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  • このサイトについて - 翻訳
  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232317280.jpg-(26 KB, 400x300, house party birthday 07 026.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:21:20 No.110559464  
    Okay so, I had a couple friends over in our room and they happened to invite me to a party. So I thought, okay, sounds cool. Now my room mate was there at the time and I know he's not really a social animal, but I thought it's only polite to invite him too, I didnt want him to think I didnt like him, he's actually a really sweet guy when you get to know him even though I don't spend much time with him.

    This kid is kind of chubby, pretty quiet and near as I can tell watches a lot of anime and plays a lot of WoW in his free time. But that's fair enough, I've been known to indulge in those things and I'm a pretty quiet girl when it comes down to it. I just figure he's a bit shy or had trouble meeting people he likes or something. The one thing I will say about him is he needs a haircut and better shower habits, but nobody's perfect.

    So I asked if it was cool to invite him along too and they were like, yeah sure. He seemed pretty reluctant at first, but one of the girls told him it would be really fun and he ended up agreeing to come.

    So I though great, I helped out this guy and got some points for Santa's naughty/nice list already and January's not even over yet!

    So anyway the party came around and I walked over with him, he vanished quite fast but I did see him half an hour later mingling and stuff, so I went over to say hey.

    Now at this point I basically though some fault of my own tripped over my heels and spilled bailey's all over his shirt. I completely freaked out and thought I'd ruined his night and I'd brought him out here and embarassed him, even though he was trying to tell me it was okay...

    Then came my amazing idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:22:16 No.110559684
    I would take his now stained shirt, run back to our place, find him another one and run back. So I was like give me your shirt, and he just went No it's fine.

    But of course I kept insisting, thinking that he just didn't want to do it because he hated me. And he kept going, no no, it's fine, I dont want to.

    Anyway after a while of me getting really desperate he caved in and said it was okay, but we needed to go to the bathroom first.

    I was begining to suspect at this point that he wasnt wearing anything under his shirt... the truth was far, far more horrifying!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:23:12 No.110559908
    So we went into the bathroom, he took off his shirt to reveal... an anime hentai shirt of a row of anime chicks topless holding their boobs up to the camera. I almost screamed, he turned bright red and kept saying how he forgot he had it on and he wasn't intending to take his shirt off anyway...

    Okay fair enough, it's kind of my fault this happened so I tell him I'll be a couple minutes, and I'll run so they won't think he's going on a crapping spree in this girl's bathroom. I tell him to stay in the bathroom at all costs, and run off.

    This is where my life took a slightly sitcom-ish turn.

    At this point I was called by my girlfriend telling me I needed to drive her somewhere. I was just going to tell her I had a really important thing to do right now and she'd have to wait when it was revealed to me that the place she needed to go was the hospital because her brother had been hit by a car.

    Oh dear.

    Oh dear oh dear...

    I tried to text the guy. His phone was in his shirt.

    Well I figured I had no choice at this time, got in my car, drove to her place, and drove to the hospital, didn't explain the situation because it wasnt really the time and I didn't want her to think I was going to ditch her for a party.

    Anyway, long story short; we stayed there a few hours before I took her home and watched a movie with her. Now in my defense I did call a friend at the party when I got to the hospital (while I was alone for a minute), explained the situation in vague terms (telling him the guy had no shirt at all) and asking what could be done.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:23:13 No.110559923
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:23:59 No.110560091
    Then it turned out he'd already walked out with his anime hentai shirt on about 15 minutes after I left, and ran out almost crying while everyone stared at him. And that was friday night, and the last anyone has seen of him. His phone is still in our room even. Everyone who knows this guy now knows what happened, his facebook wall is completely covered in it.


    Seriously this was the weirdest night of my life. Though my gf's brother is fine now and I told her the story, she thought it was hilarious and it was his own stupid fault but I don't know... I really think I could have prevented this somehow... what could I have done?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:24:55 No.110560299
    why didnt the fucker just turn his shirt inside out.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:25:25 No.110560425
    i think parties is a pretty cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:26:00 No.110560549
    wow op your a fucking bitch
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:26:07 No.110560578
    Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:26:49 No.110560733
    who the fuck cares about such a shirt? no big fucking deal, if people think it is, then i lol at them.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:27:20 No.110560852

    wow, you managed a traumatize a social recluse.

    well done.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:27:32 No.110560894
    an hero
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:28:04 No.110561012
    I think you need to fuck him now.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:28:08 No.110561028
    since when do fat people double shirt??
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:28:29 No.110561103
    you could have fucked his brains out, im sure that would have made up for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:29:06 No.110561237
    Not buying this story because if the kid was this embarrassed about it he would have taken the other shirt off and turned it inside out. Shitty troll is shitty.... BACK UNDER YOUR BRIDGE
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:30:07 No.110561455
    Yep, well done OP you've probably destroyed the last of his self confidence, he'll probably an hero soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:30:30 No.110561539
    fuck I'd wear that shit to a party on purpose

    hay bitches check out these fucking apples
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:30:43 No.110561586
    yeah you should have fucked him, or at least shown him the goodies.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:31:27 No.110561741
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:33:02 No.110562062

    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:33:06 No.110562077
    now you must suck his dick
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:33:27 No.110562161
    op her u got trowld
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:33:32 No.110562174
    call him up or something and offer him some sex to make up for the social damage youve suposedly caused him.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:34:22 No.110562350

    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:34:46 No.110562433
    tell him to man the fuck up

    he should stop caring what other people think.
    next time someone laughs at his shirt he should knock them to the ground then stomp on their head till they stop moving. then noone will ever laugh at his anime shirt again.

    you should totally suck his dick tho, that will make him feel better. actually, you should dress as his favourite anime character and then suck his dick.
    Or if you really don't want to suck his dick then you should atleast dress as one of his favourite anime characters or something, make him feel like less of a fat loser.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:35:26 No.110562575
    gay story is gay
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:37:06 No.110562902
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    bump for hilarious suggestions on what she should do for him, cuz she owes him big time. you owe him you baileys drinking hoe!

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