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  • img.4chan.org is temporarily unavailable; we're working on it!

    Check status.4chan.org for updates...

    UPDATE: Apparently the DDoS attack is being caused by a trojan some 4chan users have downloaded. If you've downloaded ANY FILES linked on 4chan, please immediately go to this link and download the removal tool: VundoFix by Atribune. Otherwise, all users are encouraged to run a full system scan to ensure their system is clean. The sooner people do this, the sooner /b/ & /r9k/ will return.
    EDIT: Trojan remover updated. Apparently VundoFix is better than Symantec.

    File :1241975662.png-(10 KB, 500x500, 404.png)
    10 KB Who is responsible? Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:14:22 No.135771288  
    Did we ever discover who was responsible for DDOSing /b/?
    Why haven't we retaliated?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:16:20 No.135771553
         File :1241975780.jpg-(12 KB, 300x225, 270917403_1ae736f6c5.jpg)
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    this is relevant to my internets
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:17:35 No.135771712
    Moot posted that is was the admin at 99chan on the status.4chan page. Then he pulled it later.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:19:27 No.135771959

    so...... man the harpoons for 99chan?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:25:30 No.135772740
         File :1241976330.jpg-(46 KB, 605x516, 1222840025634.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:25:43 No.135772759

    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:26:41 No.135772869
    yep, it was 99chan
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:26:41 No.135772870
    Before that he said 711chan, but it didn't seem them either. In other words: It's never discovered, yet.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:27:13 No.135772936
         File :1241976433.gif-(184 KB, 423x316, partyhard.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:28:22 No.135773073
    Doesn't matter, it's 99chan or 711chan or anontalk or something. DDOS them all.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)13:29:39 No.135773217
    OP because you haven't done anything about it you worthless piece of shit wanna be.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)08:24:28 No.135773372
    OP here. I found a much better site: www.ĄתonTalκ.com
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)10:41:29 No.135773385
    sooo is /b/ back? it seems like half fucked atm
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:04:14 No.135773444
    I assume that what you meant to ask was

    "who was spaming 4chan with links to download a trojan (that newfags followed) that ultimately caused the DDoS against 4chan?"
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:04:48 No.135773451
    Hitting AT is never wrong.

    I think you know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:04:55 No.135773452
    it was nexon
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:06:28 No.135773466
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:06:58 No.135773472
    It wasn't 711 chan, Most likely 99chan
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:07:08 No.135773473
    >> anonsoldier !dLxb.Apy42 05/11/09(Mon)18:07:29 No.135773476
    Attention idiots: YOU NEWFAGS are responsible for DDoSing /b/. That's right, it was you.

    The fucktards downloading rihanna's nude pics, and all the other links are infected with a virus. You are responsible for bringing down /b/.

    Clean it the fuck up! Scan your computer.

    BTW: I and about 5 other anons found this virus late last night, and stayed up till about 6 this morning picking it apart. The update from moot is because of our work. You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:08:36 No.135773486
    fuck, i instinctively goto /b/ at the top and the last week ive been doing it loads instead of clicking /x/. i thought i was on /x/ still. I just shat serious brix when i saw /b/.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:09:23 No.135773495
    It was Time magazine. They didn't want people to be able to come to /b/ once their story about moot hit
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:09:59 No.135773507
    retaliate yes?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:10:55 No.135773515
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:11:16 No.135773520
    UPDATE: Apparently the DDoS attack is being caused by a trojan some 4chan users have downloaded. If you've downloaded ANY FILES linked on 4chan, please immediately go to this link and download the removal tool: Trojan.Vundo Removal Tool @ Symantec. Otherwise, all users are encouraged to run a full system scan to ensure their system is clean. The sooner people do this, the sooner /b/ & /r9k/ will return.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:11:27 No.135773523

    lol what a homo
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:11:27 No.135773524
    assuming it was actually you, thx
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:11:30 No.135773525
    thanks, anon!

    newfags go to hell.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:11:42 No.135773526
    You probably wont believe me but I contributed. I DDOS /b/ when I go to school then when I get home I browse if its up. Everyday of the week!
    My name is Max and I don't give a fuck what you think.
    Think you can fuck with me? I dare you to try bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:12:07 No.135773533
    guys, it was facebook. raid facebook.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:12:35 No.135773542

    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:13:13 No.135773549

    your gay
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:14:14 No.135773564
         File :1242080054.jpg-(7 KB, 184x184, 711chan.jpg)
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    711chan did it!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:15:10 No.135773575
    all here

    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:15:34 No.135773584

    yes. DO IT FAGGOT.
    >> anonsoldier !dLxb.Apy42 05/11/09(Mon)18:16:26 No.135773602

    It's little fags like you that are killing /b/. And no, I don't believe for a second that you had anything to do with ddosing. You're too much of an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:17:31 No.135773632
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:17:46 No.135773639
         File :1242080266.jpg-(54 KB, 571x570, cool_story_bro.jpg)
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    Cool story, bro.
    >> anonsoldier !dLxb.Apy42 05/11/09(Mon)18:18:29 No.135773660
    Moot: Thanks for updating the status. I don't know which vundo removal tool is better, I guess I should have said that in my email last night.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:18:38 No.135773663
    moot said his name was [RETRACTED]
    lol i'm a fag :/
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:19:00 No.135773679
    711 was not responcible for the DDoS.
    I believe that it was fel0ny.
    They hacked partyvan.info for a reason that I have yet to descover.

    http://fel0ny.com/ for more faggotry.
    I will also make an attempt at a DOX.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:19:38 No.135773703
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:19:39 No.135773705
         File :1242080379.jpg-(50 KB, 479x489, dfwb.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:20:37 No.135773741

    yeah i noticed that too
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:21:28 No.135773782
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:22:28 No.135773811
    I salute your service good sir.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:22:42 No.135773821
    it was google! CHARGE LAZRS
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:23:29 No.135773846
    You ARE aware that the trojan had to come from somewhere, aren't you?

    We're trying to find out who dropped the trojan in the first place.
    >> Dædal !3OeYwM7egg 05/11/09(Mon)18:23:31 No.135773848
    this man is why moot knows what to do. he's the guy who found out.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:24:13 No.135773870
    Minnesota Fag I'm going to find you.
    >> anonsoldier !dLxb.Apy42 05/11/09(Mon)18:24:37 No.135773883
    Thank you. At least not everyone here is a complete tard.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:25:01 No.135773893
    UPDATE: Apparently the DDoS attack is being caused by a trojan some 4chan users have downloaded. If you've downloaded ANY FILES linked on 4chan, please immediately go to this link and download the removal tool: VundoFix by Atribune. Otherwise, all users are encouraged to run a full system scan to ensure their system is clean. The sooner people do this, the sooner /b/ & /r9k/ will return.
    EDIT: Trojan remover updated. Apparently VundoFix is better than Symantec.
    >> █▄ █▄█ █▄ !pW9CIBYdVI 05/11/09(Mon)18:27:19 No.135773961
    Anyone else notice 21 pages of /b/?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:28:03 No.135773983
    anyone noticed the VundoFix by Atribune is actually a trojan dropper as well?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:28:26 No.135773994

    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:29:47 No.135774039
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:30:17 No.135774056
         File :1242081017.png-(154 KB, 561x477, 1233942348644.png)
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    If anon wanted to cleanse /b/ of newfags, why didn't anon just use the red box
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:31:14 No.135774077
    Im sorry guys, it was me.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:31:30 No.135774084

    obvious proof is obvious
    >> anonsoldier !dLxb.Apy42 05/11/09(Mon)18:34:07 No.135774150
    stfu. troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:35:04 No.135774182
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:35:07 No.135774186
    requesting more info on this. how did this work? i cant believe the virus was attached to a jpg that was run during viewing only.

    how did this work? why didnt the newfags notice for 10 days their pc is slower?
    >> anonsoldier !dLxb.Apy42 05/11/09(Mon)18:37:00 No.135774263
    It's not a jpg. The file was photo2.jpg.exe
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:37:16 No.135774276

    yeah it takes a genius to use LOIC[/sarcasm], regardless, he's a troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:37:34 No.135774297
    This file is safe fag they are false positives notice how all the best antivirus software like Kasperski and NOD32 say its clean.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:40:18 No.135774433

    HOOOLY SHIT I fucking saw this on /xb/ and I almost downloaded it. Almost.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:40:44 No.135774458
    well then lets hope /b/ is cleaned from the newfaggotry now.

    also, hopefully all the passwords, credit card numbers and personal info of the victims are stolen and will show up in databases for my pleasure
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:41:05 No.135774475
    Some people posted on the other boards claiming fel0ny.com was responsible.

    I think they were DDOSing before the trojan came online, but they might be responsible for the trojan too, imo.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:41:32 No.135774511
    go die
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:41:38 No.135774522
         File :1242081698.jpg-(959 KB, 1200x1600, saay7big06.jpg)
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    newfags that needs to lern2sanitize is responsible
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:42:03 No.135774552
    You need to check you files on virus total ...google it NewBee
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:43:05 No.135774594
    so where do we raid nao?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:44:31 No.135774662
    The Butler did it.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:45:29 No.135774701

    just get a mac and u wont have to worry about getting a virus.

    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:46:39 No.135774747
    it was 7chans /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:46:54 No.135774755
    What about http://forum.mods.de/bb/ ?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:47:14 No.135774764
         File :1242082034.jpg-(20 KB, 410x286, mdf588238.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:48:14 No.135774791

    well your mom
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:49:05 No.135774821
    Faux news
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:49:15 No.135774825
    It was 711chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:50:38 No.135774864
    It was the newfags...
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:51:13 No.135774887

    Yes, faux news
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:54:12 No.135774983

    Fuckin niggers spreading swineaids, goddamit. What I don't get though is how in the fuck they didn't notice any of the symptoms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vundo#Symptoms ?????

    Learn to use condoms niggers.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)18:59:20 No.135775126




    Especially since 711 is being DDoS'd by the same faggot who DDoS'd us
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)19:00:53 No.135775178

    Thanks anon, standing by for futher raeping of files.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)19:03:16 No.135775286
    nope, there are 26 actually

    On topic /o/ made most proggres with discovering the guilty. Follow me
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)19:03:20 No.135775292
    anontalk. sysop was deleting threads all week from a handful of those faggots bragging
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)19:07:04 No.135775400
    right is that supposed to be an ip address? you tool
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)19:09:43 No.135775470
    i heard it was zalgo
    >> ludo !4CMUG2eAgc!!eAc4sy8W1/x 05/11/09(Mon)19:09:43 No.135775471

    Yes, we know who did it. We know who caused it. No one "raided" /b/, though. I'll explain in a sec...
    >> Anonymous 05/11/09(Mon)19:17:13 No.135775671
    what a fucking joke.

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