You said "ITT: your college major".

    But the real ITT to this is what we plan on doing later, with the degree.

    I was going to answer, but I don't know the answer to the real ITT.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:09:16 No.139703040
    Biotechnology with a minor in criminology.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:09:22 No.139703062

    One major done correctly > many majors + minors
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:09:31 No.139703086
    Real Estate Law
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:09:35 No.139703093
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:09:40 No.139703108

    I hope you get the best job in the world, because if you don't... I hope you had fun ruining your life.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:10:20 No.139703224
    civil engineering idk make more freeways in california
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:10:23 No.139703234
    Secondary Education, accreditation in both Math and English. Not 100% sure whether I want to stay for my Master's or not...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:10:29 No.139703254
    Ecological Biology

    Gonna be working for the EPA
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:10:32 No.139703264
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:10:39 No.139703284
    Major in political science and a minor in international relations. Going into the Air Force as an officer after I get out of school.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:10:50 No.139703310
    Fire and Emergency Services
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:09 No.139703358
    journalism. though i'm thinking of putting it on hold to get my network admin certs...

    i find that college is to expensive to pay for when I work half time at a $14.50 job.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:13 No.139703369

    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:19 No.139703390
    History major with teaching minor.

    Start in a high school, work my way to a college so i can actually teach.
    >>   06/05/09(Fri)01:11:22 No.139703403
    Russian and Geology.
    >> 5-year plan Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:29 No.139703420

    ChemE done correctly. Currently have job in the field.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:32 No.139703428
    Same here, only with a Bachelor of Science in Astronomy as well, and I'll probably minor in Japanese (JAXA ftw).
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:32 No.139703429
    Cool I majored in that too!, for like two years
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:33 No.139703430
    economics/math here. gonna go into the stock market, use my math skills to use some crazy formula for predicting good investments or some shit, and then make fat wads of cash.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:36 No.139703439
    Paleontology undergrad, considering doing anthropology as a double major.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:37 No.139703446
    Culinary Arts

    CC>CCC>CEC til 45 then get my CCE and teach til i die
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:38 No.139703447
    Travel, tourism, and commercial recreation management. starting year 5 this fall, im pretty close to failing out and moving to south america
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:46 No.139703470
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:11:53 No.139703493
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:12:03 No.139703525

    thinking of switching to communications
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:12:11 No.139703543
    question, whats the difference between officers and recruits? like recruits "yes sir" to u?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:12:37 No.139703618
    UNF history major, wanna be a history teacher :S
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:12:39 No.139703625
    uhm no. Do not do this. you will lose money.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:13:07 No.139703655

    From the easiest major to the fucking joke of college eh?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:13:07 No.139703656
    Right now Lib Arts, when I transfer to my 4 year I'ma double major in Anthropology and History, might throw in Sociology for good measure. I want PhD's in all 3. Also show great proficiency in English and strongly considering throwing that into the mix. Throw enough shit at the wall eventually some of it'll stick, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:13:29 No.139703678
    General Studies
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:14:07 No.139703707

    You get paid better, everyone who is retarded and went into the military out of high school has to suck my dick on command, more opportunity to advance, and basically they don't treat you like a retard as they do if you just enlist. It's more of a real job.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:14:26 No.139703720
    We'll, I'd say it's a pretty specific area of study.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:14:26 No.139703721

    I want to know this too; I'm humoring the idea of joining the service after my master's
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:15:11 No.139703764
    Women's Studies... Not sure what I will do with it
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:15:11 No.139703766
    Poli Sci and Econ.

    First stop House, then Senate, then Governorship, and then White House.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:15:20 No.139703780
    plz fix nyc. this shit is a mess
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:15:22 No.139703783
    minor in Astronomy
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:15:25 No.139703793
    Ecology, kill it with fire. Though I won't deny it's usefulness.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:01 No.139703866
    Human resources
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:04 No.139703872
    Psychology here.
    To the person in the last thread (just found this one) who said NYU doesn't give full scholarships, I have this to say:
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:07 No.139703880
    How many times can I say 'throw' in one paragraph, eh?

    My Anth. prof and his office-mate the History prof informed me to abandon the high school path as it makes it harder to get a job in a college.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:15 No.139703893
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:32 No.139703934
    Majoring in Murder.

    Gonna be a Murderer.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:48 No.139703980

    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:49 No.139703984
    Graphic Design. Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:51 No.139703987
    Computer Science. Programmer.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:16:52 No.139703992
    English. Creative Writing, specifically. Plan on teaching. But I kind of want to get my MFA.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:17:03 No.139704020

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:17:30 No.139704080
    Information Security. Leet hax0r. I took computer science III
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:18:02 No.139704154
    Journalism - Written
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:18:05 No.139704160
    looks like im set to be an econ major as of now...

    i guess i'll flip burgers or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:18:34 No.139704234

    I see wut u did thar
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:18:43 No.139704260
    comp sci
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:19:11 No.139704342
    Music: Vocal Performance.

    Yep, I'm THAT ghey.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:19:32 No.139704398
    Aerospace Engineering, Math, and Education. I plan on working somewhere like Boeing, or at an airline working as a engineer, or even as a high school teacher. All sounds good, especially if they pay me well enough.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:19:40 No.139704417
    Dual major, linguistics and international relations.

    Gonna enjoy my entry-level $56k salary.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:19:44 No.139704431
    an heroing
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:01 No.139704478
    Professional Wrestling.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:09 No.139704497
    What in god's name are you doing on /b/???
    And why did you take that program?>!>!>!

    u too
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:13 No.139704505

    Thought that was more a BFA thing
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:15 No.139704513
    Doing what?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:19 No.139704524
    naturalpathic physician
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:24 No.139704536
    Some type of engineering, most likely mechanical, materials, or electrical. Haven't declared yet. Might end up doing a double major or some shit. Who knows.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:26 No.139704540

    prima lux est, sine somnum sum
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:31 No.139704556
    ITT: faggots that wish they were smart enough to be taking all these science classes

    Political Science for me
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:42 No.139704591
    All the International Relations and Political Science fags should get together and forge a new country amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:47 No.139704599
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:20:48 No.139704602
    wow we're all a bunch of fags
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:21:07 No.139704650
    Industrial Engineering; Supply chain Optimization for Walmart. I make 124k a year 2 years out of College.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:21:07 No.139704654
    applied math... i have no fucking clue why other than i love math.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:21:09 No.139704661
    Mathematics, going to become an actuary

    Best job in the country fuckers
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:21:23 No.139704698
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:21:39 No.139704751
    Psychology. Going to be a psychologist.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:22:13 No.139704799

    why because we don't intend to flip burgers at mcdonalds?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:22:17 No.139704807
    It was computer science but I'm changing it to graphic artist.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:22:39 No.139704862
    How to get a job:

    Computer Science
    Anything Engineering (minus bio-anything Engineering)
    Education (w/ Math and Science background)

    How to get an overrated job that requires 8-10 years of brutal post-college work to start earning any sort of decent income:

    Med, Law

    How to waste a lot of money and learn something esoteric:

    Everything else
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:22:40 No.139704871
         File :1244179360.jpg-(63 KB, 600x450, tesla-roadster.jpg)
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    Mechanical Engineering and Industrial design, I want to work in the auto industry, hopefully with electric cars
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:22:45 No.139704892
    mathematics and computer security double... then i'm going to join the coast guard and drive ships, using neither
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:22:48 No.139704900
    I just got an Aerospace Engineering degree in December 2008.

    Haven't found a job yet, and it looks like I won't be finding one for a long time.

    For anyone who just graduated: unless you know someone in the industry or were able to have an internship with a company, good luck finding a job. All of the people recently laid off and have 10 years' experience are applying for all of the entry-level positions and are accepting lower pay just to have a job.

    Sucks pretty hardcore. Sepukku with a frisbee sounds about right...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:22:51 No.139704907
    civil engineering, structural emphasis. masters in architectural engineering. I'm gonna design the next empire state building
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:22:51 No.139704911
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:23:06 No.139704948
    economics. hopefully i get a job as a professor. not soulcrushing and being in a college town guarantees me a constant supply of weed and shrooms
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:23:27 No.139705000

    it doesn't matter what my degree is in. i just need to have one, and have good grades, so i can work for the government again. will probably be smashing people's heads into windows, etc. DHS for the win.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:23:59 No.139705070
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:24:03 No.139705082

    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:24:07 No.139705092
    Computer SCIENCE minor math

    note the SCIENCE... not some faggot teir IT or SE bullshite. I read my SICP everyday and am an EXPERT schemer. Can't stand the unshowered videogaming faggot weaboos everywhere in my major. Oh well, I'm better at all this than any of them (which is sad because most of them think they are great at "computer science").

    Computer Science != computers.
    >> http://zip.4chan.org/o/imgboard.html 06/05/09(Fri)01:24:15 No.139705116
    im planning on mechanical engineering cause that seems pretty cool and interesting and they make bank. but i looked at the course outline and they are hard fucking classes the first 2 years, crazy ass calculus shit. PLUS the counsler said i would need AT LEAST a 3.over 9000 in those classes to have a chance to get into the Oregon state engineering program. and i dunno where else there is to go in oregon. now im kinda doubting myself cause i know i cant get those grades :(

    i dont know what to do now. im thinking nursig? they make bank too.... what else is therE?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:24:16 No.139705121
    McDonalds has great benefits for their employees.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:24:40 No.139705206
    Major is my Major
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:24:49 No.139705229
    English, minor in CWing and Library Sciences.

    I want to be a librarian, or an editor I'd teach if I got desperate.

    I just really, really fucking love books.
    >> #08059384 MILO 06/05/09(Fri)01:24:55 No.139705247

    >Triple majoring in computer engineering, software >engineering, and applied mathematics.

    Fellow computer engineer here. That's absolutely pointless. Waste of time and money. One degree in computer engineering is enough to get anything. I'm speaking from experience.

    Unless you have time and money to kill, drop the other two.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:24:55 No.139705250
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    Doctorate in Percussion Performance, hope to teach...God I'm good.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:25:03 No.139705262
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:25:23 No.139705317

    You should be able to score a librarian job... it's not THAT hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:25:26 No.139705331

    you can major in couter strike?!?!?! :D
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:26:11 No.139705466
    MATH FTW!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:26:47 No.139705545

    Protip: Do a professional degree or don't bother at all.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:26:48 No.139705548

    meh can no one understand this?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:27:03 No.139705594
    Information Science and Technology. Starting at a major consulting firm in September.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:27:34 No.139705692

    What's paleontology like?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:27:39 No.139705706
    music performance

    i will play the bass and trombone for a living
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:27:57 No.139705747
    BFA in Theatre. just graduated last month niggers
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:28:07 No.139705777
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    you're clever.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:28:26 No.139705829
    Computer Multimedia Programming and Design...just so iz can x-ray pics and make a site about it. FUCK YEAH!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:28:33 No.139705846

    I know it isn't that difficult, but ideally, I want to have a head librarian job at a huge library. The New York Public Library is gorgeous, and I'd love to work there.

    I realize I don't really need a English/LS degree to get a job at a library- hell, I'm already interning at one. But I like it, weird as that may be.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:28:44 No.139705887
    Telecommunication Arts. w00t.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:28:56 No.139705931
    if you aren't majoring in pure or applied mathematics you're an absolute failure
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:29:16 No.139705998
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    newfags can't triforce
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:29:33 No.139706015
    Music Performance

    I am a Flutist
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:29:34 No.139706017
    Applied Computer Science. Basically easy mode Computer Science with less math and foreign language requirements. Requires internship in other country.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:29:42 No.139706029
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:29:43 No.139706032

    *. I'd
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:29:46 No.139706039
    ACS certified Chemistry with a Math minor
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:29:48 No.139706042
    Undergrad: aerospace engineering and naval architecture/marine engineering with a paleontology minor
    Masters & soon to be PhD in Aerospace engineering.

    With those shitty degrees, I was hoping to continue what I'm doing now, which is designing new propulsion systems capable of suborbital hypersonic flight. Maybe make a submersible some day.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:29:58 No.139706080
    Triple majoring in Finance, Management, and Spanish.

    Plans: Make money in Latin America.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:30:00 No.139706089
    was chemistry, just changed to engineering physics
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:30:01 No.139706090

    True, except you will have the most skull-fuckingly boring job on the planet for the amount of education you have received. Have fun ringing up sticks of gum and giving people directions to the bathroom while in your little booth next to the tacky Halloween decorations.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:30:02 No.139706099
    Not weird at all. School literally changed my life and I love every second of it. Part of why I wanna teach at a college, then it'll never end. And who knows, maybe I'll score some sweet student ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:30:06 No.139706107
    Linguistics. I suppose I'll translate or interpret.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:30:26 No.139706132
    East Asian Studies nigger!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:30:53 No.139706171
    exercise science for pre-physical therapy

    but, this is fucking anon...soo..

    I'm actually Pre-law, Pre-med and Pre-Millionaire Astronaut
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:31:20 No.139706191
    goddanm design. it's hell.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:31:34 No.139706206
    samefag, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:31:54 No.139706225
    Starting a Bachelor of science in Information Technology at GA Southern next fall
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:32:09 No.139706234

    What the hell? That actually sounds like a comfortable life right there...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:32:48 No.139706254
    ITT: People who aren't in college
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:34:06 No.139706294
    self study..ing

    human potential development
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:34:27 No.139706302
    >> http://zip.4chan.org/o/imgboard.html 06/05/09(Fri)01:35:11 No.139706315

    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:35:40 No.139706330
    Someone needs to get a military job, like submarine officer.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:35:42 No.139706336

    Basically it's a hybrid BSc degree in terms of what courses you took, since you take mostly evolutionary biology, earth science and zoology courses, with a few physical anthropology courses thrown into the mix. First year's just basic stuff, but it gets much more interesting as you go on.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:36:05 No.139706345

    Working as a foreign service officer.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:36:15 No.139706370
    Right now, my Associate of Arts degree at the College of Southern Nevada, then transfer to a four year university (hopefully not UNLV) to get my bachelors in Journalism.

    I plan to make tea at the BBC.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:36:21 No.139706382

    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:36:35 No.139706406
    PhD, Computer Science. Aeronautical systems design for Lockheed Martin.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:37:32 No.139706504
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    Post-Bac taking pre-med course work.

    I am gonna go to med school I can cure fail and AIDS.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:37:35 No.139706515
    engineering technologist
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:38:00 No.139706576

    oh man, i'm a pharmacy tech right now. if i had to work this job for the rest of my life i'd top myself.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:38:04 No.139706584
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:38:21 No.139706629
    biochemistry and biomedical sciences. i'm going to research the fucked up brain chemistry of /b/tards
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:38:21 No.139706630
    are you a girl? without a lisp?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:38:38 No.139706661
    Metallurgy major, Materials Science minor. Future plans? I have no fucking idea. Something sciencey, I suspect.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:38:41 No.139706670
    hahaha chair-force
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:38:56 No.139706699
    Just graduated with a BA in Theater and English Literature.

    I'm taking a year off to test and apply and then start school again in August/September 2010 to work towards my masters and doctorate in English Literature.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:39:09 No.139706726
    Undergraduate, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:40:15 No.139706883
    Doctor in philosophy
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:40:28 No.139706925
    film - sound design
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:41:09 No.139707027
    money? in latin america? lulz ... yeah, that's why the mexicans come here ...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:42:05 No.139707162
    Geography bitches!!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:42:15 No.139707183
    Music major with a concentration in business.

    Probably going to declare business minor next fall. I plan on going to grad school anyways, still don't really know what to do with my life.

    lol maybe i should learn how to play an instrument or make music on a mac or something lol
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:42:55 No.139707297

    Seriously... I'm kind of thinking about changing my major, not even kidding.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/09(Fri)01:43:39 No.139707423

    That's the point you fucking dumbass. Have fun getting shot at.

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