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    File :1242408274.png-(309 KB, 1022x1021, UK_June_2009_Elections.png)
    309 KBUK ELECTIONS JUNE 2009 Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:24:34 No.136128454  
    Britfag here,
    Who are you voting for in the MEP and Local Councils elections, in June 2009?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:25:35 No.136128574
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:26:26 No.136128682
    BNP all the way!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:26:42 No.136128715
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:27:40 No.136128831
    Fucking British electoral system! I want to vote for the Pirate Party!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:28:42 No.136128951
    UKIP and BNP are both anti european fascists.
    The conservatives MEPs have created a european party with Danish Facists.
    The Lib dems are led by an innefectual hot air baloon.
    The Labour Party is in collapse.
    The green party has no policies on anything, and is very interventionists and fascist when it comes to public control.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:29:22 No.136129041
    Greens will get rid of royals, thats enough for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:29:28 No.136129054

    So BNP it is
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:30:02 No.136129127
    Labour. Obviously. All you BNP and UKIPfags can GTFO my england with your racist and unintelligent views.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:30:43 No.136129221
    Greens all the way. Legal weed will sort this economy right out.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:30:51 No.136129230
    the royals actually make a prfit for this country, and have no power, and act as a symbol of nationality, why get rid of them?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:30:59 No.136129246
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:31:25 No.136129304
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:31:39 No.136129333
    You spelled "labor" wrong you fucking moron...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:31:39 No.136129334
    0/10 try harder
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:31:55 No.136129358
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:31:58 No.136129365

    This is also the first time I get to vote.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:32:09 No.136129394
    Either the Greens or the Lib Dems, haven't decided yet.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:32:47 No.136129472
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:32:48 No.136129473
    At what?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:32:52 No.136129480
    eh who cares
    >> 05/15/09(Fri)13:32:54 No.136129485
    BNP ^_^
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:33:15 No.136129536
    If I could, I would vote Libertarian if they presented themselves to the elections.

    For those voting for BNP, you know NOTHING about economics or social policy. Fuck off and die.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:33:33 No.136129575
         File :1242408813.jpg-(4 KB, 128x85, 1236798386481.jpg)
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    Hey fuck you with your left-wing view on trying to 'save the world'. The UK is fucked because the one-eyed-idiot jets off around the world, and is not help people here in the UK. We need people such as the BNP or UKIP to tell the euro fags to get the fuck back.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:33:46 No.136129603
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:33:56 No.136129632
    (a) Greens are a fucking joke.
    (b) The best argument for a monarchy: without you'd have President Thatcher, President Bliar, President Broon and next year President Cameron. Why would you want any of those as the head of state, commander-in-chief and head of the executive?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:04 No.136129651

    Oh, how wrong you are.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:08 No.136129664
    Probably Bob Crow's electoral bloc no2eu. Either that or Green, country needs a proper Communist Party NAO
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:13 No.136129676
    I'm just going to vote for wayne rooney. He seems like he's got his shit figured out.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:13 No.136129678

    Because its absurd that the amount of wealth and land they own its solely down to what womb they popped out of.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:28 No.136129701
    if there was a liberal anti muslim party id vote for that
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:32 No.136129709
    trolling i hope you werent serious
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:35 No.136129717
    I'll vote for whatever party raises the voting age to 21
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:39 No.136129726
    It dosnt matter who you vote for...it matters who counts the votes.

    Britfags... enjoy your 24/over 9000 cameras.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:46 No.136129740
    Tory reporting in
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:50 No.136129753
    BNP is the only party that will bring actual change, for better or worse. We are getting to a point where it can't get much worse.

    So BNP yeah. I'm surprised more greens don't vote BNP, they have by far the best green policys.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:34:57 No.136129766
    They already have all those positions you dumbass
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:35:10 No.136129799
    How about voting for not being a damn limey.

    Also, its truck, apartment, chip, and gas; not lorry, flat, crisp, and petrol, you cunt.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:35:15 No.136129810
    Fucking loled
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:35:21 No.136129829
    I hate niggers, therefore BNP.

    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:35:22 No.136129832
    UKIP is not racist. It just wants to withdraw from the EU
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:35:46 No.136129884
    Your voting Libertarian therefore you are either retarded or scottish (basically the same nowadays) and the Libertarians know that they dont know wtf is going on.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:36:10 No.136129931
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:36:21 No.136129957
    I don't give a fuck for politics, I think I'll take a leaf out of my general studies book and go and vote for good old "Voter Apathy".
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:36:27 No.136129970
    we needs some fucking nazis the run for it
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:36:46 No.136130008
    Lib dems, just cos they have a slightly better chance of ousting labour and conservatives than everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:37:00 No.136130030
    my whole family including me will vote for the great great BNP
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:37:02 No.136130034
    wrong moron ... Labour... English .. do you speak it !
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:37:06 No.136130043

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:37:11 No.136130053
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:37:37 No.136130110

    Brit for Brit

    BNP, not scared to speak the truth

    Cleanse our UK
    rid us of pakistanis, immigrants EVERYONE

    only white should remain
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:37:39 No.136130117

    BNP voters are morons who know nothing about economics.

    Enjoy your protectionist bullshit that will destroy the UK.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:37:46 No.136130128
    if the bnp won i would laugh so hard.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:37:55 No.136130154
    Fucking British electoral system! I want to vote for the Muslim Party!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:38:03 No.136130179
    dude its the EU and council elections not a general election.
    We are electing MEPs to the European Parliament in Brussels, not MPs to the Palace of Westminster
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:38:13 No.136130205
    Monster raving loony party
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:38:47 No.136130297
    there isn't one.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:38:50 No.136130301
    joanna Lumley gets my vote
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:38:50 No.136130305
    UKIP, get us the fuck out of this union of nazis
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:38:52 No.136130309
    Michael Savage > Labour Party
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:38:55 No.136130314
    Enjoy your globalist free market utopia... oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:38:57 No.136130316
    BNP for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:39:04 No.136130330
    racist fuck
    lrn2economy little masturbator
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:39:21 No.136130378
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:39:30 No.136130398

    For everyone who votes Labour in these elections you are a complete fucking disgrace to your forefathers who fought to keep democratic and free from invaders.

    Absolute twats.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:39:48 No.136130436

    darkie detected

    if you are not with us, you are with them
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:40:00 No.136130468

    my answer is here.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:40:03 No.136130478
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:40:19 No.136130508
    the International Revolutionary Jihad for the Liberation of the Islamic Republic of Great Britain.

    Its a new party but hopefully they'll do well.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:40:32 No.136130535

    We haven't had a real free market. But then again, I wouldn't expect BNP voters to know that since they're just chavs that just vote for them on immigration issues.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:40:36 No.136130538
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:40:50 No.136130561
    BNP voters = People who are too dumb to realise we need immigration to support our lower paid jobs.

    If you vote BNP, it is probably because your job's are being taken by some retarded immigrant who will do it for less than you, get an education, and let them become the slave class. Fucks sake man.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:41:03 No.136130596
    Jeremy Clarkson for Prime Minister?

    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:41:08 No.136130607
    So? hes still not allowed into the country.
    we aren't saying we are stopping him coming in, because atm he isnt trying. We are just saying we never ever want him anywhere near us where he can express his Nazi views.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:41:25 No.136130642
    I'm not voting.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:41:38 No.136130671
    Trolls trolling trolls trollong trolls
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:42:03 No.136130713
    the lesser evil, labour
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:42:06 No.136130719
    racist eh? do you live in areas occupied by the moslems?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:42:33 No.136130789
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:42:47 No.136130822
    I'm bored of all the Paki's fagging up mah shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:43:04 No.136130854
    you need to have a candidate to take part in elections for a seat.
    Luckily they have no credible candidates, or none at all in UK constituencies
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:43:25 No.136130900
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    I agree
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:43:30 No.136130909
    My county isn't voting for locals this time, and I just can't be fucking arsed to vote for an MEP.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:44:14 No.136131005
    no please vote, just deface the ballot paper, this means that you care about politics but just hate all the candidates, and you vote still gets counted
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:44:16 No.136131010
    me too, and i'm 19
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:44:49 No.136131069
    probs vote taliban... for teh lulz
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:45:11 No.136131118
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    whatever you do, just don't vote for the nigras
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:45:35 No.136131168
    Lib-Dem. And I'm delivering some leaflets for them.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:45:38 No.136131178
    hahaha UK fucking sucks, enjoy your muslim darkie people liberal faggots
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:46:04 No.136131239
    socialist party
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:46:12 No.136131264
    Gentlemen, the simple fact of the matter is this:

    We have started down a slippery slope from which we will never come back. We let these fuckers in and we will not be able to get them out again. I laugh at the people that are pro political corretness, like this faggot >>136130330 . Think of where we will be in 10 years time. Do you not think it is extremely fucking sad, that Britain , a once proud nation, is becoming overun with Darkies to the point of choking?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:46:30 No.136131308

    Michael Savage is a jew named Michael Weiner (wonder why he changed his name) and the furthest thing from a jew. lulz
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:46:37 No.136131332
    > moslems

    Amerifag pretending to be a Britfag detected
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:46:45 No.136131340

    >unintelligent views
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:46:46 No.136131343
    UKIP is racist, Labour is full of shit, so are a lot of the choices. I'll be going with Lib Dems, just because they seem less likely to be fags.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:46:51 No.136131359
    Lib Dem FTW
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:47:07 No.136131390
    PROTIP: UKIP is a less retarded BNP.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:47:26 No.136131411
    EU skeptics are a bunch of fucking morons. They want the UK to sink into a quagmire of worthless nationalistic shit. Guess what, we're not an empire anymore, we have to unite with the rest of the EU to fucking have a say when China and India modernize. I don't want to sit on the side lines for another century you cowardly bastards.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:47:50 No.136131431
    Butthurt? Next time control your empire better or stop bawwwing
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:48:22 No.136131478
    nigger here.

    i'm voting BNP.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:49:38 No.136131568
    98% pecent Native Britons dude.

    Anyway we have always been a country of immigrants.
    You are probably and anglo saxon.
    The angles were a danish germanic tribe.
    The saxons were from saxony in northwest germany
    the Queen is descended from William I, A Norman, who was part french and part swedish.
    The only natives left in Britain are the welsh, scottish, and ironically the Bretons in Brittany in north france. Those people's are all celts, the original inhabitants of Great Britain.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:49:48 No.136131574

    yes cause i personally let the empire fall by the wayside...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:49:55 No.136131577
    nope call a muslim a moslem and let the good times roll
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:52:09 No.136131685
    Non-Britfag here
    Isn't UKiP libertarian/close to ?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:52:50 No.136131714
    you go girrrrl!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:54:05 No.136131777

    im scottish and a glasgowfag and i for one am fed up with the amount of paki scum in Glasgow
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:54:25 No.136131807

    Not close enough for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:54:37 No.136131828
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    my polling card went straight in the bin, if you vote you only encourage the cunts.

    every politican should be put against a wall and shot.

    except putin of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:54:43 No.136131837
    FUCK YOU /b/ GET
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:55:34 No.136131927

    all the way..

    they should clean this shithole up..
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:55:38 No.136131937
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:55:54 No.136131959
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    pic related....it's who i'm voting for
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:55:57 No.136131970
    I'm stuck between 3 on only a few issues

    Lib dems - dislike: anti nuclear power
    UKIP - dislikes: love all out nuclear power, anti renewables,
    And then Conservative.

    I'm swaying towards UKIP at the moment though that may change
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:55:58 No.136131976
    I hate niggers and sand niggers so I'm voting UKIP.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:56:01 No.136131981

    BNP and UKIP
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:57:06 No.136132112

    i like the way you think.

    the world is after all run by a bunch of hypocrites and liars. We need someone with balls in Number 10
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:57:28 No.136132170

    Celts is a word that fucktards use.

    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:58:03 No.136132221
    Yes you did you fucking double nigger. An hero now!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:58:03 No.136132222
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    green party !
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:59:11 No.136132350

    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)13:59:18 No.136132368
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:00:02 No.136132469
    Fine people from :
    cornwall, isle of man, wight, wales, scotland and Ireland.

    Hows that dildo breath?

    Enjoy having a shit job no one wants to do.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:00:20 No.136132506
    if /b/ can get moot in the times 100 list, Imagine what we could do to an election

    think about it
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:00:53 No.136132597
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:01:07 No.136132639
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:01:16 No.136132669
    Liberal or Green... but tbh it's a lost vote in the locals, so probs Labour
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:01:24 No.136132687
    It wasn't /b/ it was 711chan
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:01:39 No.136132729
    Celt is a word used for pre roman indigenous population, yours sincerely
    An Archeology and Anthropology Oxford graduate
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:01:48 No.136132753

    agree with point 1.

    disagree with point 2. ill vote for BNP or ukip. i might toss a coin. these euro election means nothing to us here, these parties will do no damage here. best place for them. anything that begins to get us away from the EU the better.

    france, germany, italy... we should know better than to trust these bastards.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:01:55 No.136132768
    That's interesting, you should check out this CP though.
    I would post it but I don't want to get banned T_T
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:02:52 No.136132907
    I always think of muslims as 'mohameddans' since I found the word in an old pocket dictionary I picked up in a second hand book shop.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:03:07 No.136132947
    "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
    Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
    >Oxford graduate
    And you're on /b/ ?

    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:03:24 No.136132984
    Lib Dems!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:03:32 No.136133004
    British Communist Party
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:05:01 No.136133212

    Go ahead and trust the chavs and fucking skanks that makes up this country instead. We're going to sink without the help of the rest of the EU. Fuck it, I'm leaving this piece of shit country if we can't pull ourselves up from the mediocrity we've been in for the last 60 years. We're going to end up a country nobody gives 2 shits about if we don't join the EU.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:05:37 No.136133291
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    exactly, do you think the uk would have its current camel jockey problem if vladimir vladimirovich putin was in number 10? no chance.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:06:50 No.136133465

    we've been in the EU for years... we've lost money out of it.... we've gained a couple million polish dudes.

    fuck that!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:07:35 No.136133579
    BNP fa sure. The jungle bunnies and faggots are out of control.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:07:38 No.136133583
    British Communist Part or the Lib Dems. Fuck the BNP. i'll fucking stab every single one of you fucks who votes for them.
    >> 05/15/09(Fri)14:07:54 No.136133632
    BNP, but of course!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:08:26 No.136133707
    ye but we'd have vladimir putin in, which I feel is worse. a psychotic murderer who surrounds himsewlf with a clique of buisnessmen cronies, or a bumbling scottish guy, i'd chose the scottish guy, at leats he wont poison your food or order you shot in the street.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:08:42 No.136133749
    Which ones arent claiming expenses for rent boys?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:09:25 No.136133858
    /b/NP all the way!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:09:31 No.136133877
    i doubt that.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:09:53 No.136133932

    and the BNP are meant to be the narrow minded thuggish fascists.....
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:09:59 No.136133949
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    I'll be voting for my local shitskin m8.
    >> 05/15/09(Fri)14:11:02 No.136134122

    not for any political reason
    i just thing it will be lulzy.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:11:07 No.136134134
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:11:27 No.136134183
    I'll vote for whoever gives me half their expenses.
    >> anon dick 05/15/09(Fri)14:11:31 No.136134195
    all ways win
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:11:50 No.136134247
    those were two seperate scandals.
    The rent boy scandal was a tory MP.
    The expenses claim for a porno was a labour MP
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:11:53 No.136134253
    Green party.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:12:16 No.136134327
    Lib Dems

    Seriously, for all the shit they get about being ineffectual, they actually do get a lot done in the background. And theyre the only party with a realistic chance of being able to do anything against conservatives and labour
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:12:50 No.136134435
    You missed out JURYTEAM. Their main candidate works in a café :D
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:12:59 No.136134463
    Scottish National Party!

    Fuck you all. SNP ftw
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:13:28 No.136134517
    wanted to vote for the nazi party but there isnt one..
    so BNP for me then..
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:13:53 No.136134547
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:13:54 No.136134560
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:14:49 No.136134646
    clagg is ineffectual, however a certain party economic spokesperson.... vince cable, is the only decent MP in the House
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:15:07 No.136134677

    >i'd chose the scottish guy, at leats he wont poison your food or order you shot in the street.

    and he will also stand by and watch the country go down the toilet while doing fuck all about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:15:24 No.136134707
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:16:50 No.136134769
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:17:33 No.136134797
    Can /b/ confirm?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:17:56 No.136134826
    faggots like yourself are the reason the country has gone to shit

    do your country and the world a favor and an hero at your eirliest convenience

    thank you
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:19:07 No.136134864
    mi love me likey love mi like mi love mi BNP
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:19:34 No.136134875
    Labour or Green. Obviously not BNP or UKIP, not coz they're racist but coz they are brainless and ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:19:38 No.136134882

    fuck off you bog rat scratter. the only people that will vote bnp are true brits, and nazis.

    rid us of the paki plauges and the eastern european gypsies.

    britain is getting more like a refugee camp than a country
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:21:10 No.136134950
    Here in Northern Ireland: TUVP!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:22:27 No.136135034
    If Anon ran it'd get my vote.

    There is literally no party that even slightly appeals to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:23:38 No.136135168

    Still waiting for some proper communist party.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:24:14 No.136135238
    Lib Dems, as always. Sympathy vote more than anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:24:25 No.136135259
    All you BNPfags realise that if they get elected ilt be the end of our economy forever?

    They dont have a clue
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:24:28 No.136135267

    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:25:36 No.136135414
    That's interesting, you should check out this CP though.
    I would post it but I don't want to get banned T_T
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:26:33 No.136135531
    actually saw some retard sporting a BNP flier in their window...if I had a brick to hand I would have done something about.
    Seriously the only people voting BNP are the mouth breathing inbred chavs that can't read.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:26:47 No.136135559
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)14:27:20 No.136135625
    I hate lib dems.
    Labour need to get rid of brown.
    Cameron's a twat.
    BNP suck ass. as if.
    >> 05/15/09(Fri)14:27:25 No.136135633

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