My father...was a baker...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, cooking. Mommy orders take-out to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a cloud...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts raining, crazier than usual. Mommy gets an umbrella to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a samefag...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts reposting, crazier than usual. Mommy gets an sage to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a police man...and a fiend.And one night, one night he arrests crooks crazier than usual. Mommy obeys the law to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a nigger...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, stealing bikes. Mommy locks her bike to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126032907fucking epic
My father . . . was a faggot . . . and a fiend.And one night, he starts assfucking, crazier than usual. Mommy has a VAGINA to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My Father... was a pokedad... and a fiendAnd one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, uses hydro pump. Mommy uses a electric pokemon to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a camwhore...and a fiend.And one night, one night he whores out on /b/ crazier than usual. Mommy sages the thread to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My mother...was afraid...and a fiendAnd one night, my momma got scared, more scared than usual. She said I'm movin' in with my auntie and uncle in Bel-air. I did not like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a jew...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts making money off interest, crazier than usual. Mommy gets a lawyer to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126033789fukken saved.
bamp, thread has potential
My father...was a virgin...and a fiend.And one night, one night he faps off crazier than usual. Mommy disconnects the internet to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126034235how do you exist?
My father...was a bawksy...and a fiend.And one night, one night he makes a video on youtube, crazier than usual. Mommy an heros to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126034235the Joker is Jesus?
My husband hated me and so did my kids. They would rather watch puppies die then look at my face. One night, I was craaaaazier then usual. I put a knife to my face and began to carve. I didnt like it. Not. One. i did it over 9000 times....
My father...was Vince...and a fiend.And one night, one night he advertises slap chop craazziier than usual, chopping. Mommy gets Billy Mayse to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a terrorist...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts exploding, crazier than usual. Mommy gets America to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was pedophile...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, posting CP. Mommy tells him to have a seat right there to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Jesus...and a fiend.And one night, one night he dies for my sins, crazier than usual. Mommy watches Zeitgeist to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126034235how the fuck is ure father a virgin?
Posting in epic thread
My father...was a plumber...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, stomping koopas. Mommy hides in Bowser's castle to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
more more more
My father...was a Girl...and a fiend.And one night, one night he bitches about stupid nonsense craazziier than usual, crying. Mommy beats the shit out of her to shut her up. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126035793He, this is nice.
My father...was a leprechaun...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts rainbowing, crazier than usual. Mommy gets a gold pot to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual and accidentally a whole bottle of coca cola. Mommy asks if this is bad. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father... was a candlejack... and a fiend.And one ni
Toasting in an Epic Bread
My father...was a Ganondorf...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, triforcing. Mommy gets Link to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126035455Sperm donor. Artificial insemination.
My father...was a slowpoke...and a fiendAnd one night, one night he starts posting combos, crazier than usual. Mommy gets a c-c-c-combo breaker to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father was a Korean... and a fiend.And one night, he goes off crazier than usual, offering pizza and hamburger. Mommy gets pig disgusting murderer George W. Bush to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was the OP...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, posting fail threads. Mommy tries to post OC defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a gamblin' man...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, way down in New Orleans. Mommy sews my new blue jeans to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a faggot...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, fagging it up bareback with all kinds of PENISes. Mommy goes lesbo to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Fat fuck...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, eating. Mommy gets a diet plan and a boflex to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a newfag...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of posting "you raff you ruse" threads craazziier than usual. Mommy is a newfag too, so she participates in the thread, instead of defending herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father was an astronaut... and a fiend.IOne nuight, he goes into space, craaazier than usual. Mommy stays on the ground to defend herself. He doesn't like this. No. One. Bit.
My father....was Micheal J. Fox...and a fiendAnd one night, one night he starts shaking, craaazziier than usual. Mommy plays with an etch-a-sketch to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.Because of parkinsons.I'm sorry.
My father was has anyone... and a fiend.And one night, he goes off crazier than usual, really been far even as decided. Mommy gets to use even go want to defend herself. He doesn't to do more like this. Not. One. Bit.
nigger nigger... nigger nigger nigger... nigger nigger niggernigger nigger nigger, nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger, nigger. nigger nigger nigger-nigger nigger nigger nigger. nigger nigger'nigger nigger nigger. nigger. nigger. nigger.
My father...was a dark type...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, putting himself in defense mode. Mommy uses her trap card. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Micheal J. Fox...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, shaking uncontrollably. Mommy doesn't hand him the baby when he asks for him. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was an iPod...and a fiend.And one night, he goes off craazziier than usual, dominating the market. Mommy goes and buys a Zune to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a camwhore...and a fiend.And one night he starts posting pictures, crazier than usual. Mommy starts to fap to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a pretty cool guy...and a fiend.And one night, one night eh goes of craazziier than usual, killing aleins. Metroid gets a X-Buster to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
holy shit epic
My father....was a drunk...and a fiendAnd one night, one night he starts drinking, craaazziier than usual. Mommy calls the cops to defend herself. They dont come. Not. One. Cop. THEN WHO WAS PHONE???
My father...was a space marine...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, plasmaing. Mommy grabs the demons to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.And then dad was a zombie.
My mother...'s name was Lorena...and a fiend.And one night, one night she goes of craazziier than usual, lopping off Daddy's PENIS and hurling it into a field. Daddy wakes up. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a hippie...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, ranting about posessions being evil. Mommy puts Slayer on the stereo to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a spammer...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, and spams /b/ with Girugamesh. Mommy unplugs the modem. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126038018>>126037694fucking hive mind
My father...was a doctor...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, saving lives. Mommy gets AIDS to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a loli...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of crazziier than usual, jailbaiting. Pedobear watches from the closet to defend itself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
Thanks for your request.It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.This thread has been requested 2 times now.
My father...was named John and I hate ever last one of you.And one night, he goes off craazziier than usual, dying in a car. Mommy goes and just blew me. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit. Shit was so cash.
My father...was a American Economy...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, crumbling. Mommy moves to Europe to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
mmmmm ass
My father...was a furry...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of crazziier than usual, yiffing in hell. Mommy hits him with a car to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a nigger...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, shooting some b-ball. Mommy got scared and said you're moving with your Auntie and Uncle. In. Bel. Air.
My father...was a theoretical physicist...and a fiend.And one night, he creates a resonance cascade, crazier than usual. Mommy got a crowbar to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a president...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, making me read his lips. Mommy fools him once to defend herself. He doesn't like this. A fool me. Can't be. Fooled again.
Archive this
I havent been on in a few days, is the all OC or what?
My father...was a Weaboo...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, watching anime. Mommy stops playing JRPG's and starts playing WRPG's to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My son was a whiny bitch... and a pussy...And one night, he pissed me off a little more than usual. I started punching him and my wife (his mommy) takes out a knife to defend him. I didn't like this. Not. One. Bit. So I raped her... My sons face was in awe, I didn't like this either, so I questioned why he was so serious all of the sudden. He did not respond, so I took the knife and in one swift maneuver he was smiling once again.I was pleased.
Ack ack-ack...ack ack ACK ack...ack ack ACK.Ack ack, ack ack ack-ack ack ack ACK ack, aaack ack. Ack ack ack-ack ack ack ack-ack ack-ack. Ack ack-ack ack ack. Ack. Ack. Ack.
Archive this shit.
Archive please.
My father...was a pokemon trainer...and a fiend.One night he goes catching pokes Craazziier than usual.Mommy throws a pokeball to his pokemans to defend herself.He doesnt like this.Not.One.Bit.
My father...was a PENIS...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, fucking. Mommy closes her legs to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a /b/tard...and a fiend. And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, playing battletoads. Mommy wants to play castlevania. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was cool face...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of crazziier than usual whit the problem. Mommy calls an officer to solve it. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a shiny pidgy...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, appearing in a battle. Mommy smacks the game out of my hand because i'm not listening to her. I punch her in the face. She crushes the gamboy away to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father... was a ryu...and a fiend.and one night, one night he hadukening, craazziier than usual. Mommy gets a Tiger fist to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a writer, you would have like him.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, being in a dystopian future. Mommy hits him in the head and put him in a black bag to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father... was pete the butcher... and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazzier than usual, hackin' and wackin' and smackin' that meat. Mommy calls the police to put Pete in jail. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Chop.
My father...was an Arbiter...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, killing the Flood. Mommy gets the Gravemind to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
epic thread is epic
My father...was Tom Green...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, on his show. Mommy spams him with "nigger nigger nigger" calls to defend itself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Cumshot Surprise...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, advertising. Mommy never knew what the fuck hit herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was an Australian...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, and drags us down to the basement. Mommy doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a GOATSE...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, buttplugging. Mommy clicks the X at the top right corner of the screen to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a PENIS...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, fucking. Mommy makes him pull out to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126039745My father...was 126039745...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, being a newfag. Mommy /facepalms to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Is the. All OC, Or what., Request Interface, 126031778 in the box and type in the captcha
My father... was Lost...and a fiend.and one night, one night goes craazziier than usual, claiming that everything is because of time travel. Mommy changes to Heroes to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a sex deviant...and a fiend.And one night, he's fucking craazziier than usual. Mommy gets condoms to protect herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a banker...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, offering subprime loans. Mommy orders regulations to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a space marine...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes craazziier than usual, getting the plasma rifle. The cyderdemon fired the rocket missiles to defend himself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My name is Inigo killed my father. Prepare to die.
My father...was Schoenberg...and a fiend.And one night, one night he destroys tonality craazziier than usual, composing. Mommy writes a secondary dominant to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was an affinity deck...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, attacking with atogs and arcbound ravagers and even ornithopters. Mommy sideboards in Hurkyl's Recall to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was The Game...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, reminding. Mommy just lost it to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a newfag...and a fiend. And one night, one night he goes off craazzier than usual, posting in u raff u ruse threads. Mommy posts gore to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126040923My father...was Moot...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, b&hammering. Mommy gets W. T. Snacks to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit. (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
My father...was a sniper...and a fiend.And one n
>>126033728>>126036729i lol'd
My father...Fresh Prince...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, shooting some b-ball outside of the school. Mommy said you are moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
Your girlfriend's father...was PHONE...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, makin your phone ring and asking "Wat are you doin with my daughter!" Ur honey tells you her father's been dead for years. You don't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a writer...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, writing the same sentence: "all work and no play...". Mommy locks him in the freezer to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was L ron Hubbard...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, starting up a religion. Mommy joins too, to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Moot...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, starting 4chan. Mommy calls up FOX News to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Travis Barker...and a fiend.And one night, one night he decides to let Blink-182 break up and continue to play with shitty shitty bang bang side projects and not bring it back until 2009 more than usual. Karma comes back in the form of a plane and lets him board it. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
many lols anon
My nigger...was a nigger...and a nigger.And one nigger, one nigger he goes of niggggier than usual. Nigger gets a nigger to defend herself. Nigger doesn't like this. Not. One. Nigger.
My father...was Alex Jones...and a fiend.And one night, one night he gets jewier than usual. Mommy takes us all to Isreal to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a star fox...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes craazziier than usual, using the boost to get through. Mommy lures these guys to the front to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Cocky little freaks.
My father...was candlejack....and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts kidnapping, crrrrazzzier than usual. Mommy doesn't say candlejack to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. On
My father...was a Sith lord...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, Force choking. Mommy gets a Jedi Knight to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a NYfag...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, ordering pizza's. Mommy gets Big Tony to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a PetSmart Employee...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, cooking. Mommy orders Battletoads to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...Obama...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, and closes gitmo. Mommy calls in McCain to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was THE GAME...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, MAKING PEOPLE LOSE. Mommy gets the get-out-jail card to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...WAS PHONE..and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, calling my honey. She said he was ded defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a chris brown...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, getting std's. Mommy yells and starts to bitch at him. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Cho...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, shooting up Vtech. Mommy barricades the classroom to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
BUMPArchive this shit
My father...was Βοхху...and a fiend.And one night, one night he annoys the fuck out of everybody craazziier than usual. Moot perma-bans him. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a GIRUGAMESH...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, GIRUGAMESHing. Mommy GIRUGAMESH to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father... was over 9000... and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual with his power level. Mommy says "WHAT 9000!?" to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was an hero...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, an heroing. Mommy cashes in his life insurance policy to defend herself. She doesn't share it with me. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was born in west philadelphia ...and a fiend.And one night, one night he gets into one little fight craazziier than usual, His Mom got scared so she moves him with his auntie and uncle to bell-air to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit
My father...was Heath Ledger...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, overdosing. Mommy went to go see The Dark Knight to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a newfag...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes craazziier than usual, repeatedly posting in thread demanding it to be achived. Mommy tells this fuck to go to sleep defend herself from CP lawsuits. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was football team...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazzier than usual, being team. Mommy tries to stop him but she couldn't, hes just so football team. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...came downstairs...and was fiend.One night he yells at me for being on 4CHINS and fapping.Mommy got hit with a computer sreen to defend herself.Doggy doesnt like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a nigger...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, smoking crack. Mommy calls the po-po to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was the WTC...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, standing. Mommy gets a pair of planes to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My Marklar was a Marklar and a Marklarand one Marklar, one Marklar he goes crazier than usual, drinking. Marlkar, grabs the Marklar to defend her self, he doesn't like this. Not. One. Marklar
My father...was an hero...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, killing himself. Mommy gets a moralfag to defend him. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
Fucking epic thread.someone better screencap this.and if this post is a 6 get its just even more awesome, but if its not, no one gives a shit!
This thread delivers.
My father...was a lucky man...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, fighting wars for his country and his king. Mommy finds him with a bullet to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Bowser...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, and takes over Peaches castle. Mommy call in Mario to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
my father was... over 9000... and a fiendAnd one night, he goes off crazziieer than usual, power leveling. mommy uses the scouter to check his power level. He doesnt like this. Not. One. Bit
My father...was a Jehovah's Witness...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts knocking on doors crazier than usual, preaching. Mommy becomes a catholic to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
someone screencap for new addition to epic thread threads
My father...was a muslim...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, and jihads. Mommy goes to school to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Jack Nicholson...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, busting through doors with an axe. Mommy gets a knife to defend herself. Wait- what?
fucking epic
My father...was a pedobear...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, looking for cp. Mommy posts legal women to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
The previous poster...was a douche...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, cap locking. Anon orders him to GTFO to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
im trying to study faggot and you send me a link to this epic thread. you know who you are faggot
Toasting in an epic thread
>>126042629SO MUCH WIN!!!
best in a long time.
My father...was Chinese...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, delivering food. Mommy orders take-out to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Krogan...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, rebelling. Mommy makes a genophage virus to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was The Joker...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, causing chaos in Gotham. Mommy calls Batman to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was /b/tard...and a fiend.And one night, one night he charges his lazer, crazier than usual. Mommy runs away to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.....BWWAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Epic thread is EPic
My father...was Gollem...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazzier over this ring, more than usual. Mommy tries to take ring to into Mordor. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My sister...was a Camwhore...and a fiend.And one night, one night she goes of craazziier than usual, posting her covered breasts on 4chan. Anonymous offers the choice of Tits, or GTFO to defend itself. She doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Walter Calton...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, astronomically failing. Mommy screencaps to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit. EFG in sight...
My father...was Wilford Brimley...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, selling Liberty Medical. Mommy turn on 'the beetis' to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...Tony Montana...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts Shooting The Hell of Everyone, crazier than usual. Mommy gets Cocaine to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a weaboo...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, on /jp/. Mommy posts nudes on /b/ to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...v8 fag...and a fiend.And one night, one night he chases hondas, craziiiiier than usual. Mommy hops in her honda and HITS VTAK YOOOO!!!! to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a moot...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, checking out cp and banning people. Mommy calls chris hansen and snaxx to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit. (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
My father was...Jesus Christ...and a fiend.And one night he goes craaazier than usual, performing a bunch of miracles. Mommy tells Pontious Pilate to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Scientologist...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, proselytizing. Mommy gets Anonymous to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Ryu... and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts hyrukening craazziier than usual. Mommy tries a tiger knee to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a nerd...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, doing calculus. Mommy gets a divorce to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was an Imperial Guard...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts stopping right there, crazier than usual. Mommy gets criminal scum to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Hypno Toad..and a fiend.And one night, one night ALL HAIL HYPNO TOAD
My father...was a lolcat...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts can haz-ing, crazier than usual. Mommy posts some gore pics to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My fothor...wos Woll Smoth...ond o fond.Ond on noght, on night ho gos off crozoor thon osool, cookong bocon. Mommy ots ot to dofond horsolf. Ho dosn't lok thos. Not. On. Bot.
My father...was The Lonely Island...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, jizzing in his pants. Mommy eats a grape to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126042861AHAHAH YES!!!
My father...was gay...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, posting boy love. Mommy does a porno to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a history professor....and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, researching. Mommy drops it like its hot to distract him from his dusty old books. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Rob's Mom...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, eating. The buffet runs out of food. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father... was the Pringles can man...and a fiend.And one night, he goes off craziiiiier than usual, putting potato crisps into tennis ball cans. Mommy buys Lay's Stacks to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a furfag...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts yiffing, crazier than usual. Mommy tells him to YIFF IN HELL to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a Rick Astley...and a fiend.And one night, one night she goes of craazziier than usual, never giving you up. Mommy knows the rules and so does Daddy. He doesn't let her down. Not. One. Bit.
My mother... got back to the kitchen...and a fiend.And one night, one night she goes of craazziier than usual, cooking. Daddy was a negro to defend himself. She doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father ...was the enclave...and a fiendAnd one night, one night he goes off crazzier than usuall, killing capitol wastellanders.Mommy calls in the Brotherhood of Steel to defend herself. He doesn't Like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father . . . was Cthulu . . . and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off dreaming craazziier than usual. The Old Ones build some dinosaurs to defend themselves. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was dissapoint...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazzier with dissapoint. Mommy tries to cheer him up with cake to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One Bit.
My father...was a Homer Simpson...and a fiendAnd one night, one night he goes he starts D'OHing, crazier than usual. Mommy gets a WOOHOO to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was an electron ..and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, causing an interference pattern through a double-slit. Mommy tries to observe it to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
Epic Of Epic
>>126045767Goddammit I was just listening to this song...
My nigger...was a nigger...and a nigger.And one night, one night nigger starts raining, crazier than usual. nigger gets a nigger to defend herself. nigger doesn't nigger nigger. Nigger. Nigger. Nigger.
My father...bully...and a fiend.And one night, one night he tries to kick moms sorry ass, craziiiiier than usual. Mommy calls Chuck Norris to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit. Then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks him killing him and his wife at the same time!!!!!!
>>126044734My father...was b&...and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts pissing off moot, crazier than usual. Mommy gets the banhammer to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a squirtle...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, water gunning. Mommy is a grass type to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
STOP IT! my face hurts
My father...was a chef...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, cooking. Mommy orders take-out to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was lost..and the game.And one night, one night he goes off crazier than usual, losing the game. Mommy loses the game to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126044734>>126041538Best we leave moot out of this one guys =X
My father...was a mexican...and a fiend.And one night, one night he crossed the border, crazier than usual. So i roundhouse kicked him in the jaw sending his body back to mexico. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a zombie...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, eating my brain. Mommy gets the chainsaw to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Master Chief...and a fiend.One night,one night he goes off Finishing The Fight Craazziier than usual.Mommy puts on the mythic skull to defend herself.He doesnt like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126046528My father...was this guy...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off failing than usual. Mommy tries to teach him the different types of pokemon to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. bit.
My father...was a GameStop emplyee...and a fiendAnd one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, answering phones and saying "no we do not have battletoads." Mommy stocks several copies to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father... was an evolutionist... and a fiendAnd one night he starts study fossils crazier than usual. Mommy gets a bible to defend herself. He dosen't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was an Xbox 360...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, making a ton of noise and RRoDing. Mommy see's daddy and turns 360 degrees to defend herself. He doesn't like it. Not. One. Bit.
My father.. was a washing machine. And a Frend.One night, one night he spins off a bit crazier than usual. Mommy puts in extra washing powder to defend herself. He doesnt like this. Not. One. Bit.
my father was...Eckhart Tolle...and a fiend.And one night he goes craaazier than usual, immersing himself in a deep state of presence. Mommy identifies with her painbody and ego to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a dungeon master...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazzier than usual, setting up dungeons. Mommy rolls for initiative to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126046861LOL YES
My father...was ZALG̕̚̕̚ ̔̕̚̕̚And tonight, tonight he gets ̕̚̕̚ ̔̕̚̕̚҉ ҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿̿̿̕̚̕̚͡ ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̒̓̔̚̕̚ ̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̕̚̕̚COMES̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔ ̕̚̕̚ ̔̕̚̕̚҉ ҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿̿̿̕̚̕̚͡ ͡҉҉҉ ҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿̿̿̕̚̕̚͡ ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚ ҉ ҉҉̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑ craazziier than usual, His Mommy got scared so she̕̚̕̚ ̔̕̚̕̚҉ ҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿̿̿̕̚̕̚͡ ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̒̓̔̚̕̚ ̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̕̚̕̚COMES̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔ ̕̚̕̚ ̔̕̚̕̚҉ ҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿̿̿̕̚̕̚͡ ͡҉҉҉ ҉̵̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̿̿̿̕̚̕̚͡ ͡҉҉ ̵̡̢̛̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠͇̊̋̌̍̎̏̿̿̿̚ ҉ ҉҉̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑ to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit
My father...was a Chuck Norris...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, Kicking Everyone. Mommy couldnt do anything.
My father...was a pwnt n00b...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, building pylons and gathering minerals. Mommy builds a zergling rush to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Horde...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazzier than usual, killing some Alliance. Mommy tries to heal to defend herself. he doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father accidently the whole beerAnd played GIRUGAMESH over and over
My father...Battle Toad...and a fiend.And one night, he makes a game, crazier than usual. Gamestop refuses to sell it to defend themselves. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126044734My father...was a retard...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, derping. Mommy takes his power rangers to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a mewtwo...and a fiendAnd one night, one night he defeated the elite four using only psychic and a few ethers, because his powers are unbalanced. Mommy uses the bug type to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father was....CP...and a fiend.And one night he goes craaazier than usual, getting 40 year old perverts arrested. Mommy reports to to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126033728A Winrar is you.+1
creating epic word document that will take years to open, but this thread is so worth it.
My father...was a senior...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, and starts HNNNNNNGGGGG
My father...was Nii-san...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazzier than usual, trying to sex Ren. Mommy turns into a cat to defend herself. He does like this. A cat. Is fine. Too.
>>126046909I can't believe I lol'd
My father...was trap..and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazziier than usual, posting pics on /b/. Mommy suggests a shade of lipstick to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a gentleman...and a friend.One night he helped me with my math homework. Because I struggled with fractions.
My father...was Alex Trabeck...and a night, one night he goes off craaazier then usual, hosting Celebrity Jeopardy. Mommy gets Sean Connery to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a computer engineer ...and a fiend.And one night, one night he writes C++ programs, craaaaazier than usual. Mommy uses a mac to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father... was an English major... and a fiend.And one night, one night he starts correcting us, craaazier than usual. Mommy gets a dictionary to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not.One.Bit.
My father...was an Xbox 360...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, lighting the red ring of death. Mommy turns around 360 degrees and walks away to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father was a .... HHHNNNNNNGGGGG
My father... is Mitsurugi...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, spamming Down K - B. Mommy is Voldo to defend herself. He doesn't like it. Not. One. Bit.
epic thread is epic.
Epic win! Archives plz!
My father...was a superhero...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, fighting crime. Night Owl tries to get him to stop just sort of killing the guy. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit. He turns to Owl and goes "RAAAAAAWWWWWLLLLLL"
My father...was a paper salesman...and a fiendAnd one night, one night the Haitian goes off craazziier than usual, erasing memories. Mommy used Mr. Muggles to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was Rush Limbaugh..and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off crazziier than usual, going apeshit about every little thing the Democrats do. Mommy watches a Jew on Comedy Central to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
>>126048768NOT A MAC USER!!
>>126049040AHAHAH THAT made me lol out of all of them
>>126032907i lol'd
>>126041538/thread imo
My father...was a Dalek...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, exterminating every living thing. Mommy calls The Doctor to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a shark...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes off craazziier than usual, shouting to have his dick sucked. Mommy gets a bigger boat to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
my father... was a smoker... and a fiend.and one night, one night he takes bigger rips from the bong than usual. mommy brings out a no-stank-you t shirt to defend herself. he doesnt like this. not. one. bit.
My father...was a god...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, having all sorts of unprotected sex. Mommy orders an abortion kit to prevent my birth. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father...was a cat...and a fiend.One night, one night he starts being alive and dead at the same time, crazier than usual. Mommy looks in the box to defend herself. He doesn't like this. Not. One. Bit.
My father... was /thread imo ...and a fiend.And one night, one night he goes of craazziier than usual, posting /thread imo. Mommy keeps on posting in the thread to defend herself. He doesn't like it. Not. One. Bit.